Years ago

Public Airing of Dirty Linen

There have been some recent posts where people come out and criticize, no slam, the way a club conducts its affairs. Even worse people come out and publicly attack their own clubs.

There seems to be a common thread here. Why is it that what I call the strong clubs such as Sturt North Forestville and to a lesser extent Norwood seldom if ever are mentioned in this way while the remaining clubs seem to have it down to an art form??

I would be embarassed to attack my club anonomously in a public forum. You are club members/persons and you should act in such a way. If you have a problem be man/woman enough to address that face to face.

Topic #6488 | Report this topic

what the  
Years ago

it is a forum and one needs to take the good with the bad

as long as it is out of control it may ease things believe it or not

Reply #73042 | Report this post

what the  
Years ago

iooops - should be "not out of control"

: - )


Reply #73043 | Report this post

Years ago

what the,

I guess I do take the good with the bad - I just can't understand why true club people would want to make their club look stupid/incompetent to the general public.

Reply #73045 | Report this post

Years ago

.... because they are NOT interested at all in their club - only their own (or their kids) agenda!

Reply #73055 | Report this post

Years ago


Interesting question. I cannot for the life of me understand this either. I have come up with some ideas. They maybe misguided but Im not sure:
- No life
- They are bored.
- In real life they have a lack of interpersonal skills and choose to voice concerns in an anyomous setting.
- They are ideas people. The kind of people with great ideas. They put forward ideas to make themselves look good but dont have the balls to get invovled and actually bring their ideas to fruition or find out how tough it can be.
- They might actually be from another club and be trying to make their opposing club look bad.
- They feel that with the fame and wealth that is afforded to those working in junior basketball that they should be open to public and in some cases personal criticism.

This is a mystery, but I suspect its a combination of all these factors rolled up. In my experience you occasionally find out the individuals making these comments and they tend to be feeble individuals, who have acheived very little in basketball or in their lives.

In terms of the clubs you mention I think it may stem partly from the Socio-Economic Demographic of the people at these clubs at this point in time.

Reply #73059 | Report this post

Years ago

I think it's important to see both sides of the story. While it's easy to see these people as simply evil or trouble makers they say what they say for a reason.

A lot of the time they have already spoken to the relevant people. Or they have seen the same mistakes happen over and over again. What else can these people do? The obvious answer is to leave the club but how is that showing their love for the club.

A lot of people post what they do on here because they simply don't know what else to do. A lot of people have no idea who to talk to, who their JCD or JDO is, who there Club President is. Now it's easy to say for them to find out and that's simple for basketball bred families but not always that easy for those who aren't.

Communication at some clubs isn't the greatest and unfortunately that leads to people venting through an avenue like this forum.

Why I don't think it's a good way of handling things, neither is an arguement about Promotion/Relegation on here going to change anything either. So what's the point of that? Or discussions about the Sixers Admin, or the Coaching staff etc etc. I'm sure you get the point.

Reply #73067 | Report this post

Years ago

once again: anon, anon, anon...

Reply #73073 | Report this post

Years ago

Would people who "slam" people for posting anonymously prefer people use fake names and pretend to be people they aren't?

Everytime something like this gets brought up, it gets made clear that it would take too much time and money to make people accountable for their comments and have this forum changed.

Nothing will ever change, people will always complain and bitch and moan. Either dont read it or stop letting it get to you so much.

Reply #73075 | Report this post

Years ago

"- They might actually be from another club and be trying to make their opposing club look bad."

Yeah, that's it, coz Southern aren't doing a great enough job of making itself look bad on it's own.....

"In terms of the clubs you mention I think it may stem partly from the Socio-Economic Demographic of the people at these clubs at this point in time. "

What a cop-out. I very rarely read anything negative about Westies here. Hardly a blue-blood area.

Reply #73085 | Report this post

Years ago

It's only ex southern people that come on here and bag the club.They dont have the guts to put there name to it but they are all at south. How proud south must be of them???

Reply #73093 | Report this post

Years ago

Well may be there is a lesson there somewhere. These clubs should look at the successful clubs and see what improvements they could make. All clubs have bands of dedicated people that work so hard to keep them going - the question should be asked of them as to why some have great success and some continually struggle. Two people can be given the same circumstances and both have different outcomes because of the way they approach things.

Reply #73098 | Report this post

Years ago

Well may be there is a lesson there somewhere. These clubs should look at the successful clubs and see what improvements they could make. All clubs have bands of dedicated people that work so hard to keep them going - the question should be asked of them as to why some have great success and some continually struggle. Two people can be given the same circumstances and both have different outcomes because of the way they approach things.

Reply #73099 | Report this post

Years ago

The JDO at better clubs sometimes have to field hundreds of long phone calls over player positions. If parents choose to jump on the internet instead, more power to them. Give the JDO a break and some free time to concerntrate on development.

Reply #73139 | Report this post

Years ago

All very noble - but at the end of the day it gets down to culture. Most parents that complain do so quite simply because their kid has not achieved or got what they want. Successful clubs with good coaching programs tend to have less of those problem childs due to the fact at the end of the day that success and winning is a by product of the coaching program / philosophy of the club. This starts from under 10's through. Funny how no matter what grade a kid plays, if there is some element of team success there then the bickering diminishes. Success enables the clubs to hold firm and then if a parent objects they have the option to pursue so called greener pastures - most times they don't

Reply #73142 | Report this post

Years ago

Well for those in the know, do clubs have their little niche players and others (however much they improve) are there just to keep the club going with fees.

Reply #73219 | Report this post

Years ago

You would surprise how little people actually post on this forum to the number that read's it. If you look at the total number of people in basketball to the number that post on here, it would not represent a large proportion of the population.

I know people at West who have never heard of the forum so that might be way you do not see many Westies people posting on here.

The recent bad press about Southern is a sign that they are changing. People bagged the lack of direction of the club, now they doing something about it, they are still getting bagged. I think it is great that Southern are doing something on becoming a strong club again, even if you may disagree or agree with the changes that are happening.

All JDO's, regardless of club, put countless and unrewarded hour into a club.

Clubs rely on volunteers and if everyone who has a bad word to say on this forum put the same amount of time into their club, then every club would be a better place. History of district basketball (in this State) has shown that you will always have strong and struggling clubs. You need a large number of volunteers that want to work in the same direction to change a struggling club to a strong one. Even the stronger clubs have there problems, but they manage these problems quickly and swiftly before they get out of control. And it is like anything, when things are going well, you have less issues coming to the surface. When the boat begins to rock, then more people start complaining and it becomes a snowball effect.

Maybe a thread should be started about some positive things about what your club has done?

That's right, we only here in the news and papers about bad press, no-one wants to read or listen to a good story&

Reply #73228 | Report this post

Years ago

You can never please everyone no matter how hard you try. people are always going to find something to whinge about its just a fact of life. There is always a for and against for any matter. unfortunatly some people are never going to see that and will always find the bad side of things.

Reply #73260 | Report this post

Years ago


You are so way off from the Southern episode its funny.

Reply #73282 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon (#73282)

I might be way off as I am not involved with that club, but I hope that you are soemone who is trying to improve the situation in a professional manner.

Reply #73291 | Report this post

Years ago

Why be professional when the top people are not. I am interested whether you are a coach or not?

Reply #73302 | Report this post

Years ago

73302, What do you mean by "top people". Its not like they are the CEOs of a corporation. They are volunteers put there by the club members. Who else is going to do it, you?

You have 3 options:

- cause hassles for clubs and volunteers by posting your greivences here - If you choose this option it appears you have the issues i highlighted in 73059 and you are an insignificant git.

- Take the bull by the horns and instigate change from within. Put yourself up for president/vice president.

- Leave the club and go to another.

PS: I am not from Southern but just get very annoyed with these kind of idiots.

Reply #73304 | Report this post

Years ago

Ha ha, If you only knew.

Reply #73307 | Report this post

pickles housemate  
Years ago

I am one of those people who does post quite often on the topic of "Anonymous" posters.

My point is this - if i want to:
A - Denigrate someone,
B - Complain or praise a player/ref/coach/decision etc,
C - offer my opinion,

...then i put a name to those comments. Again, people can tell where my heart lies and the way i feel about particular issues.

The freedom of speech we have on this forum is fantastic - why not be proud enough of the comments you post to be "known" by them?

IMO, Pickles Housemate is known/portrayed by the comments I post. If i was to bag someone, i would still uses the same Alias - because i stand by my comments, regardless of how other people may feel and react.

It's ok to have a go at someone, but have a enuff guts to put an "Alias" to your comments - you at least offer people the chance to reply to an entity.

As always, only my opinion.

Reply #73313 | Report this post

VC fan  
Years ago

i find it funny that almost everyone who posted on here posted as 'anonymous'

Reply #73314 | Report this post

pickles housemate  
Years ago

Thats because just like when they pay good money to the club their child plays at, they want to bitch and moan anonymously, rather than have their say... WHY?

I played in the days where it was a lot cheaper to play a season, but if my parents had an issue, they would take it up with the relevant person, not bitch behind their back.

"If you aren't part of the solution, you are part of the problem."

Reply #73652 | Report this post

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