Years ago

Junior Finals

Can anyone tell me how much North won the U16 girls final and who played well??

Topic #6451 | Report this topic

Hoop Addict  
Years ago

I can tell you that North lost the U16 girls final to Sturt by 16 or 18 or so.

Reply #72389 | Report this post

Years ago

Isn't that a suprise, let alone the margin??

Reply #72392 | Report this post

upcoming election  
Years ago

north u16 girls struggled against woodville - who had a star out sick and nearly took it out

north do not have the talent at this point of time - they will improve - the girls just can not deliver under pressure and have trouble delivering basic safe moves without turning it over

Reply #72465 | Report this post

car park  
Years ago

I think you are very wrong in saying that North don't have any talent. In fact they have a lot of raw talent that could do will a little refining as do all the top teams. In this age group it is very close competition which includes North Norwood Sturt Woodville and the not that far behind Forestville and the team to look out for being Southern. This is only a good thing to help improve these kids as we are still very much behind the Vic's who are at least 20-30 points ahead of us at this stage. And they only way we can become competitive it to have healthy competition between our own clubs and push each other to become better.

Reply #72494 | Report this post

Years ago

Heard that the tallest post player for Norwood has now moved onto Roost!

Reply #72590 | Report this post

Years ago

onto roost?? i herd she was moving to north if thats what your saying,
but north do have problems and its not with there players!! ill let you guys use your imagination on that one i dont want to get people in tourble

Reply #72603 | Report this post

Years ago

How much will that cost north? $$$$
player moving to where the state coach is!?!

Reply #72621 | Report this post

Years ago

I know Norwood are extremely keen to grab a Sabre to replace her!!

Reply #72635 | Report this post

Years ago

She would cost $750 but that would be a BSA fine.
They need every cent.
Can North cure Laziness?

Reply #72640 | Report this post

In the Know  
Years ago

I wouldn't have paid anything for her. The only thing that Norwood will get for her is trouble. Indiana you are spot on.

Reply #72641 | Report this post

Years ago

Why thankyou.
She had potential and has lived off thatfor 12 months.
The flames will be better.
I am interested in the loss of a sabre though??

Reply #72644 | Report this post

Years ago

wouldnt everybody! who wouldnt want one of those sabres! They are an awsome bunch of girls on and off the floor. They get along with each other really well - hence a team that plays well together!

Reply #72653 | Report this post

Years ago

Maybe one of the div2's who deserve a better go but cant break in .

Reply #72656 | Report this post

Years ago

There are a number of div 2 sabres that are very capable to play div 1 both in the 16 girls and boys but you might find that the ones that are serious basketballers would prefer to stay where they are.

Reply #72660 | Report this post

Years ago

What can we read into that?
Serious ...the sabres.
the idea is to have an even comp not a onesided one.
I suggest all players who are serious, look at where there best playing and coaching options are.
Sturt does not have a mortgage on the best coaching and most of these div2 players give up basketball rather than change this because they are indoctrinated into the beliefs of a narrow view of the sport.

Reply #72666 | Report this post

Years ago


This "narrow view of the sport" comes from a couple of coaches who have been involved at higher levels than most State and Club coaches in Adelaide. To me that seems to be far from "narrow". Infact considering you may have never achieved anything outside of this state, you might be considered somewhat ignorant of any possible differences in philosophy and/or which is better or worse. And this very philosophy that you say is indoctrinating their members seems to have created this "lopsided competition". So which statement are you being hypocritical by making.

The competition is one sided becaus of the work some clubs do in junior development. Other clubs spend their money on their senior teams, or promoting the members in their club who have parents on various committee's.

Why would a kid from Sturt move to another club? They have good trainings! They train against good players! They enjoy playing in their current teams! If they move clubs chances are that they won't make it into other clubs senior teams because other clubs don't promote their own juniors anyway. Or somebody will be put in front of them because their parent is on the committee.

A number of Sturt juniors have moved into ABA and State teams after playing a season or 2 in division 2. It is more about the level of coaching that goes into these teams. But you wouldn't know about that because you are putting forward a view without having seen the Sturt trainings anyway.

Reply #72674 | Report this post

Years ago

Sore point hey?
Sturt and forrestville have the best courts at present. its easy with such an advantage.

They are also central so can draw from many suburbs unlike Southern or Woodville or west.
There are many great things happening at sturt, but dont kid yourself that trainings at other clubs aren't good or better.
We get great state teams when we have even comps, say 5-6 teams all beating ach other, not when two clubs dominate.
Why should they move? Because they will play vs the best not train against it.
Oh yes, and I have seen plenty of sturt trainings. even run some!!

Reply #72687 | Report this post

Years ago

Indiana, some good points but clearly most players in good clubs prefer a good week-in, week-out environment and games against weaker opposition to what you are suggesting. The proof is in the pudding. Players over the past few years are even transferring from higher divisions of weaker clubs to lower divisions of the Norths, Sturts and Forestvilles etc beacuse of this. What you are suggesting is the line that some of the weaker clubs in BASA have put up for years, and it simply does not cut it in the market place with the more discerning players and their parents. There is a net move towards the stronger clubs not away from them. Again, competition reform is needed to address this issue beacuse under in its present form, some of the weaker clubs are looking precarious. Remember April 30 is fast approaching!

Reply #72697 | Report this post

Years ago

Indiana if you really knew any thing about the u16 girls comp you would have already recognised that it is in fact a fairly competitive and even competition bar 2 or 3 clubs. But maybe those sturt kids are quite happy with the coaches they have in div2 and those who are bottom agers and have had sucess in u14 are very happy to stick together for next season.

Reply #72698 | Report this post

Years ago


Hard to feel sore! Rather pitty for your ignorance.

Actually, BASA have the courts and clubs like Sturt and Forestville only use them for trainings on Sunday mornings. Which they have to pay BASA for usage. Not unlike Norwood do with thier sunday venue's. But don't let the truth get in the way of a good argument.

Sturt actually have the smallest demographic to pull from in the State. And Forestville would be the second smallest. Considering how close they are to each other and South. As well as the hills and Southern. Funnily enough, kids are willing to drive from far distances to train and play with Sturt. But they are unwilling to move to closer clubs. I guess you can draw your own comclusions from that.

Actually, we get good results at State level when we have a couple of elite level players developed by the SASI program, who have great genetics. If you look at the current U/18 Boys comp you will see a great round of finals. But that same group struggled at Nationals in U/16's. Same with the current group of U/16 Girls. Great comp with 6 close teams but we were a long way off at U/14 Nationals.

The last statment may be the one that you got most wrong. If they move they will play against them 1 time every 10 weeks. If they stay and train they get to go against them every week! If they move they get to play agianst below average competition every other week, same as if they stay! And finally, why move when the current coaching has been getting you to the point that you came dominate the competition. Surely those clubs that are being dominated are not doing the necessary work in the first place. So how will they improve? Given that once any athlete gets to the age of 14, they develop at trainings and not in games. Which is where they purely implement the development that they have done at trainings.

Reply #72700 | Report this post

Years ago

Yes anon bottom agers have no problem and should stay put.
Its at top age sixteen that a child needs to make the hard call to move club.
Any movement will usually favor a central club, and at present both sturt and forrestville have there house in order and so benefit.
I agree the 16 comp is even and is really exc.
But the 14 girls is anything but!
Sturt full of country kids. Forrestville with great kids and a unusual program.
Daylight to the rest, with sturt and forr making up the top 4 teams in the Div 2's.
Problems at u/16 Nationals in 2008.
And that is just one grade. U/14 boys is not much different.

Reply #72708 | Report this post

Years ago

10min aberfoyle park
10mins glenelg
25 mins Mt Barker
15 mins Burnside.
Its tough.
Try running out of Hillcrest!

Reply #72712 | Report this post

what the  
Years ago

if a player wants to go - let them

let them learn the hard way!

most clubs have the same problems, bigger clubs on a bigger scale!

grading, parent's wishes, travel, cost are all relevant - go and get 1 season of div 1 in and then find out about div 2 again in under 18s!

there is no way i would give up an established place at the states number 1 junior club

the only way I would go would be if I was shown the door - blatantly or in the dark - if you are not wanted leave asap

ther is no loyalty nowdays - most clubs do not recognize it - if they do it is a last factor

it will be a fact that sturt will lose some div 2 players as they get older - beacause they will never fit into top squads - ie 25 into 12 does not fit - the same will happen at norwood, eagles, north

it is fact that the top 5 in u16 div 2 girls could beat the bottom 3 or 4 div 1 teams - but the bottom div 2 teams - woah!!! woeful

norwood, eagles, sabres, rockets all have good programmes

west, woodville, southern, south all try

eastern and centrals pray

what has gone on at mavericks?

Reply #72714 | Report this post

Years ago

I beg to differ that these div 2 players will never make it. Chances are they probably will. Mainly due to the fact that those exceptional players in those top teams end up moving onto bigger and better things, ie Institute, college, Europe, ect, wich then leaves gaps to fill by those who stick around.

Reply #72717 | Report this post

Years ago

Again Indiana,

Why would a kid need to move clubs as a top age 16. If they are not in the top 8 or 9 at 1 club. Chances are that they will not be considered a chance for State or moving into Elite level programs.

But would actually be better off staying and earning it by U/18's. Otherwise they are being taught to 'quit' when things get tough. Which is the exact quality they will need when they move into a senior program.

Any movement to Forestville and Sturt has nothing to do with being Central. It used to be North and West that had people moving to thier clubs. And they are hardly central. It has to do with parents using their experience in the market to move where they see at better product. In this case coaching and develoipment of players.

I think that you missed the point. The U/16 comp is good. But that does not mean that we will have a good result at State. In previous years we have had a lopsided comp where North beat everybody by 40+ in this grade and the State team performed well. Again you are showing that you do not really know what is going on!

At U/14 level, Forestville actually have country players as well. But again, facts and a good story.

What we see here in U/14's is that a couple of players who have needed to move or have been in a position to choose where their child plays. Under the current struicture of junior competition, they will choose the club that has a long term succession plan. If you look the Sturt team, other than 1 player they are kids who have a link with Sturt from their family, or have been involved with sturt since U/12's. Same with the div 2 teams.

The only problems that will occur at U/16 level is due to other clubs not keeping pace. Or rather spending more time, effort and money on their senior program, than their junior. Now, understand that Sturt and Foresatville spend more money on coaching directors and Junior development officers than any other club. Hence the results.

If you are a parent looking to go to a club. Who do you choose? The club who is winning due to their focus on juniors, or the club that is not due to their focus on seniors.

Finally, until the current system changes you will only see a majority of players moving too the bigger clubs. Just like they have for the past 10 years. Making the competition worse than it has ever been. The only thing holding us back as a state is that people like you are stopping kids from being able to compete at the appropriate lvel to which they are capable by not voting for promotion/relegation. But rather are sugesting and promoting competitions which suggest that they should move to clubs who do not consider juniors important to develop.

Reply #72719 | Report this post

Years ago

Spoken like a true BLUE.
No mention of the good quality kids who will never play div 1 for their club, even though they could cut it at a higher level.
Try this ... great coaching meets the player at the "level of the learner".
Too higher std no success and negative feelings to the activity.
Too lower level boredom through under acheiving.
I am saying you are in the very fortunate situation of being over supplied with players of a standard.
But I challenge you that many of your players are not being given the opportunity.
Again the program at Sturt is great , but it does not need to be at the price of kids being restricted .
The programs at Forr/Nwd and Nth are exc as well and these things go in cycles.
I remember in the 80's when sturt were way of the mark. Its good that this is not the case.
I still think if South had a new 3/4 court facility you would have a lot more competition.

Reply #72722 | Report this post

Years ago

from what I remember - and I was a very young player - The team I played in at sturt in the 80's and early 90s was certainly not off the mark - we were setting the mark - to then go on and dominate prety much all the way through.

Reply #72724 | Report this post

Years ago

from what I remember - and I was a very young player - The team I played in at sturt in the 80's and early 90s was certainly not off the mark - we were setting the mark - to then go on and dominate prety much all the way through.

Reply #72725 | Report this post

Years ago

84-88 not even close.
Neither was forrestville.

Reply #72727 | Report this post

Years ago

About the time Scotty butler was playing for forrestville

Reply #72728 | Report this post

Years ago

Hey Anon,
U14 sturt girls won silver!! Surely thats not a long way off????

Reply #72731 | Report this post

Art Vandalay  
Years ago


You said - "But I challenge you that many of your players are not being given the opportunity.
Again the program at Sturt is great , but it does not need to be at the price of kids being restricted"

The Sturt program does not restrict the players - the BASA competiton, which restricts clubs from nominating teams into the divisions they're skills and talent should be in (2 teams in Div 1) or at least allowing them to earn the right through promotion/relgation, is doing that to the players.

You said " Too higher std no success and negative feelings to the activity.
Too lower level boredom through under acheiving."

Your comments support Promotion/Relegation! Why not allow teams that are clearly not up to the standard to move into a grade that is more applicable to their level? Moreover, why not allow teams that are far superior than their current grade to move up divisions?

Reply #72734 | Report this post

Years ago

when are we talking Anthony? 1993 sturt u14 Girls won Gold!

Reply #72737 | Report this post

Years ago

Art V

Because the standard of your coaching is always in flux.

Sturt are currently exc.
But it wont always be.
Creating a super club is not healthy for a balanced comp.
There is more than one way to provide exc bball coaching.
sturts model is based on full court pressure and getting layups in the years under 14.
This model is ok, but take away your layups and get you in the half court and this model is easily beaten.
There are so many combinations to playing the game ,but do you get my point?
The state needs a variety and this means 10 stong clubs not 3 or 4.
I can only agree that the senior side of some clubs detract from quality programs at junior level.
But viva la diference!

Reply #72741 | Report this post

Years ago

Indiana Im guessing you havent ever watched the u16 girls then - defence is all about teaching the kids to be able to defend all over the floor, but most of our offence game is in the half court. North tried everything on them on sunday, they pressed - which they broke easily, they zoned, which just slowed they game down perfectly.... they are awesome in the half court.

Reply #72744 | Report this post

Years ago

Indiana, I have watched this one develop and feel I must put my 2 cents in. I am glad you remember my playing days, the way I dominated Div 2 (insert sarcasm here!).

Here goes.

"Because the standard of your coaching is always in flux."

No it isn't. It's been good ever since I can remember. I don't think it has ever been poor from Mal Heard, Ian Laurie, Neil Gliddon, Steve Johansen to the present day. Unless we drop the ball big time I don't see any reason why it shouldn't remain high.

"Sturt are currently exc."

Compared to what. Compared to where we want to be we are about a 6/10.

"But it wont always be."

Disagree. If we keep focussed we will.

"Creating a super club is not
healthy for a balanced comp."

Disagree. The "unhealthiness" comes from the clubs that do not put resources in development and juniors and then restrict those who do. I would like 10 super clubs and this is possible.

"There is more than one way to provide exc bball coaching."

Agreed, and we do not have a mortgage on that I also agree.

"sturts model is based on full court pressure and getting layups in the years under 14."

Yes it is, but it is about being good in all areas of the game not just these. We have won many national titles lately and none of them with full court pressure and fast break!

"This model is ok, but take away your layups and get you in the half court and this model is easily beaten."

Well I saw virtually all our teams beat their opposition in the half court on the week-end. Some executed better than others, but no-one won purely on full court pressure and fast break. The closest was the 12 Boys and they executed quite well in the half court when they had to.

"There are so many combinations to playing the game ,but do you get my point?"

Yes there are but no I don't!

"The state needs a variety and this means 10 stong clubs not 3 or 4."

Yes I agree. 10 strong clubs who put resources into juniors and development. Dragging down the ones that do is not the answer!

"I can only agree that the senior side of some clubs detract from quality programs at junior level.
But viva la diference!"

I'm all for diversity but seniors detracting from juniors is one thing we can do without!

Reply #72752 | Report this post

Years ago

This state will NEVER have 10 strong clubs, simply because some clubs will put in MORE work into their junior program than others (who choose to concentrate their efforts in other areas, usually seniors/ABA). That is their choice, fine, but then to complain about the "super" clubs that do choose to put their efforts there is quite hypocritical. These players don't just rock up great players, they (the players) put in a lot of time with their clubs/programs to be developed. Then to be denied playing in an appropriate grade because of their uniform.

Quality competition and improvement for our elite level players will be gained by more quality TEAMS to play against, irrespective of what club they represent. If Forestville, Sturt, North or any other club can produce two of the top 10 teams, they should be allowed to EARN their way into the top-tier competition (as per VC).
Results of 80+ point blowouts should NEVER happen - neither team gains from it. The winner should most definitely be in a higher grade, and if not possible, the loser should most definitely not be in division 1. Esp. if a team is being blownout regualarly.
I would much rather play against a 2nd Forestville or Norwood team than a 1st team from that we knew we'd beat by heaps (or worse yet, drop OUR standards to not beat them badly).

Reply #72757 | Report this post

Years ago


Great persistance in trying to get your valid points across....the wanker blue army is out in force...BASA owns Pasadena,,,we just train there on sundays...yeah right...wondering if southern, south etc could turn up and train at Pasadena (paying the court hire costs of course)...maybe they could set up junior development sign up tables as well..or maybe they could have access to country state players or metro state players or even get some coaches there at State...yeah right...yes Sturt lower your standards...stop poaching and actually teach some kids how to play

Reply #72801 | Report this post

Cat in the Hat  
Years ago

Anonymous #72801

I am not involved with Sturt, or as you put it, a member of the "wanker blue army", but if you're gonna have a go at them then at least get some facts straight. You wrote "or even get some coaches there at state" - do you have a clue what you are on about? For the record, this year's state coaches and their clubs hardly reads like a list of Sturt coaches.
U16 Boys - Paul Mesecke (Sturt)
U16 Girls - Marc Wallis (North)
U18 Boys - Scott Loveday (North)
U18 Girls - Damian Weeks (Norwood)
U20 Men - Richard Hill (Eastern)
U20 Women - Peter Berry (Norwood)

So what are you on about??

Also you wrote "or maybe they could have access to country state players or metro state players". All clubs have access to these players. If they choose to go to Sturt, that is their right. Instead of whinging about it, think about the reasons they go to Sturt rather than your club, then rather than waste your time here, go to your club and do something about it!!

Reply #72803 | Report this post

Years ago

They go their because the STURT brand is out there.
Perhaps We (the others ) should push our wagon more and "Build our brand"

Reply #72821 | Report this post

Years ago

anon #72801

Why would Southern or South want to train at Pasadena? When they have their own courts that BASA own to train at. Which is exactly the same as Sturt.

And actually, any club can go to any stadiums miniball competition to recruit junior players. Just ask the stadium managers. And Pasadena ha only just got a miniball program last year. So it would have been fruitless to have a junior sign up table their. They could ave recruited a lot of senior social players, but that is about it.

Finally, country kids go to play at Sturt because they either shop around for what they are looking for or are invited too. At the last country trials, Sturt were the only club in attendence and the only club to approach players to play for them. Perhaps if your club spent more resources on their juniors rather than all their time, money and effort on seniors some country kids might come your way.


A 10 "super" club competition would be fantastic. But that will only happen when other clubs start doing something with their juniors rather than trying to pull down the current tall poppy, no matter who that tall poppy is.

Just wondering how we are going to make 10 'super clubs' happen. Your club has enough money to recruit ABA players from interstate, but don't have a JDO. It is easier for them to stop kids from playing div 1 at other clubs who should because of the club they play for and really showing how bad your junior development is rather than allowing kids to play div 1 on ability.

Your club would rather allow parents to coach their own kids. How does this bode for the future when the parents kids move up into higher grades. You lose a coach from U/12's and U/14's. Without a back up plan. So hence the overall development of the club goes backwards in the long term.

Why would Sturt stop moving forward. We are neither happy with the overall standard of our players, coaches or administration and are continually looking for ways to improve them. As long as we are putting more resources into our junior program than any other club we will continue to reap the benefits. Is that hard to understand. If you look at the clubs which have donimated over the past 30 years, you will see the the clubs which have been consistantly winning championships have been those which put int he time and effort. North went through a period of dominance, they then lost Dean Kinsman and where are they now. This is what happens when you don't look after your juniors. You stop improveing and hance move backwards in relation to others.

In reference to your opinion that Sturt teams can't play in the half court. Well I guess that you didn't go and see any games at the U/14 Boys championships, nor the U/14 Girls where Sturt won Gold and Silver. Either Sturt must be the best club in Australia at full court defence or they can play in the half court. Please contiune to give your input. But remember not knowing the fact is the same as ignorance. And you shouldn't let the facts get in the way of a good story.

Reply #72823 | Report this post

Years ago

anon (#72823) - At the last country trials, Sturt were the only club in attendence and the only club to approach players to play for them.

Incorrect. They were the only club to send their JDO. I'd suggest they are the only club with a full-time JDO as well though?

As for clubs that do not put resources in development and juniors and then restrict those who do

This really is the old case of the rich v the poor. Regards of the past, it is easy for the resource rich clubs to flourish given their status quo. It is similarly difficult for struggling clubs to 'become' or 'develop' into a super club because of their lack of resources. You need money to make money. You need resources to develop resources.

Alot of people on here don't fully understand the situation, and perhaps i don't either, but i come from a resource poor club, and you cannot simply 'spend more resources on our juniors' because the resources simply arn't there!

Reply #72827 | Report this post

Years ago

"Your club has enough money to recruit ABA players from interstate, but don't have a JDO"

Whoops wrong club!!

Clubs need to do both ie. Develop the Juniors and put out a great Senior Team.
It seems that everyone is poo pooing the seniors...They are your next coaches and a great source of motivation and a role model in all clubs.

"Why would Sturt stop moving forward. We are neither happy with the overall standard of our players, coaches or administration and are continually looking for ways to improve them"
Ditto couldnt agree more!
But I still dont want to do things the Sturt way.
I have a different phlosophy and this is why we must keep the other clubs healthy...I ,like you, would like the priorities of some clubs to change so they could reap success but I must also see that they will have to do it their way!!
Finally I can see the benefit of using a similar system to the vjbl, but I really dont want a comp of 2 Nwd, 3 sturt , @ Forrestville and maybe no West ,Eastern, south..that will only make our future bleak.

How would westies get up to div1 ? It would Become immpossible.. and Where would it end....could we end up with only 6 real strong clubs in div 1?
I didnt say Sturt cant play in the half court ,they can. It is the method that you beat them(take away all the lay-ups)...your strength is something we dont want to play against so we try to take it away...yes a difference in philosophy!!!

Reply #72828 | Report this post

Years ago

A friend of mine from the country is playing for Sturt. Why - he was approached he looked around at other clubs as well. While there is good coaching elsewhere and different approaches to coaching you only have a very short time to assess that. First impressions are important - Sturt and Forrestville do a good job at "marketing" their brand and appear to have good courts/facilities. Doesn't matter who owns them - they have access to these facilities. These facilities did influence my mate's parents decision to go to Sturt. What would you do if you were a parent and visited Marion or Part Adelaide or North and then went to Pasadena or Forrestville. These facilties do gove an advantage to those clubs.

In addition, what benefit from bar or canteen or people attending a facility with more than two courts. More games are scheduled there. Does that mean more turnover at the bar/canteen etc - who gets that money.

Reply #72847 | Report this post

Years ago

anon #72872

At the moment youre club spends over $50K on your senior program. With stadium hire, players and coach payments, uniform costs etc...

The only way clubs will become resource rich is to re-prioritise thier spending away from seniors and into juniors. And considering only 6 years ago Sturt had 32 teams and were struggling, then it should be easy for other clubs to follow the same path.

And why does it take a full time JDO to attend 1 Sunday afternoon training at country trials anyway. And don't count country coaches. They are there to select and train the teams, not to recruit.

Indiana and others

I have no problems with senior teams at all. In fact the are more than necessary. But have a look at what happens to an association (BASA) when the senior teams (36ers and lightning) spend more than they make. There is not a club in Adelaide that has an ABA program that makes money. My argument is that if your senior program is taking away from your juniors, then in the long term that club will suffer a slow death and the junior competition will become what we have today, not competitive and unproductive in providing for players. This means that we will beomce uncompetitive in the market and the sport will flounder rather than flourish. What I do disagree with is that ABA players become coaches. I would say that this is the exception rather than the norm. How many of the Sturt coaches are ex-ABA players.

I guess that you really don't understand promotion/relegation. Because it provides a situation for clubs to play in a competition where kids don't quit due to getting beaten by 100 point every oter week. This firther weakening the competition, which is what happens now.

If you look at Centrals and Eastern right now. They are really struggling for numbers and as such they have poor results in all grades. And the result of this is that kids are leaving in droves to other clubs. This leaves them "resource poor" due to lack of numbers, but also means that they are becoming even more uncompetitive. This has now become a vicious cycle and the only reason they are alive as clubs is due to a small number of very committed people in these clubs holding them afloat. How is the current competition going to help them, or any team make it back into div 1. It is only going to make things worse. And if the government steps in and says that unless you are financial you don't play a numbe of clubs will be out of the competition. Which would be devistating. If you look closely, clubs are now starting to use promotion/relegation themsleves by not nominating teams in Div 1. The problem here is that it effecfts the other clubs and the State level without filling in the gaps of players who do not have the opportunity to play Div 1.

U/14 Girls and Boys both have 8 teams in the competition. 2 clubs have rightly choosen to play div 2 or div 3 with their first team becasue they would be beaten badly in div 1 to the point where the kids that they do have, would quit. Smart move in my calculations. Within 2 years if they do a good job of coaching and a recruiting they can have a div 1 team by U/16's. nd agian if they work hard again by U/18's they will be competitive. (The Sturt girls who finished 2nd at the Classics last year were 2nd bottom in U/14's by 1 game.)

The only problem is that they don't have a JDO to do this. But hopefully they have seen the problem and are retifying it.

But in the mean time we only have 80 or less kids in div 1 and not 100 we could have. We only have 8 coaches getting experience not 10. So our comeptition in pulling us as a State down rather than pushing us up.

Everybody expects the better div 2 kids to move into these positions. But this is not happening. Look at U/16 Girls. Norwood kids will move to Nort and North kids will move to Morwood. It won't solve the problem. In fact the current system is making it worse. Time for a change.

Under promotion/relegation, the main thing clubs will understand is that if they do not do the work. If they do not appoint a JDO then they run the risk of not having a div 1 team for that season. But if the U/10 group does well then they will automatically be in div 1. One teams results does not effect any other teams position in div 1. that said if you only qualify for div 2 after under 12's. The same group of kids in U/14's has a opportunity to move into div 1 by beating the teams above them. The logic goes that again if you recruit (note not poach) and develop, within 2 year time you should be able to move up.

Using Eastern as an example. Sorry to an eastern people I offend. If next year none of their teams qualify for div 1, but their U/10 Boyss have 2 teams that finish 1st in div 1 and div 2 . In 2 years time at U/12 level these teams would be ranked 1st and 11th for the grading season. If they then do well enough for their second team to qualify for div 1 in U/12's then that would be great. For them and for basktball. I have no problem with that. that means that we will need to work harder to catch up. And basketball will be better off.

But under the current system we are nearly at breaking point where if a few more kids leave some clubs, they will not be able to field teams at all and we will head towards 8 and then 6 "super clubs anyway" without the posibility of recovery.

Reply #72848 | Report this post

Art Vandalay  
Years ago

Anon (#72827)

You said "i come from a resource poor club, and you cannot simply 'spend more resources on our juniors' because the resources simply arn't there!"

You are right and wrong at the same time. No the recources arent there for your juniors, but they are at your club....they are just being spent on your senior teams.

And Sturt's recources have not always been as healthy as they are now. Back in '99 the club was playing out of an old, run down stadium with only a part time JDO being funded by the same grant ALL clubs recived through BASA at the time (but not always spent on their JDOs). With those limited recources, we had 12 Ozball centres running each term to recruit players from, develop the game in the schools and generate income. We also began to forge startegic alliances with various stakeholders to plant the seed for what now is our domestic comp. This all came about through careful planning, the right philosphy and a lot of hard work - not an abundance of recources.

I'm sure if you spoke to any of the Sturt people who are involved in development currently or who were in the past, they would be more then happy to discuss how you could turn your club's situation around. We are not interested in keeping the 'secrets to our success' to ourselves - however, in most cases other clubs dont want to hear it becuase they are too proud to listen to an alternative point of view.

Let me also say at this stage that we dont think that have a perfect system - we are constantly looking at other clubs -locally, nationally and internationally for ideas - and we are certainly not too proud to ask people how they became succesful in a certain area.

We realise that although its great to be a very strong club, its more benefical for the sport if every club put in the right processes to become "strong" too. works for

Reply #72850 | Report this post

Years ago

anon #72847

Good argument except that Sturt have only had a canteen for 1 year. Before that the school opperated the canteen and Sturt didn't get anything.

Reply #72860 | Report this post

Years ago

Senior budgets will always come from juniors fees. Even at Sturt.
The budget I had in 95 was 35K next year was 46K.
I bet sabres current budget is easily 50K!

Reply #72870 | Report this post

Years ago

I have listened to the sabres words for a couple of days now and I must say that they have provided a great argument.
For me promotion /relagation is not a fear.
I will always be able to get a team up to std.
I am worried about the fabric of the sport if a smaller no. of clubs exist at any a benchmark (national)std.
How in this system can we possibly stop the best coaches going to one club and the game being stunted ?
Where does it stop?
Could we end up with 3 north,3 sturt 3 for/ 1 south/1 NWD/1woodville.
I now agree this would possibly produce an even exc competiton.
But if say I lived at Morphettvale and was truly talented what choice do I have but to change club?
My local TEAM is not good enough but I am!
This is the part I like the least.
Most of the rest has great merit!!!
To convince us Sturt will need to satisfy we wouldnt be extinct if we couldnt get the best coaches and admin.

Reply #72873 | Report this post

Years ago

(#72848) - At the moment youre(sic) club spends over $50K on your senior program. With stadium hire, players and coach payments, uniform costs etc...

Again - incorrect.

And don't count country coaches.

I didn't, i counted myself.

The only problem is that they don't have a JDO to do this. But hopefully they have seen the problem and are retifying it.

JDO's work very hard, often for little renumeration, and with other coaching committments, ie teams. It is a truly blessed situation for the blues to have a full-time employee as their JDO. Of course its no surprise to your club that you are able to draw players from left right and centre.

Anon - (#72850)

No the recources arent there for your juniors, but they are at your club....they are just being spent on your senior teams.

incorrect. The bare minimum is being spent on seniors, only enough to field a team (court costs, team nominations. not through player payments).

I'm sure if you spoke to any of the Sturt people who are involved in development currently or who were in the past, they would be more then happy to discuss

I have, and they were. But the things suggested are ideas that require the resources that aren't available (currently).

The process of getting to where you are now is beginning with us, so why penalise the clubs that are genuinly trying to turn things around (with limited resources), by introducing Pro Rel, and creating a larger gap between the rich and poor?

I don't see the world in two colors, and don't want to see it painted that way either.

Reply #72874 | Report this post

Years ago

"I don't see the world in two colors"

Lie - you see grey & moroon, nothing else.

"I didn't, i counted myself."

... who is a country coach.

Reply #72875 | Report this post

Years ago

(#72875) - ... who is a country coach.

I can't make it any more plain that this...

I am not a SAC coach! I went to the SAC trials and asked several players to join my district club.

Lie - you see grey & moroon, nothing else

If that's your answer to my argument thus far, it makes it quite obvious i'm talking to a brick wall. A blue and blue one at that! (hint: that last line was a joke)

Reply #72877 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #72882 | Report this post

Years ago

So anon #72877

Why was it that none of thesde players came to play for your club. Perhaps it is that you are not able to provide them with the required service that they are looking for.

And what you fail to understand is that if you do not change the culture at your club, (and by that I mean their understanding of the market place) very soon there will not be a club. The longer that you put teams into grades where they are uncompetitive, the longer you will lose players to other clubs who grade them appropriately. The only answer is promotion/relegation. That way your team will be graded according to their ability. That way the will be held accountable for their efforts.

Or do you not yet see that your club is about to fall into irrelevence. We are about to have the State government come in with sweeping changes. And if you need to be financial to play you may not be allowed to enter the competition at all. And before you know it the world will have turned a litle more blue and you will be at falt for not seeing the forest for the tree's.


Again go back and look at the previous threads on promotion/relegation. It has been put before that kids will move clubs to play div 1. Does that happen now? No! They are moving from div 1, to other clubs to play div 2? So why is this happening? At is about providing a service, not offering an inducment!

Under promotion/relegation two suggestion have been made that would stop things like this from happening.

1. Only allow 5 players into a club in any one year that came play div 1.


2. Allow players to move clubs only into grades that they have moved from. ie Using your example if a kid from southern plays in a team that qualifies for div 2 then they can only move into another club at div 2 standard. And before you scrteem about this kids not making State or SASI. That simply is not the case, Victorian kids have made State in the past from div 2.

Now, if we saw a competition where 3 North and 3 Sturt teams where playing, what in the hell would the other clubs be doing to let that happen. IMO that would need to have a good hard look at themselves and what they are doing. Whereas right now they can cling to the hope that players will move TOO their club to play div 1.

Reply #72884 | Report this post

Years ago

(#72884) you must be trying to think of who i am. Whoever you have in mind, your wrong.

Why was it that none of thesde(sic) players came to play for your club. Perhaps it is that you are not able to provide them with the required service that they are looking for.

Four players approached, 2 secured, two not playing district at all.

And what you fail to understand is that if you do not change the culture at your club, (and by that I mean their understanding of the market place) very soon there will not be a club.

Fair call, i do understand, but refuse to use smoke and mirror tactics and pretend to be something i'm not. Most of the their understanding of the market place is deeply engrained in the minds of established figures, and hence difficult to change.

The only answer is promotion/relegation.

WOW. I disagree.

the will be held accountable for their efforts.

This can happen other ways.

Or do you not yet see that your club is about to fall into irrelevence. We are about to have the State government come in with sweeping changes. And if you need to be financial to play you may not be allowed to enter the competition at all. And before you know it the world will have turned a litle more blue and you will be at falt for not seeing the forest for the tree's.

The world must look starkly different from all the way up there on your high horse.

There is only one club that is financial. One. That's it

Mission accomplished. The world will be blue, if what you suggest is true.

Here's a thought, find out which club spends the most on their senior program, that same club has the largest debt the BASA.

But of course that makes sense.... so why fight the clubs making the effort?

Reply #72888 | Report this post

Years ago

Well I reckon the u/14 s could have 3 sturt teams now!Under p/r.
Now this would make it very hard for the bottom clubs.
Couldn't that create problems?
I am still listening I do like the even comp idea with no weak games.

Reply #72895 | Report this post

Years ago


Well the 2 Sturt Div 2 teams would struggle against the top 5, but might pull the odd upset. Going on Div 2 results this season it would be line ball between them and Centrals and Woodville 1's (playing 2's) and 6, 7 and 8 in 1's. So it is possible that we would have 3 teams in D1, but not likely.

But doesn't this show exactly why the present system is not working! And, it seems to be worse now than 5 years ago. So what will it be like in 5 years if we do nothing?

Again pro/rel solves (or improves)the following problems (go to the mountain of discussion already existing for detail):

1. Uneven competition (ie less blowouts, closer games = more fun and less drop-out)
2. Byes all but eliminated (except possible in lowest division)
3. Re-scheduling games reduced dramatically and schedules able to be done earlier.
4. Kids play at their level of competition regardless of the uniform they own.

It may exascerbate:
1. Kids moving to stronger clubs/teams for higher Div games (but the opposite is happening now so this is debateable, see above). Rules can be put in place to prevent this as in Victoria, and some have already been proposed as part of the model.

It is hard for the bottom clubs either way, but with the present system some will fold or be forced into mergers before too long. Remember a few years ago when Fville was no better than the bottom clubs are now. They prioritised correctly, raised and developed resources, worked hard and got results. IT CAN BE DONE!

Reply #72900 | Report this post

Years ago

PS And the Victorian experience shows that the Pro/rel model has led to an increase in the number of super-clubs (Werribee for example) and an increase (not a decrease) in the total number of clubs, McKinnon being the shining light for emerging clubs.

Reply #72901 | Report this post

Years ago

Points 1-4 are winners , Even through non Blue eyes.
Do we have the population base and the domestic comps needed behind the rep teams like the vics?
Forrestville do have a cenrtal location and great facilities
This brings the other issues into play of revenue raising and a lack of capital at state gov and bsa level to fund great facilities.
Nwd could be screwed as could South.
Dont forget Kennet put millions into infastructure to help the vics.

Reply #72902 | Report this post

Years ago

Do we have the population base? Not the same but we have enough.

Remember that we punch well above our weight in terms of players produced / team results per head of population on a national level, because we are one of the original basketball cultures in Australia.

Do we have the domestic competitions? No! However these comps are building and will be the norm in 10 years time if not sooner.

Infrastructure is a big one. NSW tried to emulate the Vic model (by far and away the most successful in Australia in terms of facility quantity and quality) and failed and almost went belly up. This is the great unknown of SA basketball!

Reply #72903 | Report this post

Years ago

"Four players approached, 2 secured, two not playing district at all."

If these players are U16 girls or boys, you better hope they are geared up for getting thrashed week in week out.
Neither team are of div 1 standard, and what's worse, when they get belted people moan that they (the opposition) don't ease up on them....when they are the people exposing these poor kids to a standard of competition they are not equipped for.

Reply #72906 | Report this post

Years ago

I would be interested in what Eltham would have to say. They are in a similar spot to Noarlunga and what effect it had on the club.
Well blue bagger have opened my mind to possibilities.
Still worried about facilities for all! as are you obviously.

Reply #72907 | Report this post

Years ago


again, trying to guess who i am.

I know its difficult, me being annonymous, but just accept what i am saying without trying to make inferences or assumptions.

but i guess that's what separates those who argue with open ears and eyes, and those who don't.

Reply #72909 | Report this post

Years ago

I have a friend who left Mavs purely as there was little development for their juniors and yes they could see a lot of time and money going into the seniors, new uniforms etc.etc.etc. It seemed juniors were 'an afterthought' ? . A great deal of time and effort went into Seniors. I can see the sense in 'giving' to the juniors - they need their development before its too late and they move on elsewhere.

Reply #72910 | Report this post

Years ago

This discussion is always interesting, unfortunately time constraints mean I am just an observer these days.

Perhaps the advocates of Pro/Rel could explain what is been done to move it forward and/or what can be done to move it forward, instead of just talking about it.

A more even competition is good. Pro/Rel is good. Just be mindful that club/representative/elite team sport is always about some kind of representation tied to a geographic region be it local/state/national.

Pro/Rel, where all member clubs are guaranteed of a a div 1 and div 2 spot in the grading season would be good.

Now how/who/when do you move it forward?

Reply #72913 | Report this post

Years ago

with a big blue paint brush

Reply #72914 | Report this post

Years ago

The key to success in this p/r will be having a good JDO and developing better coaching standards.
Adelaide is not weak in Knwoledge but we could do heaps more to develop each other.
Clinics like Mike Dunlaps are sorley needed as a development tool with this model.

Reply #72915 | Report this post

Years ago

Indiana, I was talking in terms of how do you bring about change in the current structure.

Reply #72916 | Report this post

Years ago

anon #72888

Reply #72917 | Report this post

Years ago

anon #72888

It must be tough being the eternal struggler and not having the resources to pay a JDO.

We should all bow down to you and feel sorry for you and your strugles.

And our competition should be built around how we can make you guys better. Never mind that you have a club who is it's own worse enemy. (insert sarcasm here)


Could not agree more. The thing that I like the most about pro/rel is that it holds clubs accountable for coach and player development.


I would think that anything would need to be discussed after April 30th when the State government hands down it's verdict on the debt and restructuring of basketball in SA.

Reply #72919 | Report this post

Years ago


We should all bow down to you and feel sorry for you and your strugles.

There-in lies the problem.

We don't need or want your sympathy, just some time and space to develop, grow and acheive.

And our competition should be built around how we can make you guys better.

Again, just some stability to our sh!t together. Leave it how it is. Instead of trying to change everything to suits yourselves, let the system in place do its work, and we'll adapt and grow into that.

Reply #72923 | Report this post

Years ago

anon #72923

Leaving it how it is will not help you get you s**t together. It is the current competition which has put you in the position you are in. You will only continue to lose players who are unhappy with the results of their team and your club will always feel the need to play in Div 1. Until your club understand the market place they are in you will be destined to continue the current trend.

Hence the vicious cycle. And in the mean time the rest of the compeittion be dammed, we need to support a couple of clubs. But anyway, we may not have a choice.

We all agree that 10 "super clubs" is ideal. But why whould the elite suffer when history proves that it wil never happen. Purely because if you went around to clubs and asked then to pay $0 to their ABA players they would laugh at you and think your crazy. Just look at Centrals and Southern. The 2 biggest debts and the 2 biggest recruiters.

Reply #72926 | Report this post

Years ago


Thanks, I don't know all the ins and outs of costs and revenues. The point I am trying to get across is that the starting point is not a level playing field and some clubs are getting some benefit be it recruitment of juniors or revenue that other clubs do not and these items are not wihthin the control of those clubs i.e. building new infrastructures or being aligned with a "basketball" designated school.

Reply #72930 | Report this post

Hoop Addict  
Years ago

But "anonymous (72923)" I think the question is, is the current system conducive to your club (and others) developing stronger junior programs?

Is it helping if you are continually allowed to nominate div 1 sides who get whacked by 100 points every week? No. That doesn't help the stronger clubs, or your club.

I don't think you realise that players *want* to play at a suitable level for their talents. In the last 12 months I know of (at least) 2 kids who have left your clubs div 1/2 program to play in division 3/4 where they're likely to be competitive. So how is the current system beneficial to you?

If you have a weak age group (and all clubs have them, some more frequently than others) then the absolute best thing you can do is to develop the kids you have as best you can. Do they develop playing div 1 & losing by 60 week in, week out? No. So if this group is in U12s, I can guarantee you at least half won't be playing by U16s. However, if they're appropriately graded in U12s (maybe in division 2) this gives them the opportunity to develop by playing at their own level. If you have good coaches, and invest the time & effort into the kids, then by U16s you may have developed them to a stage that they're able to compete in div 1.

Its fine to say "let the system in place do its work and we'll adapt and grown into that" but if the system in place doesn't allow for development & growth, it's very difficult for you to grow into it.

If pro/rel was to be introduced (and we all know at this stage it's purely hypothetical) then the onus would be on the clubs to ensure their coaches were doing the right thing to develop their kids & make sure they make the highest division possible.

I also don't think you understand that it's in the best interests of the better clubs in SA for the weaker clubs to get stronger. I'm sure you'll find that they would all prefer to play harder games week in, week out (and lose some) and keep improving by constantly being pushed than having one or two tough games a season.

Reply #72938 | Report this post

Years ago

At the end of the day, a good junior program will eventually lead to a good senior program. Some clubs don't want to wait around that long, so they throw all this money at seniors and their junior teams are the ones who lose out.

Clubs need to get priorities right! How much money does a senior program generate, compared with how much some clubs shell out for seniors?

How many kids go to sturt because of their senior program? None, cause nobody cares if they have a good seniors or not.

Reply #72942 | Report this post

Years ago


Until your club understand the market place they are in you will be destined to continue the current trend.

Marketplace? I don't even need to respond that!

As for destined to continue the current trend.

Its not about knowing where you are. Its about knowing where you want to be, and putting things in place to acheive that.

Its a process that doesn't happen overnight, you've just been blessed to either:
- have worked hard over the last half dozen years to be where you are now.
- come into a club that has put in the ground work for you to inherit.

recognise that.

Hoop Addict

I would bet a pineapple that you are a Sturt Coach, based purely on that one post.

I also don't think you understand that it's in the best interests of the better clubs in SA for the weaker clubs to get stronger.

Do you mean clubs or teams?

I've been reading all the past pro/rel debates, and you've told me nothing new.

Reply #72943 | Report this post

Years ago

(#72942) heard of the Ng's?

Reply #72944 | Report this post

Years ago

Touche 72944.
And Todd gower and Ben Lomman

Reply #72947 | Report this post

Years ago

(#72944) Yeah I have. Those two were already classed as seniors when they left Woodville.

My point is that some little tacker doesn't go to sturt because of their seniors. They go because sturt have put the time in to go find this child. Some clubs don't take juniors all that seriously. They say they do, but have a look at how much resources are put into their juniors. They wait for that child to come to them. While your better clubs actually go out to get kids & don't sit & wait.

Reply #72950 | Report this post

Years ago

anon #72943

Market place. That is the most importatn thing you need to answer!

For years we have been hearing about how much growth is occuring in the Hills and Northern area's. So why can you not provide teams into the competition. Each 4 or 5 years we hear that things are changing, you are doing this and doing that. And in that time things have only gone backwards.

And yes some clubs have worked hard over the last 6 years. Not individuals. They have put their resources into juniors rather than seniors. Tehy would be Fortestville and Sturt. And lok where they are today. And your club has not. And will not. Becasue it is easier to cheer for your ABA team that wins a championship even if those players who won you the games were developed by other clubs.

Reply #72953 | Report this post

Hoop Addict  
Years ago

I mean clubs, as in, it benefits NO ONE to beat your U16 boys by over 50 points each week.

It's narrow-minded people like yourself who are the reason 1) some clubs will continue to be mediocre (at best!) and 2) why pro/rel won't get off the ground.

If only you could look past your precious div 1 spot, you might be able to see that it's a hinderence, not a help. Explain to me how pro/rel would be bad for your club.

Reply #72955 | Report this post

Years ago

Bringing up the Ngs and Gower/Lomman shows that you've missed the point here entirely (I don't have any involvement at all and I can see where they're coming from).

The point was that juniors don't switch for the senior team.

As has been said, Darren and Marcus aren't juniors (neither were Gower/Lomman), and the Ngs live a lot closer to Pasadena than the Dome these days. I don't think payments or the success of the program would've had a whole lot to do with it. Where's convenient and where will I enjoy playing? - that'd be all it was IMO, and entirely irrelevant to this discussion about juniors.

Reply #72956 | Report this post

Years ago

Eastern Hills Basketball Association

The second largest country association in SA behind Whyalla.

They have close to 1000 members. They have been established since 1950 (thereabouts).

Here's the problem: getting those kids who play and pay $100 a year, to now start paying $400 (or whatever it is) a year and to have to travel to pt adel, starplex, morphett vale, etc (yes i know they are the extreme's, but you get my point).

Your right, there's a great base of players, but how do you convince them to pay more, travel more, just to do something they could do in their backyard.

I don't think it is a marketplace because its sport, and its meant to be fun, not a business. But i guess that's just shades of blue grey.

Reply #72957 | Report this post

Years ago

Hoop Addict -

Explain to me how pro/rel would be bad for your club.

You've been around this site for alot longer than most, and you've (no doubt) read all that's been said on pro/rel. As you can't give me anything new, i doubt whether i could provide you with anything i haven't already said in previous posts.

2) why pro/rel won't get off the ground.

That comes down to a majoirty of votes. You've obviously got alot more than just me to convince...

Reply #72958 | Report this post

large german cup  
Years ago

dont worry about your debt centrals, its all fun, not a business!

Reply #72960 | Report this post

Years ago

You are proving my point exactly.

No clue whatsoever about the market we opperate in. And that is the exact reason why your club will not change. And will continue to hold the sport back.

The market place is putting into place a program where people feel like that are receiving a benefit for the money that they are spending. Right now you can play in the Eastern compeittion for $100 per year. For a training and a game fee? Then you expect them to come and play for $400 with the same coaching and more travel. Do you wonder why it is that they don't take you up on it.

If you live at Pasadena you can go and play for $30 per year and $5 per week at Unley Sport for All, or Church at Pasadena/Wayville or miniball at any of the local stadiums including Wayville and Marion, or even at Blackwood. S why do they come and play for Sturt?

The market is giving the players (and more importantly the parents) the opportunity to develop as players as well as people. By showing them that 2 trainings with commited coaches in a program where they will improve and possibly move into elite level sport if they have the right level of commitment and talent. Then, understanding that the benefit they get from this effort is actually more beneficial in their future lives than on the court, becasue only a few will every move onto elite levels.

Behind this, is that if you create and enviroment where people come together and share common goals and beliefs, developing a culture of success and enjoyment, you will create a club which benefits society as a whole because of the assistance and joy people take out of being inviolved with it.

Yes my sky maybe blue. But I am more worried that yours is so grey.

Reply #72962 | Report this post

Years ago

"Eastern Hills Basketball Association

The second largest country association in SA behind Whyalla.

They have close to 1000 members. They have been established since 1950 (thereabouts).

Here's the problem: getting those kids who play and pay $100 a year, to now start paying $400 (or whatever it is) a year and to have to travel to pt adel, starplex, morphett vale, etc (yes i know they are the extreme's, but you get my point)."

Focus on quality rather than quantity. Give the best of those 1000 members a good rep program, instead of giving them one training a week with questionable coaching! If you only have 2 teams in an age group and make it competitive to get in then that is all you need.

"Your right, there's a great base of players, but how do you convince them to pay more, travel more, just to do something they could do in their backyard."

Only those who will benefit from it (eg your elite) will need to do that. You have what everybody else wants, a thriving domestic comp!

"I don't think it is a marketplace because its sport, and its meant to be fun, not a business. But i guess that's just shades of blue grey."

That's your problem. Domestic basketball is about participation, district basketball is about excellence. If you don't run it as a business and provide something which is more than "just fun" (which is what you have with domestic) then you may as well not do it and concentrate on domestic. The best kids will go to town and play with clubs that do.

Reply #72963 | Report this post

Years ago

If it is about excellence then why so many divisions and why so many multi teams in those divisions.

I don't see the AFL having 5 divisions! I know who is more successful!

Reply #72965 | Report this post

Years ago

"I don't think it is a marketplace because its sport, and its meant to be fun"

Okay Dr D....err Anon, so I don't know how to use the cool italics thing, but do you seriously think your U16 girls and boys have fun being embarrassed each week?
Wouldn't they have more fun being competitive each and every week, and get more than a combined one win? I'm fairly sure they would. But people like you expose them to a standard they are not ready for.

Reply #72966 | Report this post

Years ago

No clue whatsoever about the market we opperate in.

My point exactly.

We don't operate in the same market.

You've built a great domestic program around your current district competition, while we've joined a district competition, around a successful domestic competition (i use the word successful quite loosly there).

At u-10 level, what parent can differentiate between the 'superior program' of a domestic v distric comp? Parents at that level honestly don't give a hoot, they just want their kid to be happy, and play ball amongst friends. That is our issue that we need to overcome. Its a snowball effect. Lucky for you, you've built the domestic around the district, not the other way around...

do you seriously think your U16 girls and boys have fun being embarrassed each week?

Too be honest, with the time i spend split between the basketball program's i am associated with, i don't often get a chance to ask.

(hint: those italics aren't difficult at all. < i > no space , then < / i > to end it.)

Reply #73004 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon #72965

Then maybe you can go play football and see how close you get to playing in an olympics or internationally. And don't count playing Gaelic becuse that is actually a different sport.

Anon #73004 or should we say the good Dr.

Yes we do operate in the same market. We are all involved in providing a sporting service to junior players.

We are competeing with football, cricket, netball and leisure activities such as skate boarding etc.

We are all providing a service for money. We all have the oportunity to recruit the same kids. Why is it that country kids do not want to come and play for you guys anymore. And Mt. Barker kids are leaving to play for "Metro" clubs in drioves. That they drive straight past your stadium and drive into Adelaide to play for us. How is that not the same market?

And you couldn't me more wrong and I'll informed. Eastern Mav's have nothing to do with the Eastern Hills domestic program. You do not recieve any income from it. Nor have any real decision making about the running of it. That some people are involved in both is like saying that Sturt has an influence on the Church and Unley compeititons because some of our members come from these. We have only had a local comp for the last year. How do you explain our position of strength for the 5 years prior. We didn't have a canteen or bar for 4 or 5 years. We didn't even have a home stadium for 18 months.

We also have and U/10 program where parents have the oportunity to play with their friends in local Church domestic and miniball comps, for far less cost. But we are active in recruiting and developing links to competitoins. You have 1000 kids under your nose and can't prove to these people that it is worth their time and effort to play for your club.

And that you do not have the time to ask a bunch of parents and kids how they are feeling about losing by 50 each week, but have time to spend on the computer all day showing how little you really know about the sport is indicative af the systemic problem in the sport.

Everybody can blow hot air about how hard it is to develop programs and and recruit players. Well if you guys want to be a part of the competition, the get with the program. If not be ready to to continue to fall out of it. Oter clubs have done it, and are doing it.

Don't come sooking when all your members want more than a training and a game. When they want some real opportunity to develop and you fail to provide it. Becasue then you come out looking like the boy who cried wolf.

Reply #73018 | Report this post

Years ago

Two things to maybe try and keep this on track - can those involved in this thread maybe pick temporary non-anonymous aliases to aid with references and so on, and can we avoid stuff like "have time to spend on the computer all day" - people have work and that kinda precludes them from dealing with the club they're involved with on the side, and right now we're all on a computer. It might've been a point to make, that it's something that this person could fit into their time, but that's not how you should make it, IMO.

Reply #73019 | Report this post

Anon #72965,

The most ridiculous response to an argument I have ever heard.

Simply because you can't play internationally what has that got to do with district basketball, as claimed, to be associated with excellence in junior basketball.

Div 1 and perhaps Div 2 yes, but really Div 3-5. If you were serious about excellence you would limit it to 2 Divisions/ perhaps more age groups at the lower level and have a better developed feeder system into District basketball. The lower divisions are more about bringing cash into the club rather than consistently providing international players!

Reply #73027 | Report this post

Punk Kid  
Years ago

or should we say the good Dr.

You can call me what ever you like, but your time would be better spent trying to convince the masses that your system would work?

I am of the belief that this system would create a competition of:

1-3 years 8 clubs

3-5 years 6 clubs

5-8 years 3-5 SUPER clubs.

You beleive pro/rel will create a stronger competition for all.

So why hasn't it been passed through BASA (BSA)? If you feel so strongly about it, why haven't you been able to convince the powers that be?

Have you ever heard the expression, put yourself in someone elses shoes?

That may help you understand why your system is not a reality.


I don't know what that is, but if you meant droves (i think you did), then i'd call that an exaggeration.

Then again, you call it a marketplace, and i think its simply the 'basketball environment'. I've always been taught the definition of a marketplace is where buyers and sellers meet to exchange goods or services. While this difference in interpretation may be the reason for your success, i think that undermines the sport, and your existance in it.

And you couldn't me more wrong and I'll informed.

Please explain?

Eastern Mav's have nothing to do with the Eastern Hills domestic program

No one understands that more than me! Ultimatly that is our biggest concern. But the issue of pro/rel extends beyond more tiny slice of the world.

Ever heard of club called Centrals?

How do you explain our position of strength for the 5 years prior.

I already did. You built a district club, then introduced a domestic comp, we are introducing a distric comp, where a domestic comp exists.

I say i don't often get a chance to ask.
You say you do not have the time

Just stick to what i say, not what you want to hear.

how hard it is to develop programs and and recruit players

I'd say its more about time, than diffiuclty, something that you've been blessed with.

like the boy who cried wolf.

My views in no way reflect that of any district or domestic club or association. I'm just some punk kid who disagrees with an anon poster sitting in his pasadena office, waiting for mini ball to start...

My (Punk Kid) posts are (#72827) (#72874) (#72877) (#72882) (#72888) (#72909) (#72914) (#72923) (#72943) (#72944) (#72957) (#72958) (#73004)

Reply #73035 | Report this post

Years ago

This is turning into a silly argument. Why dont you keep it on topic and if you watn to get personal email, ring or better yet just talk to each other.

Reply #73039 | Report this post

Punk Kid  
Years ago

no one is making you read it...

Reply #73040 | Report this post

different anon  
Years ago

"You can call me what ever you like, but your time would be better spent trying to convince the masses that your system would work?

I am of the belief that this system would create a competition of:

1-3 years 8 clubs

3-5 years 6 clubs

5-8 years 3-5 SUPER clubs.

You beleive pro/rel will create a stronger competition for all."

I think your belief is misguided. The Victorian experience is that there was an increase in not only the number of "super clubs" but all clubs in general, and in fact there are kids moving from the super clubs to local clubs, something unheard of 10 years ago.

The ONLY fault I can see with pro/rel is what you say with the best kids moving to the best teams. But:
1. They already do.
2. The Vics put restrictions in place to limit this movement.

Similar restrictions have been proposed with the pro/rel model here.

There would only be 3-5 clubs under pro/rel if the 4-6 clubs you say would fold, did not put resources in juniors and development.

Reply #73041 | Report this post

anon #73018  
Years ago

Punk Kid,

What do you think our clubs are doing if we are not providing a service?

And you are not following the pro/rel argument well!

Go and ask Dandenong how they did under pro/rel. Or even Eltham, or Werribee. All of these clubs were small and insignificant in the late 1970's. But under the VC system of qaulification they have become a powerhouse. Before you talk about the Stadium Dandenng have. Go and have a look at the Stadium that Eltham and Werribee don't have.

Pro/rel allowed them to bacome strong, not stop them from it. Why wot it be passed through BSA. Because clubs are insular and only concerned with themselves rather than the good of the game. And those people in decision making position in those clubs are more concerned for the position of their own child than the good of basketball. Hence why the state of basketball is in the position that it is in.

Yes droves. A decease in a club of over 25% in 1 year. That would constitute droves.

I don't think that any club is blessed with time. Sturt has 50 teams, how much time do you think it takes to administer those teams. To find coaches and training venue's. To develop Aussie Hoops and a local compeition.

And Sturt made this committment 7 years ago because it had 32 teams. Other than 2 clubs, who by your own statements 1 of which have more than 1000 members in close proximity, which club makes the effort to priorities juniors. Forestville. Well they are doing much better aren't they.

Oh and by the why. Call yourself what you like good Dr.

Reply #73044 | Report this post

Anon 73039  
Years ago

It is interesting, but not when it gets personal.

Reply #73046 | Report this post

Years ago

I agree, stick to the topic and cut the name calling!

Reply #73049 | Report this post

Years ago

The Victorian model of pro/rel has not only seen the rise of the now "big clubs" such as Dandy, Eltham etc., but has also seen the rise far more recently (say 5 years) of previously tiny clubs.
Hawthorn, for example, have become a club with regular VC appearances, and of course then there is the shining light of McKinnon, a tiny club, with a 1-court home stadium (last I heard) which has come from nowhere to have multiple VC teams (and maybe their first rep to U14 Nationals with their boys this year). They worked their way up the system, and put resources into their junior development, and have thrived in pro/rel, not been hindered by it.

Dr d, your club seems to not care that your U16 girls and boys get routinely embarrassed (do you really need to ask if they enjoy it???), or your club would have done something about it - hey, at least they can tell their friends they play in div 1!
And your team numbers are dropping noticably, despite having a huge area to draw talent from.

Reply #73054 | Report this post

car park  
Years ago

Punk Kid do you even have a 16G1 team for winter? Roumour has it that more kids have left already.

Reply #73058 | Report this post

Punk Kid  
Years ago

car park -

that's not my team. My age/gender expereinced an increase of 33% of players over the summer (which i think would be above average for our age/gender).

don't worry about following the topic either, just keep grab-bagging.

Reply #73062 | Report this post

Punk Kid  
Years ago

Different anon -

I think your belief is misguided.

That's the great thing about this forum, we can express opinion and discuss, even if you don't agree.

However, i can't be the only misguided individual, otherwise we would already be operating under a pro/rel system.

anon (#73018) -

What do you think our clubs are doing if we are not providing a service?

Okay, so my i forgot to mention "at a profit" in my definition... whoops.



only concerned with themselves rather than the good of the game

You've argued tooth and nail about pro/rel on Hoops, yet can't convince decision makers? Surely it can't be that simple....?

That would constitute droves

Stats can be construed (sp?) to show any point of view. That's a matter of opinion.

I don't think that any club is blessed with time. Sturt has 50 teams, how much time do you think it takes to administer those teams. To find coaches and training venue's. To develop Aussie Hoops and a local compeition.

It is your full-time job...

I don't think that any club is blessed with time

9 years after your first game under Sturt Sabres did you have 50 teams?

And Sturt made this committment 7 years ago because it had 32 teams. Other than 2 clubs, who by your own statements 1 of which have more than 1000 members in close proximity, which club makes the effort to priorities juniors. Forestville. Well they are doing much better aren't they.

Could you flesh that out or link it back to a previous statement, i'm not sure what your trying to say?

Oh and by the why. Call yourself what you like good Dr.

If your so sure, check the IP, 2/5 mods are friends of yours.


your club seems to not care that your

and you base this on...?

Sure they struggle, but thanks for not mentioning our u14 boys.

Reply #73065 | Report this post

Hoop Addict  
Years ago

Punk Kid - only Isaac can see your IP. Other mods can't.

I think you gave yourself up in any case.

To be honest - I don't know that the identities of those posting in this thread are all that important.

Reply #73069 | Report this post

Years ago

Is it true 3 more girls have left U16 div 1 Mavs???

Reply #73077 | Report this post

Punk Kid  
Years ago

only Isaac can see your IP. Other mods can't.

And which mod was the reason for this change?

I think you gave yourself up in any case.

I've tried to keep this discussion simply based on the topic (ok, not the original junior finals topic, but it just evolved). Yet PM keeps trying to guess/stab/figure out information that really isn't relevant.

the identities of those posting in this thread are all that important.

Myself included. If they were, the system would have been changed already.

Reply #73078 | Report this post

Years ago


your club seems to not care that your

and you base this on...?

Sure they struggle, but thanks for not mentioning our u14 boys. "

I base this on the fact that they are embarrassed by far superior opposition a vast majority of the time and your club does nothing to rectify it. Do you think these 13/14/15 year olds should be subjected to such beatings just so your club can claim it's 'right' to a div 1 spot? If your club truly cared about these girls and boys, they would put them in a standard of competition that they are suited for, can develop under and can gain enjoyment from the occassional victory even.

Why would I mention your under 14 boys? They have CLEARLY shown to be of standard! They are in their correct division, they get quality games week in week out against Sturt, West, South, Norwood etc. and they won U12s 2 years ago. The same with your U12 boys, who are a very competitive unit. But your 16 girls and boys are way off the mark. That comment proves to me you see this as a Sturt v Eastern thing - or at least an us v them thing. I don't. I see this as a bunch of girls and boys being lost to basketball because they are at a club that won't put them into a grade that matches their abilities.

Reply #73083 | Report this post

Hoop Addict  
Years ago

Punk Kid,

After re-reading your posts, I still can't see a clear argument against pro/rel from you. I see "keep the current system and give us time" which is nonsense, because the current system makes it much harder for you to get to a competitive level than pro/rel would. I also see that you think the pro/rel model would just allow the better clubs to pull further away from the pack. If that's the case, then I think I'd be right in suggesting that you're worried you'll lose your precious div 1 position. In fact, pro/rel allows far more opportunity for smaller clubs to be appropriately graded.

Not only are their issues with clubs having guaranteed div 1 spots currently, but also non-member clubs having teams placed in grades well below their capabilities. There are clubs such as Northern Rattlers or Torrens Valley who may have 1 U16 team (for example). If divisions 1-4 are filled by member clubs, they get put in division 5. If they happen to be, say, a div 3 standard team, it's no fun them playing div 5. If this were the situation in Victoria (under pro/rel) they would have the grading phases as an opportunity to adjust their ranking, and would be appropriately placed for the main season. A great example of this is a Mornington team (in Vic) who last year competed in their Metro 1 (div 2) competition & finished 3rd. With virtually the same group of kids, they'd worked their way from being in the domestic comp as U12's (which is essentially about div 6), up to nearly qualifying for VC in U18's. Had that club been guaranteed a VC spot in U12's, they'd have been smacked week in, week out. In all likelihood, those kids would have quit well before U18's, and taken up footy, surfing, whatever. As it is now, they're still involved with basketball (and after all, isn't that what we're really aiming for here?) and have improved considerably. Now, consider that Mornington have about 8 teams total, and you can't tell me they have lots of resources to draw from. They have some good coaches, who have stuck with the group & developed the kids as best they could.

I guess Punk Kid, I just don't see the drawback in this setup for any club. It rewards hard working clubs, who are willing to develop their juniors. I believe it would promote parity across the state, as every club would have the opportunity to field teams in the highest division, and all teams would be playing in appropriate grades. I can guarantee you a kid would prefer to play 1 division lower & win half their games, than play above their heads and lose by 80 every week. Who would enjoy that? I just don't think that is doing the right thing by the kids. It's not helping them enjoy the sport, or get any better at it.

But, I guess, we're simply not going to agree on it. You see this as Sturt wanting to build themselves up at the expense of other clubs. I (and others) see it as a chance for the state as a whole to make basketball as fun & competitive as possible for kids. That means having a competitive elite competition, and kids playing in competitions suited to their standard. I see a pro/rel structure as the best way to attain this.

Reply #73087 | Report this post

Mott the Hoople  
Years ago

I can't see any reason for Div 1 to have 12 teams made up of the current system plus the best of the rest(which could be subject to pro/rel). If any of the current Div 1 teams do not wish to field a team, that position could be taken up by a second team (or even a Western Magic).

This was mentioned a few months ago but didn't get much discussion.

Reply #73088 | Report this post

Years ago

Dr Punk Kid,

I think that you gave yourself away a while ago. And I'm more interested in the discussion than who it is with.

Although I do that opinions are important, opions are not all that relevent when they come from somebody who does not have sufficied overall knowledge and understanding of the situaition. But we will let others decide on their own opinions.

Going on from my brother anon above, under pro/rel these kids would both probably be playing div 1. And the U/16's would also be playing in grades where they would also be competitive.

What has profit got to do with whether we are providing a serive? Are non-profit organizations like INCEF not provide a serviec of aid?

The commitment Sturt made 7 years ago was to put their resource into juniors. And it has resulted in an increase of 25 teams including Domestic teams. What exactly are you and your club doing to make this kind of progress.

Reply #73096 | Report this post

Years ago


Under promotion/Relegation grade would be capped at 8 teams. That way they could play 3 rounds and have 21 games.

A 12 team comp with the best div 2's in div 1 would only increase the disparity of games.

Under any structure there will be a bottom team. One aim of pro/rel is to decrease the size of the gap by grading teams to appropriate levels.

Reply #73101 | Report this post

Years ago


Under promotion/Relegation grade would be capped at 8 teams. That way they could play 3 rounds and have 21 games.

A 12 team comp with the best div 2's in div 1 would only increase the disparity of games.

Under any structure there will be a bottom team. One aim of pro/rel is to decrease the size of the gap by grading teams to appropriate levels.

Reply #73103 | Report this post

Mott the Hoople  
Years ago

I was looking for a compromise position where member clubs could retain their position, while stronger/non member clubs could field an extra team/team.

Reply #73106 | Report this post

Years ago

Sturt have the runs on the board as far as a presence in the basketball marketplace.
They have a great reputation and Name so are likely to benefit most on the initial changes.
I think we are smarter than we give ourselves credit( the non blue baggers)and will be able to compete with them. I look forward to it, the 30 of april is already marked in my Outlook.
Funds for paid coaching positions and for admin of domestic comps will be the key to my club pushing for p/r.
I see great benefit for the current cental clubs,Sturt,North, Forrestville and Nwd.
South with a new stadium would be licking their lips.
Perhaps those with a geographical disadvantage will never vote for this and I can understand why.

Reply #73107 | Report this post

Years ago

#73054 - the Mavs U/14 boys may not be of the same standard this season as one of their best players has defected to Sturt.

Reply #73110 | Report this post

Years ago


Understand, but that would not stop the disparity in results and the loss of players that follows. AS well as the lack of develoment for all players in those games.

The compromise that has been suggested if for each club to have a position in the top 10 at the begining of each grading season regarless of where they finished the previous year. For example if the North U/12 (1) girls ended up finishing bottom of div 2, in 2 years time at U/14 level they would be able start in position 10 . Thus making it easier for all member clubs to have a team in a position to qyualify for the top 8. Member clubs would also have a team in the 11 - 20 bracket of grading meaning the same. After that all teasm, including non-member clubs would have a opportunity to qualify bnased on results.

Reply #73111 | Report this post

Mott the Hoople  
Years ago

If the current system is not working, how come all clubs have caught up and passed Sturt by U20's? Or is the current situation an abberation?

Reply #73116 | Report this post

Years ago

Indiana and a number of anons. You need to get over this April 30. This report will have nothing to do with Pro/Rel, funds for paid coaching positions or any other of these issues. This will more than likely address:

- Ownership of 36ers
- Labour inefficiencies with BSA
- Identification of BSA's core business
- Reporting procedures
- Budgeting and financial control
- Reduction in number of clubs
- Partnerships with Government and Education Institutions
- Ownership of fixed cost assets IE stadiums
- Corporate and Board Structure

Pro/Rel and other minor issues will not be on the radar of administrators and auditors.

Reply #73118 | Report this post

Years ago

Because as they get older all the full court crap means nothing.
Shhhh...Dont tell the Blues

Reply #73119 | Report this post

Years ago

If you look at the current Sturt U/20 men's. They were actually bottom in U/14's. So they haven't really changed.

Reply #73120 | Report this post

Years ago

You bet thats what it is about.
And shortly after we will be discussing the fallout of these outcomes.
I have changed my opinion ( thanks anon and SB) on p/r, but I wont like the smaller clubs to be screwed in the first two years.
Funds and admin will be the glue that keeps it all together.

Reply #73121 | Report this post

Years ago


Might want to check with the Australian junior coaches on what they are looking for in their players.

And it is full court pressure, not always a trap.

Reply #73124 | Report this post

Years ago

That and the fact that Dodman doesn't play due to Sixers, State, ABL etc. They actually have improved significantly since Under 14's when they were embarassing. They lost one game by over 100.

Reply #73126 | Report this post

Years ago

April 30 will lead to reduction in clubs and BSA leased/owned stadiums amongst other things.

Pro/Rel will become a non-issue after the elimination of the real issues in basketball.

Reply #73127 | Report this post

Myth Buster  
Years ago


They haven't. They were bottom then and are bottom now.

The current Sturt Under 18's have been 1st, 2nd or 3rd since Under 12's and are 3rd now. Norwood has traditionally been the best group and are top at the moment. So the older Sturt boys groups are at least maintaining the status quo.

Sturt has either won or made the final in Under 20/21 girls the last few years, and in fact those groups got better with age. The current Under 21's were 1st or 2nd in 14's but are missing Marino, who carried that group through juniors.

And don't look at margins, as players get older the scores in games tighten up. Just cos Team A was beating Team B by 60 in Under 12's and only by 20 in Under 18's doesn't mean that there has been a catch-up.

Myth Buster

Reply #73130 | Report this post

Years ago

"#73054 - the Mavs U/14 boys may not be of the same standard this season as one of their best players has defected to Sturt."

Ummm, not sure what this has to do with my post?
But, as I said lower down, the Mavs U14 boys (and U12 boys) would EASILY qualify for div 1 in a pro/rel format. And I haven't written off the 14s being able to beat Sturt for the title yet (or any of the other teams I mentioned).
That was not my point. My point was Dr d. trying to divert attention away from teams that his club has put into a division that they cannot compete in (and not have fun in, one of his aims) by talking up one of their good teams - which has no relevance.

And why did this player (as you put it) "defect" to Sturt?

Reply #73131 | Report this post

Years ago

Of course it is .
My point is that it is only one small aspect of an u/20 ABA game, but it is the 80% of what Sturt use to win in u/12's -16's.
And you do know what I mean!
As you are well aware the game is not won at a national title at u20 's on the basis of full court man.We all expect it and so its a lesser factor.
But the same pressure will win an u/14 national title as you did last year. Dont play me for a fool.

Reply #73133 | Report this post

mr t  
Years ago

What r u on about then fool?

Reply #73134 | Report this post

Years ago

Indiana, I saw Josh OT and the 2 bigs just destroy teams 5 on 5 in the half court to win the Nationals, not by defending full court! Did you actually see any of these games?

Reply #73136 | Report this post

Years ago

Everything talks about the Sturt system and coaching as being the reason why Sturt performs so well. If that is the case then why are the U14BD1 not performing as well as the previous year's U14BD1 and the same for the U12 Girls. It must be more than just coaching and system - you can't make a cart hourse a race horse. If you don't attract the talent it doesn't matter how good the system or coaching is - it might ensure a person performs at their best but it doesn't mean their best is always the competitions best!

Reply #73144 | Report this post

Years ago


Sure Did.
Not your typical team...exceptional.
What about the other 30 or so teams ?
Exceptions dont prove the rule.

Sturts teams are competitive even without the horses because of the system...its a good one!

But its not the only way to win and develop.

Reply #73147 | Report this post

Years ago

Tangent left.

Reply #73148 | Report this post

Years ago


Where do you think Sturt try to force-feed us that their system is the only way to win and develop?
I see people from Sturt talking about competition reform, but not really about how to play or teach basketball. I can't see anywhere they say that playing half-court, or whatever it is, is wrong.

Other than that, I think you've made some insightful points that I hadn't previously thought about - but I'm stumped with this one.

Reply #73151 | Report this post

Years ago

"What about the other 30 or so teams ?"

Have they recently divided some states or is pro/rel coming into play at Nationals?

Reply #73152 | Report this post

Years ago

Sturt U14BD1 not performing as well as last years team? They've just won the Summer GF by almost doubling their opponents score. No one got near them in any of the minor round games. Last year's group didn't win the State champs - I can't see that happening this year.

Reply #73153 | Report this post

Years ago

Reply #73155 | Report this post

Years ago

Sensational- have just watched some of the greatest garb ever posted and at the end of the day nothing achieved. The under 14 kid actually chose to go too sturt for the coaching he would recieve and then perhaps he would develop to the level he would like to as he has the ability. It really is as simple as "winning is a by product" of a successful coaching program and until clubs "invest" in that program they won't see results for years. That is how you build culture - simple as that. In football ask port or centrals - same philosophy. Location and Population is irrelavent.

Reply #73157 | Report this post

Years ago

If Sturt were so confident in their system and coaches to deliver the end product, and also require a closer competition so all clubs as a whole can improve then the altruistic approach would be to not accept the best talent from other teams when approached!

Reply #73159 | Report this post

Years ago

My 2 bob

The current system gives member clubs the right to field a division 1 team. Unfortunately some clubs continue year in and year out to field teams in division 1 even though they can not compete.

Is it appropriate that we take away this right since they abuse it?

I will watch with great interest clubs such as Central and West who have now not nominated teams in division 1. They have in effect relegated themselves - it will be interesting to see how these groups go in the future.

For what it is worth I was strongly against Pro/Rel from the start. I was worried that the strong will get stronger and the weak will get weaker. I don't want to see clubs disappear from the earth! Having said that though, if the weak keep making dumb decisions like they have for the last ten years, then I say bring on pro/rel!

As for the U/14 boys example. Last years Sturt group were pushed all year with good competition from Norwood, West and to a lesser extent North (who beat them at some point from memory). West won Summer, Norwood won State and Sturt won Winter. This great competition helped Sturt to go on and win Nationals. This is the kind of Statewide result that we should be aiming for!

Reply #73166 | Report this post

Years ago

But, #73166, I don't think anyone will be able to push this years Sturt U14BD1.

Reply #73168 | Report this post

Years ago

anon #73159

If other club were so confident of there's, then players would not want to move.

I guess Sturt see giving all kid's the opportunity to reach their potential as part of what they do. Any club that does not continually improve will fall behind.

And again I don't see Sturt claiming that anything other than hard work and commitment of resources as the result of their success.

Reply #73192 | Report this post

Years ago


I guess that you didn't see the U/14 Girls in Darwin then and theri half court execution. Give Peter Lohnagan, The ITC Head coach a call. And that you didn't watch the U/16 Girls a look either. Their half court game was pretty good as well.

And if you had of seen the U/12 Girls finals at the classic's last year, you would have seen a team playing beyond their years in term of half court.

But I guess that you have the results to say otherwise.

Reply #73243 | Report this post

Years ago

(#73192) Paul - no one is arguing with you on those points.

These other posters are now just giving the Blue Marketing team a large horn to blow.

... and 30 years.

Reply #73245 | Report this post

Years ago

Are the only teams you use as examples your best teams.You have 5/6 teams per age group and put much weight on your best and not on the overall program with this line.
Yes the div 1's half court game is great and in the last 12 months you guys have won a couple of huge titles.
But there was a long time between titles . I d think you richly deserve the credit for them.


I am talking generally about the whole style, over many years .
The secret of successful coaching...recruit the best team!

Reply #73253 | Report this post

Years ago


Last year at State Champs Sturt won 18 out of 28 Finals. This summer season Sturt had more teams in finals than any other club as well as a higher percentage of teams in the finals that play for the club.

Sturt 34 teams in finals / or 66% of their teams
North 25 teams in finals / 54% of their teams
Forestville 26 teams in finals / 53% of their teams
Norwood 23 teams in finals / 43% of their teams

Build it and they will come.

Reply #73261 | Report this post

Years ago

And I guess if you recruit the best team, regardless of whether you are able to provide coaches for ALL players in an age group, those who eventually feel insignificant as they don't have a recognised coach (ie they have the last parent to step backwards) will move to other clubs and then your "weaker" players become somebody elses problem!

Reply #73263 | Report this post

Years ago

yeah so that they can go to a differnet club and be coached by an unrecognised coach (ie the last parnet to step back)...

Reply #73268 | Report this post

Years ago

I think all clubs have troubles filling the lower teams in the age group. Some even have trouble filling the higher division teams!

Reply #73270 | Report this post

Years ago


So humble!

Do I note that anon 73263 may have been a displaced parent/ player.
Not ever going to question the great results and I have said this over and over.
How diffent is our Philosophy?
Very little...
But I use different methods to acheive a similar goal.
We dont need to be No 1 every year to have success.
These things go in cycles but sometimes I feel you wont accept that.

"when considering the stature of an athlete or for that matter a person,I set a great store in certain qualities which I believe to be essential in addition to skill.
They are that a person conducts his or her life with dignity , intergrity, courage and perhaps most of all, with modesty. These virtures are totally compatible with pride , ambition and competitiveness"

Sir Donald Bradman

Reply #73273 | Report this post

Years ago

Indiana, are you comparing yourself with Don Bradman now? If so, I hope you are being sarcastic!

Reply #73274 | Report this post

Years ago


We agee on something.

No I do not believe that these things go in cycles. They go according to who put's in the best effort. And I hope that others will increase their efforts and therefore increase the level of competition.

PS just proving your opinions wrong!

Reply #73276 | Report this post

Art Vandalay  
Years ago


I've enjoyed your banter with the Pro/rel people  it has generated insightful and meaningful discussion and disproved a few myths along the way. However, I must take you to task on your occasional (and incorrect) comments about the Sturt junior teams inability to execute in a 'half court situation'. Your comments re this topic include:

- "sturts model is based on full court pressure and getting lay-ups in the years under 14"

- "This model is ok, but take away your lay-ups and get you in the half court and this model is easily beaten"

- "get Sturt teams in the half court and you can beat them to now"

- "Because as they get older all the full court crap means nothing. Shhhh...Don't tell the Blues"

Although we are always open to feedback about how we can improve ourselves, we generally like it to be backed up with some kind of evidence. For example "In x age group, x team was unable to perform in the half court and resulted in x (loss of game, struggle to beat an opponent, continued poor performance etc)".

We also like to hear about what exact part of the execution process needs improving: spacing, movement, timing, structure, skill errors, tempo, X & Os.

If you could come up with some meaningful feedback I am sure we would look at it, but your comments seem to suggest that our lower age group coaches focus on full court pressure at the detriment of their teams ability to execute in the half court  which has been proven inaccurate for two reasons.

a) We have posted real examples of half court execution by Sturt teams that have resulted in wins at Major championships
b) You have been unable to back up your statements with any substantial evidence of your own.

By posting inaccurate information, your suggesting that our coaches in lower age groups are not doing their jobs properly  which I would say from the excellent records they have of both producing elite players and winning grand finals, is clearly a misinformed view.

It's also a pretty disparaging comment to make against these fine coaches and the efforts they put into developing our players  I'm sure many would like to take you to task on it (as I have done).


- You said "It is the method that you beat them (take away all the lay-ups)...your strength is something we don't want to play against so we try to take it away"

Teams that do beat us on the occasion, do so for a range of different factors i.e. better size, better guard play, implementing "junk" defence and (yes on the occasion) half court execution. I wouldn't say that there is one dominating reason when (if) our teams are beaten  it would be drawing an incorrect conclusion to say its solely because of half court execution (unless you have facts to support your theory, which clearly you don't)..

- You said: " Are the only teams you use as examples your best teams. You have 5/6 teams per age group and put much weight on your best and not on the overall program with this line."
"What about the other 30 or so teams? Exceptions don't prove the rule".

Could you please produce evidence of the superior level of execution that is being lower divisions (which is now where you are desperately trying to prove your point) that our club is not living up to. I think you'll find that very few teams in lower divisions execute half court offence with any proficiency (not just Sturt teams alone). Moreover, you'll also find that all our lower division kids are given a basic structure to play in from their coaches, as well as, taught basic motion offence principles. So again you are wrong!

- The coaches in these younger age groups (which as you say aren't taught how to execute in the half court) are actually past coaches from our higher age groups because of our "rotation" policy. For example, our U/14 Div 2 Boys coach is our past U/16 div 1 coach, our current U/14 Boys Div 1 coach is a past U/18 div 1 coach. Since you believe that this "problem" is concentrated in the lower age groups  care to explain how the same coaches seem to be teaching half court execution in older ages, but then completely 'forgetting' to do it when they come down to the lower age groups?

Reply #73278 | Report this post

Years ago


At SASI last night, Mike Williams gave the group (players and coaches) some of his insights from the many College games and trainings he saw over the last 5 weeks, while visiting Steve at Belmont-Abbey.

Among the observations, he made was that EVERY team was in-your-face for 40 minutes with full court pressure, both man-to-man and zone. Many teams are now running 12 (or even more guys) in their teams and rotating them continuously so that they can keep this pressure continuous for the whole game. And this is not just at D2, but also in D1, D3 and high school as well.

Now, the Australian junior coaches want it, it seems the American college coaches want it. Given that we are preparing players for both these systems, it is fair to say that we might heading in the right direction.

Reply #73283 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #73288 | Report this post

Years ago

Save yourself some time. Come to Pasadena tonight and discuss it with us. We all know who you are anyway! Nothing sinister, we love philosophical debate, especially when there is no right or wrong answer.

PS I'll bring my cricket bat so you can sign it!

Reply #73290 | Report this post

Years ago

Excellent points!

1.I have never said and dont mean the sabres teams have an inability in the half court.
These things are a are developmental and subjective. I just feel you strenght is in the full court and I dont want you to have it so I take it away...Which is easy enough to do.
Children are not strong passers over distance so spread them out and collect the layups and fouls. tactics only.
Not prevalent at aba level...why... its easy to concede layups.
2.Evidence...u/14 boys were kept in check friday almost all game. won in the end but not one of their easiest encounters..also followed by the recruiting and i assime dropping of a player for winter.
U/14 g 2/3 not sure.lost to a nwd team .
U14g 1 got more layups that I could shoot in a 90min traning 1 on 0. Cant tell you what their half court game is like didnt see it!!
3. I have never and will never sugest that sturt coaches are not doing their job!! They are.
Doesnt mean thay have to win all games and the kids be good at everything.
In fact it sounds like you are though!
4. yes. Teams in juniors(below14's) are not proficient in the half court(all clubs)...thats why the focus must be on those skills. these are the ones that will carry them the furthest. WE all can teach full court trapping in a session and gain 10-20 pts from it. I choose not to at this age.
5. Rotation policy is good and should be employed by all clubs.

I was contrasting bradman too the attitude in the previous post, I certainly dont think I am Bradman ...Farsical

Reply #73296 | Report this post

Years ago

I will be there tonight .Speak to you then.

Reply #73297 | Report this post

Years ago


I assume these teams are in season and training 5-7 times a week.
This is the amount of time needed to be good at full court all the time.
When brett maher and ben osbourne were playing for you I would never have full court trapped you .It would have been suicide.
This is the opposite to the teams you beat by 70pts. they dont have any full court skills yet you press the crap out of themIt like Amereica bullying New Zealand(Rainbow warrior or something).
There is a time and place for everything.
I place great stock on half court execution and ball you know!

Reply #73300 | Report this post

Years ago


Taking it easy on teams, goes against the philosophy of full court pressure. It is a habit. A state of mind.

You of all people would understand (as you have pointed out above) that to be successful at playing pressure defence it needs to be a consist in it's approach. We at Sturt feel that we are hursting our players when we stop them from playing with that philosophy.

The place and time is in the elite level. If clubs are concerned with teams being beaten by large margins then they can grade their tems into a division which is closer to their skill level.

Reply #73308 | Report this post

Years ago


Boys were kept in check friday week back, because they were lazy and half the team had been at camp all week. Norwood will not get that close again. They had an opportunity and blew it - you don't win big games playing run and gun style basketball

Reply #73626 | Report this post

Years ago

Point taken woftam.
They missed a great opportunity.
Can we hope for some complacency later in the year...

Reply #73639 | Report this post

Years ago

Kids being kids that is possible. Lets hope that all teams can improve and push these sturt kids to the next level as that will be needed in september at the nationals if the state is to be successful again

Reply #73663 | Report this post

Years ago

Settle down Wotfam. Are you talking u14 Club Championships. Have they even qualified yet? Last I checked it was club championships not Nationals.

Reply #73665 | Report this post

Years ago

They have a permanent booking...Dont they?

Reply #73670 | Report this post

Years ago

After West Boys missed out in last yers State Champs, I don't think anybody can be assurred of a position. Although with 3 teams going instead of 2, that makes the Semi Finals less imp[ortnatn and the 3/4 playoff ultra-important.

Reply #73691 | Report this post

Years ago

Are they guaranteed 3.
Girls as well?

Reply #73694 | Report this post

Years ago

Girls only two. Forestville and Sturt. Adelaide the year after, so there will be three teams. If Sturt and forestville win this year SA will get 4 teams.

Reply #73697 | Report this post

Years ago

The boys are guarenteed 3 teams due to Sturt winning the tournament last year.

Reply #73698 | Report this post

Years ago

Who will Qualify in the Boys?
Sturt Eastern Norwood/West?south?

Reply #73699 | Report this post

Years ago

The top three will qualify.
sturt......then it will be between mavs/south/norwood.

Reply #73703 | Report this post

Years ago


Good to see, somebody of your quality of opinion doesn't even understand how many teams we get to qualify.

Reply #73712 | Report this post

Years ago

Would think your on the money Indiana. Like your style - know your stuff. Was referring to the nationals previously. I'm a mad mav man and the way sturt cremated us in the 14 final here last sunday week we'll be happy with 2nd. you guys should beat South so that will leave the 2 of us to push the blue boyz

Reply #73713 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #73717 | Report this post

Years ago


Where were you on Friday night. I thought you were coming to the Pas bar to talk up pro/rel?

Reply #73724 | Report this post

Years ago

Was there you were too busy.

Reply #73729 | Report this post

Years ago

Why are you yelling!

Reply #73737 | Report this post

Years ago


There were Sturt coaches in the Bar until closing time. As per usual. Obviously you had an early night or an important date.

Reply #73740 | Report this post

Years ago

Hot Date.
Good to leave with a w.

Reply #73792 | Report this post

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