Years ago

ABL - Blitz. Where's the other teams?

No: Sturt, Eastern or South Men
No: Sturt or F/ville Women

What is going on?

I thought this was THE warm-up carnival to the big show?

Do these teams not take this carnival seriously?

If this is intended as the abl warm-up carnival i would have thought it would have been compulsory to enter a team, otherwise its just another senior carnival run by the three northern clubs.

Topic #6239 | Report this topic

Years ago

I guess it is just some senior carnival run by three Northern clubs.

Reply #70459 | Report this post

Years ago

that is a very short sighted view

get over it

Reply #70465 | Report this post

Years ago

They are all sulking because they didnt get a spot in Port Pirie's ($1000 winner $200 MVP) Mini Blitz!

Reply #70468 | Report this post

Years ago

Sometimes teams have other things scheduled that conflict with local events, having this tournament on WNBL Grand Final weekend would have made the event very difficult if Adelaide had a win against Canberra or if the 6ers had a win last weekend.
Realistically however teams were told that there would be games against ALL other sides in the tournament (9 shortened games plus finals) over the 3 days and now they are looking at 4 (maybe 5) shortened games over 2 days. (Imagine the drive for Southern players for less than an hour of basketball per day)
This idea of a preseason tournament is great but it should have some modifications to make it more club friendly, and making it a mandatory tournament is only part of the answer. As a player I would prefer three games at full time over five games at 24 minutes. Also clubs that have juniors playing now have to justify why they can or cannot pull a junior out of the district competition for this event. My suggestion would be make it mandatory, make the first round of the tournament the first round of the ABL season with the subsequant rounds exhibition tournament games, have fully timed games, cancel a week of juniors to promote spectators, and supply a decent central location (Wayville) and start the ABL Season with a real Bang!!

Reply #70469 | Report this post

Years ago

anon #70465

How so?

What worth is there in playing a tournament where every team get's to scout you at once? And what is the point of playing if you aren't going to work on your offenses.

Why not miss the tournament and video the other teams?

Then play games against those teams you want to play against. And play your full squad in the first couple of games of div 2 so that before the start of the season you have enough game practice going into it.

Plus, it is possible to have a couple of easy games anyway early in the season to work out any kinks.

The Blitz is a nice idea. Just not necessary!

Reply #70471 | Report this post

Years ago

To make it more inviting, how about put some money up for grabs??? Also make the tournament somewhere more central (not as in the Lions) like the Dome or Wayville (shudder)...

Reply #70476 | Report this post

tony blair  
Years ago

i'd gather that the dome and or wayville were not utilised because when the planning was organised both those venues might have been in use

wnbl grand final or sixer semi finals

as it turns out both have been knocked out, crystal ball could not have been in use

tournaments like this take a time to grow, they need support and sponsorship and prize money shall come.

it would be cheaper for some of the southern teams to hire on site caravans make a weekend of it and have some team bonding.

last year the women were at starplex and the men at eastern

look at the positives not at the negatives.

Reply #70483 | Report this post

Years ago

The idea of a preseason tournament is excellent. The major problem with this year's is that two mens teams will only play three games (4th in Group A and third in Group B). That probably equates to about one fully timed game. Other teams will play 4-6 games - the equivalent of about two fully timed games. The idea of two groups is fine if the games are fully timed. All teams should be playing each other once as originally planned and then 1v2, 3v4 etc to determine positions.
As someone already said we do need to look at the positives - great idea, will be better next year.

Reply #70487 | Report this post

Years ago

The sturt women have their prorities right. They are going out to the country for a bday party for one of their players. The way i see it, yes it would be good to have a preseason tourney with all teams present, but on the other hand it is a long season, so at this stage a bit of enjoyment away from the court might be the best thing for some team bonding experiences.

Reply #70490 | Report this post

Years ago

Getting back on topic about where the other teams are - i can understand why they don't all want to play. Why show all your cards at once? The Blitz doesn't count for anything towards the season so you basically leave it open for other teams to study your play / video the games and therefore take advantage of your weak points (if there are any :-) during the main season. Also Sturt and Eastern for Men both have 36'ers so it may be a case of giving those guys a bit of a rest and same goes for sturt and forrestville women - giving the Fella's girls a bit of a break.

Reply #70492 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't think to many teams will show anything this weekend. It will probably be a run and gun style of play. Remember it's only 12 min have with a running clock, only stopping for time outs. Graet idea great tournament. Looking forwood to it. It works well with NBL so why wouldn't it work with ABL.

Reply #70496 | Report this post

Years ago

Sorry about that I should have said 12 min half's with a running clock.

Reply #70517 | Report this post

Years ago

i think they need to stop the clock and play 2x12. i would agree with a lot of the positive feedback, i know that our club is looking forward to it, and i think with a more central location, the blitz could really take off next year!
i think the sponsors will come.

Reply #70527 | Report this post

pickles housemate  
Years ago

Some clubs aren't pulling juniors out of junior teams to play in the ABL Blitz.

Reply #70548 | Report this post

still sweating  
Years ago

Instead of 2 groups in the men, why dont each team play each other. Thats only 6 games, then top 2 play for the grand final. Least then its worth the trip down to Starplex

Reply #70611 | Report this post

Bench Warmer  
Years ago

still sweating that is a very good point and I hope someone can come up with an answer cause I feel sorry for the teams that are in group B as they only have 2 minor round games plus finals. Then there is the team that comes 7th that only plays 2 or 3 games for the weekend and going to starplex for 1 game on saturday morning cant not be good. Corret me if wrong but from what I remember that is how it goes.

Reply #70626 | Report this post

A Group BLITZED!  
Years ago

for group A - the team who finishes at the bottom of that pool only play 1 game at 9.10 sat morning then heads could be run a little better than that - play everyone once (no groups), even if you need to send it over to Sunday for g/final.
At this stage it could be 72 mins of hoops (no stopping of clock) for $100 and a bucket load in travel

Reply #70627 | Report this post

Years ago

more incentive to play well and finish high on the ladder then

Reply #70628 | Report this post

Hangin Round  
Years ago

Let's hope that the blitz goes well, because I have my doubts about its success in this format.
Next year could see more clubs pull out and organise their own 'beneficial' trials, not a fund raiser for 3 clubs.

Reply #70679 | Report this post

Years ago

there are some good ideas here that the tournament committee will look at for next year. A week before the tournament we had 9 mens teams and the program was set. Then two pulled out. That is why one group has 3 teams.
I was there last night and really enjoyed the pace of the games. Prize money would be a great ideas,but that requires sponsors. If the Blitz is a success this year, maybe next year. All post tournament comments ( hopefully a few positive ones) will be welcome.

Reply #70715 | Report this post

Years ago

a fundraiser for 3 clubs. Obviosly you have run many tornaments. Discounting the volunteer man hours, by the time court hire and umpires are paid for, it will be close to break even. If we are lucky

Reply #70716 | Report this post

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