Not a good time for me right now, Isaac - I've just had to sack the entire board of Bo Hamburger Inc and appoint myself as administrator.
Still, here are a few that I've quickly whipped up:
- play the nostalgia card. Rebuild all the stadiums (stadia?) no longer in use around Adelaide to remind everyone of what they miss and rotate home games through all of them, ie: Bowden, Athol Park, the former Forestville and Sturt stadiums, and of course, the jewel in the crown: Apollo.
- play the nickname card. Build a stadium which is, in effect, a giant sauna. No airconditioning. Minimum temperature inside 50 degrees. Call it the Incinerator, or even the Crematorium.
- play the backyard card. Drive around Norwood until locating suitably sized backyard with backboard/hoop in it (suggestion: look for tennis courts which also have the backboard strung up on one of the fences). Sure, there won't be a lot of fast breaks because there's only one ring and teams will have to "take it out" before being allowed to score - but it's only a minor inconvenience.
- play the modern technology card. Commission forumgoer DJ to come up with "ABL Live 2006", featuring all ABL teams and players. For each Norwood home game, the two teams will appoint one player from each team to play each other in ABL Live 2006, with the result counting as the "official" one and players' stats being charted for their HSAness.
For example: Norwood have a home game against Eastern. At a predetermined time, say Brad Davis from Eastern will go round to, say, Andrew Webber's house and they'll play ABL Live 2006, with Davis playing as Eastern and Webber as Norwood. Work out how to beam the game on the Internet, and then claim however many people log on to watch as the "crowd".