Years ago
State Coaches, what are their requirements
I just would like and few question answered about our State Coaches. Who selects them? Being the first question. Do they have to go through a stringent and cruelling Training or Testing or do you just need a Level 2. And our Our State Coaches the best this State can offer? If they are we are in trouble.
How is it that a State Coach last year had the best Team yet still couldn't bring home Gold. Cut the Bull about the players cause don't they have enough trainings to make sure the team is the one that he/she wants. Coaches should be accountable not just get the gig again cause no one else applied.
Then there is the Coach that keeps on getting "T" but is still back in that spot coaching again this year. May be who ever selects the Coaches should go on a talent search and blood new progreessive talented Coaches.
Surely we must have some great Coaches out there why aren't they given the opportunity to coach a State Team.