Years ago
Basketball participation: some interesting stats
A thread was on here not long ago asking about Stat's on Participation rate for Basketball. As I have a Masters Degree in Stat's, I have access to ABS stat's. Dr Dunkenstein asked the question (I think) so I hope this give you an answer. All Stat's are from 2004 as the 2005 are not ready yet and all figures are rounded to the nearest 100.
Number of people who participate in Basketball: 508,000.
By Gender - Male: 335,500. Female: 172,500.
By Age: 15-24 yr, 325,900 (11.7% of total age population); 25-34 yr, 92,600 (3.1%); 35-44 yr, 51,100 (1.8%); 45-54 yr, 32,500 (1.2%); 55-64 yr, 4,400 (0.2); 65 yr+, 500 (0.0)
Now here is the interesting Stat that shows how many people are playing ball in this country but not playing in an organised competition. Playing Organised ball - 301,700 (59.4%); Playing Non-Organised ball - 203,300 (40.6%).
In South Australia the total number of people playing basketball - 51,500; Males - 30,500; Females - 21,000.
Somne of these figures might be hard to believe, but the ABS figures are very reliable.