yea, the big fella always had something to say and he pissed us off from time to time.
by the way, when i say "scuffles", that doesn't mean that they were always physical.
the majority of the time they were "verbal".
guy(s) ticked off because they lost a drill and/or scrimmage.
guy(s) salty because somebody's busting their ass and letting them know about it.
guy(s) FUMING if their teammate didn't called out a screen set by mark davis......CRRUUUNNCH!!!
dude, you could actually feel your spine move.
puddy could be making a shit load of money as the "pick-setting chiropractor"....."RUN ON BY & I'LL CRACK YOUR BACK, NECK, & SPINE IN NO TIME".
our training were sooooo competitive.
nobody wanted to lose..........mostly because they didn't want to hear about it the rest of the day.
don't mention if someone got "DUNKED" on.
after the verbal abuse, your locker would be plastered with the "dunker's" trading cards.
needless to say, the big fella had quite a collection, mostly from me (smile).........actually i dunked on everyone, including phil.
but catman took the fun out it. he seemed to enjoy getting "poked" on!