375 ML
Years ago
Are BASA slowly killing the Sixers?
Are BASA slowly killing the Sixers?
I heard a rumour that a very influential player on the 36ers team is not happy at the way the board have been treating him and could very easily ask for a release to play over seas or for a rival club.
Two former greats (one man and one women) of the club are rumoured to be taking legal actions over the way they have been dealt with by the club and are seriously not happy about the way they left the organization.
I don't think it is wise to name any names on a public forum but I just wanted to start this threat so it is public knowladge that everything is not going great guns at the 36ers and BASA.
If the trends continue how long until the club has no players and are virtually a basket case. How long until the Adelaide 36ers turn into the Fitzroy lions and self-destruct?
Tell me to mind my own business or shut the hell up but being a season ticket holder and one for the last 15 years I don't know how long this will continue if the club keeps treating there own this way.