Earlier this week
Farewell to the season - another one in the books
Now that another NBL season's been written into the history books - pending a change to GF MVP that a few have suggested but that's been refused by the dark overlord of bias Larry Kestleman- many of us are shifting our attention to AFL and NRL. Many already had.
I think we can honestly reflect and say that winning an NBL title isn't that special.
Think about it...
There's only 10 teams.
A couple had their seasons ruined by injury
One is coached by John Rillie.
One is the Adelaide 36ers.
One is from a tiny place in Far north Queensland, community owned and spends a million dollars less on their roster than everyone else.
One's best player decided to take cocaine on the eve of playoffs and unluckily got busted. After inexplicably deciding to bring in a guard, right on the deadline for roster changes- who subsequently failed his medical - despite having an undermanned front court.
That only leaves a small handful of teams, and someone had to win it.
So it's not that much of an achievement.
But I thoroughly enjoyed another season.
Well done Hawks- one of the best teams to watch in recent history. The greatest scoring team of the modern 40 minute era.
A fairytale story! The greatest fairytale since... the previous fairytale story of 12 months prior.
Ok, that was all slightly tongue in cheek!
Have a good off-season all.