The one thing everyone can agree on is management interfere too much. One thing that put me off Ninnis was him following managements edict of not playing certain players. If he had a backbone he'd tell them he's the coach, not them. Look at Phoenix, young and upcoming (except CP), Ishiba comes in wanting to make a big splash, young players and draft picks gone and likely Durant leaves as well.
Remember Craig Randall, tonnes of talent but a headcase, different to maybe Davis in his behaviour, but a distraction that at least was eliminated. Yet Adelaide don't learn their lesson, because GK wants the shiniest toy to show off even if it isn't the most efficient.
If anyone wants to read a great book on building culture, check out Legacy by James Kerr. Tells the story of how the All Blacks became so dominant after falling in a hole. One of its mantras is no dickheads allowed.
Look at the AFL, it's normally not till clubs get their house in order in the football department before they become successful. Everything that Paul Roos touched turned to gold. Got Melbourne in a position to win a premiership, looked to be a dynasty, then dickheads started ruining it.
Adelaide is desperately in need of a Paul Roos type to come in and clear house. Unfortunately it's clear that GK won't take a backseat. Made the initial disaster in getting JVG who has the club in the current position. McCarron was a good player but signing such a big contract placed enormous pressure on him to be a star, which he never was.
Sure you need talent, but Tassie has proven culture is the most important ingredient. United were the more talented team last season, but Tassie were able to upset them.
Weston just seems another puppet and what's really his claim to fame in coming in and doing what he's done. Clearly he had Wells lined up as head coach and shafted Scotty. Jury is definitely out with Wells, players running the asylum. It's relatively easy to go out and sign star imports, it's filling in the rest of the roster that's the most important. Mayen was an ok gamble, talent galore but not much upstairs. Then the best he can do is sturts nbl1 team.
So Weston's major contribution is Wells, clearly has trouble with player interaction, again having knuckleheads didn't help. But still can't work out what he brings as a coach. Defensively was terrible. Offensive was just geared to individual play rather than any real structure. So when things got tough it all went to shit. Did he create his own monster in handing the keys to Davis so much? Obviously no respect from the players towards the coach, another example of a toxic culture.
But let's do the insane thing and bring the same players back, with a massive pay rise and surety of not getting cut. Lost Cadee and probably Dech, who else from Sturt can they replace them with, obviously Isaac White FFS.
It's been a quick fix attitude for how many years now, imagine if they'd used those lean years and built something to be proud of. Instead it's a laughing stock and people would rather see Davis scoring 30, DJ occasionally hitting a few threes in a row and the occasional good performance by Humphries and him singing a couple of crackers. Could have kept Kell and Wiley for continuities sake, nah, that's boring, we want highlights. If not for Davis they'd finish at the bottom, no they wouldn't have. If Tassie and Brisbane don't get hammered by injuries, and I mean really hammered, Adelaide comes 8th despite this magical player. If he was so good why didn't he lead them to the top 4? Oh no, he missed a couple of games with Harrell, just like nearly every top 4 team did with their stars. How many did Cotton miss, Goulding? Where were SEM at after 5 games? Shit, even Brian had plenty of injuries so don't use that comment that he was so influential as a player individually that he dragged an untalented team to just the playin, beat a depleted clueless Brian team and then lose the next one despite being up by near 20 at halftime and arguing amongst themselves all during the second half. He is not the answer, he is not the Messiah. Stop believing he is the only way forward, the answer is no dickheads allowed!!!