Dotman, I agree that Adelaide have the capacity to overwhelm teams, and we've seen it with some of the leads they’ve had over quality teams in all of the recent wins.
In saying that, I don’t really like hearing Wells say things like "we are not the 6th seed". Mate, you haven’t even booked a spot in the top 6 at all, and even if you do, it’s going to be bloody hard to advance much further. Just sneaking into the 6th spot and not advancing beyond is still a failed season in my view considering the roster, so I wish they’d just shut up and keep doing what they’re doing. But they do seem happier, and I’m happy for Wells and the team if they’ve managed to figure things out a bit.
Humphries and Wells sat together in the press conference, and I think they had a social media employee travel with the team to capture a more cohesive image. Obviously very deliberate which might mean they’ve looked into PR and mediation to help them out a bit.