Last year

Time to do away with the 3 point shot

Is it time to do away with the 3 point shot? The original intent was to help the little guys compete with the big fellows. Bit bigs are blazing as well and IMHO watching teams chucking up 30 to 48 3s is killing the game.

Topic #52490 | Report this topic

Last year

Yes, the NBL should remove the three point shot.

And while they're at it, they should also bring back the original peach baskets.


Reply #955804 | Report this post

Last year

There's enough balance in the NBL to make it watchable for me, unlike the NBA.

Reply #955820 | Report this post

Last year

It does seem to have skewed too far. The problem is that the easy solution - moving the line back - is hard because of the width of the court. It would effectively just increase the value of corner 3s.

Could we ever see a 3-pt line that loses its traditional shape and becomes like an arc above the FT-line-extended, with straight lines to the sidelines, and no 3-pt scoring below the FT-line? How much would it change current offensive patterns to do away with the corner 3??!

Reply #955845 | Report this post

Billy Bob  
Last year

Crazy idea, hear me out.

Fiba sized court, no illegal defence, like fiba, call fouls as you see it, call travels.

They can keep their imperial measuring system, one thing at a time.

Reply #955851 | Report this post

Last year

Very smart, but very crazy in terms of the NBA, BB.

It would get fewer bums on seats and eyeballs in front of screens because Americans don't pay to see defence - they’ve been too brainwashed by the razzle-dazzle. (Sadly, that’s starting to be the model here, too.)

Reply #955852 | Report this post

The Phantom  
Last year

The cats out of the bag now with analytics reigning supreme. When it was brought in they would have no idea how it's totally changed the game to where it's totally unrecognisable. The problem is how to devalue the 3 pointer. It definitely has a part in the game, whether it's a team using it to make a comeback or freaky performances like McGrady, Reggie or Rodney Rogers. And watching skilled players shouldn't be punished, it's just watching everyone do it on nearly every possession and forcing out other skills which is unfortunate.
Forcing the line back is maybe one way, but do we want to watch heaves from nearly half court?
So it needs to be devalued or other scores increased. This idea can technically work, it'll just absolutely change the game and records entirely. Make the 3 pointer worth 4, midrange from inside line to key worth 3, points in paint worth 2. For foul shots make it have to make both to get 2 points or the old one and one. Don't shorten the line for corner 3s, it's an anomaly that there's a spot on the court anyway that is closer to the basket anyway.
Now scoring will increase massively, teams will be scoring in the two to three hundreds and players will average 50 plus, so it'll mess with records. Then again if they'd worked out analytics earlier, guys like Maravich, Bird etc would have increased their average.
It'll never happen and plenty of holes in it, but the only way to defeat the over usage of 3s is to either get rid of it or devalue it. And it does have its place so getting rid of it is impossible.
Anyway, just a quick idea.

Reply #955865 | Report this post

Last year

Getting rid of it will kill the game. The midrange will remain dead and games will become unwatchable with nobody having any reason to spread the floor at all.

Extending it will make things worse. Players can already shoot from much further out than the line already is, so all it's going to do is empty out an even bigger midrange area, spreading the defence even thinner and making it even easier to score.

Changing the number of points each shot is worth is the only solution.

Reply #955880 | Report this post

Last year

There's enough balance in the NBL to make it watchable for me, unlike the NBA.
This season, 42% of NBA shots are threes. 40% of NBL shots are threes.

Last season, 40% of NBA shots were threes. 36% of NBL shots were threes.

2023, 39% of NBA shots were threes. 40% of NBL shots were threes.

2022, 40% of NBA shots were threes. 40% of NBL shots were threes.

2021, 39% of NBA shots were threes. 39% of NBL shots were threes.

2020, 38% of NBA shots were threes. 39% of NBL shots were threes.

2019, 36% of NBA shots were threes. 36% of NBL shots were threes.

2018, 34% of NBA shots were threes. 34% of NBL shots were threes.

2017, 32% of NBA shots were threes. 35% of NBL shots were threes.

2016, 29% of NBA shots were threes. 34% of NBL shots were threes.

2015, 27% of NBA shots were threes. 32% of NBL shots were threes.

2014, 26% of NBA shots were threes. 33% of NBL shots were threes.

To suggest the NBL has a better balance is to ignore reality. The two leagues are basically the same, because the NBA finally caught up to shooting as many threes as the NBL already was.

Reply #955895 | Report this post

Last year

When charges are called so softly against the bigs does not help, to much rewarding of floppers.

Reply #955901 | Report this post

Last year

If you're going to penalise the shooters who are excelling in this area, then you also need to penalise the bigs in their dunks, and so on.

Reply #955902 | Report this post

Last year

Limit each team to twenty three point attempts per game. Solved.

Reply #956045 | Report this post

Last year

Hoodie that's basically what they did to the bigs. Gave the little guys an extra point to help encourage them to be more a facilitator
However the game has evolved to the game of positionless players, who can all shoot the three. Not score, but can certainly shoot
Some days it’s my turn some days someone goes off for 50

Reply #956050 | Report this post

Two months ago

Introduce a 5 point arc line. It can be an arc that has origin points on the sidelines half way between the half court line and the baseline. The centre point of the arc intersects the centre circle at the tip off point.

Making it a 5 point shot increases the risk reward ratio which will tempt players to try to shoot from that range ... especially in the later stages of a game.

Yes ... I am joking! .... Hmmm, maybe not!

Reply #957126 | Report this post

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