Last year

Bryce cotton to leave perth?

On tonights nbl overtime the muppet felix threw out there he has heard(and hooley backed him up) that there is possible interest from bryce cotton to test the waters of free agency. I dont think this will happen unless perth dont make playoffs but lets say he does decide to leave who is most likely to secure his services do we think? For mine its only 2-3 teams with a shot. United(big market team, great coach and big budget team), kings(as usual they are always in play for big free agents) and jjs(roth was asst at perth under gleeson and it seems like they had/have a good relationship, crawford will be gone after this season so they could start sean mcdonald, bryce, milt, hopefully mcveigh and magnay, plus they always seem like they need a premier type scorer). All other teams just dont work(basketcase in adelaide,sem and bullets, cairns/hawks cant afford him and nz just doesnt seem the place for him at all.

Topic #52330 | Report this topic

Last year

It'd be his last chance to chase serious money, you'd think, so it makes sense irrespective of how Perth go this season.

Reply #951309 | Report this post

Last year

His first Australian coach, Mr Gleeson is coaching Chiba jets, b league, they are in the top few clubs in Japan, plenty of money, same time as Perth and he'd be a super star with his behaviour and play.

Reply #951310 | Report this post

The Phantom  
Last year

With CG, Delly and Clark would Cotton really move the needle, not exactly like he's mid to late 20s so would replace one of those.
Sydney sounds realistic with money the primary factor followed by supporting cast. JJs would be interesting but can they afford? Would assume at least a 3 year deal.
Adelaide and Phoenix may open coffers but money would have to be large.
Might be ploy to get a longer deal, I still don't reckon him and Rillie are on the same page so might be looking for public support, especially if JR hiccups again despite extending.

Reply #951311 | Report this post

Last year

I think united would let clark go and yes 3yr deal from anyone who signed him.

Reply #951312 | Report this post

Diop Kick  
Last year

Cotton loved playing for Gleeson, I could see him taking the $ in Japan

Reply #951313 | Report this post

Last year

Cotton always lets it know he's prepared to leave and then the Wildcats pay up and all is good in the world. He's a free agent at the end of the season, his stature and power starting to decline this is his final chance to squeeze one last big pay day out of the Wildcats. Will Perth's new owner blink?

Cotton won't go to another NBL team because they all, unlike the Wildcats, aren't and won't be built around him. That can safely be ruled out. Gleeson is a smart operator and likely isn't silly enough to try and build his new team in Japan around an aging and declining star, I too doubt Cotton would want to end his career in obscurity in Japan. I think that too can pretty much be ruled out.

There is only one real option for Cotton, he knows it but doesn't want Perth's new owner to know it too. Hence the usual dance everytime he wants a new deal out of the Wildcats. The real question is how much will the Wildcats new owner get him for?

Reply #951314 | Report this post

Last year

Obscurity in Japan... Please??!!. They wouldn't want an aging and declining star?!! Really?!

You're post sounds more hopeful than rational zodiac.

He'd be signed by a Japanese team in a heartbeat and there's plenty of players there past their peak and earning good money at the end of their careers

I don't think he'll leave perth but it's not because he doesn't have other options

Reply #951315 | Report this post

Last year

JJs reportedly put up a big $$ offer to WMW in free agency. If Tarran Armstrong doesn't go to the NBA it wouldn’t surprise me if he is heavily pursued as a free agent. That would leave Tarran running the point with Sean MacDonald playing the same combo guard role as now and then perhaps McVeigh at the 4 and Magnay at the 5. There would be a lot of $$ cap spend across those 4. But if a new owner brought in more $$s and didn’t care about luxury tax then that would still leave the potential for up to 3 imports. Then there is talk of Doyle becoming naturalised and playing out his career in TAS. The JJs are reportedly already one of the biggest spending teams but all of the foregoing is going to cost a lot of $$. Just couldn’t see Cotton with his huge $$ asking price fitting into that equation. That said, any team would love to have him and Roth would most certainly set plays like Gleeson did so he could be his absolute best.

Reply #951318 | Report this post

Last year

United needs a player like Cotton.

Replace Clark with an elite scorer- like Cotton or Rayjon Tucker- and United would go from 3-6, likely semi finalist or play-in team (where I see them now) to fighting for the title like last year.

Reply #951319 | Report this post

Last year

I think Clark is playing better than cotton, he is able to create his own shot more consistently where Cotton seems to need plays run for him to get free. (admittedly as most teams double him and the cats coach cannot seem to take advantage of that)

Reply #951322 | Report this post

Last year

Cotton can definitely create his own shot and go one-on-one, he's just out of form and Rillie isn't utilising him properly, same thing happened at start of last season

Having said that, United I think would prefer someone more dynamic. Cotton has defensive limitations- I don't think that meshes well with Vickerman's overall strategy. He prefers big guards like Rayjon Tucker, Xavier Rathan Mayes, Ili, Delly etc. Casper Ware was an exception but he was a great defender for his size

Reply #951323 | Report this post

Last year

Obscurity in Japan,lmao, he'd be a superstar there, could probably get a million a year, lucky he’s probably going to be a local early next year and become a marquee or no Australian side can afford him.

Reply #951326 | Report this post

Last year

He would be a superstar in Japan if the team was vuilt around him which it wouldn't be. No one other than yourself here gives a shit about the Japan league hence the obscurity to us. Is Nick Kay still alive? Who knows.

Cotton's not going to another NBL team or Japan, I've heard it all before many times over. Daniel Johnson and his sycophants on here used to get sucked in by his BS threats to leave the Sixers every couple of years when he wanted to renegotiate a new deal.

Cotton doesn't have the pull that he once did otherwise he would've opted out and re-signed to a new 3 year deal in the offseason like he's always done and like DJ used to always do. So now in the final year of his contract he's got to introduce the threat of leaving.

He's the king of Perth been there 9 years wife from there, his kids born there unless the new Perth owner calls his bluff and lowballs him badly there's no threat of him leaving. This is his last chance to get one more big paying 3 year deal because he'll never see money like that again.

Reply #951328 | Report this post

Last year

If I was Cotton I would look for a Asia contract while he still can perform, not necessarily for any other reason but to get a decent pay check before retirement. I think with Rillie at the helm there is unlikely to be any championships for the wildcats anytime soon.

Reply #951331 | Report this post

Last year

Cottons wife came out last season not happy, things then slightly changed, cats went on a bit of a roll, if you think Cotton is tied to Perth, good luck, yes he might stay in Perth but it's going to cost. If you think that Gleeson can’t fit Cotton into his team, again you are kidding yourself. B league, who cares, it’s no different to nbl, who cares, both leagues attach themselves to nba, it’s the same propaganda. One difference is the b league has a lot more money than nbl, Kay is reported on a million a season, also reported that kings had to offer a million to get Cooks home. Comparing DJ to Cotton is like comparing McVeigh to lebron, remind me how many championships did DJ win for Sixers.

Reply #951332 | Report this post

Last year

It feels unlikely but stranger things happen all the time

I hope not though. I like having the stars or name players as long-term players with their club, or one club players (when in the NBL)

At the moment - Cooks, Cotton, CG43 (since 2012), Froling. Others into multiple years- Delly, Adams, Doyle, Magnay (since 2021). I hope they stay at their clubs and build that familiarity and consistency

Reply #951333 | Report this post

Last year

White too, 3rd year now at United and never played anywhere else

Reply #951334 | Report this post

Last year

Harvey at Illawarra, etc.

Reply #951335 | Report this post

Last year

Exactly Cotton's wife kicked up a stink so Usher got sent to the bench. Pull he would have in no other city aside from Perth. If you think he's leaving good luck to you, I've been around the block a few times.

I never said Gleeson couldn't fit Cotton in. I said he wouldn't build the team around him he's not prime Cotton anymore, Gleeson's smarter that. NBL is much closer to NBA than Japan is which has nothing to do with nothing. B-League has more money but is a lower standard. I can't see Cotton considering that league, Europe would be more likely but still won't happen. I know what Kay & Cooks were/are on.

I know yor comprehension skills aren't flash but I never anywhere in what I said compared DJ to Cotton as a player. DJ was the face of the 36ers in his time, the man on the team like Cotton in Perth. Read what I said not what you think I said.

Reply #951336 | Report this post

Last year

"White too, 3rd year now at United and never played anywhere else"

He's played for the Taipans.

Reply #951337 | Report this post

Ontario LettDown  
Last year

If Cotton ever decides to leave, he will go overseas for a few big paydays while he still can.

As Zodiac mentioned, he is the king of Perth and the Wildcats, to keep his Wildcats legacy intact and join the other legends in the rafters someday as one of the single club legends he would likely go overseas

Reply #951338 | Report this post

Last year

Cats had better start looking after him then, he's getting belted from Pilar to post, Gleeson would never have let that happen. My comprehension, I also said he might not leave cats, but with naturalisation would be a very expensive marquee. It just shows how bad the Sixers were then when DJ was the face of the Sixers, remind me how many championships he led you to. Gleeson also doesn’t build championships around one player, he knows who is his best but he has options.

Anyway I’ll bow to your supposed greater knowledge, but maybe watch Chiba jets go around and other b league games and yes the difference is there but it’s getting closer every season. Have a look how many ex nbl players and coaches are there.

Reply #951339 | Report this post

Last year

If there's still a prospect of naturalising, is going overseas even an option?

Reply #951340 | Report this post

Last year

Dunkman, this isn't meant to be some one on one thing between you and me. I said my piece you took offence to my talking down of the japan league and you've been misunderstanding what I've said unintentionally I think ever since.

In no way shape or form was DJ as good a player as Cotton. Not even close. But like Cotton at Perth he was the face of the 36ers and the man on the team for a long time, longer actually, and Cotton has stuck close to the same playbook DJ laid out re: their contracts.

DJ would threaten to leave sign a 3 year deal, opt out after 2 years, threaten to leave, get a new 3 year deal after 2 years opt out rinse and repeat. Cotton's been doing the exact same thing at Perth for a while now. This time a little different as Cotton's now in the last year of his contract but other than following the same script.

I'll say it for the final time again DJ was not as good a player as Cotton has nothing to do with talent just same tactics for negotiating and both were the undisputed longtime main men on their teams.

Gleeson built the Wildcats around Cotton hence why Prather left for less money at United. I know there's plenty of ex-NBL players/coaches in Japan all three of Gleeson's imports are ex-NBL, why? Because it pay's better. Chaina pays even more again and both league are inferior to the NBL. If you love it good for you.

Reply #951341 | Report this post

Last year

"If there's still a prospect of naturalising, is going overseas even an option?"

It would depend on Australia's residency rules but maybe if you maintain a prtimary residence here or spend the majority of the calendar year here? I doubt it would change anything assuming Cotton ever does actually naturalise.

The NBL talking heads said in the off-season when Tyler Harvey re-signed with the Hawks to his current 3 year deal that he intends to naturalise yet he played in Puerto Rico during the off-season so that suggests you don't need to spend 12 months of the year here to qualify.

Reply #951344 | Report this post

Last year

Who was the last decent import to naturalise? Redhage?

Reply #951346 | Report this post

Last year

Zodiac - genuine question... what actually is your point? By that I mean, you said he only has one real option (which I disagree with) so are you saying Cats should only offer less? Should offer the same and he won't have a better option? Only need to offer a bit more to keep him? Don't need to match overseas pay to keep him because he wants to stay?

I agree he'll want to stay and would probably accept a discount for that to happen but I'd say if Perth offer more than $100-150k less than overseas can offer then he'd go.

Reply #951350 | Report this post

Last year

Well my point was against the usual NBL talking head nonsense, generating articles from Cotton's usual negotiating tactics, and people on here taking the bait.

I know the NBL has to generate it's own hype and talking points because the mainstream media ignores the league which is both unfortunate and unedfying but still.

On his actual contract I think he will likely take a bit of a pay cut to get one last 3 year deal but obviously he doesn't want to take a small pay cut so here we are with all the BS leaving speculation again, generated by the NBL talking heads who know better but pretend not to.

Reply #951351 | Report this post

Last year

It depends on how sick he is of Rillie.

Reply #951360 | Report this post

Last year


Reply #951361 | Report this post

Last year

It would depend on Australia's residency rules but maybe if you maintain a prtimary residence here or spend the majority of the calendar year here? I doubt it would change anything assuming Cotton ever does actually naturalise.

The NBL talking heads said in the off-season when Tyler Harvey re-signed with the Hawks to his current 3 year deal that he intends to naturalise yet he played in Puerto Rico during the off-season so that suggests you don't need to spend 12 months of the year here to qualify.
My understanding is you have to be in the country for X consecutive months before naturalisation, though that may apply differently to different naturalisation pathways.

Reply #951370 | Report this post

Last year

Exactly PW, he'll certainly look around and that doesn’t mean he’ll leave but an offer better than the cats could tempt him big time. His mate Gleeson I believe only signed a one year contract, but we all know how good he is and they will pay big money for him and if he wants Cotton, Cotton would leave without upsetting cats fans by moving to another nbl club.

Reply #951376 | Report this post

Last year

I get your frustration zodiac but there's not many guards in the league that you can rely on enough to contract for three years.

I'm a huge fan of his although as I posted (and got slated for), his being awarded mvp last season was a bit of a joke. He certainly wasn't the leagues best player. And he'll likely get it again this season on the same basis.

But regardless being one of the best 3-4 guards in the league I can't see a reason for much of a pay reduction if any

Reply #951397 | Report this post

Bill on the ball  
Last year

With a reasonably stable guy like Cotton, his mind Is definitely on having a stable life after basketball. He wouldn't have stayed if not for his family.

The cost of living elsewhere for his wife and kids would cost more living away. He is well known in Perth and can secure a good job after basketball.

The new owner is not an idiot - smart cookie to buy up the franchise. He knows Cotton can still perform for the team, he will look at stability for Cotton in trying to secure his services for the next three years, eg a performance coach after finishing.

Reply #951569 | Report this post

Last year

Olgun Uluc now saying Cotton is peeved Cats extended Rillie's contract without giving him any heads up. Likely leaving Cats with Gleeson & Chiba Jets favourite as a destination. "Headlines" segment posted to his socials.

Reply #955088 | Report this post

Last year

Cotton's not going to have it out there that he had no say in Rillie's new contract implying he's not happy about it. Agent muckraking. Olgun should be better than that. Cotton's just trying to squeeze as much as he can out of the Wildcats knowing this will likely be his last big money contract.

Reply #955089 | Report this post

Last year

Cotton choice of Riley or Gleeson, more money in Japan, easy decision, it's probably not Perth.

Reply #955090 | Report this post

Last year

Cotton is peeved Cats extended Rillie's contract without giving him any heads up.

Tell me about it, I am too. Idiots.

Reply #955118 | Report this post

Last year

Worth remembering - Asian jersey sizes can be a bit on the tight side so order number 11 Chiba Jets in 2XL to be safe...

This would suck for the Cats but I'm a Cotton fanboi like most and B-League games are at least free on YT. Great excuse for that a trip to Japan too.

Reply #955124 | Report this post

Last year

Why would you want to purchase a Nishimura jersey? Weird dude

Reply #955127 | Report this post

Last year

I think Rillie has been a massive failure for the wildcats, routinely outcoached and just not head coach level. If I am any prospective upcoming player why go to Perth with a coach that struggles to stay above 50% WIN/LOSS

Cotton wants championships and I do not believe Rillie could deliver one, ever.

Disappointed in our new owner not growing a set and fixing the root problem here.

Even Jessie said in the press conference from Illawarra's game, "they are coached" well - almost as if to say Perth are not.

Lets look at what Rillie has:
- Biggest fan base
= Biggest salary spend on players
= Best import in the league for years now

And routinely keeps losing, making excuses and being outcoached.

I do not blame Cotton - walk and maybe get a decent salary and a CHAMPIONSHIP.

Reply #955134 | Report this post

Last year

I don't claim to know how the finals decisions are made, but I'm at least as unimpressed with the roster construction as I am with the coaching. The roster was not built for defence at all.
Mills seems to avoid scrutiny and I don't know why.

Not trying to free Rillie of any blame, but he has not exactly been handed a whole lot of shot blockers, rebounding beasts, or long & quick one-on-one defensive terriers.

Reply #955135 | Report this post

Last year

The Wildcats biggest salary spend on players? I highly doubt that. The Kings just signed Xavier Cooks to the biggest contract in NBL history 3yr/3.6 million.

The reality is for Perth fans is that Cotton rightly or wrongly keeps asking for more and more money every contract, supposedly he's on $800-900k a year now. That means corners have to be cut with the rest of the roster hence all the cheapy role players.

In saying that Pinder wouldn't be cheap perhaps some home town discount and the imports probably not that cheap either Doolittle handy utility import and Winder fresh out of the NBA. Other than swapping out Winder for a better #3 import fringe changes are the rest that can happen.

Honestly I think the Wildcats would probably be better off if Cotton did leave. The whole team is built around him and if he has a bad game the rest of the guys can't really cover for it. Without Cotton they would be able to build a more balanced roster and have a shitload of freed up money to do it with.

Reply #955136 | Report this post

Last year

Cotton being naturalised turns him into a marquee will help Perth.

Reply #955139 | Report this post

Last year

What is he asking for? Perth cannot let him walk. He is arguably the best import to ever play here and possibly the greatest ever player period. I think he is the best ever with all due respect to Andrew Gaze

Reply #955142 | Report this post

Last year

The thought of a Cotton-less Perth is both intriguing and worrying. If Cotton did go Rillie will be universally hated, not just by the majority it seems loathe him online. Mark Arena won't be a fan favourite either we know he has deep pockets so he would be pi$$ing on his chips bigtime.

Reply #955180 | Report this post

The Phantom  
Last year

So who's going to pay him in the NBL? Sydney have Cooks on mega money, Melbourne only if Delly and Clarke go to free up cash. Can't see Adelaide forking up that much, may have links with Roth but despite talk on another post about them being amazingly profitable, JJ's not big enough market. Same with Cairns and Hawks. Bullets just too cheap. And unless SEM get a fairy godmother they're not an option either.
So can only see him cashing in overseas for a couple of years and then making a return when a team has cash, or Rillie is gone.
Interesting that JR was so likeable as a player and a nice guy off court and now he's just a total dick.

Reply #955181 | Report this post

Last year

If he's going to leave his family base in Perth then presumably he'd want to maximise his money, so I'd guess that overseas would be more likely than another NBL team.

Reply #955182 | Report this post

Last year

Team Cash Spend
Perth Wildcats $3,653,800
Adelaide 36ers $3,285,900
Tasmania JackJumpers $3,267,000
Melbourne United $3,160,800
Sydney Kings $2,975,400
New Zealand Breakers $2,957,700
Illawarra Hawks $2,910,100
Brisbane Bullets $2,805,600
South East Melbourne Phoenix $2,792,300
Cairns Taipans $2,094,500

This was last season with cats spending the most and missing a grand final . This year lets assume they are still in the top 2=3 spots on spend, you have Illawara who is well coached at the top of ladder for a fraction of the spend.

Reply #955186 | Report this post

Last year

Latest post from Olgun Uluc

Multiple NBA teams are following Cotton's play closely with an eye toward potential conversations once the NBL season comes to an end, sources told ESPN.

Reply #955326 | Report this post

Last year

Yeah, nah. Agent or NBL HQ drumming up his chances, which are very unlikely because he's got hundreds ahead of him in the NBA queue who are taller / younger / better connected.

Prime time Cotton deserved a run in the NBA, but now is too late for them to be trialling him.

I call BS.

Reply #955327 | Report this post

Last year

Gleeson team got beat twice on weekend, Mooney and Hogg both out though. If Cooks is getting the 1m a season as reported so will Cotton or more. It's either he naturalised and marquee status or Japan.

Reply #955328 | Report this post

Last year

Reading the Cats have offered Bryce the biggest deal in NBL history anyone wanna speculate on the $$$?

Reply #955365 | Report this post

Last year

Wasn't Xavier Cooks reported to have signed for $1 Million per season? So something more than that which would mean based on the cash spends reported by ESPN earlier this year, Perth will be paying one player more than 50% of what Cairns spent on their entire roster for the 2024 season.

Reply #955366 | Report this post

Last year

Plus the luxury tax that will come from not being able to list him as a marquee.

Reply #955369 | Report this post

Last year

If he's not a marquee and they pay him 1 million plus it’s not leaving much for the rest of the playing list.

Reply #955370 | Report this post

Last year

Perth Wildcats $3,653,800
Adelaide 36ers $3,285,900
Tasmania JackJumpers $3,267,000
Melbourne United $3,160,800
Sydney Kings $2,975,400
New Zealand Breakers $2,957,700
Illawarra Hawks $2,910,100
Brisbane Bullets $2,805,600
South East Melbourne Phoenix $2,792,300
Cairns Taipans $2,094,500

This is the cash spend of each team last season according to ESPN. Cats would still have at least $2.6 Million based on that which is more than Cairns for their entire roster and nearly on par with SEM. All clubs probably spending more this year and mor again next year. Cotton's tabled offer might also be back ended like what the AFL clubs do.

Reply #955374 | Report this post

Last year

NB: Just noticed Ballman already provided the ESPN cash spends.

Reply #955375 | Report this post

Last year

Sounds like the bluff worked, then. He and his agent will be happy - ka-chingggg.

Reply #955383 | Report this post

Last year

One thing is for certain... he is worth more than cooks

Really hope he stays in the nbl so glad to see cats offering a lucrative deal

If money is his priority then he will go overseas but in saying that he would've already in that case

If I were the cats I'd be offering a deal including a year or two coaching which could be enough to seal the deal

Reply #955412 | Report this post

Last year

At 32 Bryce is probably going to want a nice big paycheck in what are the final years of his prime. I hope he sticks in the NBL, but better chance than every before that he signs for big money overseas.

Reply #955414 | Report this post

Last year

Reportedly the top imports in the B league get upwards of US$1 Million per season which converts to AU$1.58 Million. Conceivably Cotton might therefore be offered something in the order of AU$5 Million over 3 years to play in Japan. It isn't rocket science that the Cat’s won’t be able to offer anything close to that. The longer this drags on the more worrying it becomes for the Cats and NBL that he is going.

Reply #955418 | Report this post

Last year

Not really since he's being wasted under Rillie.

Reply #955481 | Report this post

Last year

If he drops 40+ on Saturday maybe we can say Rillie has had an epiphany and has finally learned to get out of the mans way when he's working?

Reply #955486 | Report this post

Last year

Bryce doesn't want a scoring title though, he wants another ring.

Reply #955488 | Report this post

Last year

True. If he goes Rillie & Arena public enemy 1 and 2.

Reply #955502 | Report this post

Last year

BC muched loved will not leave his kingdom. He is the lion king. Bc Wildcats are one... pay his whatever he wants plus... worth every rupee diamond pearl gold in the treasure chest.

Reply #955505 | Report this post

Last year

You can pay him what you like but not as an import, salary cap is 2 million, you pay him 1.2 million the rest team won't get much, unless you can get three marquee locals and still then , it’s peanuts left.

Reply #955509 | Report this post

Last year

You can pay him as much as you want as an import if you're willing to pay the luxury tax.

Remember also, a players value against the cap is what the NBL values him at, which is not necessarily what you pay him.

Reply #955512 | Report this post

Last year

Bryce is the NBL..

Reply #955517 | Report this post

Last year

Remember also, a players value against the cap is what the NBL values him at, which is not necessarily what you pay him.
I would wager there are zero players in the league whose assessed value is lower than their actual salary.

Reply #955547 | Report this post

Last year

How much would you like to wager?

Reply #955549 | Report this post

Last year

Place your bets?

Reply #955589 | Report this post

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