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Last year

Wells delivers profanity heavy tirade at 6ers training

Both 7 and 10 news have vision on insta of Wells absolutely going coco bananas at training. He delivered a spray of profanity at players, news cameras, and slams his coaching board on the court with his papers flying everywhere. He then puts the blame on the players for making him look like an idiot.

Oh boy and season has even started for the 36ers yet.

Topic #52286 | Report this topic

Last year

Nothing wrong with it. Not the first coach to do it, Wont be the last.

Reply #950003 | Report this post

Last year

I don't see this is as a bad thing.

Reply #950004 | Report this post

Last year

There are no safe spaces at training, next!

Reply #950005 | Report this post

Last year

Agree with Gaze's comments before the game last night - no problem with it at all, but you only get a handful of those moments per season before the impact evaporates as a coach.

Reply #950008 | Report this post

Last year

He has already wasted his "one time" and the season hasn't begun. What a n00b - the well is already nearly dry (pun intended).

I'm starting to doubt the assertion that it was NBL HQ/LK who inserted this guy.

Reply #950010 | Report this post

Last year

In other words it smacks of desperation.

Reply #950011 | Report this post

Ballin Fan  
Last year

Advertiser reporting the first or main cause of displeasure was Kendrick Davis's transition defence.
Wells has a very legitimate gripe here.
Rucker as a commentator also called this out during the Blitz.
Sounding like a bad habit that a very good player has that is going to be hard to break.
It would have driven Scottty even more bonkers.

Reply #950012 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Last year

If there is truth to some kind of intervention in the ownership limbo, I still don't understand how you arrive at this conclusion?

Reply #950013 | Report this post

Last year

Unless he's been told to be an enforcer and given carte blanche.

Reply #950014 | Report this post

Last year

Nothing wrong with it and going after an import rather than a local holds more weight and will hoprfully galvanise the group. Agree though a new coach doesn't have too many sprays like this in them so best to use one on the eve of the first game of the season.

Reply #950016 | Report this post

Ballin Fan  
Last year

I am not a Wells fan
I don't think he yet understands the FIBA split line defensively
But as a coach I am in full sympathy on this one.
You are preparing for Jaylen Adams. Sure Sunday might get the assignment but JA will be hunting for Kendrick.
You cannot wait for the game until JA has 20/20 and Ice has fouled out helping out....
And then you bench Kendrick.
You need to put a massive rocket up Kendrick now.

Reply #950017 | Report this post

Last year

Be good for their 'turned a corner' documentary!

Reply #950018 | Report this post

Last year

Agree nothing wrong with it, if it hurts now, they will be thankful later if it makes them batter players, ie Kendrick, biggest criticism I'd heard about him prior to coming here was his his D, if he can make big improvements on this, only gonna help the team and his stocks, wells said development was going to be a point of focus.

Reply #950019 | Report this post

Last year

In this era players expect a different approach. Not sure he'll connect "well" with his team and get buy-in with temper tantrums.

Note the difference between a spray and a temper tanty. This was the latter.

The last 5 or 10 years, the dial has shifted and players expect a different style of relating to their coach. That old school authoritarian, yell and get angry, throw my clipboard on the ground, that old style doesn't connect with players in the 2020's.

Reply #950020 | Report this post

Last year

"He has already wasted his "one time" and the season hasn't begun. What a n00b - the well is already nearly dry (pun intended)."

Best time to make a change is before it becomes a problem. Clearly he noticed some issues during the Blitz and is addressing them before the season starts. It's too late to do it if you're already 5 games in

Reply #950021 | Report this post

Last year

Old school mentality saying this is a valid coaching tactic. Looks like a baby who's not getting his way, it's embarrassing.

I wouldn't respect my coach acting like this. If they have a problem with certain players in transition defence, can you not pul them aside separately and have that conversation instead of throwing you clipboard and paper around like a toddler.

Imagine doing this in any other work place as a manager. It's the same thing but for some reason is acceptable?

Reply #950022 | Report this post

Last year

Seems like we all agree that "things" have to be fixed and quickly. No argument. But the delivery of that message is the issue and that's real hard to justify!

Reply #950023 | Report this post

Pablo Escobar  
Last year

It's impossible to not see the cameras there, in fact the coaches are told they are coming! Totally manipulated US college crap.
Having said all that, they'll never have a better opportunity to beat Sydney than the first game of the season at a neutral venue.
Better get it, or the keyboard warriors will be stretching the fingers.

Reply #950024 | Report this post

Last year

The same people who will complain about this, will then blast the Sixers for being undisciplined and unaccountable during live games.

As others have said, once on the eve of the season is fine.

Reply #950025 | Report this post

Last year

This stuff is fine once in a while, although the dummy spit side of it will be picked up on by the players. If you require this stuff more than once in a blue moon to instill discipline and accountability then you're not a very good coach.

Coaching has changed completely where players live up to a standard because coaching groups help them to set the standards required and hold each other accountable to it. It's across all professional sports now and even moving into community sport.

Athletes care less now if a coach is blowing his top, that doesn't mean as much as it used to.

Reply #950030 | Report this post

Last year

How is Wells going to handle pressure in games when things aren't going well? Inexperienced head coach,
Who if this is his modus operandi, won’t last the season out.

Reply #950031 | Report this post

Last year

Who's the mole. Leaked footage like this doesn't happen in well run organisations! He or her should be sacked or at least have mobile phone removed from trainings! That's twice in 6 months now...

Reply #950032 | Report this post

Last year

It was an open training session...

Reply #950034 | Report this post

Last year

The people saying "he was using his chance in pre-season, better now than later" are assuming this was a strategically timed spray for maximum effect

I doubt it.

Looks like he just lost control of his emotions. and likely will again.

Reply #950036 | Report this post

Last year

It didn't look like that to me it looked like the usual confected college coach spray. And when talking to the media afterwards he seemed very calm and collected if a little sheapish.

He knew it was being recorded so some of it was likely a message to the members that he's serious about winning and not just on a paid holiday here.

Reply #950037 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Last year

No one knows how often this happens throughout a season, and I think we need to stop assuming anything about Wells. From all reports, he has been doing a reasonable job. As I said in another thread, it is really unfortunate that this just happened to be caught on camera and then reported upon because it just fuels more perception of limbo. It really is the last thing Adelaide needed (Not that I feel sorry them) and we are the people who amplify it.

Reply #950038 | Report this post

Big Ads  
Last year

I am in no doubt the players have witnessed a coach behave in this manner at trainings previously.

The profanity and the slamming of the coaching board (were the papers flying all over the floor CGI?..... joking, but it added another level of drama!) are not troubling to me, and I suspect the players moved on quickly (unless it is a frequent occurrence which will become a source of frustration for the players).

However, Coach, knowing cameras were present, clearly makes a point of blaming the players for making him "look like an idiot". Translation: I am not the problem, it's you, and I am happy for the public to perceive you as such.

For most of the local players, I doubt that going down well and is likely to linger well beyond the moment.

Like others have said, with cameras around, this is a behind closed doors discussion with the worst offender(s), and probably best assisted by recorded visual resources of games/trainings to provide constructive feedback to focus on the issue.

Wells attempt to humiliate the players, and whether cognisant of that or not, is a high-risk play given everything that has happened at the organisation in the past 10 months.

Should real performance pressure come down upon the team early in the season, the players are just as likely to turn on Wells out of insecurity due to moments like this, then play harder for him because to me it appears he has (perhaps inadvertently) a 'me' and 'them' dichotomy mindset.

What he says in front of the cameras when being questioned is all contrived to make him feel better about his actions.

Reply #950041 | Report this post

Last year

The pre season just before you play / travel and shits about to get real shake up. Don't want to be seeing it every week but every so often. Doubt he is the only one, just doing it in front of the cameras is the questionable one, bit bo one shoukd be concerned by it at this point.

Reply #950044 | Report this post

Last year

These are grown men in a professional sport environment. They can take it and it's fine that he’s done it. Sets a standard in a very clear way of what the players have to do and what the coach thinks is important.

Reply #950047 | Report this post

Last year

Wells' boss just posted above and said it's ok so nothing to worry about. That's a relief.

Reply #950054 | Report this post

Last year

As long as it's not every week, every training or game. And depends how the playing group feel about him. Often see Vickerman losing it in timeouts multiple times during the season, has the runs on board and respect of playing group. Plus having vets to reinforce what the coach is saying is important. That's the only real problem here, no 300 game hard nosed vet to back him up. DJ might be trying to be that leader, but has a long way to go.

I remember being told a coach has 3 bullets to fire during the season to give them a spray. Once you've used them all any subsequent spray is a blank. Maybe they needed this one, maybe Wells thinks he has a magazine to fire due to his background. Now he has to be careful when he uses the next one because you'd like to leave one in the chamber for late in the season if things are not working either with fatigue, injuries or selfishness.

Another thing I would say is something like this wouldn't have happened with CJ, like having your Nanna tell you off. Still early days with Wells, either thinks he needs to establish himself as a hardass or he's just that loudmouth who'll get drowned out. Could see that early on with Sydney last year, no real leaders on the court and coaches lost their players, especially Valentine from memory, got dragged for any little thing and the whole Glover thing was weird.

Anyway Scotty and Brett are sitting back along with many others munching on the popcorn. Wonder what's happening in that little legal battle.

Reply #950061 | Report this post

Last year

Wells' boss just posted above and said it's ok so nothing to worry about. That's a relief.


Reply #950065 | Report this post

Last year

In this era players expect a different approach. Not sure he'll connect "well" with his team and get buy-in with temper tantrums.

Note the difference between a spray and a temper tanty. This was the latter.

The last 5 or 10 years, the dial has shifted and players expect a different style of relating to their coach. That old school authoritarian, yell and get angry, throw my clipboard on the ground, that old style doesn't connect with players in the 2020's.

Nailed it.

Reply #950066 | Report this post

Last year

It is almost like management possibly had a whisper with Wells prior to the session and told him he has to win the first 2 games otherwise he will get the boot immediately. You know, they now have a brutal reputation to uphold!

Then if you really want to flex some muscle, the next future 36ers coach may actually be hired and fired on the same day.....

As for the spray. Not an ideal example of communication for young coaches coming up through the ranks, but time will tell if it works for this group of players.
In years gone by this video clip may have made the evening news that night but then over with. Mostly adults would have viewed it, and you probably only got to see it once. But with social media speed and reach these days, I wonder how many really young kids have already viewed this multiple times?

Reply #950070 | Report this post

Last year

I agree with Gaze, Wells only has a few of these in a season before it loses its effect. Hopefully it's about setting a tone early Coach Pop style.

There is a valid point by LV that this kind of shtick is no longer accepted by the current generation and younger players.

It’ll be interesting what happens from here!

Reply #950075 | Report this post

Last year


Reply #956393 | Report this post

Last year

Just what I was thinking Perthworld.

Reply #956396 | Report this post

Last year

Those who know, know.

Reply #956416 | Report this post

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