"Permission to Train" is just that ... a permission to train at another association. Nothing more. It is not a request to transfer associations.
A PTT form is supposed to be a confidential request that is sighted by four entities ...
1/ The player requesting the PTT
2/ An authorised representative of the player's existing association.
3/ An authorised representative of the association the player wishes to train with
4/ An authorised representative of Basketball Victoria.
The authorised representatives of the associations are usually the DOCs.
It is implied that PTTs are not discussed beyond the entities described above. And I would suggest that any authorised representative talking out of turn would constitute a breach of trust that would have bigger implications - especially if the association requested to grant the PTT decides to publicise the PTT requests
It should be noted that PTTs can be time limited and the typical duration is between 2 to 4 weeks.
Any association that restricts a player's opportunities within, and then tries to hinder them for looking elsewhere is not doing it's job properly imho.
You can't have a bet each way. Either give that player a decent opportunity, or give them the freedom to chose to go elsewhere.
In my experience, any player requesting a PTT at another association has usually decided to move already, often because they perceive they have not been given the opportunities they expected. Players that are truly valued by an association rarely, if ever, request PTTs unless there are extenuating circustances (eg. moving a long way away from an association.)
And in the case where an association denies a PTT request, Basketball Victoria can investigate the situation and overturn it if the association cannot reasonably justify the denial.