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G2 - Boomers vs China

Tonight 7:30pm EST on Kayo Freebies.

Topic #52076 | Report this topic

Last week

Looking forward to this .....concerned by our lack of players who are flat out scorers / have x factor.

Have a lot legit tweeners players who do all of the basics really well but we are missing a flat out scorer

Reply #943473 | Report this post

Last week

Hence why we need Jack McVeigh

Reply #943474 | Report this post

Last week

Very interesting tweet from Olgun - Jack White, DJ, Reath and Thybulle are all in street clothes and hence probably not playing.

You would assume that White and DJ ain't making the cut then.

Reply #943475 | Report this post

Last week

DJ was never making the cut

Reply #943476 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Last week

Given that DJ and White got limited minutes in the first place and didn't produce anything that stood out I can only imagine that this means they're cut which is little surprise. Probably the first two guys you'd expect.

Thybulle and Reath surely are on the team so they must just be looking at how other players mesh at those positions. I think there's a logjam at forward that they're trying to sort out. And I think Magnay just needs to show he can play with Landale to make the cut

Reply #943477 | Report this post

Last week

I'd imagine they’d be the first two cuts.

Frankly, the below is my preference. I understand there’s no way this is what will actually occur.

I value the extra big, and if we really wanted another smaller PF both Ingles and Thybulle could fit that for spot minutes.

I favour Exum starting over Mills. Probably better offensively and definitely defensively now. He’s also a solid alternate point guard.

I know I’ll get killed for this but, I feel like Dyson Daniels is still struggling a bit with less space and more physicality, plus we already have athletic players in Exum, Green and Thybulle, why do we need another? I’d rather just chuck a sharp shooter in (and actually use the sharp shooter this time).

C Reath/Magnay
F Landale/Cooks
F Green/Thybulle/Ingles
G Exum/Mills/Goulding
G Giddey/Dellavedova

I know that McVeigh isn’t listed. I bloody love McVeigh, he’s just such a likeable guy, he does the right thing both because of personality and the way he has been coached by Roth and he brings a fantastic psychology to the game. I just don’t see him being picked over Thybulle or Ingles or Cooks, so that’s why I didn’t include him.

I’m backing that he will be included, probably at the expense of Magnay in which case I think Boomers are lacking a big, or Goulding in which case they’ve top ended a little too much.

Reply #943478 | Report this post

Last week

Ingles isn't up to it any more, but still he will go ahead of McVeigh as you suggest.

But why would you take Goulding as a sharpshooter when McVeigh scores just as well and is taller and younger?

Reply #943483 | Report this post

Patty looks like an NBL1 player.

Reply #943484 | Report this post

Boomers coaching staff is completely useless. Boomers' offense system is terrible.

Reply #943485 | Report this post

Last week

To much refs involvement, Landale certainly adding starch to the middle. Kay doing what is required and will make it.

Reply #943486 | Report this post

The defense was great in the first quarter. But the offense was disappointing.

Reply #943487 | Report this post

Last week

Great defensive quarter, that's the focus and that's fine for now.

Clearly some rusty players offensively, let's not worry too much it's a warmup game.

Landale much better hard-showing and on the interior than Reath, definitely adds a fair bit.

Reply #943488 | Report this post

Last week

China are very average, boomers D been excellent. Do Inglis and Mills miss out is the big question.

Reply #943489 | Report this post

That lineup is the one that failed in the last World Cup. The Boomers coaching staff used this lineup as their starting lineup again today.

Reply #943490 | Report this post

We were terrible in the warm-up game last year. Many people said it would get better once the World Cup started, but it was still terrible.

Reply #943491 | Report this post

Patty is starting to look more like an amateur than an NBL1 player.

Reply #943492 | Report this post

Last week

Patty got old

Reply #943493 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last week

Surely goorjians last tournament.

Reply #943496 | Report this post

Hansen Yang is better than Landale.

Reply #943498 | Report this post

DJV is better than Mills.

Reply #943500 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last week

Kay been solid, his chance to shine today.

Reply #943501 | Report this post

Last week

Something wrong if Daniels makes this team, over rated. Giddey lucky they already love him, ordinary so far.

Reply #943502 | Report this post

Daniels is better than Mills.

Reply #943503 | Report this post

Last week

Kay, Magnay and McVeigh will be the non nba guys to make it. Hard to judge quality of boomers as China are so poor. Add Cooks to that list. Eight nba guys will go.

Reply #943504 | Report this post

Last week

Some great defenders on this team but any danger of a consistent shooter? Why is it that so many of our guards just cannot shoot?

Reply #943505 | Report this post

Last week


Reply #943506 | Report this post

Last week

Good game tonight for the Aussies, leading at the half. Patty Mills looks a bit spent and really needs to get his shots firing in time for Paris. I must say, Josh Green is looking like a breakout player. His game and confidence have really improved. He is a menace on defense, and his passing and shot-making ability have both gotten a ton better. I hope we see this in Paris and then a massive jump with the Hornets next season.

Reply #943507 | Report this post

The problem with Australia's guard position players is that they don't have a 3 And D. Players who can shoot 3-point shots have poor defense. Players who are good at defense cannot shoot.

Reply #943508 | Report this post

The players on the opposing team are only 19 or 20 years old. We have a really hard time scoring against such young players. Of course, the defense has really improved compared to the first game.

Reply #943509 | Report this post

Last week

Boomers +17 with Mills off the court 7mins
Boomers -3 with Mills on the court 13 mins.

Cumulative Boomers are -6 with Mills on the court across 21 mins.
Boomers are +40 with Mills off the court in 39 mins

Mills currently 1 from 9 combined ( a layup)

Dyson Daniels not much better.

Ouch !!

Reply #943510 | Report this post

The Select team is better than the Boomers.

Reply #943511 | Report this post

Last week

Who is in the select team?

Reply #943512 | Report this post

Last week

I'm also not sold on Dyson. Great kid and his attitude is tops, but he is still missing that killer beast in him. Looks a tad hesitant with the ball in his hand.

Reply #943513 | Report this post

Last week

Daniel's plays great D, should be there, Cotton would be very useful in this squad. Inglis is a certainty.

Reply #943516 | Report this post

Last week

Bryce would have been perfect to make up for the lack of consistent shooting!

Reply #943517 | Report this post

Last week

Ingles tough guy act is seriously cringe

Reply #943518 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last week

Ingles got to shut up, it will cost us a game.

Reply #943519 | Report this post

Last week

ready for Delly, CG3 and Joe to take over.

Daniels has lost me, he doesnt bring anything extra or new or required.

Reply #943520 | Report this post

Last week

"Inglis is a certainty" He shouldn't be but at least show his name some respect. It is Joe Ingles not Joe Inglis. Come on!

Reply #943521 | Report this post

Last week

Ingles looking good ... against poor opposition.

Don't be fooled into thinking he’s going to be effective against strong defences. His attitude doesn’t make up for his declining speed.

Reply #943522 | Report this post

I still think CG and Delly should not be selected. They don't score against teams like Germany, Spain, USA or Canada. But they do well against bad teams, so a lot of people will want them.

Reply #943524 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Last week

Tbf Goulding didn't get an opportunity.

Reply #943525 | Report this post

Last week

Boomers are combined +34 with Delly coming off the bench in 20 minutes.

-3 for Mills in 25 minutes.

Reply #943526 | Report this post

Last week

Hopefully the Boomers are more than just flat track bullies

Reply #943527 | Report this post

The only time CG did not get a chance was in the 2023 World Cup. Before that, he had numerous opportunities.

Reply #943530 | Report this post

Last week

Very hard to pick who to leave out against so poor opponents, Daniel's has done great, his D on its own should have him in.
Who and where are the next practice games, not a lot learned from this outing.

Reply #943531 | Report this post

Very hard to pick who to leave out against so poor opponents

I agree 100%. But we now have to select 12 players.

Reply #943532 | Report this post

Last week

Dyson Daniels probably ahead of Delly for me now, would expect him to be there

Reply #943533 | Report this post

Last week

They are certainly looking better than the World Cup, Landale on his own makes them a lot better.

Reply #943534 | Report this post

Last week

Daniels looking much better now, but he'll find it tough under the pressure put on by better teams. Delly’s experience would be more valuable to the team.

Reply #943535 | Report this post

Last week

Our faded ass yellow strip is ugly af. Hope we're not taking it to the Olympics.

Reply #943536 | Report this post

Last week

On what we've seen Mills should be in trouble.

When does squad get picked.

Reply #943537 | Report this post

Last week

Cool to see basically everyone find some shooting/general form.

Except Patty

Reply #943538 | Report this post

Last week

Giddey 25 minutes 5 assists
Patty 29 mins 3 assists - 1 from 13 shooting (a layup)
Delly 24 mins 11 assists

Most assists Delly 11, Ingles 10

I dont know how they cant take both Delly and Joe.
Giddey doesnt set anyone up, mostly drives and bail out passes.

Delly probably should be starting.

Reply #943539 | Report this post

Patty Mills vs China U21

0 PTS (FG 0-2)

2 PTS (FG 1-11)

Total - 2 PTS (FG 1-13)

Reply #943540 | Report this post

Last week

Team gets selected now ..... then off overseas to play warm ups against USA then Serbia.

Reply #943542 | Report this post

Comparing Giddey and Delly's assists is not fair. Come see once again who the teammates they played with were. Giddey mostly played with players who had no shooting ability.

Reply #943543 | Report this post

Last week

The preparation for the World Cup last year was so poor.

Followed up this year by another really poor preparation.

Meanwhile other teams have had selection camps, trainings and now in full international games.

Very disappointing.

Patty changing into other clothing (to promote) rather than team gear on the bench was a bit weak too.

Reply #943544 | Report this post

Last week

There are very few guys I trust to get the job done at both ends atm.
Super hard 12 to pick for me.

TV telecast listed the 8 "locks" as

I'm not even convinced about those.

I love the D we're capable of playing and the easy scores we're able to generate from it, but the same lineups that can do that can also struggle hard in the half court.

Reply #943545 | Report this post

Last week

Sure, here's a more engaging version:


Surprised to see Cooks on Gaze's list of locks. My gut says Goorj might pick him, but I don’t think he’s a sure thing. Kay could very well snag that spot.

Magnay is a solid lock—more so than Cooks, in my opinion. Gaze said Daniels shouldn’t be losing any sleep, but I think Daniels is skating on thin ice, probably on the bubble.

Biggest concern right now? Whether Patty can deliver what we need.

Joe Ingles? We’re definitely taking him, if only for his swagger.

Goorj played this game like a chess master, rotating 8.5 players each quarter, testing out combos and seeing who clicks.

One thing that stood out to me was the team plays so much better and so much more efficiently when it’s got a pure shooter out there so maybe we take both McVeigh and CG???

Tough decisions ahead, but I like this

C Reath/Magnay
F Landale/Cooks
F Green/Thybulle/Ingles
G Exum/Mills/Goulding
G Giddey/Dellavedova

Maybe McVeigh in for Delly??? Orrrrrr Joe ?@&#

It’s kind of like do we take an extra big ? Or an extra ball handler or an extra shooter?? I’m kind leaning towards shooters but that’s only if they are gonna play, if they aren’t realistically going to have minutes and be able to contribute, as in they are unplayable at that level then that changes the dynamic.

I feel like Exum is going to get all the backup pg minutes and play some wing minutes also...

Reply #943546 | Report this post

Last week

My 12

Mills, Delly, Giddey, Exum

Green, McVeigh, Ingles, Thybulle

Landale, Reath, Kay, Cooks

Daniels doesnt shoot the ball well enough 31% 3pt, Thybulle/Green basically take those minutes.
Magnay - not big enough against the big posts, offensively limited. Kay gets that spot.
Goulding - can shoot the ball, defensive liability. Cant play him with Patty as then 2 poor defenders, Giddey wont move the ball enough to get him open. Can only play him with Delly and Delly would be a reserve option. McVeigh takes that position.

Reply #943547 | Report this post

Last week

Dont think Cooks is a lock. His rebounding maybe?
Mcveigh - makes team for me. Versatile, ability to score late in clock when plays fall apart. Stretch 4/3
Delly - NO.... lets move on.
Goulding - Maybe, as a bench shooter, dosen't do much else.
Daniels - YES.... based on defensive ability.
Ingles - Yes... just. Glue guy, energy, potty mouth
Magnay - YES... Back up big, rebounder, Hack foul when needed. big body to beat up the euros.

love our versatility, positionless ball. Guys like green, dante, mcveigh ability to play multiple spots.
Exum playing point when needed.

Reply #943548 | Report this post

Last week

Agree with the analysis above

"But why would you take Goulding as a sharpshooter when McVeigh scores just as well and is taller and younger?"

I explained that a bit - that'd be top heavy with 8 out of 12 players filling forwards and centres. I think we have to acknowledge the real risk that Mills won’t be able to contribute much even as a backup, and that’s then 3 players across guards.

If you want McVeigh in, then you’re probably taking out Ingles which I don’t think will happen, plus he actually is a high percentage shooter. We want to add shooting not replace it or remove it. Alternative is replacing Magnay, which I’m adamant we need against the Euros especially Giannis if it comes to that.

I’d have loved to see 2 things tested v China. Firstly Giddey playing a more point forward role where if he has the ball early it’s an advanced pass up the floor otherwise playing an off guard role where the ball still goes through him for his passes but he isn’t allowed to dribble unless he’s driving.

Secondly testing finding Mills open for the three point shot rather than him working hard to get the off balance shot or forced to make space for himself with an off the dribble shot. His legs can’t deal with that anymore, either he’s a set shot shooter or he’s not playable. If they can’t find ways to make him open, they’re in trouble.

Reply #943550 | Report this post

Last week

@Hooping - you're on the money with Patty wearing that dumb jacket

Reply #943552 | Report this post

Last week

"Our faded ass yellow strip is ugly af. Hope we're not taking it to the Olympics."

No, ASICS is the Australian Olympic Team supplier. Their Olympics basketball strip made the news for the comments by the Boomers players.

“Team gets selected now ..... then off overseas to play warm ups against USA then Serbia.”

vUSA is on Kayo I think!

Did I hear correctly on the coverage that they play France as well just before the Olympics or did I mishear?

Reply #943553 | Report this post

If Mills is selected, I think he should play off the bench.
I've been saying since last year's warm-up game that he should play off the bench.
But I don't know if he would accept playing on the bench.

Reply #943554 | Report this post

Last week

ESPN Aus seem to be showing all the "USA Basketball Showcase" games.

Thurs July 11 12:30pm AEST - USA vs Canada - Las Vegas
Tues July 16 1:00am* AEST - USA vs Boomers - Abu Dhabi
Wed July 17 1:00am* AEST - Boomers vs Serbia - Abu Dhabi
Thurs July 18 1:00am* AEST - USA vs Serbia - Abu Dhabi
Sun July 21 5:00am AEST - USA vs South Sudan - London
Tues July 23 5:00am AEST - USA vs Germany - London

*USA Basketball's website has the Abu Dhabi games tipping off at 2am AEST, I imagine this is a miss time by ESPN.

Reply #943555 | Report this post

Last week

I'd love to see spurs Patty off the bench but I don’t think it’s gonna happen, I think Goorj will ride or die with Patty

Reply #943556 | Report this post

Last week

Also the NBA YouTube channel is streaming the French warm up games. I'd imagine the Boomers game might be geoblocked if someone else picks up the rights for Australia, but in case no one does, someone will be covering.

The commentary for the Turkey game didn't seem that flash though.


Reply #943557 | Report this post

Nothing has changed for the Boomers since the World Cup. The Boomers should have changed their coaching staff as soon as the World Cup ended. The lineup and rotation were poor. They said they were testing the lineup and rotation, but the opponent was the Chinese U21 team. There are only two warm-up games left.
The young select team that went to Japan showed a more interesting and better offensive system than the Boomers.
The Olympics are not something that happens every year or two. Although it is being held for the first time in three years due to the coronavirus, the Olympics are held every four years.
You can't win even one game without change.

Reply #943558 | Report this post

Last week

My 2 cents:



Reply #943559 | Report this post

Ballin Fan  
Last week

surprised but liked the fact that Gorj changed up the attack with stuff from his clipboard,
i am guessing to find out who can execute as directed..

I am bringing in Kay to replace Cooks for his corner shooting because the defense is anchored by almost non shooters.

Giddey, Daniels, Exum, Mills.
Green, Thybulle, Ingles, McVeigh,
Landale, Reath, Kay, Magney.

and not too many minutes for those starting with M...

Actually tough to even pick Mills though on what we saw this week, and Giddy's passing at times just seemed one bounce too late, but i am not brave enough to not pick them and i dont see viable options for what they could deliver.

Reply #943560 | Report this post

Last week

A defining moment in Australian basketball is in Goorj's hands, does he pick with heart or head? Still take Mills as a mentor / ass coach to the team but I fear the curtain should be drawn on a great Aussie basketballer on court.

Reply #943561 | Report this post

Cruella Deville  
Last week

WOW WOW WOW The men's olympic competition must be worried, the Boomers smash an under 21 Chinese team.

Read the comments & then watched the replay. Good to see different players getting a chance to impress but according to the commentators didn't really matter.

The game was disappointing for me as I didn't see the so called Boomers culture on display. Tough, professional & respectful to the game, playing the Aussie game.

Joe Ingles just hanging around outside time-outs not appearing to be engaged with what was happening in them. Then his behaviour on the court would have been hard to explain to any young player.

Patty Mills not wearing the team gear but instead decides to self promote, sad to see this.

It just appeared a complete shambles & very disappointing for me. No matter game results in the past I was always happy to see how this team represented themselves.

Now the basketball game

Asst coaches not seen assisting, oops sorry Goorj always had his board available

First 5 minutes we couldn't get a 3 in, we had multiple turn overs, so I was waiting for plan B or C or D?? Nothing changed so is this what's going to happen at the Olympics. I would've thought that this was the best opportunity to try out our other plans & see who could adjust but nope nothing was changed.

One has to hope that playing the 'NBA'style with a team of limited shooters will get us a medal, good luck fellas.

Reply #943566 | Report this post

Last week

Delly has apparently told his management that he's been told that he's in the team (Bogut's old sports management company).

Reply #943568 | Report this post

Mills was the Boomers' best player and a legend. My favorite player is Mills. But this time he was really disappointed. The Olympics is an event that takes place once every four years. Only 12 Players can participate. This is a difficult competition for all basketball players to participate in even once in their lives. Mills was the best player and a legend, but if he is not ready, he should not be selected. He shouldn't be starting and given playing time if he's not ready.

Reply #943569 | Report this post

Last week

I wondered why Patty looked to be in 'streetwear' as well, just before halftime maybe, I thought he must be finished for the night, but even so still weird. Then he started the 3rd or 4th, can't remember which. wtf?

Reply #943570 | Report this post

The final team for mine:

Giddey / Exum / Delly
Green / Mills
Thybulle / McVeigh / Ingles
Reath / Kay
Landale / Magnay

Reply #943572 | Report this post

Last week

See I like that team, it just means expected locks in Cook and Daniels don't get the nod which is hard to see happening.

Reply #943573 | Report this post

Last week

wow apparently no Thybulle and Cooks. Wasnt a big fan of Cooks (esp free throws) but thought his Sydney Kings connection would get him over the line and gone with a stronger body in Magnay. Daniels over Thybulle, as mentioned Thybulle didnt play a lot of minutes last year.
Delly over CG3

Reply #943580 | Report this post

Last week

The Australian Boomers team for the 2024 Paris Olympics has been finalised, sources told ESPN.

Josh Giddey
Dyson Daniels
Josh Green
Patty Mills
Danté Exum
Jock Landale
Duop Reath
Joe Ingles
Jack McVeigh
Will Magnay
Matthew Dellavedova
Nick Kay

Reply #943582 | Report this post

Last week

Outstanding work Patty"TheGOAT"Mills, you were a single selection out!

Seems to be coverage in all areas, although I will admit I am surprised to see Thybulle out. It will be all up to being able to hit some shots from outside.

Good luck boys, we are all behind you!

Reply #943594 | Report this post

Last week

Patty"TheGOAT"Mills has been outstanding with his Boomers-related posts including updating us on how awful Mills' performances have been this season.

(Apparently the herd mentality on here is to only post good things about Aussie NBA players.)

Reply #943692 | Report this post

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