Years ago
wood up, ballers? last night we ventured into the unknown.....a foreign place to most auzzie ballers..........4 on 4 and 5 on 5 full court pick-up action. that's right slackers, you heard me, i wouldn't lie to ya, at least not today, i'm in a good mood. we didn't exactly start on time however, 'cause some nuff-nuff, i won't call any names, forgot his gym-shoes. how does one forget his kicks, that equivalent to taking a number "2" and forgeting to wipe!!! ANYWAY, the games were competitive,fun & necessary. damn some of these guys are out of shape and need the extra fitness. i wont' call any names,zane, but they know who they are. who showed up? can't tell ya, you just had to be there! as for those of you who are inquiring, "WHAT'S THE BIG DEAL ABOUT PICK-UP BASKETBALL"?well, actually, there's no big deal........it's simply basketball at it's purest form. it can only assist one in developing good instincts that are crucial for acquiring the all important, "KNOWLEDGE & UNDERSTANDING OF THE GAME". for example, do the sixers play structured ball or pick-up with a little structure? which is easier/harder to defend? more entertaining? more fun to play? has any of you seen, "THE MATRIX". many of you out there represent the "AGENTS" and a few of us represent "NEO". DO YOU... UNDERSTAND THE GAME? POWER TO THE PICK-UP!!!