Earlier this year

FDP Tryouts

My daughter has been nominated by our club to try out for the FDP. She was stoked to be asked but is also very nervous. Can anyone who has been involved shed some light on how the first sessions are run so i can help put her at ease?

Im pretty realistic about where she is at with her game so dont have grand expectations, I just want her to enjoy the experience and go in with confidence.
The fact she was even nominated absolutely made her week!

Topic #52018 | Report this topic

Earlier this year

Your Director of Coaching should be able to assist you, hopefully may even give her and any other nominated players a session prior to trials.

Reply #942117 | Report this post

Earlier this year

FDP is a money maker. The kids are too young for this level of commitment. If you want to preserve your kids enthusiasm for the sport, give this a wide berth.

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Earlier this year

What does it cost if they make it?

I think the fee for the try out was about $45

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Earlier this year

from memory it's about $200, they make it cheaper than SDP to suck you in.

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Earlier this year

How many weeks does it go for?
$200 for 2 weekly sessions isnt bad value i reckon.

Reply #942150 | Report this post

Earlier this year

It is worthwhile, but not the end of the world if they don't get selected. The selection process is necessarily subjective and done pretty quickly without other inputs from club or rep performances, so a bit of a lottery. If you get in, you are automatically seen as a good player, because you got in - that bit is wrong, and have seen so many non- FDP / SDP kids beat FDP / SDP players on a Friday. So, not the be all and end all, but worth taking the opportunity if you can. It is what it is. Good luck!

Reply #942172 | Report this post

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