Last year

development at 36ers arena

was at the Lightning game Saturday and noticed some signage about development at 36ers arena in Findon.
Is this going ahead and what is the timeline ? It looked very impressive.

Topic #51691 | Report this topic

Last year

May as well bump this:

Reply #933390 | Report this post

Last year

Reply #933391 | Report this post

Last year


Are there actually any plans for upgrading the arena itself? Seems like it'd be a good idea to increase the capacity to 10-11k

Reply #933396 | Report this post

Last year

Not too sure how you could increase the actual capacity given the setup.

Reply #933397 | Report this post

Last year

It could only be a revamped front which this redevelopment probably kills, or above the boxes tbh.

Reply #933400 | Report this post

Grote 12  
Last year

The plans have no extra seating included as per the link above.

They havent updated that page and the link inside to the article on that page since 2021.

Good to see some movement atleast but surely they could keep the public updated with the progress.

What they are pitching is what Adelaide needs! The arena itself getting more seats would be even better. An overall sporting facility that is atleast upto 2021 standards would be nice.

Especially since the Adelaide State Basketball Centre is more like a meh facility

Reply #933401 | Report this post

Last year

1) - I like 36ers at AEC - and if they keep getting good crowds...

2) - SBC is very good - yes it's not a 5,000 seat facility - but everything else is first class - I would imagine at some stage temporary or portable fold out grand stand seating for a couple of thousand could be on the cards.

3) - 36ers arena development looked good and with a couple more indoor courts too. Is there a need for more capacity ? how many times does it fill now ? (I don't go there very often)

Reply #933407 | Report this post

Grote 12  
Last year

1) - I like 36ers at AEC - and if they keep getting good crowds...
This is fine, its not bad, its just not a sports facility

2) - SBC is very good - yes it's not a 5,000 seat facility - but everything else is first class - I would imagine at some stage temporary or portable fold out grand stand seating for a couple of thousand could be on the cards.
SBC is average lets look at other states SBC, Vic new SBC is 18 courts! (how lucky are we to get an extra 4)

The WA center built in 2008 (16 years ago!) is bigger than our new SBC

3) - 36ers arena development looked good and with a couple more indoor courts too. Is there a need for more capacity ? how many times does it fill now ? (I don't go there very often)
Yes, regardless... if you dont build something thats bigger it will never be able to be bigger. Adelaide still has small town syndrome, build something that is actually state of the art, something that should last until 2040. not something for "Crowds in 2024"

In short every other state has much better facilities than what Adelaide has to offer and its getting sad.

Reply #933417 | Report this post

Last year

I think people have nostalgia for old 36ers crowds but the reality is those were a cult following with not that many casuals.

The crowds now are heavily family driven, very casual, much younger. No matter what stadium they are in, the atmosphere will be very different to the nostalgia days.

AEC is a more attractive option to the masses. Personally I find the cheapest seats to have a fantastic view and love the comfortable seats. It's better than John Cain Arena.

It is a shame though that the SA people voted against an inner city stadium, it is definitely time they finish the riverbank off properly and put a world class entertainment centre there.

Reply #933418 | Report this post

Last year

I always go for the cheap seats at the AEC, KET. Cost like $30, right up in the top corner, but the view is fairly unobstructed and still close enough to the court that you can see everything fine.

Reply #933419 | Report this post

Last year

i feel the entire game day experience is better at the AEC - was nothing wrong with Findon - just better at the AEC - restaurants / pubs close by, tram etc

Reply #933420 | Report this post

Double Dribble  
Last year

Cheap seats used to be better at 36ers Arena. They used to have general admin seats right behind the basket at the Eastern End. Could literally sit first row if you got there early enough. Not sure how many knew the general admin was there though.

Unrealistic to expect them to do that at AEC.

Reply #933421 | Report this post

Last year

" Unrealistic to expect them to do that at AEC."

It would be unrealistic to expect them to do that if they went back to 36ers Arena, unless crowds dwindled badly.

Reply #933422 | Report this post

Last year

The "new" 7 court SBC is exactly what district/domestic basketball needs (would be great if it could be further extended to 9 courts)
The Arena was fine 30 years ago as an elite stadium but the 3 courts never were great for local jnr/snr basketball (terrible spectator seating)
My understanding is that the BSA plan is to add two 900 seats extendable grandstands (like St Clair/Lights) which will give the "SHOW COURT" seating for around 2,000 which would be great for WNBL and NBL1 finals.
Once the front 3 courts have aircon it will be the premier local basketball facility in Adelaide.

Reply #933424 | Report this post

The Phantom  
Last year

Love the Powerhouse (up there with best venue name) but access was poor in terms of public transport. Also the snail pace of entering and leaving if you drove.
And spectating the 3 courts was truly horrible. Middle court you only had option of behind either basket and as a coach could really only coach one end with the other end really beyond earshot. Or if you had side courts there were even less vision unless you scored a seat next to bench.
Plastic seats were uncomfortable as well, but when that place was pumping when we had a decent team it was awesome. Ent Cent has more positives and advantages, but doesn't really feel the home of the Sixers.
At least the state is finally on the right track in terms of suburban stadiums and Hillcrest, Mt Barker and Marion have been replaced with modern courts.

Reply #933427 | Report this post

Last year

AFAIK the private property developer has state government money previously allocated to community indoor stadiums going to help pay for this privately owned building/development.

As everyone knows BASA like most things almost got the design right but didn't. Certainly didn't get the location right and sent themselves bankrupt with the loan they needed to take put to build it.

All said it loses big money every year to run.

New suburban stadiums are pretty with better facilities and more courts but a loss for the sport as they're council owned and privately run with basketball paying for the privilege of having about the same court access they used to at the old venues. Mitchell Park is a disaster and a complete waste of money.

Reply #933428 | Report this post

Last year

Went to the AEC for the first time last home game. Coming from the Gong where you're basically sitting on ply wood, the AEC is a fantastic stadium!

Reply #933431 | Report this post

Last year

How is Mitchell Park a disaster and a waste of money?

Reply #933439 | Report this post

Last year

Parking for starters

Reply #933441 | Report this post

Big Ads  
Last year

Until some one from Peligra provides an update, I doubt the redevelopment of the Arena will ever proceed as per the plans plastered all over the site.

Sure the toilets have been refurbished but the redevelopment plans have been up for a long time now and little has happened since.

As for stadiums, I am thankful for Council building and owning the new facilities, history has proven that asset management isn't in BSA's wheelhouse.

Mitchell Park is fine as a small venue and parking is only an issue 9 Saturday nights between march to august, and occasionally on a Saturday morning when other events are being held on the oval (which isn't too often).

Besides, isn't M.P. only an interim district stadium until the Shed is redevelopment into a 4 court facility (whenever that happens).

Reply #933538 | Report this post

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