Two years ago

36ers @ Hawks - Sun 31st Dec

First game of a double today.

Intriguing match, even though both teams residing in the bottom half of the ladder.

A win pulls the Hawks in to equal 6th. That would be huge for them. Plain to me that they've had a pep in their step lately, cool to see.

Adelaide have been shitful, but would surely recognise this is a winnable game and might give this a really good shake.

Picking Hawks by 5 but nothing would surprise me with the result.

Topic #51688 | Report this topic

Two years ago

@Ben. The way things are at the moment with the NBL you never know.
Hawks only played 15 games so a couple behind a few times ahead of them.
Great opportunity here at home.
Hawks win

Reply #933283 | Report this post

Two years ago

Hawke easily, they have some talent, Sixers just don't have it

Reply #933288 | Report this post

Two years ago

Hawks 19-12 at 1/4 time. Not much of a game so far.

Reply #933291 | Report this post

Two years ago

Here we go, Is Scott or CJ coaching? Same mistakes! Dech and McCarron on at the same time, and he continues to insult everyone's basketball intelligence by letting Galloway rot on bench! A 12 point quarter is disgusting, and yet he thinks the zero ability to score from Dech and McCarron will switch things up? This season can’t end fast enough for Adelaide! Holy crap.

Reply #933292 | Report this post

Two years ago

Oh wow, now Cadee, McCarron and Dech. FML.

Reply #933293 | Report this post

Two years ago

Isaac the only scorer on the court! Scott is lost. This isn't NBL1 pal.

Reply #933294 | Report this post

Two years ago

Love it when McCarron and Dech take early 3's in offensive sets. Looks so good.....FML. End this now please.

Reply #933295 | Report this post

Two years ago

Nice fight back from Sixers even though hawks got sloppy. Humphries is a beast, got be a boomer.

Reply #933298 | Report this post

Two years ago

36ers 41/40 at half time. 2 rubbish teams playing rubbish basketball. Only good thing it's close.
Imagine if 1 of these 2 teams make it into the top 6?

Reply #933299 | Report this post

Two years ago

Sixers bench is a huge problem at times as if they rest guys like Humphries, DJ and Kell at the same time they put out lineups with basically zero people on the court who can keep the score ticking over. Desperately needed a guy off the bench who can score. Galloway can at least hit a 3 and Cadee occasionally has some nifty moves, but Dech, Starling, McCarron and Marshall just can't provide enough offense to give the starters a decent chance to rest.

Reply #933300 | Report this post

Two years ago

Hawks start the first four minutes of the third quarter on a 23-4 run. Holy jesus.

As Hooper intimated, the Sixers style/game plan seems to have not really altered since CJ become the fall guy.

Reply #933301 | Report this post

Two years ago

LOL, 36ers shooting 12% from 3 after shooting like 18% against Perth.

Reply #933302 | Report this post

Two years ago

McCarron, Marshall, Dech, Starling and Galloway, what a lineup!

Reply #933303 | Report this post

Two years ago

Whats with Galloway jacking up shots nearly every possession?

Reply #933304 | Report this post

Two years ago

You blame him? He gets limited chances and produces almost every time he hits the court. It's crazy!

Reply #933305 | Report this post

Two years ago

Do not sign DJV unless you are going to pair him with someone that can create. Like Walton Jnr.

DJV will command big money but he cannot create offence other than jacking up contested shots.

Reply #933306 | Report this post

Two years ago

Just when you thought things could not get worse, we have the third quarter. Thank the basketball gods that Humphries is playing for the 36ers. That was a rabble.

Reply #933307 | Report this post

Two years ago

Galloway proving why he's anchored to the bench.

Reply #933308 | Report this post

Two years ago

Humphries then daylight to the rest of Sixers, where to from here.

Reply #933309 | Report this post

Two years ago

Humphries, DJV, Mccarron, and Cadee are all Boomers. But they are clustered near the bottom of the league.

Reply #933310 | Report this post

Two years ago

Another game this week where it feels like the final score flattered the 36ers.

Reply #933311 | Report this post

Two years ago

If Ninnis wants to coach again next year, he needs to show he can install a defensive plan to protect Humphries from pick and roll action. It's as simple as that. Clock’s ticking!

Reply #933312 | Report this post

Two years ago

Nothing worse then big working their arses off and spuddie forgets to box out, too busy trying to sneak down the floor for cherry picking.

Dump Cadee give some kid from Morphett Vale who doesn't even have a pair of playing shoes a go. Couldn’t get any worse.

Reply #933313 | Report this post

Two years ago

Instead of protecting Humphries in the pick and roll, how about he play some actual defence for a change.

As for Galloway, I don't understand the obsession, there’s a reason he doesn’t play, he isn’t very smart, or good. Being athletic isn’t enough.

But it’s typical Adelaide, look at Ian Clark, great for Sydney, was bad for Adelaide, and is legit again for Melbourne. What’s the common denominator?

Reply #933315 | Report this post

Two years ago

Sixers supporters, Humphries is clearly your best player and plays reasonable D, not every player is defensive player of the year. Coach has to design defensive strategies for the team to cover some players weak points, same with offence. Ninnis has proven he can't be a candidate for the top job. Bring new coach and new assistants, pick players that coaching group want.

Reply #933316 | Report this post

Two years ago

Just horrific basketball. Hard to describe how truly awful that display was. Isaac Humphries being the only real positive to come out of that game. Trentyn Flowers is barely good enough to be an NBL standard player let alone a starter. Why do we have to put up with watching the work experience kid on the court? It's an insult to the fans. Of course he wasn't the only bad player out there tonight, but he's done nothing to deserve these minutes. It's the definition of insanity. Doing the same thing and expecting a different result. Wiley on the other hand has been one of our best players this season but had an absolute shocker tonight - his worst game for the season.

I live interstate and I'm going to my first game against United this Friday. For the first time I can remember, I'm not looking forward to it. What a sad state of affairs.

Reply #933317 | Report this post

The Phantom  
Two years ago

The only coach that will be attracted to the job is a g league guy who sees it as a stepping stone to an NBA assistant job. They'll also probably try and bring ideas that don't work in this league. Would say Weaver was ok, but he had a talented squad that Buford inherited. Duncan, Morrison and now Abdelfattah have shown their concepts don't really work, and put Buford in charge of a mid level team and I have no doubt he would have struggled as well. Even Rillie who was based there for a long time has only gotten Perth in the finals race because basically the league sucks ATM and Cotton is back to his MVP level.
Even if Caporn or Neilson were stupid enough to take the job I have no confidence in success. If they throw money at Gorjian, they'll be successful but with a huge payroll.
Tasmania lucked out getting Roth, knowledge of league, creating a culture as well as being a pretty good coach aren't exactly abounding in the league for a first time coach who's done an apprenticeship, else we're back in the realms of CJ again.
Then there's the recycling option like Lemanis, Fearne, Dennis etc (who are mostly in a better paid and better environment) so they won't be coming especially knowing what a toxic job it is.
Could the club look left field like Europe, but 100% management will clash almost immediately.
If Scotty had shown even a tiny glimpse he was up to it, maybe, especially being a company man and desperate for the job. KB was a long serving assistant and has a good pedigree, but his recent forays in the local league have been mixed to say the least.
So I can see in the off season after a comprehensive review that and exhaustive search has resulted in Billy Bob Johnson of the G League being announced as the new head coach. He'll come with an impressive resume with the goal of returning the club to the championship level by playing an up tempo game with a fun an entertaining offence and a backbone of aggressive defence. In other words plenty of 3s (FML, I sound like that idiot Jacket) and switching everything on defence. DJ will get a 3 year 1.4 million dollar contract, Baynes not far behind and some other random free agent that will be overpaid. Maybe Kyle Adnam might be the answer, or the Webster brothers. Or even Daniel Johnson returns. Then a 2/3 import that played a handful of NBA games that will come in and either be sacked in the preseason or sulk on the bench when he realises it ain't no cupcake league.
So at this same time next year I can see the franchise in exactly the same situation, I really really hope otherwise so I could enjoy going to a local game and win or lose, go home with a good feeling that basketball is back in Adelaide. But until the team is sold, I won't hold my breath.

Reply #933323 | Report this post

Two years ago

"Humphries, DJV, Mccarron, and Cadee are all Boomers. But they are clustered near the bottom of the league."

How many major tournaments have those four played between them?

Reply #933349 | Report this post

Two years ago

You need two, three excellent players and another six that can fit in the system who play D. Switching is fine with good defenders that communicate.

Any quality nbl1 coaches that over the years have had success, even players, scoure the local leagues, there is talent out there, to often overlooked.

Reply #933351 | Report this post

Two years ago

Would chasing Tatum be an idea for next season?

Reply #933352 | Report this post

Last year

In case it wasn't clear above, I think Humphries is the best player the Sixers have. That's why the coach has to be able to install a defensive scheme to protect him in the pick and roll - so he can stay on the floor!

Last two games, opponents have destroyed the Sixers in the 3rd quarter by putting Humphries in the pick and roll. He knows he doesn't have the footspeed to recover to the rim, so he doesn't come all the way out to defend the screen. So all the guard has to do is navigate a good pick and pull up for three! When he does go further out, the guard just goes straight to the rim and scores at will.

Humphries isn't the only slow big man in the NBL. Other coaches have defensive schemes to try to cover for this, but somehow the Sixers can't figure it out!

Reply #933355 | Report this post

Last year

"But it's typical Adelaide, look at Ian Clark, great for Sydney, was bad for Adelaide, and is legit again for Melbourne. What’s the common denominator?"

Actually his stats are similar in all 3 seasons.

Beantown 100% correct. I still would have expected Humphries to show on the screens instead of letting Cotton have open 3's to get going. It is either extremely poor coaching or Humphries not doing as told. I think it is just poor coaching

Reply #933356 | Report this post

Last year

I definitely get the feeling that players look better when they're not at the 36ers. That probably comes down to coaching, roster imbalance, inconsistent minutes, style/strategy etc.

That’s the issue with signing a player expecting good shooting or something and then they come in and underperform. It happens so frequently that it has become obvious it’s a team game and has had negative impact on players.

It’s a compounding scenario and reflective of 5 plus seasons of not making the finals.

Reply #933358 | Report this post

Last year

Connor Henry had a lot to deal with in his first season, Giddey lack D for a start, but he was trying to put in a team first play at both ends, most regular punters thought he was poor, never got chance to change things when JVG got there, was gone. It's just gone downhill from there, no matter how much money they have spent.

Reply #933359 | Report this post

Last year

Would chasing Tatum be an idea for next season?

Based on what - a ridiculously small sample size?

Reply #933361 | Report this post

Last year

Adelaide were so naive thinking they could treat Conner Henry the way they did and then still be attractive to quality coaches to take his place. Reaping what they sewed.

Reply #933362 | Report this post

Last year

Yeah 100% agreed AnonyMM. My jaw hit the floor when they sacked Conner a few weeks before the season after the multiple quarantines he went through to get here! Absolutely callous thing to do and I think its likely the club is still paying the price for it.

Reply #933389 | Report this post

Last year

Wasn't it rumoured that they sacked him because he was wanting to bench DJ or some other sort of coaching decision?

This is what’s so hard about critiquing 36ers coaches - we never know just how hamstrung they are by management.

Normal clubs you let the coach make coaching decisions and if it fails you then hire a new coach.

What you don’t do is make decisions for the coach and then blame them when it fails.

If you’re a prospective coach like CJ was, you take the role because you never know when another HC gig will be available to you.

If the club then burns you, it’s going to look bad for the club when trying to hire seasoned reputable coaches, the type of coaches that will actively avoid a poisoned chalice scenario because they can and will know a better scenario will come their way.

Reply #933392 | Report this post

Q Anon  
Last year

Reliably told it is more to do with how the owner was allowed or more importantly, not allowed, to interact with the players in the locker room.

Blasting guys for +/- stats isn't something a coach should have to deal with.

Reply #933393 | Report this post

Q Anon  
Last year

I'll add that CJ was somewhere around the 5th person the HC job was offered to. It was already poison when he accepted. Now add the treatment of contracted players to the toxic mix and the situation has not improved.

Players talk, coaches talk.

The last 3 coaches haven't seen the end of their contract.When you have 3 disenfranchised coaches being contacted about how they felt about being in Adelaide , people are not interested in coming here.

Next coach will almost undoubtedly be an overseas person prepared to roll the dice on a career move who will pout aside the warnings.

Reply #933394 | Report this post

Last year


Ugh, +/- is a dumb stat when applied broadly without context, people should know better.

Reply #933395 | Report this post

Last year

Lots of coaches rely on the plus-minus stat, yes it can be deceptive in close games but if you are minus 15 and rest your team is around the zero mark, you are doing something wrong.

Reply #933402 | Report this post

The Phantom  
Last year

Unless Sydney are in the market, which is a very strong possibility, this sounds like Brian will head to Adelaide. Can't see a second stint with Hawks on the cards, and if Tatum wants it with the way he's going, should get the opportunity. How many clubs has Brian seen fold though?

Australian basketball legend Brian Goorjian has revealed his laser-focus ahead of the Boomers' upcoming Olympic campaign has seen him turn down domestic opportunities.

Goorjian has traditionally combined his Boomers role with a domestic coaching job, but the demise of the Bay Area Dragons has meant the six-time NBL champion is currently only pursuing his current national responsibilities.

"I have already had a few offers domestically that I wanted to do, but I wasn’t able to because I am committed to this thing (Paris) and it needs my full attention," Goorjian told Newscorp.

“The Olympics is the finish for me as the coach (of the Boomers), and that was the plan all along when I came back into it.

“Once that’s done I will definitely be coaching domestically, and I am wide open to whatever comes my way.”

Reply #933403 | Report this post

Last year

Given his past record, if he goes to Sixers then either they'll go boom or bust (or both).

I don’t want to see him coaching in the NBL again.

Reply #933404 | Report this post

Last year

Goorjian is extremely good at managing up. He is one of the very few coaches who could take control in Adelaide and turn things around, provided he had the right assistant coaches to provide the tactical nous.

Reply #933406 | Report this post

Q Anon  
Last year

Goorjian is possibly the only coach that can stand up to ownership

Reply #933408 | Report this post

Last year

I feel like if he did coach in the NBL it would be Vic or NSW.

But probably more likely Asia/Euro/US surely

Reply #933410 | Report this post

Last year

Goorjian would definitely be near the top of my list for the next coach. Definitely need someone highly respected, experienced and influential to build the right culture, bring in the right talent and convince the owner to be more hands off.

Reply #933411 | Report this post

Last year

He has good contacts for imports as well, he's expensive and his teams cost a lot but he gets results. Sixers obvious choice now, most other sides have their coaches, none deserve the punt as it stands. Tatum should be at hawks and Kelly done a very good job under difficult circumstances, Scheuler you would think safe, I can’t see any other changes either.

Reply #933412 | Report this post

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