Two years ago

Josh Giddey drama for real?

It's going to change his life if it is.

Topic #51608 | Report this topic

Two years ago

Are we supposed to know what you're talking about?

Reply #931090 | Report this post

Q Anon  
Two years ago

Allegedly he has been caught in a situation with an under age girl.

Reply #931091 | Report this post

Two years ago

It isn't looking good.

HS junior in the US is 16-17 years old.

Age of consent in Oklahoma is 16, so if true he may evade a criminal offence.

But he isn't Karl Malone's hue, so that card won't protect him.

Reply #931093 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Two years ago

You really hate to see this. While he might get away with this legally, due to age of consent laws, it is really, really, REALLY not a good look and he should know better. You're a multimillionaire with endless options, what do you want with a 16 year old girl?

I am not going to call the kid a pedophile - he's a kid himself. I think that would be a step too far. By someone needs to grab that kid by the ear and drag him into the house and sort him out. This is the kind of thing that ends reputations and careers

Reply #931094 | Report this post

Two years ago

That Twitter account doesn't exist, and I can find no mention of any of this anywhere.

Reply #931095 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Two years ago

Its actually trending on twitter. The original poster took it down but its been reposted here ----

Reply #931096 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Two years ago

I am talking to some people who know Josh family and I am hearing everything from she's 18, to 15, and that he may not know her age due to the club thing (but then again him talking to her brother on a video may bring that into question). Its all very much a grey area but it doesn't look great. Lets wait and see what we find out before we throw around any harsh labels but its definitely gearing up to be a potential scandal.

Reply #931097 | Report this post

Two years ago

Jeez I hope there's nothing in this.

Reply #931098 | Report this post

Two years ago

Its actually trending on twitter.
Twitter has been taken over by Nazis, I have zero interest in using it.

Basically a Twitter user claims she's underage and that's it? Solid evidence.

Reply #931099 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Two years ago

I think the story has legs and isnt just a random conspiracy theory but remains to be seen what's next

Reply #931100 | Report this post

Two years ago

It's blowing up. Definitely has legs. Hoping it's not as it seems but doesn't look good at this stage.

Reply #931101 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

He had sex with her, pretty clear from the evidence. Her age is what's unknown. Rumours from 14 to 21y.o

Reply #931102 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Two years ago

I think given the nature of the videos and snaps coming out, it is exactly as it seems and no, it's not good at al. The question will be what age of consent is in the jurisdiction where this happened. In some states it's 16, others its 18. And then there will be question of legal proof. As I am pretty sure if the girl says nothing happened there may be little they can do, and Josh would be able to financially see to that. But this is a potential career wrecking thing. He's not too bright afterall. You dont play games with these things.

Reply #931103 | Report this post

Another Anon  
Two years ago

Even if legally ok, all the people that put time and effort into him must be so proud. Talking like an absolute banker.

Reply #931104 | Report this post

Two years ago

Gotta love people pretending to make a moral stand about this while continuing to spread pictures of the girl involved.

Reply #931105 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

A post has come up on reddit of this years class photo making her 16 or 17, and the photos were taken in California.

Reply #931106 | Report this post

Another Anon  
Two years ago

If in Cali he's in trouble.
Though I'm sure they'll come out saying it 'was all a joke'.

Reply #931107 | Report this post

Two years ago

Given the Mann Act there's legal exposure regardless.

But again, can we stop doxxing the alleged victim? Difficult to suggest you're outraged on her behalf while continuing to exploit her.

Reply #931108 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

Changed his nickname from SLOB wizard to Kangaroo Karl...

Reply #931109 | Report this post

Two years ago

Imagine Koberulez talking about taking a moral stand!

" Gotta love people pretending to make a moral stand about this while continuing to spread pictures of the girl involved."

Yet ignores Kobe's “morals” and uses that handle....?
Yeah, and Twitter is the problem, lol.

Reply #931112 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Two years ago

If this person wasn't "doxxed" it wouldn't be known that she is allegedly underaged, meanwhile theyre both posting videos of themselves on public forums parading the fact that they're intimate in one way or another. I am not too concerned about her being doxxed. Neither party is blameless. If it is what it looks like she's going to come out of the woodwork anyway.

Reply #931113 | Report this post

Two years ago

But of course, if your intention is instead to shame a girl for having sex that's totally different.

Reply #931114 | Report this post

Two years ago

Neither party is blameless
There is no set of circumstances where this is true.

Either Giddey is in the wrong, and she's a victim, in which case her privacy should be respected and she deserves precisely zero blame for anything that's going on, or they're just two dumb kids who did some dumb shit and people should leave them the fuck alone. Teenagers are idiots, that's what being a teenager is for, and having million-dollar NBA contracts doesn't provide any immunity from that (and yes, Giddey is technically in his 20s now, but he's still a kid).

But if she actually is underage, what good is being done by broadcasting her identity everywhere? How can you possibly claim to be upset about Giddey's behavior while spreading around pictures of her, sharing her school information, and so on?

Whichever turns out to be the case, leave her alone.

Reply #931117 | Report this post

Two years ago

I'm still outraged over his shitty FIBA game.

Reply #931118 | Report this post

Two years ago

A post has come up on reddit of this years class photo making her 16 or 17, and the photos were taken in California.

It could be worse - she could have been on a VJBL U14 team.

Reply #931119 | Report this post

twenty four  
Two years ago

Perthworld, those posts are about as good as a Josh Giddey pull up three. They ain't it.

Reply #931120 | Report this post

Two years ago

Hoping it isn't as bad as it looks - willing to wait for the full story rather than tik tok/twitter investigations - but even with a best possible outcome its not a good look.

Reply #931122 | Report this post

Pablo Escobar  
Two years ago

Needs a spin doctor. Anybody know one?? Maybe starts with the letter J.

Reply #931127 | Report this post

Two years ago

I was expecting "Josh Giddey caught in compromising position with Chelsea DOC, planning VJBL14 super team"

Reply #931129 | Report this post

Pablo Escobar  
Two years ago

Gonna have a stab and say it'll come out that she just scrapes in age wise.....and it's gonna cost a shitload in hush money.

Reply #931130 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Two years ago

If she's old enough so be it but if she's not you have to wonder what made him believe he could get away with it, while merrily sharing it on snapchat and facebook no less. It's just pure idiocy. Is the money getting to his head and making him think he's invincible?

Reply #931131 | Report this post

Larry Legend  
Two years ago

Ohh Shit .. they are saying 15yo. Damn!

Reply #931132 | Report this post

Larry Legend  
Two years ago

Damn! there is a highlight reel of Giddey going around to the music of R Kelly.

Reply #931133 | Report this post

Two years ago

ME, if she's 17 but he met her in a club, he might've had reason to believe she was 18? Until a couple of months ago, he was 20.

Reply #931135 | Report this post

Two years ago

I was expecting "Josh Giddey caught in compromising position with Chelsea DOC, planning VJBL14 super team"

In hindsight including a Chelsea reference was the obvious play.

Reply #931139 | Report this post

Two years ago

I thought Giddey was smarter than this. Disappointing

Reply #931141 | Report this post

Two years ago

The longer this drags out without any sort of clarification or statement from Giddy, the OKC or the NBA the worse and worse it looks

Reply #931144 | Report this post

Two years ago

ok lets be honest, when everyone met a person in an overage venue did you all request a copy of their passport before heading home!

Reply #931145 | Report this post

Two years ago

I just worry if it was that simple they (league, club, player) would have quashed all this by now.

The stuff going around on the socials is this is a bit more widespread than the one girl in the snapchat pic.

Reply #931147 | Report this post

Two years ago

SonicBoomer, it's Thanksgiving today so you'd think it'd be more difficult for a player, team and/or league's PR and legal staff to investigate and coordinate a response. Literally Thanksgiving dinner right now in Oklahoma.

They might stand him down for 'personal reasons' for the Philly game and work out who the individual is, confirm an age, ascertain roughly what occurred, the location, and check the repercussions.

Reply #931149 | Report this post

Two years ago

My insta feed was quickly overwhelmed with Giddey memes.

Reply #931152 | Report this post

Two years ago

Oh nooooooo.... Well that sucks.

All I can think about is the Obi-Wan to Anakin speech........ "You were the Chosen One!!!"

Reply #931153 | Report this post

Two years ago

Looks REALLY bad. Even if she is of legal age it's such a bad look and the damage is done. Hard to judge but how can you be that reckless. On a selfish note, why can we have 1 thing go right with Aus ball. C'mon Dyson.

Reply #931158 | Report this post

Two years ago

Not a good look for the NBL either now they have hitched their saddle to him

Reply #931159 | Report this post

Two years ago

Is the money getting to his head and making him think he's invincible?
I've never met a 20-year-old who needed money to feel that way.

Reply #931162 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Two years ago

There are a lot of considerations with this. My first question is what is her age? We're hearing anything from 15 to 18 at this point. Second question, did he know? Point against him knowing is them going to a night club - if they'd met there, he'd have no reason to believe she was underage. Point for him knowing, well he spoke to her brother on instagram. You'd think if he's in that close, he knows. And then we have the consent laws, and where any alleged violation happened. I am hearing laws in Oklahoma are 16 years of age, so he may well be okay legally if that's where things happened. If they happened in California where the laws I believe are 17 or 18, he may well have a legal investigation to face. And then you have what kind of evidence would warrant investigation, and would a potential silence from the girl in question mean no investigation will be undetaken? Well let's look at the dynamics of that. Provided she is not of legal age he cannot continue to see this girl. What kind of monetary reimbursement may she be expecting to keep quiet in that case? That's a hornets next in and of itself, while also admitting for a damn fact that she is a victim here. Then further on what will the NBA do? If she turns out to be of legal age in Oklahoma but yet, obviously not an adult, could the NBA still seek to put up some sort of punishment to him? And what of his sponsors? What about the Boomers? Do they "Mitch Creek" him? Giddey is playing some stupid game and may well win some stupid prizes. And even if she turns out to be 16, and it turns out to be legal in Oklahoma, and the NBA and the Boomers accept him as he is, there is still a hell of a knock to his reputation and the ONLY way it is ever seen in any kind of positive light is literally if 20 years time they turn out to be married, and the whole thing can be painted as some sort of wholesome "love at first sight" romantic thing. otherwise he will be seen as a predator by many in the media. This has been a hugely damaging event in his career and may yet fall quite a number of ways. I guess we'll see in the coming days!

Reply #931163 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Two years ago

"SonicBoomer, it's Thanksgiving today so you'd think it'd be more difficult for a player, team and/or league's PR and legal staff to investigate and coordinate a response. Literally Thanksgiving dinner right now in Oklahoma."

I am sure some of them are cutting dinner short to deal with this one. A lo on the line here.

Reply #931164 | Report this post

Two years ago

May be prudent for all to stop speculating and await whatever investigation/ press release comes out etc?

I don't think anyone can rush to judgement until all the facts and information has come out. A mistake/misunderstanding can have a lifetime of consequences.

I wouldn't trust social media, especially X or tic-tok, it’s by far and away a massive echo chamber!

Reply #931165 | Report this post

Two years ago

Wow, this is hugely disappointing... I just typed a lot and then saw some of the videos and deleted it... So it was an ongoing relationship when he was 19? Did they meet at the club or was he taking her there when she was underage? This isn't like it's a one time hookup and someone was on the prowl for some NBA player, this is really different... Thought that Josh had his head screwed on properly, but this is a really bad look... I know there's the legal age, whatever, and it's not like a 29yr old grooming someone, the age difference makes it less creepy, but still, ffs mate... Gotta be smarter than that... If he's sharing vids on social media, is anyone THAT stupid to do that knowingly with an underage girl?!?

I'm with you too, joshuapending, there's bigger things at stake, but have to admit that I had the same thought... Glad I ditched him already from my ESPN roto team...

Reply #931167 | Report this post

Two years ago

I don't need to worry about Josh on my Yahoo roto team. The four injured donkeys I have on the other hand though ....

Reply #931168 | Report this post

Two years ago

So he met her in a club. What's the minimum age of entry there? Is he then meant to check id as confirmation? Even if he asked her age, someone who fakes id (or evades security) is just as likely to lie about their age when asked. Giddey is being spoken about as a perpetrator, but based on the info release, it seems more likely that he is a victim of deception.

Reply #931170 | Report this post

Two years ago

And even if she turns out to be 16, and it turns out to be legal in Oklahoma, and the NBA and the Boomers accept him as he is, there is still a hell of a knock to his reputation and the ONLY way it is ever seen in any kind of positive light is literally if 20 years time they turn out to be married, and the whole thing can be painted as some sort of wholesome "love at first sight" romantic thing.
This feels like the same ballpark as Kobe's thing, and that cost him a year or two of sponsorships and he ended up a beloved figure not just of the NBA, but also of women's basketball.

Very different time, obviously—I was just watching the other night a Lakers game that occurred during Kobe's trial, and the TV coverage was hailing him as a hero for fighting through to compete on the court even with everything else going on around him, which would absolutely not fly today. That said, based on what we've seen so far it seems Giddey hasn't done anything as bad as Kobe did, either.

What kind of monetary reimbursement may she be expecting to keep quiet in that case?

Reply #931171 | Report this post

Two years ago

Yeah, it seems like a relationship, but without knowing more, it's just speculation on if he would know about her age or not... Those sort of social media videos about anyone is just a stupid thing to do, especially in this day and age, but doesn't give the impression of someone thinking between the ears...

Reply #931174 | Report this post

Two years ago

If you are looking at a 150m+ contract you don't let anything get on social media ffs

Reply #931182 | Report this post

Two years ago

NBA is investigating. OKC PR has let Giddey talk to media at training (which could indicate any number of things) and he's given a no comment.

Reply #931184 | Report this post

Two years ago

Getting more legs by the day. Was the lead story on this morning

Reply #931185 | Report this post

Two years ago

So confirmed it's false then?

Reply #931186 | Report this post

Two years ago

That's a negative at this stage "L"

Reply #931187 | Report this post

Two years ago

Talk about following the career paths of others.

Sixers -> draft - > OKC -> bust

Reply #931190 | Report this post

Two years ago

I've heard she's either 15 or 16 and goes to Newport HS. The whole thing is gross, what is a guy with plenty of age appropriate options doing going for a high school kid? It's seriously not okay. There REALLY needs to be more education in the league and everywhere else on these kinds of things. He should know better.

Reply #931191 | Report this post

Two years ago

Also I'd say he does know since there's videos out there of him in videos calling her "his girl" himself.

Reply #931193 | Report this post

Two years ago

Say he's out of the NBA because of this... do the Sixers pick him up?

Reply #931194 | Report this post

Two years ago

If it is legal (obviously dependant on age and the consent laws of 'that' location) then he has nothing to answer for, especially by the NBA.

Of course we will never understand certain proclivities especially by someone that would have many more options than the regular man on the street.

Reply #931195 | Report this post

Two years ago

Videos of the girl screaming a jovial celebrations clearly indicate she's not upset about it - not at the time at least, and, let's be honest, at this point she's potentially rubbing her hands at the likey possibility of making some big dollars from this which is unfortunately not uncommon.

Not saying the club is at fault in any way, but it begs the question whether young NBA dudes are being adequately counselled by their clubs or the league on the need to be more discerning when it comes to predatory women and/or opportunistic underage girls.

Money, fame & skill doesn't necessarily preclude anyone from making mistakes or errors of judgement.
Also makes it harder when fame can often unavoidably inflate one's ego (it often comes with the territory to some degree)

If we assume the general theme of her being 16 is accurate, I find it bizzar that it was totally legal in one state, yet criminal in another.
As if state borders intrinsically define what's criminal in this case.

We can't necessarily know that Giddey was aware of her being technically underage given that they met in an overage venue.
Or...he may have.

Notwithstanding the reasonable grounds for his actions to be criticised, it was consensual, not a huge age gap....and not even close to what the mailman did.

Reply #931203 | Report this post

Two years ago

On point 2, I also meant for dudes to also exercise more discretion in such scenarios

Reply #931204 | Report this post

Two years ago

Gross suggest it's more common that women make these things up or "do it for the fame" (in all seriousness, what fame? A few tiktok views...seriously give me a break) and/or money (it seems she isn't the one who has even expressed concern over it, more likely others have worked out her age and shared the content due to her age), is both inappropriate, wrong and blatantly enabling of bad behaviour.

It's likely she's a starry eyed underage girl who doesn't understand how damaging this is for him. For her, she's bagged an NBA star and her friends probably think that's cool. She's too young to get that it can seriously cause problems for him and the issues around laws and aoc.

With him it depends if he brought her to the club and knew her (hence knowing her age) OR if he met her at the club and may have been genuinely clueless.
His comment that she was "his girl" and talking to her brother on the phone, plus her brother saying he and his sister were going to come watch his next game in SAC suggests he may know her more than just casually at the club.

I guess we shall see.

Reply #931206 | Report this post

Two years ago

@ Frog39 - you've never had a girlfriend at any age of your life and not called her your girl? I call my wife my girl all the time and she's well, legal several times over... With all the clear stuff to be concerned about, this was a weird choice that I think might say more about you...

@ Knockdown3 - this is certainly one of the more stupid parts of North American society and, without wanting to get into any political or Yank-bashing angles, (no matter how low hanging that particular fruit is) some states take it even further to a very disturbing point...

I just hope it gets cleared up quickly, it's still such a stupid situation to get into at a minimum...

Reply #931207 | Report this post

Two years ago

Most men don't say "this is my girl" if they've just met 5 mins before at the club. They also generally don't have chats with the brother.... I mean maybe if you're super drunk which he does look in the video. But generally it wouldn't be "this is my girl."

Reply #931209 | Report this post

Two years ago

You've clearly completely missed the point of what I said. My point is if you're calling them your girl it's likely he is aware of her age, therefore, guilty as opposed to ignorant. How did you not get that?

Reply #931211 | Report this post

Two years ago

Australian law differs from one state to another on many things, so I'm not sure why people find that concept so weird. That's kind of how borders work.

Reply #931212 | Report this post

Two years ago

Many things, yes, including the age of consent.

Reply #931213 | Report this post

Two years ago

Not sure if I'm missing something, but I don't think there's anything to suggest that Giddey first MET her at the club, which is the conclusion that some have reached.

Devils advocate, but completely possible it was already an ongoing thing, and he just took her to the club with him.

The "my girl" thing and messages to her brother also suggest this unfortunately.

The fallout of this could be mega. For Australian Basketball as a whole. Hope not.

Reply #931214 | Report this post

Two years ago

Thunder coach Daigneault saying Giddey is available and will play today as nothing changed and based on "information they have at this point"

Reply #931217 | Report this post

Two years ago

Innocent until proven guilty. Fair enough.

Reply #931218 | Report this post

Two years ago

@Shaggy - i read Thunder PR clarified that Daigneault's 'not even a decision' comments, which many took as a sign Thunder organsiation not at all worried given 'info they have at this point', are actually related to fact NBA has launched investigation. Not sure of the ins and outs of how NBA works but players association would also have strict rules about how players can be treated when under investigation so a lot of this could be just hands are tied.

So much to play out yet, but it's not going away any time soon.

Reply #931220 | Report this post

Two years ago

@MaxM agree, that was the point I was trying to make as well. Not sure why there's an assumption they only met at the club and didn't go together.

Reply #931225 | Report this post

Two years ago

They also generally don't have chats with the brother....
My guess on that is that she told Giddey that her brother was a big NBA fan and one of them decided to call him. e.g., one of "Do you want me to call and surprise him?" or "Call him, he won't believe it." He strikes me as naive more than conniving, but all this assumes that she wasn't 15ish and he was unaware of specifics.

I wonder if her parents advise her to go to ground, without evidence there's no viable investigation from a legal perspective, the NBA don't have enough official info to go on (no police process, victim statements, etc), and it just hangs around in memes and with away game crowds for a bit. But it could obviously play out very differently!

Reply #931226 | Report this post

Two years ago

The NBA care about perception and image. If she was under age when they first got together, he is likely done. If she is 16, then that will be legal however across America would not be acceptable. Something about not wanting multimillionaires sitting at high schools waiting to pick up.

Reply #931243 | Report this post

Two years ago

If she is 16, then that will be legal however across America would not be acceptable.

If it is legal then it is acceptable.

If no laws were broken I expect it to be BAU.

Reply #931245 | Report this post

Two years ago

A curveball is Chet has been deleting instagram photos with Giddey

Reply #931246 | Report this post

Two years ago

This just compounds how shit he has played this year. Be surprised if he's not on the chopping block regardless of these allegations.

Reply #931247 | Report this post

Two years ago

If it is legal then it is acceptable.
What a bizarre ethical framework.

Reply #931248 | Report this post

Two years ago

"Videos of the girl screaming a jovial celebrations clearly indicate she's not upset about it "

If she's under legal age it doesn't matter how she feels about it.

Reply #931259 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Two years ago

If she turns out to be legal then its legal. I don't see how the NBA can punish someone for doing something legal that is just a little bit frowned upon. The age of consent exists for a reason and it shouldn't be to shame consensual parties when someone is already over that age. That would be a "no harm, no foul, play on" situation.

I find the silence surprising here. I feel like if she were definitely over the age we would have quashed this by now. But I sense there are grey areas, maybe to do with whether the girl in the vidoes is the one actually being claimed about, or whether there is even proof anything happened. "I just fucked Josh Giddey" funnily enough may not be "evidence" as such as weird as it is to say. And if the girl isn't talking, then they've got nothing but suspicions. It's definitely interesting whatever is going on here.

Reply #931269 | Report this post

Two years ago

Just as your employer can punish/dismiss you for something legal that is outside of what they consider acceptable, so too could the NBA here... in theory, anyway. The NBA Player's Union seems to have a lot of power/pull however, and the Miles Bridges drama shows the NBA is willing to keep their hands dirty - although it's entirely possible that the player's union has played a large part in that decision (or lack of) there also.

Personally the whole thing stinks to me regardless of how it ends up shaking out, and even the incel-esque tik tok vids folks have been sharing of Giddey are disappointing to me. He's a young dude sure, but seems like he is well and truly on his way down the wrong track, and it's probably not a coincidence that he's regressed on the court also.

Reply #931272 | Report this post

Two years ago

What are the incel tiktok videos?

The whole thing does stink, because even if it's legal and nothing happens, it's definitely baffling why a 21 year old with plenty of options his own age would be seeking a relationship with someone still at high school. Imagine one of the younger Melbourne United players waiting in the school parking lot at Wesley College to pick their girlfriend up. It's just cringe regardless. If they had more than a one night stand, it speaks a lot to his mental space.

The grey areas could be due to not knowing when it happened, what age she was at the time. We don't know if it was last week or last year etc.

Reply #931282 | Report this post

Q Anon  
Two years ago

Wasn't JVG's role post 36ers to be Giddey's chaperon?

Reply #931283 | Report this post

Two years ago

Also not surprised regarding the Miles Bridge drama and the players union - the NBA is a textbook patriarchal institution. It's a "boys will be boys" environment and "what happens on the road, stays on the road" mentality.

I think the reaction a few years ago where a player ratted on one of his team mates for cheating and all the guys gave the guy absolute hell over it in the most toxic way. You only have to look at some of the personalities in the league to see how disrespectful some of their attitudes may be.

Reply #931284 | Report this post

Two years ago

"What are the incel tiktok videos?"

I don't have tik tok, but clips of them were being circled on Twitter with the "can't believe Giddey was making these about a 15 year old" type of text, and it's a series of "sketches", one has him playing a video game, getting a message from his GF, and then throwing his phone away with a cringe remark about women and then picking up his controller again... there were 3-4 clips in a similar vein.

Reply #931285 | Report this post

Diop Kick  
Two years ago

that was D'Angelo Russell who secretly recorded Nick Young admitting to cheating on Iggy Azalea then leaked it while they were lakers. Russell is back there earning over $17 million a year, so he's doing ok.

doesnt quite fit your narrative, but whatevs

Reply #931286 | Report this post

The Phantom  
Two years ago

Ultimately it comes down to talent in terms of mostly getting away with things. Malone got a 13 year old girl pregnant when he was 20, gets to be a dunk comp judge. Just paid some shush money. Kobe rapes a 19 years old, pays some shush money (and somehow becomes a beloved figure of women's basketball?). Bridges bashes a woman, sits out a bit and is welcomed back to the Hornets. Now he's not in the same league as Malone and Kobe, but how does that work? NFL had Vick in dog fighting ring, ended up back in the league, Ray Lewis had a shady weekend. Kyrie says some interesting things, loses Nike deal but still gets a lot of money with Mavs. And another of the team killers in Harden gets his wish by quitting on another team. Seems the only unforgivable thing is betting, re Pete Rose. And that conspiracy theory about Jordan being told to take a year or 2 off by Stern because of his gambling wouldn't be surprising.
The way it looks, the girl was just legal, OKC would have found that out quickly this letting Giddey play. If there was a hint of illegality then team and league would have told him to sit. It'll come down to if the league finds him to have harmed the league by hooking up with a high schooler. Will get a slap on the wrist and unless he's at a prom with another young girl in the future, it will fade away. But wouldn't be surprised if thunder move on from him with such an upcoming team, probably be thrown in with some first rounders to attract a closer. Be funny if they can get Kawhi if they guarantee him a big contract and give Clippers back some of their picks.
Funny league, fail some drug tests, you're out. Fuck a kid, meh, that's just frowned upon.

Reply #931291 | Report this post

Two years ago

My point was that it's still a highly patriarchal institution, and even though Russell wasn't shunned from the league, he copped some very heavy backlash. I remember at the time the players' reaction to D'Angelo was very telling. The players were disgusted he would leak that particular info, whereas if a womens league player was filmed saying the same thing a lot of people would've been more focused on and upset with someone openly talking about having an affair.
A lot of athletes are incredibly entitled.

Reply #931298 | Report this post

Two years ago

Agree Phantom - it definitely comes down to talent. Kobe is just lucky his stuff happened pre social media era. Would've been a very different story these days.

Reply #931299 | Report this post

Two years ago

NFL had Vick in dog fighting ring, ended up back in the league
Vick spent time in prison, so that one's a bit different. The league trotting out Ray Rice's wife to apologise for her role in him punching her in the face and knocking her out was a far worse one.

The way it looks, the girl was just legal, OKC would have found that out quickly this letting Giddey play. If there was a hint of illegality then team and league would have told him to sit.
I think some people have said the CBA doesn't give them the option of sitting him.

Kobe is just lucky his stuff happened pre social media era. Would've been a very different story these days.
I don't know that it would have. It wasn't like the story just got buried, it was hugely promoted as "Kobe is fighting through these allegations and still playing tremendous basketball, what a hero."

Culturally things are very different now, but I don't think social media is the determining factor, and as the Depp/Heard trial shows there are still a vast number of people who will gleefully ignore facts in order to paint women as evil connivers (see also: this thread).

Talent makes up for a lot of moral failings, but the profile of a pro athlete also means things come to light that otherwise wouldn't, so it cuts both ways to a degree. Kids need room to be dumb kids, that's what childhood is about. Thrusting them into the spotlight means some of that dumb shit is going to happen in public, but it's not necessarily anything particularly remarkable.

Reply #931302 | Report this post

Two years ago

Kobe was 21 and picking up Vanessa from high school when she was 17. They got engaged while she was still at school.

Reply #931310 | Report this post

Masters League  
Two years ago

Don't forget in our own backyard we had way worse than any of those NBA cases mentioned, right here in the Australian NBL. The Perth Wildcats Kendal 'Tiny' Pinder is a dark cloud still hanging over them. Perth Wildcats brought in Pinder already having a child s/o conviction against his name, then Perth did nothing when Pinder was reported for another child s/o in 1987 his first year in Perth, then four more heinous s/o crimes in 1988 that Perth may or may not have known about, then arrested and charged for child s/o at half-time 1990 semi-final but let out on bail and allowed to play through to the 1990 grand final and continue mixing with young fans, then allowed to play all of 1991 season while in and out of court countless times with a big legal team funded by team owners, then found guilty in WA Supreme Court of s/o of minor but for some reason he was only fined and released on bail, then while on bail for that despicable conviction Perth Wildcats welcomed Pinder straight back onto the team and you can hear on a YouTube video the very forgiving Perth fans giving him a thunderous applause onto the court in Game 1 at home against Geelong SuperCats, then Perth let Pinder play eight games until he was convicted in WA Supreme Court again for s/o of yet another young female and that is when the Perth Wildcats finally sacked him. You couldn't make that up. And it gets worse. Pinder got out of prison on parole in 1994 and Illawarra Hawks Coach Alan Black recruited Pinder fresh out of prison to play with Illawarra, but he only lasted five games into the 1995 NBL season when he was arrested for torturous s/o on a child in his car while on his honeymoon, then he went to prison for five years and that was the last the NBL saw of him. It wasn't the last the law courts saw of Pinder though because in 2000 while on parole he was arrested for despicable s/o crimes during the Sydney Olympic period, then a drugs charge, a theft charge, and more times in court, then prison again, then Yongah Hill immigration detention centre in WA, then released but pretty soon convicted and jailed for aggravated stalking, and right now behind bars waiting for sentence hearing for multiple horrific s/o on a poor sydney lady a couple of years ago. Imagine if the NBA had this guy.

Reply #931312 | Report this post

NBL Fan  
Two years ago

"Kobe was 21 and picking up Vanessa from high school when she was 17. They got engaged while she was still at school."

Kobe & Vanessa are the same age they met at a video shoot, she talked & him told the story during his documentary

Reply #931317 | Report this post

Two years ago

Kobe was born in 78, Venessa 82.

"Kobe first met Vanessa Urbieta Cornejo Laine on the set of a music video in 1999, when he was 20 and she was just 17 and still in high school.

"She'd bring pictures of Kobe to school and we'd be like, 'Omygod,' " Vanessa's classmate Monica Squadrilli told the Los Angeles Times in 2005."

- People Magazine

Reply #931319 | Report this post

Two years ago

Oklahoma City Thunder guard Josh Giddey is reportedly at risk of losing his $40 million sponsorship deal with Weet-Bix, an Australian cereal brand by the Sanitarium Health Food Company, amid the NBA investigation into allegations of Giddey having an inappropriate relationship with an underage girl.

The 21-year-old Aussie has been removed from the company's social media accounts, according to Code Sports.

A spokesperson for Sanitarium said the company is aware of the situation, but said it had yet to cut ties with Giddey.

"We are obviously aware of news surrounding Josh Giddey and are waiting for facts to be confirmed," the spokesperson told Code Sports.

“We are in contact with Josh’s management team and waiting on further detail at this point.”
If there wasn't a quick response, you might wonder if it's either bad news (he knew her age; he's then at the mercy of her/family pursuing it) or awkward news (she's young but he didn't know, and everyone will hope it blows over).

Reply #931323 | Report this post

Two years ago has jumped on the bandwagon with a awful story on Tiny Pinder.

Hiding In Plain Sight

Reply #931324 | Report this post

twenty four  
Two years ago

$40 million Weetbix deal? No way that's right. Surely??

Reply #931325 | Report this post

Two years ago

Masters League, I had no idea the full backstory of Tiny Pinder. I was just getting into the league when he was out with the Wildcats, so didn't know anything about the Wildcats sticking with him for so long. Not great.

Reply #931326 | Report this post

Two years ago

"Kobe was 21 and picking up Vanessa from high school when she was 17. They got engaged while she was still at school."

What a player, that's why "kobe rulz" to some.

Reply #931327 | Report this post

Two years ago

you have to wonder how Pinder got a visa to come out here in the first place? And, shame on the Wildcats if they knew and still brought him out here.

Reply #931331 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Two years ago

I think it stands to reason if she were provably 21 and/or of age at the time these videos happened there would be no investigation and the whole thing would be closed. So clearly there are grey areas.

Reply #931332 | Report this post

Two years ago

Pinder was already playing in the NBL before he played for Perth. They didn't bring him over

Reply #931352 | Report this post

Masters League  
Two years ago

Watto, Bluey's above comment "if they brought him out here" might be referring to the Wildcats bringing Pinder out here to Perth? But yes as you said Pinder was already playing in the NBL before he played for Perth. The consortium of Sydney SuperSonics owners headed up by Mike Wrublewski (RIP), Andrew Lazaris, et al, are the people who first brought Pinder to play in the NBL in 1985 and 1986. Bob Williams brought Pinder to Perth following that. If the owners of both of those NBL teams had thoroughly checked out Pinder’s character with his 1984 Finland team and his 1980-83 Harlem Globetrotters team they would have discovered some red flags.

Reply #931353 | Report this post

Two years ago

This keeps rumblign on. Reports now that Newport Beach Police Department is investigating ... At least this should help speed it to a conclusion, one way or the other.

Reply #931378 | Report this post

Two years ago

According to Andrew Bogut, this Giddey situation happened over a year ago, in California and as Bogut understands it the girl lied to Giddey about her age. She said she was of age but turned out she wasn't so Giddey ended it. OKC have known about it for over 12 months.

Reply #931432 | Report this post

Two years ago

Assuming its true, that's the best possible version of events for Josh.

Reply #931434 | Report this post

Two years ago

And thankfully California is one of few states where "she lied about her age" is a defense, although he'd have to prove that was his belief at the time.

Reply #931435 | Report this post

Two years ago

That his belief was that she was of-age, I mean. I phrased that very poorly.

Reply #931436 | Report this post

Two years ago

It's a very messy situation, these young guys need chaperones, gone are the days when the rock stars and sports stars used to have ladies cueing outside their doors. Times have changed for the better but young men and women have to be very careful.

Reply #931437 | Report this post

Two years ago

Supposedly the girl and her family aren't talking to investigators. Obviously the suggestion from randoms is that she’s been paid off. I think it’s more likely that her parents have advised her that she will be better off not ending up in the media circus, so just shut it down.

Reply #931447 | Report this post

Two years ago

Interestingly that this occurred a year ago from what Boges said. No wonder Giddey seemed so composed during the initial media interviews. Probably been "trained" by the front office for the day this went public.

Unfortunately his first away game since it went viral he has been boo-ed relentlessly by the opposition fans. Hopefully this hasn't set a precedent for the rest of the season but I fear the worst.

Reply #931451 | Report this post

Two years ago

He's having a shocking year anyway, stats are either negative or stagnant, his on/off ratings are also horrendous. The Thunder would do well to move him on. The metrics of him on + sga are awful, the metrics of isaiah joe + sga with giddey off, are the highest in the league min 200 mins played. He's a one trick pony.

Reply #931455 | Report this post

Two years ago

He's not a good fit with SGA. He needs the ball in his hands to excel at the way he plays and there's too much overlap with SGA. He was on his way out of OKC IMO before all this blew up and this will just accelerate it.

Reply #931457 | Report this post

Two years ago

Say he pulls though this current issue, and OKC look to trade him, what's best for OKC and where would Giddey’s best fit be?

Reply #931458 | Report this post

Two years ago

No team is trading for Giddey amidst the controversy. Even if it does blow over, trading a guys for pennies on the dollar doesn't strike me as Presti-like.

Reply #931459 | Report this post

Two years ago

Not happening in the short term but i can absolutely see it happening if this current scandal gets resolved amicably for Josh. He's only 21, he's got plenty of life left in him as a baller, nobody's in any rush

Reply #931467 | Report this post

Two years ago

Hmm, did this affect our Olympics campaign?

Reply #931468 | Report this post

Two years ago


Reply #931469 | Report this post

Two years ago

Giddey can outright play at this level, but he has never been a great fit with SGA and OKC tolerated it while going through their growing pains. That said up until this season he looked a better fit with the rest of the team, hence the 'good metrics' for Josh.

But now look to be on a cusp of being a long term finals contender, and Isiaih Joe and Chet look better with SGA, it does look if Giddey will be the odd man out to trade for a better fitting asset.

It is the business side of things.

Who does he go to?

Ohh boy if there is a perfective piece for a post-Curry Warriors it'd be Josh under a Kerr system.

If the warriors are smart and planning a post-Curry world, they should S&T Green or Klay for Giddey (probably all they qould require now as Giddey's stocks are low).

Imagine Giddey learning learning frmo Paul and Curry for a year or 2.

Reply #931471 | Report this post

Two years ago

Josh's answer in the media the other day makes sense.

OKC have known about it for a year, they've coached him on things will be OK (from a legal sense) if it blows up. Inescapable heat for sure, but he won't end up in prison.

The kids parents know nothing will happen to Giddey nor if he holds the line they will benefit (from him anyway, there may be payments from news organisations, or even the NBA if they fold)

It looks as if the kid has opted to blow it up for attention on SnapChat 12 months after the fact.

Giddey will have time to clear his head before Paris.

Reply #931472 | Report this post

Two years ago

Are you suggesting the original poster that blew it up was the girl in question? Wild if true. Would have thought it was more likely some jealous bro looking to cut a tall poppy down because he couldn't get a look in

Reply #931477 | Report this post

Two years ago

Actually, that's more likely.

The league staying quiet, OKC staying quiet, Giddey's media response, the parents doing nothing, all allude to Bogut being right on this one - It happened last year, relevant stakeholders all know what any outcome is and it works out for no one.

Reply #931481 | Report this post

Two years ago

My impression was that the leak was the brother or someone near him. The girl was bragging to the brother, etc.

Reply #931483 | Report this post

Two years ago

Assuming there's no legal case to answer here (still just an assumption) you'd think this might be the final factor that gets OKC to move on from Giddey.

As others have said, he doesn't really fit their current build but could be really useful for another building team.

My thoughts would be Spurs? Wemby needs a PG who can set him up. Giddey can be that guy and then they surround them with 3&D guys everywhere else.

The Spurs have some picks as well as some interesting young guys who could actually fit well in OKC (Sochan, Branham, Vassell, Johnson). Depending on which guy picks could move one way or the other.

Reply #931545 | Report this post

Two years ago

A lengthy Code Sports report suggests the photos and videos with Giddey and the girl are almost two years old and stem from when the Oklahoma City star, then aged 19, met the girl in a club.

It's reported she was 15 at the time. She’s understood to have lied about her age to enter the venue and the report states the encounter was only a one night stand and was ended when Giddey was made aware the girl was in high school.

It’s now stated that the girl and her family are remorseful over the media frenzy that has forced sponsors to delete photos of Giddey to avoid negative comments and they thought the situation had been dealt with prior to the release of the photos last week.

The Code Sports report also contains the line: "It is understood a threat was made from an unknown person to derail Giddey’s career."

That’s among the avenues of investigation for the NBA.

Reply #931596 | Report this post

Two years ago

Just to add more fuel to fire for Giddey that he really didn't need right now, his agent has got himself caught up in a storm over some unnessary pro-israel junk on social media

People really do be doing some brainless shit sometimes

Reply #931600 | Report this post

Two years ago

And you can read the full Herald Sun/Code article here:

Reply #931601 | Report this post

Two years ago

Some of the posts here won't age well at all, including the juvenile quip calling him Kangaroo Karl. Wait for the facts.

Reply #931619 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

Kangaroo Karl or Josh Giggity is what they are calling him online. It's not something I made up....

Reply #931620 | Report this post

Two years ago

Slow news week + social media addiction * inability to read below a headline = I support the current thing

Reply #931621 | Report this post

Two years ago

Another juvenile comment and reposting of slurs. Again, number of these posts will not age well. Wait for the facts.

Reply #931622 | Report this post

Two years ago

Things have heated up a bit overnight with a prominent defender of women appointed by the family

Reply #931653 | Report this post

Two years ago

Lot of people going to be making bag off this one and it ain't Josh

Reply #931655 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

Settlement doesn't make either look good.

Reply #931658 | Report this post

Two years ago

Who says the girl or her family didn't leak this nearly two year old video to extort Giddey? Don't pay jack shit, an admission of guilt.

She was in a nightclub for over 18's, presumably on a fake ID, didn't tell Giddey her real age, after the deed he finds out her real age and breaks it off with her.

Reply #931664 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

That's what Bogut said, he said it was some time ago and okc were told.

Reply #931665 | Report this post

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