Two years ago

NBL investigating Baynes-Forde HT altercation

Looks like Baynes hadn't quite cooled off entering the half-time break and things might've got heated in the tunnel.

Topic #51465 | Report this topic

Two years ago

Bogut added some insight to this incident in his latest pod that dropped this morning. Worth a listen.

His pods are now timestamped so you can fast forward directly to the relevant bit and skip the crap :)

Reply #927861 | Report this post

Two years ago

First time I've listened to the pod. Wasn't nearly as bad as I expected. Sounds like a game or two suspension for both Forde and Baynes is a possibility.

Reply #927883 | Report this post

Two years ago

(podcast wasn't as bad as expected, that is)

Reply #927888 | Report this post

Two years ago

I'm still reluctant since it's Bogut.

Reply #927889 | Report this post

Andrew J  
Two years ago

If it were at a local game, it would be quite a long sentence.

Reply #927890 | Report this post

Two years ago

The Baynes incident is one of the lead stories on Ch10 News Brisbane this evening. A first for the NBL here from memory.

Reply #927931 | Report this post

Two years ago

Mayern 1 game suspension,$1550 fine after an early guilty plea.

Baynes to the tribunal tomorrow.

Forde cleared of wrongdoing.

Bullets warned re: their comments on Forde and the investigation.

Reply #927933 | Report this post

Damo 75  
Two years ago

Stu Lash has come out of this looking like a complete muppet for running his mouth.

Reply #927938 | Report this post

Two years ago

Haynes looks to be in serious trouble, may need a lawyer

Reply #927941 | Report this post

Two years ago

Adam Force's mic perhaps saved him in this instance, with fools like Lash calling for his head.

Be interesting to see what comes of Baynes. The availability of any relevant cctv has been reportedly been vague at best.

Reply #927946 | Report this post

Q Anon  
Two years ago

I'd be surprised if Baynes plays again based on what I am hearing. As with Tokyo there is a lot going on here.

Reply #927953 | Report this post

Two years ago

A stark reminder that CTE isn't just an eggball problem.

Reply #927957 | Report this post

Big Fudge  
Two years ago

Without having really seen too much about it, can someone tell me what exactly took place in the half time break? So far the only footage I have seen was the scuffle on the court and Baynes looking like he wants to kill someone as he walked off the court at half time.

Reply #927962 | Report this post

Two years ago

All I've heard was Olgun Uluc saying Forde was essentially thrown into a wall or door etc

Reply #927972 | Report this post

Two years ago

If that is true than Baynes should be suspended for the rest of the season. No way should the NBL tolerate a Sprewell type situation just because Baynes is the biggest name in the league.

Reply #927973 | Report this post

Two years ago

The plasterer at Nissan Arena says hi

Reply #927974 | Report this post

Two years ago

If the refs had teched Baynes twice, like it appeared they should've initially, this mightn't have blown up in the same way. Baynes would've had more time to cool off, instead of getting even more agitated walking down the tunnel with his opponents at the half

Reply #927975 | Report this post

Two years ago

Of course, there's always the possibility 2 techs initially would've seen him completely lose his mind even moreso. We'll never know. That's probably why the refs his the bench with the 2nd tech, not Baynes

Reply #927976 | Report this post

Two years ago

The refs had no choice about who to tech, Baynes wasn't on the court.

Reply #927977 | Report this post

Two years ago

If that is true than Baynes should be suspended for the rest of the season. No way should the NBL tolerate a Sprewell type situation just because Baynes is the biggest name in the league.

Think of all the light or none suspensions handed out to other examples of thuggery in the NBL.

Peatling on Creek.
Conklin on Creek and Martin.
Childress on Wagstaff.

This will be lucky to get 3 games.

Reply #927978 | Report this post

Two years ago

Q Anon, do you suspect something was said to him to get him enraged?

Reply #927979 | Report this post

Two years ago

This will be lucky to get 3 games.

Physically assaulting the opposition coach? Are you serious or what? If that is true his career is likely over.

Reply #927980 | Report this post

Andrew J  
Two years ago

I think if a player physically assaulted a coach or vice versa in local basketball they would be suspended for multiple years, wouldn't they? Let the facts come out and we can pass judgment then, and let’s hope NBL takes into account some responsibility for the game here.

Reply #927982 | Report this post

Two years ago

Peatling on Creek.
That one wasn't worthy of a suspension at all.

Reply #927983 | Report this post

Two years ago

Yes, I believe words were exchanged, some people have a hair trigger in their brain, it goes and the punches follow. I could see it in his eyes, I said to better half that this hasn't finished as they were walking off. I was in an industry for a few years a long while back and you learned to read it. What was ever said certainly fired him up even more. It’s a shame, he’s been very good for the game.

Reply #927984 | Report this post

Basket 91  
Two years ago

Is it a coincidence that a mouthpiece for a certain agent was saying stuff about Adam Forde to deflect attention off Baynes?

Reply #927985 | Report this post

Two years ago

Haven't really heard any facts put out there.

Also heard very little speculation except about Forde and Baynes being in the vicinity between change room and meeting room?

I wonder if words were exchanged followed by a push? Would we view a push as so bad as to be season ending?

I feel like *if* there was physical assault, a "get out of here" push might only be worthy of a few games?

Just spitballing here, but it’s hard to believe it’d go beyond that into punches or something.

Reply #927986 | Report this post

Two years ago

I lost a lot of respect for Baynes in this situation. Hopefully there is a penalty that suits whatever infractions that occurred. No one is commenting on the embarrassing defense of Aron's behaviour by Peter Hooley on the NBL podcast. Basically he said that it was not unreasonable for Baynes to behave the way he did. Say what?

Reply #927988 | Report this post

Two years ago

"The refs had no choice about who to tech, Baynes wasn't on the court."

Yes but I believe it's been said that one of the refs suggested to the Bullets coaching staff that he should be subbed off before getting another tech. Might have been better to leave that to the Brisbane coaching staff in hindsight, and just blow your whistle for the 2nd tech/ejection if warranted. But yeah, 20:20 hindsight and all that.

Reply #927989 | Report this post

Two years ago

Aron Baynes found guilty of 3 offences and suspended for 5 games. Bullets will appeal.

1 game for remonstrating with the referees.
1 game for aggressively seeking out Lat Mayen.
3 games for the confrontation with Adam Forde.

Deserved IMO

Reply #928001 | Report this post

Two years ago

If he was joe blow down the the local stadium he's probably got 12 months, Brisbane appealing. They should just move on, very fair result for the bullets.

Reply #928003 | Report this post

Two years ago

Oh right, only bench tech possible if player already off court. Ok.

I'm happy to see Baynes get a penalty that goes beyond a slap on the wrist. If Mayen had reacted in the tunnel, it could've easily gotten out-of-hand in 2 seconds flat. And harder to break up in that space

Reply #928005 | Report this post

Damo 75  
Two years ago

Bullets appealing? Are they off their heads?

If it's true he initiated physical contact with a coach, he should be on his knees thanking them its only 5 games.

Reply #928007 | Report this post

Two years ago

The league pay Baynes' salary, don't they?

Reply #928009 | Report this post

Andrew J  
Two years ago

Soft sentence. Disappointing in my view, sends the wrong message to the community. If a player confronted a coach in the AFL, it would have been more than 3 weeks! Bullets should thank the NBL for being so accommodating!

Reply #928017 | Report this post

Two years ago

Brisbane appealing signals that the franchise is still be managed as a basket case. Nothing changed. Ffs pull your heads in, admit guilt and own it.

Good to hear the NBL podcast today call out Stu Lash for his dumbass comments. (Btw is he even in the country)

Reply #928019 | Report this post

Two years ago

Why does NBL pay his salary?

Reply #928020 | Report this post

Two years ago

NBL pay part of his salary for being a big name, so won't exactly be impartial in this matter and they haven't with such a soft suspension.

Now the Bullets want to double down? Facepalm.

Reply #928023 | Report this post

Two years ago

I might be on my own here but the 1 game suspension for arguing with the refs seems a bit harsh? He deserved two technicals and whatever fines are associated with that, but not sure he deserved to sit out a game.

I can't comment about the physical altercation with Forde bit as I haven't really read any reports with details about what happened?

Reply #928025 | Report this post

Two years ago

Adam Forde's statement on the matter:

Reply #928026 | Report this post

Two years ago

Why would you link to a tweet that links to the statement instead of just linking directly to the statement?

Reply #928027 | Report this post

Two years ago

@Reader Did you see the game? Baynes was not just arguing with the refs. He looked like he wanted to kill them and Mayen and had to be held back by multiple team mates. It was completely unacceptable and for just that part he should have received a longer suspension.

Are you on you own? Peter Hooley is right beside you.

Reply #928032 | Report this post

Two years ago

After reading the Forde statement, he has got off very lightly, no verbal exchange. Again I haven't seen any of the footage of the altercation but it sounds like he assaulted Forde.

Reply #928035 | Report this post

Q Anon  
Two years ago

When the leagues guru is a mouthpiece for his agent best mate stories are always going to get twisted

Forde was very comfortable about his involvement. I agree with others that this is a light sentence considering if it was on the street Baynes could be up for criminal charges.

As I said earlier don't be surprised if Aron doesn't play again.

Refs could have and should have tossed Baynes straight away. NBA refs wouldn't have tolerated his intimidation. If that happened then maybe Baynes wouldn't have interacted with Forde but that is all hindsight stuff.

Id like to see the league implement a procedure where the visiting team leaves the court in its entirety before the home team leaves for the locker room.

Reply #928038 | Report this post

Two years ago

Anyone who listens to anything Uluc says needs to understand that he is just parrotting the lines fed to him by his mate/former employer Moldovan. The ''NBL's number one newsmaker' has always gotten his stuff direct from Moldovan, and he'll always skew stories about any of Moldovan's clients in as positive a way as he can - the stuff he wrote about this latest Baynes debacle is a case in point. Bottom line is anything Olgun says - take with a massive grain of salt.

Reply #928046 | Report this post

Big Fudge  
Two years ago

Anyone feel like the NBL are trying to copy the NBA/WoJ connection with Uluc?

Reply #928047 | Report this post

Two years ago

Strange to me that Baynes releases a statement where he "unreservedly accepts" his conduct was unacceptable, and then the Bullets also decide to appeal.

Reply #928048 | Report this post

Two years ago

"Anyone feel like the NBL are trying to copy the NBA/WoJ connection with Uluc?"

Oh 100%. TBH I don't mind because the NBL is filling a gap that exists with how the NBL is treated by mainstream media. If the league continues to grow as it has than these type of things will develop organically without the NBL needing to do it themselves, hopefully.

Reply #928049 | Report this post

Two years ago

The NBL's been going down this murky road for a while now. Every year it becomes more about the hype, the spin, the connections, the BS. It's never a good look when the owner of the league also owned two of the teams playing in the league. Joey Wright has been the only one ballsy enough to stand up to it and said it best during the GF series "I don't want to talk to Melbourne about Melbourne".

LK has done a hell of a lot of good for the league but it's starting to get into that uncomfortable mafia godfather territory. There are enough allegations around that Baynes physically assaulted the coach of Cairns, which looks like it's being covered up by all parties for obvious reasons. The NBL pay Baynes about $250k a year to do extra advertising for the league which would be jeopardised if he was found to have assaulted the opposition coach and given the season long suspension that would've come with that. Never happened, nothing to see here, move along people.

Then once you throw in all the Olgun/Moldovan crap infecting the league from behind the scenes which is still playing a part in keeping the 36ers shit, six years on since Mitch Creek was screwed over by the Sixers owner and my interest in the NBL continues to dissipate every year and has probably never been lower than it is now.

Reply #928051 | Report this post

Q Anon  
Two years ago

Anyone that isn't on team LK has been bounced out of the league. Bevo , Wright , Fearne and Lemanis all gone in preference for untried leaders.

Vickerman gets credit for creating head coaches but Id suggest this is more about placing the yes men into teams.

One of his prodigies is very very lucky to have the position he has considering the little holiday he supposedly had to have last year and why. There is a smell about that which opens up a lot of challenging conversations that aren't good for pro sports.

If an agent has been proven to be doing questionable deals how the league allows them to continue to conduct business says plenty about the league morals.

Reply #928055 | Report this post

Two years ago

Too true, sadly, Zodiac.

Time for Baynes to 'develop some injury or condition' which prevents him playing until things die down? In other words, the publicised punishment is 5 weeks on the unpublicised condition that he doesn’t play for an additional x weeks after that?

Can we give Olgun the benefit of the doubt and say he’s moved on from being the mouthpiece for Moldovan, or is it too obvious that he is still just a - albeit knowledgeable - mouthpiece?

Reply #928058 | Report this post

Billy Bob  
Two years ago

Which prodigy are you referring to q?

Reply #928060 | Report this post

Two years ago

Bullets no longer appealing the sentence, which is wise.

Reply #928062 | Report this post

Two years ago

In other words, the publicised punishment is 5 weeks on the unpublicised condition that he doesn't play for an additional x weeks after that?

QAnon appears to be alluding to this with his insistence Baynes won't play again this season and I think this is likely scenario above. Keep the big suspension out of the media for PR reasons and once the 5 game suspension ends Baynes goes out on 'mental leave' or whatever for the rest of the season.

Can we give Olgun the benefit of the doubt and say he’s moved on from being the mouthpiece for Moldovan, or is it too obvious that he is still just a - albeit knowledgeable - mouthpiece?

Not in my opinion. Olguc quit his job as ESPN reporter to work for Molodovan as Giddey's agent in his rookie NBA season over there. It didn't pan out for whatever reason so then Olgun came back here and got his old job back with ESPN.

Reply #928065 | Report this post

Two years ago

To me the wildest part of the punishment is a game for arguing with the refs considering the NBL has history of just giving suspended sentences for this, even when it is second or third offense.

Reply #928068 | Report this post

Two years ago

All leagues in the world in all sports rely on hype and BS, it's the world we live in, old generation like myself are not fans but it’s in the end far better than no national competition that looked gone till LK saved it.
Collingwood just won the GF with a player who should have got a minimum of six weeks, Barry Hall previously, it’s the way it rolls in this century.

Reply #928069 | Report this post

Two years ago

I'm a naive believer in 'playing in the spirit of the game’ rather than a ‘whatever it takes’ attitude, even at the highest level. Thugs and meatheads should never be allowed near a sport where they could end someone’s career in pursuit of a win, or be negative role models for youngsters.

The amount of stupid aggression I’ve seen in very junior Aussie Rules games should scare every parent away from letting their kids play in it - but the kids are just copying stuff they see on TV.

Don’t let it happen to basketball.

Reply #928070 | Report this post

Two years ago

I don't understand the conclusion (that some have reached) that Baynes got off lightly when there's no video, audio or detailed written description of what happened between him and Forde? Seems to be all speculation.

Reply #928078 | Report this post

Two years ago

There is no speculation

Reply #928079 | Report this post

Basket 91  
Two years ago

Hard to tell if the punishment is too harsh or lenient without seeing what went on with Baynes and Forde.

Presuming the league is 70% right on what happened. Stu Lash does not look good.

Also wouldn't trust Olgun/Moldovan with certain things.

Reply #928082 | Report this post

Two years ago

Reply #928187 | Report this post

Two years ago

Interesting video. Didn't exactly look like Forde was minding his own business when Baynes came and pushed him. I guess Olgun/Stu Lash weren't necessarily making things up after all.

Reply #928188 | Report this post

Two years ago

Yeah I am surprised Forde didn't at least get a fine for initiating the contact.

But I think the bigger story is that Baynes is LUCKY to only get 3 games for that tunnel incidence (2 extra games for the on court behaviour).

To me, that push against the wall is worth 5 games on it's own. Disgraceful. Genuinely feel he made need to seek some sort of therapy help; Forde had barely said a sentence and Baynes lost it.

Reply #928193 | Report this post

Two years ago

The footage looks somewhere in between Brisbane and Cairns' side of the story. The tribunal had Ford's audio as well though as he was wearing a mic which adds another element to the ordeal.

Reply #928237 | Report this post

Two years ago

Forde certainly had something to say, it's throwing petrol on the fire. Baynes in the end was probably reasonably composed with just the shove. Nbl certainly disappointed it’s been released

Reply #928263 | Report this post

Two years ago

Pretty pathetic statement from the NBL on the footage getting out:

The Hungry Jack's National Basketball League (NBL) wishes to express its deep disappointment and concern regarding the unauthorised distribution of CCTV footage from Nissan Arena, which shows a physical altercation between Aron Baynes and Adam Forde that occurred during halftime of the Brisbane vs Cairns game on Saturday, October 7.

The breach of security is disheartening, and it is of utmost importance Netball Queensland, the operators of the stadium, address the matter promptly.

The NBL understands Netball Queensland has already commenced a full investigation into this unauthorised distribution.

The unauthorised release of confidential footage compromises the privacy of those involved and raises significant issues for the League and its players, coaches and staff.

They've been caught out giving Baynes a slap on the wrist so now LK's going after Netball Queensland who operate the stadium.

Reply #928271 | Report this post

Two years ago

and raises significant issues for the League

Like "how are we supposed to make shady decisions if the truth is going to get out?"

Reply #928283 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

Why do they cross paths anyway? Wasn't always this way.

Reply #928295 | Report this post

Two years ago

Reply #928355 | Report this post

Two years ago

According to Cairns Forde is outside their changing room and was waiting for the other coaches and stats. If true Baynes could be in for some serious legal issues as well.

Reply #928650 | Report this post

Two years ago

I wouldn't be surprised if Baynes was charged with common assault.
He deserves it after putting his hands on someone like that.
He has no excuse, he’s a veteran player who has played at the highest levels and yet can’t exercise a little self control.

Reply #928651 | Report this post

Two years ago

The Taipans are considering legal action:

Neither the Cairns Taipans nor Coach Forde will be issuing further comments about the assault and subsequent publications at this juncture, as we contemplate appropriate legal recourse.

Reply #928652 | Report this post

Two years ago

Good development.

Let the law handle it outside of LK's little fiefdom.

Reply #928661 | Report this post

Two years ago

"Neither the Cairns Taipans nor Coach Forde will be issuing further comments about the assault and subsequent publications at this juncture, as we contemplate appropriate legal recourse."
Trolls be aware

Reply #928663 | Report this post

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