Two years ago

Approaching players

One of my players has been approached by another association to play for them next season. Is that usual / allowed? Is it prohibited conduct? What happens if my state organisation finds out?

Topic #51401 | Report this topic

Two years ago

It is usual/ frowned upon but not illegal

Reply #925879 | Report this post

Two years ago

It's rife - let them go - chances are if they are entertaining conversation from another club they are thinking about it. Often another club hears we are recruiting new country player/s they are on the phone to them behind our back. Some clubs do no recruiting but make is so hard for other clubs that do by countering anything they implement - the sport suffers.

Reply #925880 | Report this post

Two years ago

It happens all the time and some Sydney clubs are renowned for it.

They cannot win at all costs unless they get the best player from another sometimes smaller or larger associations and then they have their own players who have been there all there time get the flick which is totally unfair.

BNSW bought in a rule that for the top 2 divisions in juniors you can only import 1 player only from another Association but certain clubs still find a way to get around it and BNSW do not seem to do anything about it.

Most Associations are good at using their own players to get better but a couple will do anything to win at all costs and they do not care who they hurt.

Reply #925881 | Report this post

Two years ago

It happens a lot in Vic too. Usually, the bigger Metro clubs recruit the better players from Country. BV has a rule that a club can recruit 2 players only. Makes me wonder what's on offer as it is quite the travel from country to attend games and practices.

Reply #926236 | Report this post

Two years ago

Two players per team and only in VJL4 and above.

Every player must apply for a Permission To Train (PTT) with their current rep club before they can trial with a new club.

If they new club selects them in a team, they will officially be able to transfer. But each team can only have two transfers in it. unless it's VJL5 and below, you can have as many as you want.

Reply #926242 | Report this post

Two years ago

Yup...its only suppose to be 2 imports per team...want to know how a certain club won a VC title this year? Exemptions...allowing 4 imports into the team. Whole thing is a joke...too many clubs living in the grey area of the rules

Reply #926347 | Report this post

Karma Basketball  
Two years ago

Should be allowed but only once the season has been completed.

The current system favours associations at the expense of individual players.

Outside of the actual VJBL season, players should be treated as Free Agents. They should not be tied to a particular association once a season has been completed.

This would eliminate the need for all the red tape required for a player to tryout with and / or transfer to a new association. Would also eliminate the need for transfer exemptions and consign player transfer limits to the bin.

If a player is good enough to attract the attention of several teams, the player themselves should get to decide where they would like to play next season, not BV and not any association they played with previously.

We are talking about VJBL here, not some Professional League. In VJBL, the players and their families are the ones who pay truckloads of money to be involved in playing basketball. And often, many of those players and their families pay high fees that subsidise the associations semi-pro and professional teams.

Reply #928593 | Report this post

Two years ago

you'll never stop it - juniors go to school or are friends with good players from another club - parents with idle talk plus coercion - peer pressure from other kids.
I've seen plenty of it. Seen people dictate and take what they want then carry onto whatever is next. A moral embarrassment for myself but that's just how business gets done for others.

Reply #928595 | Report this post

Andrew J  
Two years ago

That's all fine, but you never have true clubs in that world. Depends on what culture you are attracted to. No right answer, but understand that’s what you are advocating for.

Reply #928611 | Report this post

Two years ago

true andrew - I've seen the other end too - albeit a lot less that other end of the spectrum.

Reply #928613 | Report this post

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