Two years ago
Boomers- Path to the Quarters
Just making this a separate thread to clear some confusion and because this deserves a topic of it's own
If the Aussies want to make the quarter final, this path will *guarantee* it
- Defeat Slovenia by 4 or more
- Defeat Georgia
If we achieve this, Aussies will be 4-1.
It is impossible for Aussies to be 4-1 and there to be a 4 way tie. It would mean Georgia is at best 3-2.
So if Aussies are 4-1, the only tie possible is a 3 way tie between Germany, Australia and Slovenia.
In a 3 way tie, a maximum of 2 teams can have positive points differential. By defeating Slovenia by 4+, it would mean Australia has positive points differential on matches between the 3 tied teams.
Therefore we would go through.
If it wasn’t a 3 way tie, then Aussies would go through on W/L.
Either way, if we beat Slovenia by 4+ and beat Georgia, we would go through.
(The above assumes Slovenia and Georgia beat Venezuela and Cape Verde tonight).
Of course, an ideal scenario is Aus finishes 1st - which means we defeat Slovenia and Slovenia defeats Germany, and Aus has better points differential.
So lets beat Slovenia by as much as possible!
But the above path creates a *guaranteed* QF game.