Two years ago

Daniel Johnson

What's happening with DJ?

Unless DJ or the club are still planning on him taking the final spot, I think it's very poor that the club hasn't come out with some sort of tribute thanking him for his service to the club.

For all of his knockers, he has been a very loyal servant of the club for a long time. There aren't too many big men with his scoring ability.

Even if there is friction with current coaches, he still deserves the club's respect.

Has anyone heard whether Smith-Milner is officially the final piece? The club are possibly waiting for final roster announcement before DJ announcement, but it doesn't smell right as you shouldn't treat long term loyal players this way

Topic #51292 | Report this topic

Two years ago

Yeah agreed, there are not too many one club players anymore.

Reply #921570 | Report this post

Two years ago

He got paid handsomely to be a one club player

Reply #921575 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Two years ago

I have put this question to the forum too, and I guess it's still possible they will, but odd they haven't done it already.

The club thanked Robert Franks within 5 seconds of him officially leaving (And supposedly not on good terms either), and he's a player who spent only one season here.

It's just about professionalism and consistency. Borderline childish if a profession basketball team can't acknowledge, congratulate & thank one of its greatest and most loyal players.

Even if I'm proven wrong, and there's more to it, I don't really care. This should have been done, regardless of what the relationship is now. Again, a professional club would look past this in order to at the very least acknowledge a player.

The other thing, DJ would be a great balancing act with Humphries now anyway.

Reply #921579 | Report this post

Two years ago

Not doing it leaves the door open for him to return, whether as an emergency fill-in or even as a contracted player (Heaven forbid).

It also hedges their bets in case CJ is turfed during or at the end of the season, cos they could bring DJ back and spin the negativity towards DJ as all CJ's fault for 'not using him properly’

Reply #921584 | Report this post

Two years ago

Wasn't a one club player.

Reply #921585 | Report this post

Two years ago

Dont forget his time with the Tigers.

Reply #921586 | Report this post

Q Anon  
Two years ago

The club reached out to DJ to arrange the retirement of 21

He replied I haven't retired though.

And there is a window into the levels of management and up with the 36ers

Reply #921589 | Report this post

Two years ago

Not doing it leaves the door open for him to return, whether as an emergency fill-in or even as a contracted player (Heaven forbid).

That's what I think is going on too. There's still plenty of time to add him to the roster anyway as the 11th man instead of TSM or even demoting TSM to a replacement player spot, like he was with SEM last season, and then signing DJ.

DJ's always been a very overrated player and not anywhere near as good as the happy clappers think he was but I'm still surprised he hasn't been able to pick up a contract anywhere else yet, I assumed no other NBL team would sign him but there's plenty of crappy leagues around the world you would think he could pick up a contract from, which to me suggests he's hoping to get signed again by the Sixers at some point in the pre-season or even perhaps during the season.

That might explain the absence of a "send-off' for DJ so far.

Reply #921591 | Report this post

Two years ago

No h8, but genuinely surprised Adelaide would consider retiring DJ's playing number.

Reply #921593 | Report this post

Two years ago

They haven't finalised the roster so they aren't going to say anything yet which is a totally different situation to Franks.

Also have a think of this scenario, at the end of last season it looked like there was bad blood between DJ and CJ. Lets say the bad blood extended to management/owner. If you were the owner would you still give him a Brett Maher send off? I don't know what happened but I don't think things ended nicely. So we might have to put this into consideration when we see how it plays out.

I think his number should be retired (when he actually retires) and that he should get a send off at a similar level to Maher/Davis for his huge commitment to the club. No court signature or Davis head sculpture but at least credited for his similar continuous service.

Reply #921594 | Report this post

Basket 91  
Two years ago

Hasn't signed anywhere yet so keeping the door open I’m guessing

Reply #921595 | Report this post

Two years ago

@Zodiac once again it comes down to contract price. He is not going to play for a low amount. So I am not sure why you are acting surprised that he hasn't got another NBL contract. Who goes from $300k down to $80k? On the other hand I doubt he is actively looking to move his new born child (Which you also know about) to another country and hence why he currently doesn't have a contract overseas. I imagine he will just sit the year out and then will consider his options next year. Also If he invested his money wisely then he probably has enough to retire without working again.

Reply #921596 | Report this post

Two years ago

Who goes from $300k down to $80k?

$80k is better than zero which is what he's making right now.

On the other hand I doubt he is actively looking to move his new born child (Which you also know about) to another country and hence why he currently doesn't have a contract overseas.

Who says his wife and newborn have to move overseas with him? He could go play in Burkina Faso or whatever for presumably the last 6 months of his career, he would be financially supporting his family.

I imagine he will just sit the year out and then will consider his options next year.

You really think any dinkum team would be interested in a then 36 year old DJ who just sat out the previous season because his pride was too big for him to swallow? His career would be over.

Also If he invested his money wisely then he probably has enough to retire without working again.

This isn't the NBA, no way $300k a year minus tax over the past let's say 10 years would be enough for him to retire on, not even close. Go a year or two without earning? Sure, but not put the feet up for the next 40-50 years.

Reply #921597 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Two years ago

Smith-Milner is signed by all reports, just not announced.

Reply #921598 | Report this post

Two years ago

The public handling of Daniel Johnson, a multiple times club MVP, has been shocking.
DJ has carried the team for years and it it not his fault as to who the club has put around him. DJ doesn't pretend to be something he's not, he's just made the best of what he has got. In recent years he significantly extended his shooting range and has constantly been a headache for opposition defenses. He's not perfect, but if it hadn't been for some injuries to key players very late in seasons, i.e. Jerome Randall, Josh Childress, Brock Motum late in seasons( not sure if DJ was playing that season), not to mention some "home cooking" in game 5 of the GF series with Melb, he could have been a mutliple Championship winner with the club.

It fair enough to decide to "move in a different direction", this is professional sport but surely there is a better way to have handled this situation.

Reply #921599 | Report this post

Two years ago

"$80k is better than zero which is what he's making right now."

Yes but he has money so you are missing the point that he doesn't have to work.

"He could go play in Burkina Faso"

Isn't this his first child? Even if it isn't barely anyone that has enough money is going to go away for 6 months without their new born child

"just sat out the previous season because his pride was too big for him to swallow?"

No once again refer to no need to work for minimum and has a brand new child.

"no way $300k a year minus tax over the past let's say 10 years would be enough for him to retire on"

That would be over $1.7 million net + around $400k in super. As I said if he invested wisely then yes he could plus his wife probably worked making it even more of a reality to retire. So yes my statement was correct. Probably a good opportunity for you to look into how much passive income people need to retire

Reply #921602 | Report this post

Two years ago

Great post Swish!

Reply #921603 | Report this post

Q Anon  
Two years ago

If the answer to the question of " Would Perth do this? " is a no, then you are probably doing it wrong

DJ has his foibles but he has been a mainstay at the 36ers. He is in the Davis and Maher category for loyalty.

There is no right way for a club legend to retire. It's always packed with emotions for all concerned. The end is a focal point of what if scenarios.

I do think that someone of DJ's loyalty should be given the honour of going out his way.

Reply #921604 | Report this post

Two years ago

He's played in a LOT of random leagues overseas including Argentina, Japan, Puerto Rico, Iran and some place called New Zealand.

Reply #921605 | Report this post

Two years ago

Swish, this is a five month long dummy spit by DJ all because the coach had the audacity to bench him. DJ has absolutely screwed the Sixers roster configurations for years because of his refusal to play defence. That's why Joey had to start Obi Kyei and bring an import like Eric Griffin off the bench because he couldn't play DJ & Griffin together.

I still maintain that I believe the firing of the previous coach Conner Henry in 2021 was solely to placate DJ. Henry had arrived back in Australia from his off-season break but was in quarantine due to Covid, a few days before he was due to come out of quarantine Boti Nagy posted a story, that DJ was considering leaving the Sixers to go play in Japan. There had been rumours that Henry wasn't happy with DJ's piss poor defence.

The moment Henry stepped out of quarantine JVG fired him in what could only be considered an absolute asshole move and a few days later JVG gave DJ a new two-year deal. Not very difficult to see who was behind Henry's firing and now we've heard earlier this off-season that DJ is very unhappy with CJ over the benching and CJ needs to mend things with him to get DJ to come back. Like a 35 yo past his prime DJ is in any sort of position to make demands.

The biggest problem is we as a club created this monster by always placating to DJ's demands and not getting rid of him 3-4 years ago like we should've. It would not surprise me if he ends up playing for us again at some point this season either. It's been a symbiotic relationship.

Reply #921608 | Report this post

Q Anon  
Two years ago

Henry was fired because he wasn't a good coach. Perth dont sack winners

Reply #921609 | Report this post

Two years ago

He's played in a LOT of random leagues overseas including Argentina, Japan, Puerto Rico, Iran and some place called New Zealand.

There's a reason for that. Remember what happened when he tried to play in Europe? Got cut after about 10 games and moped his way back to the Sixers.

Reply #921611 | Report this post

Two years ago

Henry was fired because he wasn't a good coach. Perth dont sack winners

I'm not going to die in a ditch defending Henry but since his time as Perth coach he had been G-League COTY and keep in mind the one year he coached the Sixers was the Josh Giddey year. We were never going to be a winning team our objective that season was to showcase Giddey for NBA teams hence the Donald Sloan dummy spit early in the season.

Reply #921613 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Two years ago

I thought Henry was a slightly odd choice, but agree with Zodiac that he wasn't terrible at all, and certainly no worse than CJ.

Certainly as credentialed or even more so than some similar G-League coaches who have had high praise after joining the NBL.

Didn't they lose Humphries for most of that year or was that the next year? All in all, just wasn't a good season for anyone really, with covid, import difficulties etc. Makes it hard to truly access what he could have done, but ultimately agree he probably wasn't the right choice in the first place.

Reply #921622 | Report this post

Two years ago

The public handling of Daniel Johnson, a multiple times club MVP, has been shocking.

Aren't you jumping the gun, the team has a spot left. At worst we do not know what direction they are going or even what negotiations if any.

DJ has carried the team for years and it it not his fault as to who the club has put around him. DJ doesn't pretend to be something he's not, he's just made the best of what he has got.

I have mostly been a DJ supporter this whole time, like you said he was one of the premier offensive big men in our league. I however cannot recall anyone however blaming DJ for the teams lack of banners.

People will rightly point out his defence and sometimes lack lustre attitude and demeanour when things aren't going his way. Some of the criticism is warranted but should fall short of blaming him for all woes.

My support of DJ diminished a bit more last season as DJ really looked like he didn't want to be out there, he clearly wasn't enjoying being second or even third fiddle on this team.

I think the relationship has become stale and not working out for either party.

I hope DJ stays in this league because he is still better than most big men offensively his size. He can still stretch the defence, draw fouls and grab some rebounds.

If not I would hope DJ's singlet does get retired and not let the last season sour a long and successful relationship.

Reply #921624 | Report this post

Two years ago

Franks and Cleveland only at club one season ,club give them thankyou
Yet Johnson played many seasons with Sixers ,no thanks whatsoever,they sign Milner smith
I would have given Johnson one more season
I honestly hope Sixers give him a nice farewell at one of home games this season ,he past 400 games ,yet Sixers didn't give him plaque of 400 games ,in which was in poor taste .
Hope if humpries get injured ,is welcome Johnson back as an injury replacement guy .
Other NBL teams give awards ,Sixers too tight with money .

Reply #921627 | Report this post

Two years ago

Didn't they lose Humphries for most of that year or was that the next year?

The Henry season Humphries played about 1/3 of the season it was the next season, CJ's first season as coach he only played six games.

I don't know why we even bothered signing Humphries again this season when we intend to bring him off the bench as Wiley's back up according to Liam Santamaria. Jacob Wiley is no centre.

Reply #921628 | Report this post

Q Anon  
Two years ago

Which other Aussie at 6"10 has the capacity to get 20 points or 10 boards on any given night

I believe DJ still has that in him and so is the best available FA big out there. God knows Adelaides roster needs a capable big guy to be available when Humphries duly gets injured.

When DJ has lived through how Creek , Teys, Wright and others have been treated , perhaps he didn't think it would happen to him. Other players at other clubs are noting this. Adelaide and its culture are definitely on the nose. One player is already seeking offers for next season in preparation of leaving.

The way DJ was dealt with last season is 100% on CJ for mishandling not only the nuances of DJ but a club veteran. Smyth would have never done that to Maher or Davis in that manner.

Bring him off the bench by all means , but do it in the right way. Have DJ make a statement that he sees his future off the bench and is self sacrificing for the good of the team. Do something other than throw the guy in the bin.

It would be appropriate to have a one on one discussion with your club legend and veteran about plans to bring you off the bench. You wouldn't blindside them before a game after you list who the starters that night.

Reply #921634 | Report this post

Two years ago

I could see DJ in Japan or Korea, I thought Henry was very hard done by at the time, trying to get defensive structures in place as well as having to show case Giddey. JVG also trying to call the shots.

Reply #921635 | Report this post

Two years ago

Bring him off the bench by all means , but do it in the right way. Have DJ make a statement that he sees his future off the bench and is self sacrificing for the good of the team. Do something other than throw the guy in the bin.

Come on this isn't the Daniel Johnson show, it's pro-sport why on Earth would the club need to put out a statement to announce DJ going to the bench, mid-season too btw?

How do you figure they threw him in the bin? They kept playing him, he played 22 mpg last season. If they had have sent him to the end of the bench not playing him okay this might make some sense. But public statements, ceremonial gestures? This wasn't the death of a monarch lol

Reply #921638 | Report this post

Two years ago

For the record this is the mpg DJ played after going to the bench last season, hardly being "thrown in the bin":

11:01 vs Tas, 17:01 vs SEM, 19:21 vs Bris, 21:05 vs Cairns, 25:05 vs Hawks, 14:07 vs NZ, 13:07 vs Tas, 16:02 vs Perth, 20:52 vs Bris, 20:43 vs Melb, 17:46 vs Cairns, 21:40 vs Syd, 17:26 vs Melb.

Reply #921640 | Report this post

Two years ago

Hey Sebastian, my fourth (?) post....

I told you I visit this site regularly and knew that a DJ thread was overdue.

Reply #921666 | Report this post

Two years ago

As as per your previous 3 a totally useless contribution smh

Reply #921674 | Report this post

Two years ago

Bring him off the bench by all means , but do it in the right way. Have DJ make a statement that he sees his future off the bench and is self sacrificing for the good of the team. Do something other than throw the guy in the bin.

I am curious about that 'right way'.

I would imagine there is a team planning session where the coach shares his plan (offensive / defensive schemes, starting line up etc) with the team and maybe even one on one (where sensitive like DJ) where required.

To me this is professional enough, if they want to make it a news byte then by all means, but not required to give DJ 'face'.

It is entirely possible that DJ did not take the news well at all, however softly or professional it was conveyed.

Reply #921682 | Report this post

Two years ago

Sixers Fan, let's hope nobody follows the logic of your "retirement" plan.... He must not have had any living expenses in the last 10 years….he also wasn’t making $300k a season for 10 years.

Reply #921695 | Report this post

Two years ago

Yeah Sixers Fan and housing actually costs money too you know, a lot in fact.

One player is already seeking offers for next season in preparation of leaving.

Spicy. Sixers keep delivering and this is why in my perfect perverted world there would be an all-access reality TV show covering them.

Reply #921716 | Report this post

Two years ago

Hooper, Perthworld it is simple maths that most people don't want to understand or don't bother to learn. Since he was making a large income I imagine he would have seen a financial advisor so capital gains, negative gearing, salary sacrificing and compound interest would all come into play.

He has 15 years in the NBL, played several seasons overseas and NBL1. That as well as his partner working would equal more than what we previously said over his career.

A couple with that sort of career would have a healthy amount of super which will now spend the next 25 years compounding. So in 25 years about $4 million at 9%, $3.4 million at 8%.

Someone with the same sort of disposable income could have bought a home and paid it off quickly. Bought an investment house which could be paid off now, sell it and put the money into high dividend producing shares or index funds which will give enough passive income to retire on. Added to that with no mortgaged and probably given a car for most of his career his living expenses would be low so more money to invest.

As I correctly said if the money was invested wisely then it is a likely scenario.

Lots of people have retired on a lot less. These people aren't driving around in expensive cars/4wds, maxing out their borrowing power, buying boats, going on overseas holidays all the time. These people are living frugally whilst still being able to go on sensible holidays and enjoy a normal life and not have to work another day in their life. Perthworld go look up Dave Gow as a local WA example

Reply #921725 | Report this post

Two years ago

As I correctly said if the money was invested wisely then it is a likely scenario.

It is possible but extremely unlikely.

You continue to ignore the cost of one's primary residence and go on to describe a best case perfect world scenario that only less than 1% of the population with sufficient income have the financial awareness and discipline to execute plan of this nature well before retirement. <0.1% for DJ's age bracket after you factor in that most professionals start to earn good money in their mid 30s and have more of a chance of succeeding as maturity is on their side whereas an athlete's income peaks much earlier in life correlating with financial naivety so they are at a distinct disadvantage.

He can't access his superannuation for at least another 25 years so I'm not sure why that was even brought up as the debate started with whether or not he could afford to sit out the upcoming season. I guess you were stat padding with that one to make the bottom line look better.

The reality is most people tend to approach money from a totally opposite angle to the one you describe and more so when they are still young.

Could have, would have, should have.

Reply #921727 | Report this post

Two years ago

No, extremely unlikely for someone on an average wage. Not extremely unlikely for someone with a huge salary and low living expenses whom could of been lucky to have had the benefits of really good capital gains.

Someone with a huge salary are more likely to go to a financial planner. Even if he didn't go to a FP in most cases it is a pretty obvious scenario

"Gees I am making a lot of money perhaps I should buy a home, I will be able to pay it off quickly. A lot better than renting"

"Gees I have paid off the home now what should I do with all this excess money? I am not sure but usually people buy an investment house with it"

"Awesome I paid off the investment house and capital gains went up heaps and now I am not working. Maybe I should see a FA"

This is hardly best case scenario. How much would someone's house cost 10 years ago $400k-$600k at what 2.5 - 3% interest? So we are talking about a 3rd to half of a couples salary to pay it off in rapid time.

The point about super is anyone 35 only has to survive the next 25 years on passive income/draw down income before getting a huge payment. This is what you and Zodiac ("Go a year or two without earning? Sure, but not put the feet up for the next 40-50 years") fail to understand. Therefore people can use passive income and/or draw down until then. So it is very important in the equation.

So once again yes if anyone with that sort of money used it wisely then they would be able to retire.

Obliviously people should get financially educated and possibly see a FP

Reply #921732 | Report this post

Two years ago

"He got paid handsomely to be a one club player"

Is this the Mandela effect? I recall he started his career with the Melbourne Tigers.

Reply #921740 | Report this post

Two years ago

Nothing is the Mandela effect, because the Mandela effect isn't a thing, but even if it were the thing it ostensibly refers to is not "one person forgot a thing".

Reply #921744 | Report this post

Two years ago

Mandela effect

So what is the term used for when someone tries to argue with you, by explaining super basic concepts and then misapplying the probability of them applying to a certain individual due to inputting unrealistic inputs, about a discipline you deal with professionally on a daily basis? Because that's my feel right now.

Reply #921756 | Report this post

Two years ago

and a byproduct of it seems to be using the same word twice in the same sentence more than once, argh.

Reply #921762 | Report this post

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