Weedy Slug
Two years ago
Cambage to Nigeria N.T?
Weedy Slug
Two years ago
Weedy Slug
Two years ago
Full interview
Two years ago
"A player who has competed in an official FIBA competition after reaching age 17 is tied to that country."
Liz blowing smoke as usual.
Two years ago
I wonder if this is some sort of self-reassurance from her. In a public interview, she'd want to assert a "landed on my feet" vibe.
If there was a casual 'Opals can't handle you, come represent us' thing in the past from a Nigerian rep, perhaps that's extrapolated to "The Nigerian team will have me" in her mind. ...regardless of whether that coach is still in a position of influence. 'Opals didn't fire me, I chose to go play for Nigeria!'
Weedy Slug
Two years ago
The rules have changed about switching allegiance.
Two years ago
Strange given that Nigeria was the country she had the dust up with.
But just reading the Wiki page, given her parental heritage, she could play for Nigeria provided either Basketball Australia don't object, or FIBA deem it in assisting the development of basketball in the given region, which they no doubt would given Africa’s success or lack thereof at the international level.
Two years ago
Hey Nigerian basketball, you've had all types of problems with administration and coaches and your national government, among other things causing you to have to pull your team out of the last world cup, so here lemme toss this Liz hand grenade into your program just to blow up your team culture as well!
Surely that wouldn't be that cruel
Weedy Slug
Two years ago
Surprised she didn't mention GB also who at one stage were interested.
Two years ago
Yep so according to the FIBA Internal Regulations (April 2023):
"in exceptional circumstances the Secretary General may authorise such a player to play for the national team of another country if the change is in the best interest of basketball."
This has potential to cause more harm than good for everyone involved.
I would've thought this is further complicated by her dual-citizen status (Australian and British). It's all very complicated, but hopefully moot.
Weedy Slug
Two years ago
16 Teams fighting for 12 Olympic spots...
Nigeria - Liz wants in…
+ 2 more tbd from Americas
10 of the above, 4 will be eliminated
2 Qualified already
Dog 55
Two years ago
The tweets from Promise Amukamara would seem to pour the veritable bucket of cold water on the cabbage.
Two years ago
She hasn't been heard of for quite a while so I'd suggest this is to somehow try and remain relevant
Two years ago
I thought it was April 1st for some reason, and that I'd somehow slept through the months in between
Sounds like the sort of thing an agent would come up with when they were worrying about their revenue stream drying up
Two years ago
Open to a correction here.
The new Liz statements re Nigeria - are released on or very close to the same day that the Nigerian Women's Basketball team are celebrating their Afro Championship by receiving an official Nigerian government state reception.
Odd timing if accurate.
Two years ago
Good old Lizzy attempting to utilise the media, again, in an droll attempt to stay relevant.
Two years ago
I watched certain parts of the YouTube interview. Wow she is the most self-centred, self-righteous piece of shit.
I had to laugh when she said she wanted to be the GM of a WNBA team. I mean, could you imagine? Liz as your GM? I almost wish it would happen to see the train wreck unfold.
Two years ago
A couple of Nigerian players have put her back in her box on bleacher
Two years ago
Seriously just a waste of Space ! So entitled and and what an ego! She does not realise what ever she does just makes things way worse !
Two years ago
Just saw video of the incident. #9 Nigeria did to Liz what everyone in the world dreams of.
Two years ago
Your friendly neighbourhood, basketball mental health advocate here.
Her mental health battles are well publicised. What purpose does giving her airtime/kicking the boot in serve?
Mental health sufferers confabulate. Kanye did, multiple celebrities with visions of grandeur, or tales of past glory revisited inaccurately etc. It's a sign of poor mental health/instability.
It should be treated as such.
Two years ago
She plays the mental health card when it suits her ?
She is a terrible human being and should be treated as such !
Two years ago
her own quotes from media articles
"At 15 yrs old, I would get black out drunk, wake up with an IV on my arm and no memory"
"I spent every night of my WNBA rookie season alone, depressed an in tears"
"In 2016, I was put on suicide watch"
has logged several DNP-Rest due to self-described crippling panic attacks.
She's a 31 year old woman of mixed ethnicity. There's probably a lot of white privillege here as expected but try, just try and envision what it might have been for an uber tall child, growing up with a mother white as snow, with her black father, not around, in rural NSW and other small Victorian towns.
Do you think the other kids might have been nice to her? Do you think possibly she has spent her entire youth and adolescent life being gawked at?
Surely white privillege or not, most of you would have a female in your life you consider precious be it a spouse, daughter, mother or whatever....
Charlotte Dawson, broskis.
Be nice or if people are being irritating (which admittedly, Cambage is) move on or at the very least don't add to the mental health stigma.
Two years ago
Be accountable for your actions and don't lie ? That is why everybody hates her !
Two years ago
Yeah it' s not lying when one is mentally ill homie, it's called confabulating.
Similar to the loonies you see homeless who say they HAD a million bucks but blew it. Or Steve Leven claiming he had a PhD (a pretty huge d*ck lol)
And that's why it's a mental health DISORDER because it prevents one from using their prefrontal cortex to act in what the rest of society would deem to be reasonable/right/fair dinkum.
The guard she puts up, try gauge maybe why that is. Black dad, leaves white mum. Raised in a single parent household - with your ticket out being professional women's basketball. Do you think anyone who has ever coached/developed her from the AIS right through to the WNBA, or represented her, showed "genuine" care for her as a HUMAN, or as a meal ticket?
It's hard to be loving, genuine, fair person when no one has ever really displayed those traits to you.....
Not all ballers had Lindsay Gaze mentoring them, Albert Park as their backyard, and a model childhood to prepare them for the big stage of ball games and the game of life...
Two years ago
I wonder how many on here have children - and how many go to their child and scold them on Roblox/FB Messenger for behaviour that might be miscontrued as online bullying.
Case of do as I say not do as I do lol
Two years ago
Please spare me all the excuses ! She comes across as a Bitch because guess what she is a ....!
Two years ago
Confabulating or not, Liz is constantly using her platform for toxic behaviour, most recently by publicly deflecting of blame of her overtly racist remarks onto her teammates, coaches and Australia as a whole. To many that's a little more than just "irritating".
Two years ago
As much as I agree with all the comments about Cambage being a narcissist and a disgrace to the Boomers, and a culture killer, and I'm glad she's gone....
That Nigerian #9 deserves to be banned from any FIBA competition (club or international) for 6 months for that king hit. She's lucky it didn't connect too well and Cambage got straight back up, cos if it had connected we might be talking 12 months or more. Simply not on. (Regardless that it was a practice match and probably not FIBA sanctioned- they should have some jurisdiction hopefully?). What's the bet the Nigerian national team and/or FIBA did nothing. Happens too often in bball- eg the guy who decked Exum, the Phillipine brawl. Seems on the odd occasion basketball players go truly rogue, they get let off far too lightly.
Two years ago
I support your views WillyBalls. Mainstream media know full well about Liz's mental issues yet choose to amplify her utterances because they only care about clicks and Liz is guaranteed to trigger a pile on.
Two years ago
Hopefully for Liz's sake no one asks her what the N in Nigeria N.T stands for.
Two years ago
You cannot make this stuff up! She racially insulted Nigeria team and then thinks its a great idea to Join them ! The audacity of this woman is unbelievable! And you stick up for her on mental health, she has made her bed and now has to lie in it! I feel sorry for her as she has absolutely no idea !!!!
Two years ago
The girl who hit Cambage did so after what appears to be re-aligning her nose. Liz is walking off to the bench and giving verbal to Nigeria bench. This is not the same girl that they show in the first part of the video getting the elbow to the head under the basket. It's probable Liz smacked her then ran down the other end and now is being subbed out. I do not condone the punch, but we do not know what happened to the player first. Plus LV it was not a sanctioned practice match just a scrimmage as Goriss is the Australian ref.
Two years ago
WillyBalls25 there are lots of sportsmen and women around the world across multiple sports who have had a much harder life than Liz who aren't ar*eholes and hide behind mental health to act like one.
Two years ago
Who is this random who has just registered to insult Cambage in this thread? lol. Probably not so random, TBH.
I definitely sympathise with Liz because of her mental health problems, but it wouldn't hurt if she gained a bit of self-awareness. I really don’t think she’s suited for a team sports environment, but it’s all she knows hence these repeated not very good attempts to get back into it.
Two years ago
Its my opinion and I am entitled to it ! I have been following this forum for many many years and registered a long time ago just did not feel I need to post until this garbage today! How on earth can u defend her actions ! Then need to get personal with me because my view do not agree with you !
This a forum for opinions is it not !
Two years ago
You have spent 9 posts attacking Cambage and have literally posted nothing else. Get over it.
Two years ago
SO WHAt ? You get over it
Who are you to attack me !
I did not attack you ! I am entitled to my opinion, don't read if you don't like it !
The truth must really hurt !
Two years ago
"I do not condone the punch, but we do not know what happened to the player first."
Yes- I noticed this too.
But irrespective of what led to the incident, #9's actions deserve serious sanction and suspension (whether that's from FIBA or Nigerian national team or however it plays out). Simply an unacceptable act.
Two years ago
Joey punched Sobey at training and there was no repercussions...it happens. It was along time ago now.
Two years ago
Its all a bit sad. She's clearly got mental health issues and I wish she had someone around her that she'd listen to enough that could make sure she gets the help she needs.
Two years ago
Part Nigerian woman (with long established struggles with mental stability) allegedly uses racial slur against another Nigerian woman.
I only have a passing interest in human behaviour and I get it. Is the Penny (Taylor or Hardaway it don't matter they all ballin the same) not dropping for anyone else?
Any of these are likely
-abandonment and daddy issues/trauma
-Nigerians to her mind are symbolic representation of such trauma
-she was likely also verbally (or worse) attacked in the same vein growing up
-she hasn't fully reconciled her mixed heritage and has never established a sense of belonging.
I'm not giving her a free pass, shoot I spent weeks arguing on Twitter vs Ben Simmons ball fondlers when he had the Casino-gate shit right after watching the Adam Goodes doco lol. Im pretty sure I can fairly decipher what cries warrant a bit of merit and what is Ali G, is it coz I is black taking the piss.
There's an episode of Law and Order SVU where a half black half Chinese guy, who never met his black father, and was disowned by his Asian family, goes on to abuse a bunch of Chinese sox workers.
That sort of shit happens in real life.
Most people aren't generally born a-holes or want to not fulfill their potential....
twenty four
Two years ago
I can't help but feel there are better examples of mental illness than a character from an episode of Law and Order.
Two years ago
WillyBalls25 you should right fiction novels mate
Two years ago
Regardless of whether or not Cabbage has mental issues or plays for the Nigerian n.t. or not, there's no way in Hell that she’d go live in Nigeria. It might be part of her heritage, but there’s no way she’ll give up her high standard of comfort and adoring groupies to live there.
Not that living anywhere is needed by FIBA to play for a n.t. these days.
William 23
Two years ago
Best quote on this whole topic - the reporter then states he had contacted an official Nigerian Basketball Federation, who added, "it would be easier for an elephant to pass through the eye of a needle, not even a camel" than for Cambage to play for Nigeria.
Two years ago
Having a mental illness is not a blank cheque to be an asshole.
Two years ago
"She's a 31 year old woman of mixed ethnicity. There's probably a lot of white privillege here as expected but try, just try and envision what it might have been for an uber tall child, growing up with a mother white as snow, with her black father, not around, in rural NSW and other small Victorian towns".
Mate she grew up in Mt Eliza, hardly a small victorian town and she was always at Frankston and Dandy courts training (probably for free), She met O Hea there and Cole in juniors and they WERE long time friends.
Basketball crowds on a Friday are not small height wise, I would argue she literally just got too good and then got too big for her own boots.
She was giving the middle finger to small dandy kids when chucked out on a T in a WNBL, later that year she said she is too good for the league, she has always been a knob but used to listen to Ohea and Chambers and Cole who could calm her down, they have been burnt too many times it seems
Two years ago
Yeah, I don't think we need to vilify or excuse Cambage’s actions. They are what they are and she’s not representing Nigeria.
Two years ago
Channel 7 had the full footage on the news. Cambage punched Nigerian #9 in the face from behind sucker punch style. I'd have done exactly what White 9 did as well.
Two years ago
There was another 2nd Cambage cheapshot which stopped the game before the one mentioned above.
Two years ago
"Having a mental illness is not a blank cheque to be an asshole."
Of course not, but it often leads one to be an asshole, and compounds the problem by preventing that person from having the insight to realise that they're being an asshole, and what they should do to not be one.
She's saying she's going to play for Nigeria - they're saying she's not. Let it die out peacefully.
The scuffle has happened some time ago now - let it play out. She's no longer going to represent Australia, the incident has been well scrutinised - now we're going at it again with "revised audio and vision". Like, really, it's what the world needs right now, footage with better angles and sound bites that's marginally more audible lol...
I think there might be bigger fish to fry in the context of Planet Earth, or even just the world of basketball in general.
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