Two years ago

UBL & US College Ball - Potential for an Exchange Scheme

There is immense potential to significantly expand playing and studying opportunities between Australian and US universities for durations of either a semester or one year. But why should one consider it?

For US students, an exchange program to Australia could lead to an accelerated completion of their US degree by up to 6 months to a full year. Additionally, it offers a unique chance to immerse themselves in a different country and culture. Although this option may not suit players on major US college teams, it could be particularly attractive for those participating in less competitive conferences like Ivy, Patriot, Colonial, North East, or even West Coast. Such conferences encompass some outstanding universities but typically provide modest financial support to most players.

For Australian players, many possess considerable talent but, for various reasons, don't receive financial support to attend a US university of their choice. This exchange scheme presents an alternative entry point for them. Moreover, numerous players are interested in experiencing the US college lifestyle without committing to up to two years of education if they're not deemed competitive enough and are required to return home.

To flourish, this scheme requires two developments. Firstly, the UBL needs to establish a second season, commencing in early August and concluding at the university nationals in September. This development has its own merits regardless of the exchange scheme and merits a separate discussion thread. Secondly, there should be greater flexibility from course administrators regarding the timing of entry and exams for exchange students.

During the initial two years of a US degree, students focus on general studies before specializing in their chosen fields later on. Finding corresponding courses in Australian universities that would be credited by US institutions should not be overly challenging. For US students, the exchange would typically take place in mid-to-late July since they finish their studies in May/June and join Australian academic programs for the second semester, which commences in July. Under a revised UBL schedule, they would participate in 4 or 5 UBL matches between August and early September, culminating in the national university games week in September. Once the September nationals conclude, they can then concentrate on their Australian studies until early October when final exams are held. Subsequently, they can return to the US to rejoin their courses (albeit belatedly).

For Australian participants, the key entry point would remain late July to early August, right after completing the first semester in Australia. They could then join the US college squad for preparatory games in November, ideally securing playing time during the regular season, which typically concludes in March, just in time for the start of the Australian academic year.

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