Q Anon
Two years ago

Bronny James Heart Attack

Lebrons son suffered a heart attack working out at USC - he is in a stable condition now according to Twitter

Hopefully it doesn't impact his career

Topic #51252 | Report this topic

Two years ago

Maybe, maybe not. Will have definetly reduced his worth though

Reply #920694 | Report this post

Two years ago

So we won't be seeing him in the NBL after all?

Reply #920696 | Report this post

Two years ago

Hope he's ok. Safe and effective strikes again.

Reply #920697 | Report this post

Two years ago

Andrew, you sad little troll.

Reply #920698 | Report this post

Two years ago

It's easy to forget about the anti-vax crowd until you see the replies on social media anytime anyone has any sort of heart-related issue.

Reply #920699 | Report this post

Two years ago

Must be very sobering for LeBron given his own particularly resilient body/career.

Reply #920700 | Report this post

Two years ago

Andrew you are indeed a sad individual

Reply #920701 | Report this post

Two years ago

Let's just hope he’s healthy and makes a full recovery. There are other things in life other than basketball.

Reply #920704 | Report this post

Two years ago

Hoping he makes a full recovery... Agree on the anti-vax knobs coming out every single time something like this pops up, it's disgusting, but what can you expect from a bunch of whackjobs...

Scary stuff for his family though, that helplessness would have been paralysing...

Reply #920744 | Report this post

Two years ago

Sad for him but I can't see Bronny getting drafted now. The NBA are not going to want another Reggie Lewis situation.

Reply #920750 | Report this post

Two years ago

Have to get used to this happening more. The AFL now getting all players in their underage pathway programs (which is thousands of kids) to have ECGs to pick up myocarditis/pericarditis etc to pick this up before a heart attack happens while training at high intensity.

Reply #920753 | Report this post

Two years ago

Keyontae Johnson was taken in this year's draft after being told he would never play again following a cardiac arrest during a game and being in a medically induced coma.

Reply #920800 | Report this post

Two years ago

Reply #920804 | Report this post

Two years ago

@koberulez reminds me of all the "covid" deaths :')

Reply #920808 | Report this post

Two years ago

It's amazing how naive most people are unaware that excess deaths since Covid vaccines has increased worldwide exponentially. And the number of fit and healthy athletes that have passed or had health issues on sporting fields is thru the roof since the con job. Hope the young athlete makes a speedy and successful return to basketball.

Reply #920811 | Report this post

Two years ago

excess deaths since COVID*

fixed that for you.

Reply #920812 | Report this post

Two years ago

We aren't naive we just don't believe your attempt at a con job

Reply #920813 | Report this post

Two years ago

Sebastian you must be naive look up Our World in Data it's all there regarding excess deaths. The con job has been your government who is run by unelected people. "The TGA has identified 14 reports where the cause of death was linked to vaccination from 982 reports received and reviewed"

Reply #920814 | Report this post

Redarmy anon  
Two years ago

Or refer to WA health who put out a report a couple of weeks back showing all the adverse reactions reported at just one hospital

Was around 60% from well over a thousand that were reported there that needed treatment and or a stay in hospital

This was when there was zero covid in the state due to border closure.

Report is freely available on WA health website.

Not saying bronny is due to the vax, but how many coincidences do you need before it is believed to be a potential trigger or cause especially when government issue data confirming myocarditis and heart attacks directly attributed to the vax

Even Pfizer state that in their reports

Reply #920816 | Report this post

Two years ago

The TGA has identified 14 reports where the cause of death was linked to vaccination from 982 reports received and reviewed
So of the hundreds of millions of people who have received the vaccine, less than a thousand had an issue, and of those only 14 were found to be vaccine-related? And you think this is a good argument against the vaccine?

Reply #920817 | Report this post

Two years ago

this is a life changing event not just for the person involved but the people around them. People will re-assess their life goals and priorities.

Reply #920819 | Report this post

Two years ago

koberulz obviously your naivety in using the TGA website is evident. "Total adverse event reports following immunisation to 19 March 2023
Total adverse event reports"
Of those 982 deaths reported as deaths from the jab only 14 have been determined to be from the conjob jab. Funny that all deaths previously were from Covid 19. Even a customer of mine who died in a bike accident had his death listed on his death certificate from Covid 19. These stats are all from Australia and available on the TGA website. Koberulz draw your own conclusions/assumptions I'm also here for the basketball mainly and as states previously I wish a quick and speedy recovery to the athlete.

Reply #920823 | Report this post

Two years ago


Reply #920824 | Report this post

Two years ago

I like the cute antivax mob who created profiles just to spew their crap in this thread. (Only posts) hahaha Get a life

Reply #920825 | Report this post

Two years ago

Of those 982 deaths reported as deaths from the jab only 14 have been determined to be from the conjob jab
So it's substantially safer than vending machines, why not go protest those?

Reply #920827 | Report this post

Two years ago

18 and a heart attack... we know little information. Shaq's kid had heart issues prior to covid, but that turned out to be congenital (and no heart attack).

Bronny's issue Could be (1) congenital, (2) a covid complication, or (3) vaxx related. We have no idea. If you complain about those saying it was the vaxx and then proceed to definitively say it wasn't your engaging in the same misinformation.

I'm personally agnostic, but curious and hope we get some sort of satisfactory answer.

Oh and Sebastian.... I ended up in hospital with blood clots in my lungs at Xmas 14 days after the 2nd vaccine (no I don't have the genetic clotting marker), so please don't tell me I'm an idiot. Also, as a lawyer, I know proving anything DEFINITIVELY (to a legal standard) is almost impossible given all the moving parts, so please calm down.

Reply #920828 | Report this post

Two years ago

Been on these threads for a while now bingo boy just don't need to be involved in your I’ll pat you on the back said something great boy chats all the time. Kobe obviously my continual posting of 982 deaths deemed by the loved ones to be from the con job and struck out by ATAGI has no significance also resonates as no significance to you. It’s quite obvious that your both living in fairy land.

Reply #920829 | Report this post

Two years ago

People who aren't qualified to make medical diagnoses made incorrect medical diagnoses? Stop the presses!

Reply #920830 | Report this post

Two years ago

You're the only one but you have been clearly brainwashed by the conspiracy theorists since you one and only thread start! Just keeping it real homie

Reply #920831 | Report this post

Two years ago

Jamal another 1 post wonder. Move along. What a petty life trolling the internet to find anywhere to spew your rubbish

Reply #920832 | Report this post

Two years ago

Kobe the TGA had people officially vaxxed 30 days after inoculation. Unfortunately people who died or had adverse events within that period were not recognised as vaxxed. Goal post shifting to suit their every needs by the TGA. Also APHRA muzzled doctors and all health care professionals on speaking out about their concerns regarding the MRNA vaccines.
How come our bball blogger Seb calls me antivaxx when you don't know my status. Me calling conjob on these vaxxes shouldn’t make you assume anything. Also admin would know how long I’ve been on hoops and when I’ve posted previously.

Reply #920836 | Report this post

Two years ago

I like the cute antivax mob who created profiles just to spew their crap in this thread. (Only posts) hahaha Get a life

This *is* their life. They're the same people who coordinated to submit fake adverse affects reports to TGA, VAERS, etc, and I guess they're getting bored since those efforts amounted to nothing.

Reply #920837 | Report this post

Two years ago

don't be surprised if this significantly affects Lebron's game / career (the emotional shift is huge nearly losing a child)

Reply #920843 | Report this post

Two years ago

Oh good the cookers have invaded Hoops

Reply #920846 | Report this post

Two years ago

Doggr that information is available to everyone champ.

Reply #920852 | Report this post

Redarmy anon  
Two years ago

another basketball player who had myocarditis from vaccine dies of heart attack as per below report from NY Post


no shortage of these coincidences globally with well known people, makes you wonder how many that you don't hear about as they are not sports personalities or celebrities.

Reply #920865 | Report this post

Two years ago

2 posts redarmy anon bravo

Reply #920866 | Report this post

Redarmy anon  
Two years ago

is off season bro, calm down

Reply #920867 | Report this post

Two years ago

Your entire hoops history is 3 posts Einstein

Reply #920870 | Report this post

Redarmy anon  
Two years ago

well responding to a keyboard warrior is increasing that pretty quickly isnt it....

I have posted more previously just changed to a name other than anon / anonymous or whatever the default used to be, but dont see the relevance of number of posts, especially when it comes to such a tragic event like a young man with his whole life ahead of him getting severe cardiac issues regardless of what triggered it

but you enjoy whatever makes you feel big about your bed wetting stance on this

Reply #920872 | Report this post

Two years ago

There connection is your just a vax troll

Reply #920874 | Report this post

Two years ago

Seb didn't think there was an induction course and membership to engage on this forum. The Karen gatekeeper of hoops will be your title name from now.
And welcome aboard Luuuc Luuuc with your technical special comments. Ignorance is bliss it seems.

Reply #920894 | Report this post

Two years ago

Please don't call me names I don’t like it

Reply #920895 | Report this post

Two years ago

Seb, stand back, don't engage with fools, just let them read their own rubbish.

Reply #920897 | Report this post

Two years ago

To all the dunderheads banging on about the vaccine

Take your tin foil hats off and go read a paper, not the utter trash you consume on Facebook, twitter and your chat rooms for simpletons.

He has been diagnosed with a heart arrhythmia, for the uneducated it's an irregular heartbeat!

Nothing to do with Covid or the vaccine

Has already left hospital and probably be able to continue playing basketball!

Reply #920902 | Report this post

Two years ago

Cardiac arrhythmia is certainly linked to both COVID and mRNA COVID injections. A number of studies have examined this and a meta-analysis has been published:


"The current evidence shows that the incidence rate (IR) of cardiac arrhythmia post-COVID-19 vaccination is rare and ranges between 1 and 76 per 10,000."

"People from North America had the highest incidence of cardiac arrhythmia post-Pfizer COVID-19 vaccination at 11.95%, 95% CI: (4.92% to 18.98%), followed by Europe at 0.136%, 95% CI: (0.134% to 0.137%), the Middle East at 0.022%, 95% CI: (0.001% to 0.046%), and Asia at 0.006%, 95% CI."

"The results of individual studies demonstrated that arrhythmia was one of the largest relative risks associated with COVID-19 vaccines."

Reply #920910 | Report this post

Two years ago


Reply #920913 | Report this post

Melbourne Boy  
Two years ago

Seems like that "dunderhead", "tin foil hat wearing" "cooker" Anonymightymouse actually reads for himself rather than just beleiveing what all those honest politicians and Pharma companies said.

Reply #920915 | Report this post

Two years ago

So i guess the reaction i had was due to my tinfoil hat?

Don't be so ignorant people have had reactions to everything from food to drinks to vaccine it can happen to anyone

Reply #920940 | Report this post

Two years ago

Myocarditis is a very rare occurrence after the Pfizer vaccine, and no association with any other covid19 vaccine has been reported.

BUT myocarditis is also an occurrence after covid19 infection. I was told it was 1000 times more likely after covid19 than for the Pfizer vaccine.

Early in the covid19 epidemic, there was significant research into cardiac outcomes of covid19. Medical journals were publishing preliminary investigations from around the western world. The research from China and Russia was scarce and not effectively peer reviewed. There was speculation that it was politically influenced. Why do we not have access to Sinovax or Russovax? This early research was not conclusive, and would now be found within the "long covid" research.

I have had a heart transplant, and I am therefore mo susceptible to all infections than almost every other person, somIm more motivated to stay safe than most people. I get my information from my transplant team, cancer specialists and other medicos, as well as the Journal of the American Medical Association, other reliable medical articles and a couple of other medical publications.

In general, the dominant covid sub variants are far less dangerous than the virus going around in 2020/21. Viruses have to evolve to strike a balance between severity and “deadliness” and transmissibility. The initial few covid variants struck that balance in the sweet spot. As more hosts have become harder to infect (due to mass vaccinations) the virus has mutated become more transmissible. The trade off is that it's no longer as dangerous. I had covid19 in 2021. My team quickly arranged the antivirals for me because they were highly effective back then. Last year I got the flu. I tested negative for covid19. My team stated that they wouldn’t rush to get me the antivirals, and would let me “ride it out”. The antivirals are almost exclusively given once someone is in ICU now.

Covid19 will most likely be around on an ongoing basis now, but it has evolved into something about as dangerous and transmissible as the flu. For those who are immunocompromised or aged, it can be dangerous and even fatal (I’m in that category). I’m guessing that the vaccine will be developed as a mixed covid19/ influenza vaccine. It’ll be an annual shot, best taken in Autumn. The medicos seem to agree with me. If you’re young and fit, you will probably survive covid19 just as you survive the flu. Unlike the flu, the long term covid effects need to be considered though.

Reply #921036 | Report this post

Two years ago

Sebastian, what a pretty name, I'm here every so often and choose not to post on everything champ. I'm seldom interested in commenting on the state of the 36ers or what ever the latest gossip on Daniel Johnson is. If that is your passion good luck to you.

I suggest you widen your gaze (pun intended) and not make everything binary. There is grey in all discussions (as was the point of my post). Gatekeeping of amateur hobby website like this says more about you than those you criticise.

Reply #921046 | Report this post

Two years ago

Sebastian, what a pretty name, I'm here every so often and choose not to post on everything champ. I'm seldom interested in commenting on the state of the 36ers or what ever the latest gossip on Daniel Johnson is. If that is your passion good luck to you.

I suggest you widen your gaze (pun intended) and not make everything binary. There is grey in all discussions (as was the point of my post). Gatekeeping of amateur hobby website like this says more about you than those you criticise.

Reply #921047 | Report this post

Two years ago

Thank you for your 3 enlightening career posts. Bravo to you

Reply #921048 | Report this post

Two years ago


"As more hosts have become harder to infect (due to mass vaccinations) the virus has mutated become more transmissible."

Can you explain this one? You know the vaccine doesn't stop transmission or stop someone from getting covid right?

Reply #921345 | Report this post

Two years ago

"BUT myocarditis is also an occurrence after covid19 infection. I was told it was 1000 times more likely after covid19 than for the Pfizer vaccine."

This is incorrect. A large Israeli study (200K in infection arm, 500K in control arm) identified no signal of increased myocarditis or pericarditis post-infection (0.0046% and 0.0056% respectively).

"Post COVID-19 infection was not associated with either myocarditis (aHR 1.08; 95% CI 0.45 to 2.56) or pericarditis (aHR 0.53; 95% CI 0.25 to 1.13)."


Reply #921349 | Report this post

Two years ago

"Myocarditis is a very rare occurrence after the Pfizer vaccine, and no association with any other covid19 vaccine has been reported."

It has also been identified in Moderna, which uses the same mechanism of action.


Reply #921354 | Report this post

Sneaky Old  
Two years ago

I came here to read about a young man who suffered a heart issue. instead, I am reading about covid conspiracy.

Are we better to have the thread e.g., conspiracy of covid and the impact on athletes. Rather than a Bronny thread

Reply #921356 | Report this post

Two years ago

please no

Reply #921358 | Report this post

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