Two years ago

U20 Auschamps Women

U20 womens starts Feb14.
Does anyone have CONFIRMED (not educated guesses) details regarding streaming? Did BA communicate this basic piece of info one on their platforms? Any help appreciated. (I got relatives in the US asking me about it).

Topic #50912 | Report this topic

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

It's on kommunity tv via newscorp media.

Reply #912087 | Report this post

Two years ago

Thanks Weedy, sorry to bother. I do not wish to impose self righteous and outrage TV on my unsuspecting relatives overseas. My question is this to the broader community - if one fills in an introductory subscription to watch the stream can you cancel after the AJCs finish no problem or is one stuck with Andrew Bolt and Credlin for months that follow?

Reply #912089 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

I pay the $1 every week for 4 weeks and then cancel my subscription and remove billing info.
It's not easy to cancel, you must remove billing information or they will charge you again at a much higher rate when you log in after the 4 week period.

Easier to pay via PayPal and cancel.

Reply #912091 | Report this post

Two years ago

What a hassle for an 81yo grandmother who is not v tech savvy. I have to take my hat off to murdoch media, they are most innovative finding new ways to make me hate them.

Reply #912092 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

Another BA fail. Absolute clowns running the show.

Nz has had free livestream link to all junior championship games for sometime but somehow ba can't do the same.

Reply #912093 | Report this post

Two years ago

Weedy Slug, how does the streaming look on your end?

I'm watching Global Academy v Vic Navy and it freezes temporarily every few seconds.

Barely worth watching my end

Reply #912098 | Report this post

Two years ago

It's curious why BA want to funnel money towards News Corp, but I suppose they want to outsource media production rather than do it themselves. It's a good way of limiting viewership though.

Reply #912101 | Report this post

Two years ago

When are replays available to watch?

So frustrating

Reply #912102 | Report this post

Two years ago

Can't even find LiveStats for any of the matches. This is very second rate.

Reply #912103 | Report this post

Two years ago

Scratch that Livestats comment. Turns out my VPN was filtering it lol.

Reply #912104 | Report this post

Two years ago

SP there was an issue this morning with livestats. Shouldn't have been a VPN issue.

Reply #912124 | Report this post

Two years ago

To change the subject a bit, is Puoch injured? I noticed she didn't play for Southside on the weekend but I had assumed she was resting for the AJCs. She's not played for Vic in either of the games today

Reply #912144 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

It's u20s...
Depleted rosters. WNBL commitments, Ncaa or injuries

Vic are missing Puoch, Loughridge, Heal, Ohara
Sa are missing Borlase, Brazel and Moffatt
Wa are missing Jacobs
Nsw are missing Nelson and Hassett
Qld are missing Rotunno and Fearne

I’m sure I’ve missed a few.

Reply #912149 | Report this post

Two years ago

Geez, Tas just beat the Vics in the boys. Wow.

Reply #912296 | Report this post

Two years ago

Anyone know why the girls gold medal game is before the boys bronze medal game.

Do not understand why.

8am Womens Bronze medal game
10am Womens Gold medal game
12pm Mens Bronze medal game
2pm Mens Gold medal game

Reply #912306 | Report this post

Two years ago

Makes some sense to have the games in each separate comp back to back. Nothing wrong with that.

Reply #912307 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

Tas beat vic B you mean

Reply #912315 | Report this post

Two years ago

JJ Mens Bronze isn't on the show court

Reply #912334 | Report this post

Two years ago

Hey Weedy, yeah suppose you are right, and I know you are very touchy about Vic. But have a think about the fact that there are about 500,000 people in Tasmania, with one of the oldest populations of any State. Vic has 5 million people and has the biggest basketball community. There are probably more people in Casey / Frankston. So, yeah, you can dis the Vic team and their coaches by calling them the Vic Bs, but before you do you should do the maths and actually just respect the Tas boys. Anyway. Well done to the Tas boys. Interesting that they didn't have 5 coaches on the bench either. But they probably had someone taking stats, and being analytical about the game.

Reply #912337 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

I disrespected the tas boys?
I have no preference. I don't care who wins or loses.
Savage has been the best player so far, WA the best team.

Reply #912338 | Report this post

Pasadena 72  
Two years ago

I don't think Savage is or has been the best player in his team. And I don’t think any team out of the top 8 has claims to the best player at the tournament.

Looking forward to some quality QFs tomorrow.

Reply #912341 | Report this post

Two years ago

Just found out - unofficially - that the previously scheduled 4pm womens qtr finals have been pushed back to 6pm start. Due to the hot weather. Despite the delay, expect the non aircon courts will be near century temperature by 6pm. Genius move to play such an important tournament, in the middle of summer, in a venue with non aircon courts. Just why the SBC or Dandenong were overlooked is a question that comes to mind.

Reply #912370 | Report this post

Two years ago

Agree Pasadena. People from Vic (and selectors generally) seem to be too focussed on points. Reality was that Vic shot 15% from 3, and managed only 6 ORs to Tas 31 DRs. Haywood was huge with 10 DRs. Vics did not appear to be structured well (not players fault) and sat back when others shot and thought it would happen. Let's see if they fix that today.

Reply #912374 | Report this post

Two years ago

And overall, Vic men having a schooler, losing to ACT yesterday.

Reply #912376 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

Girls that have increased stock for WC selection

Clark - wa
Ananiev - vic
Petrie - qld
Juffermans - nsw

Guaranteed imo if available

The rest potentially...
Not sure who would beat out the 3 above currently.

Reply #912505 | Report this post

Two years ago

Time for SA to stop taking a blue team. Embarrassing in the women, although should have knocked off the A team in the men's consultation game.
Results for South Australia terrible in this tournament

Reply #912656 | Report this post

Two years ago

Vic Men were poor also. Not sure if because talent was stretched, talent ID messed up along the way or just the "high performance" / coaching regime is not performing, or a bit of all that.

Reply #912664 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

It's u20s, you can’t this tournament seriously.

They should follow nz and avoid talent loss.

Reply #912668 | Report this post

Two years ago

As someone who follows the NSW Womens team of course I am happy to see them win the final against Victoria on Sunday. Many of the girls in the NSW team have made several trips to Vic in years gone by and been repeatedly beaten up by Vic based clubs, so it was a nice turn of events to see them successful this time.

Of course there will be many posters in SA and Vic who will lack grace and suggest that NSW success is due to the absences of key players in Vic and SA teams. Well you can only beat the opposition you face, which is what NSW did.

But there is an underlying lament of these posters that I share. And this forms the basis of the following rant. I understand that some WNBL clubs barred participation of marque youth players from representing their state. If that is true - how poor is this practice? Why should we blindly assume that this practice should prevail?

Both the WNBL and NBL claim to represent a city or a state, but in reality they are franchises that spend little developing the game in their "home" territory and will pull up stumps and relocate if there is a $ in it.

For years, we tell our junior ballers that it is an honour to wear the colours of their state, to value their selection because others would gladly step in. Yet at the first sniff of commercial opportunity, this mantra is forgotten. Apparently all the efforts of coaches and volunteers have actually been about grooming particular individuals, so that can impress scouts, so that they can pursue professional opportunities.

In my opinion, the willingness of BA and state associations to kowtow to private professional clubs - even US based clubs - is a cancer in our game -which has two symptoms.

First, it does a great disservice to all the hard work performed by good basketball people at the grassroots. There is the messaging of the NBA global academy in their digital media channels suggesting that it is their own special pixie dust that when sprinkled on talented Australian youth over one weekend is the reason these players will later become "stars". What bullshit.

Second it fosters an entitled mindset in "star" players who (if you haven't noticed) are quick to point out their stories of personal depravation in the media, yet ignore all the hours spent by volunteer coaches and semi pro associations in their youth. No wonder coaches and officials get disillusioned.

BA and state associations should go into bat for the grassroots- do all they can to promote the U18s/U20s as a pinnacle event and tell the professional clubs to wait their time and stop barring youth players from participating.

Reply #912672 | Report this post

Two years ago

Fully agree, Red

However, I think the clubs will force the kids to find some reason not to play, or might even write in the contract explicitly that contracted players must always give priority to the club over state teams.

It would be a great bit of PR to 'let' their players play in the national teams, of course.

Reply #912673 | Report this post

Two years ago

It's under 20s. Some of them have professional commitments and others are playing overseas for US colleges etc. I don’t think they should bother - they’re no longer juniors but obviously some other people think otherwise.

Reply #912677 | Report this post

Two years ago

I'm with SP, why would you leave a professional gig for U20’s? Borlase is a starter for Lightening & Puoch is a main rotation (contracted) player for Southside. All of the DP’s were there weren’t they?

Reply #912680 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Two years ago

By making it u13 through to u19, you won't get contracted wnbl players or ncaa players missing from rosters, they wouldn’t be eligible yet.

Reply #912681 | Report this post

Two years ago

Red, I normally enjoy your insight but can't help but think you're the one lacking grace on this occasion. Where are these posters dwelling on NSW's success only being possible due to omissions from other states?

Of course teams can only beat who is in front of them. The results might have been different if notable players participated, but NSW were evidently the best on this occasion. By contrast, Queensland had the majority of their contributors from two years ago and fared no better. This is the nature of competition.

Which clubs barred their players from participating? Like others, I thought that Puoch was resting in the lead up so that she could participate and Borlase had intended to until her injury and Opals call-up.

Most other notable players represented their state, with the exception of those that were injured or playing College basketball (e.g. Loughridge, Heal and Brazel).

U20's doesn't have the prestige of events that precede it, and prioritizing hard-earned NBL/WNBL opportunities is an entirely fair decision. The goal for many is to play professionally and represent their country. AJC's for U14, U16 and U18s is a stepping stone. U20s (generally) is not.

Your points are valid about certain programs claiming credit for the success of athletes that they've had limited influence over, but this also extends to Basketball Australia and state bodies.

There are selfish people and parasitic organizations involved every step of the way. That doesn't mean everyone is bad, or that these programs don't add value - often just less than what they claim.

Reply #912684 | Report this post

Two years ago

Interpreter - great comment - thank you for considering the issues and offering an intelligent response.

Reply #912688 | Report this post

Two years ago

When they decided to have some states bring 2 teams in the divisions was when this nationals went down the gurgler.

All the prestige went out the door as there are a lot of players who are not interested in playing in 20's because they have other priorities like WNBL and more so College in the USA.

NSW took 2 Mens and 2 womens team a few years ago to this nationals and they flopped and went back to 1 team only.

Reply #912741 | Report this post

Two years ago

NSW took two teams a couple of years ago, but they actually did well. Perhaps just didn't have talent pool for following years? It was only a couple of years ago so You should be able to check the records quite comfortably "retired".
Unsure for the hate on the tournament. Players involved seem to enjoy it per socials etc. and I get the sense that the tournament is actually for them.

Reply #912742 | Report this post

Two years ago

Anon321 - In general I find that posters who actually attended these events tended to be more positive than those who monitor the situation at a distance. You pick up the positive atmosphere of the players and spectators. Everyone wants to win and most seem to appreciate the fact that for many it is their last major tournament. While a few posters advocate scrapping the tournament, most (I sense) do not. And we need to keep in mind that disruptions caused by covid denied many the chance to compete in recent years.

The view that has merit IMO is that certain age tournaments are more important that others. The peak competitive tournament is probably the U18s as it is used as a proving ground for prospects seeking entry in the NBL and US colleges. Just about every marque player will be available.

I don't get the sense from BA that they assign greater importance to the U18s versus the U16s or U20s. For the U18s BA has to get right 3 key decisions - (1) Get the venue right - good courts that are more easily accessible for those travelling interstate and overseas. (2) Get the timing right. And if it is held prior to July it will reduce the disruption to study efforts ahead of the HSC finals in September. This timing also suits the recruitment schedules of US colleges; and (3) Be far more open when it comes to streaming and filming games. Scouts - and other interested parties - will usually be located at some distance, so don't nickel and dime this - allow streaming or recorded footage to be made readily available. Eliminate the commercial monopoly on filming rights at the venue itself. The experience with Murdoch's Kommunitytv at the U20s was a disaster - access was a big problem, particularly for those based overseas. And in the great Murdoch tradition, access was tied to receiving right wing political/social commentary. People don't want that.

Reply #912747 | Report this post

Two years ago

All good and fair points.

Reply #912749 | Report this post

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