Two years ago

Taipans v Wildcats 12/2

Just to make things even worse, Tahjere McCall is out with a partial shoulder dislocation - guess we have an extra Assistant Coach.

See how the Taipans Player Committee goes...

Topic #50909 | Report this topic

Two years ago

They won in Perth with Taj so it's not a huge blow . Again it will depend on how Perth rebounds and shoots the three ball.

Reply #911887 | Report this post

Two years ago

Without Taj I meant

Reply #911888 | Report this post

Two years ago

They didn't seem to miss him at all when Cairns disposed of Perth pretty comfortably over here a week ago, so I don't think this will be weighing too heavily on them.
The Cats seriously struggled against the Taipans' size. 71 was our lowest score all season I think. I'm curious to see what adjustments we make to our offence after that one.

Reply #911889 | Report this post

Two years ago

Big loss imo, he's a bit of do everything man, including turnovers which ain’t his strong point. Cotton rolling, cats rolling, very hard to see Cairns win this. The keys certainly in Hoggs hands now. Cairns won’t die wandering though and have talent.

Perth by one.

Reply #911891 | Report this post

Two years ago

What happened in Perth last time isnt going to happen again

Reply #911892 | Report this post

Two years ago

Thank god blanchfield doesn't get on these days - he never misses in Cairns.

Snakes in OT by 1

Reply #911893 | Report this post

Two years ago

Cairns seems to win a lot of the time when McCall is out.

Reply #911899 | Report this post

Two years ago

Agree Lovebroker & same with Pinder. Not sure when they are both out though?
Hopefully Ben Ayre has a game like White did for Tassy against us thursday night. Filling in for most of Maggette minutes & he destroyed us (along with Doyle who should be in the NBA) & proof the 6 foot guards can have an impact in this league.

Still tipping (praying) Cairns get it done!

Reply #911902 | Report this post

Two years ago

Cairns are 14-9 with McCall and 4-2 without him, so not a huge difference but certainly can win without him. Tougher without Pinder and McCall, but they beat Perth without that pair 9 days ago!

Hopefully a great game either way. Momentum with Perth, but sometimes teams coming off losses have more grit about them.

Reply #911903 | Report this post

Two years ago

Not a huge blow since Perth got out rebounded last matchup in Perth. Whoever gets the most stops and converts will win this game.

I'm backing Perth since their last 2 matchups at Cairns they won easy. Looking forward to a rematch of Sydney, Perth since Sydney were tanking their game to avoid Melbourne. Will bite them in the ass if Sydney lose to Perth since Perth scoring has improved heaps with their new game plan, can’t see them winning it though.

Still looking for a good matchup. Don’t really care who wins, may the best team win!

Reply #911906 | Report this post

Two years ago

The NRL has a pre-season game here in Cairns at basically the same time, NQ Cowboys v Redcliffe Dolphins (new kids on the block) so have to be hopeful for a decent crowd...

Reply #911907 | Report this post

Two years ago

Perth by 10

Reply #911912 | Report this post

Two years ago

Hard to see a repeat unfortunately. Perth by 8

Reply #911913 | Report this post

Bill on the ball  
Two years ago

Perth will close Hoggie out. Tashawn has that task.

Perth to make sure there will be too many open looks.

I think it is going to be a blow out win for Perth. ... by 15. Sorry taipans fans.

Reply #911915 | Report this post

Two years ago

Tai Webster out. Norton needs to continue his solid play.

Reply #911916 | Report this post

Two years ago

Taipans uniform is minging

Reply #911927 | Report this post

Two years ago

Missed double dribble was comical, Cotton surely fouled on the drive!! What was the and 1 for to wardenburg? Seriously

Reply #911928 | Report this post

Two years ago

How is that a charge on Travers!!! Surely had to be a charge on Scott when he murdered norton earlier then???

Reply #911929 | Report this post

Two years ago

Shut up and go away.

Reply #911930 | Report this post

Two years ago

Another wildcat driven into and dropped no charge...

Reply #911931 | Report this post

Two years ago

Two-for-one really doesn't work in FIBA.

Reply #911932 | Report this post

Two years ago

The Cats seriously struggled against the Taipans' size. 71 was our lowest score all season I think. I'm curious to see what adjustments we make to our offence after that one.

Looks like we're going with the no adjustments approach.

Reply #911933 | Report this post

Two years ago

Cracking first quarter, glad to see the refs letting it flow, been a good start all round. Kuol is certainly a top line player, his D is top class.

Reply #911934 | Report this post

Two years ago

Looks like we're going with the no adjustments approach.


Reply #911935 | Report this post

Two years ago

Has the broadcast mentioned Tai Webster at all? If they did, I missed it. They've mentioned Pinder and McCall several times.

Reply #911936 | Report this post

Two years ago

Hogg is seriously feeling it!

Reply #911937 | Report this post

Two years ago

Lots of contact been let go when Perth drives. Perth has to do a better job on d for sure but pretty one sided when it comes to calls attacking the rim. How does the team playing no d give up more fta???

Reply #911938 | Report this post

Two years ago

Koberulz the Wildcats FB page said Tai was out with illness

Reply #911939 | Report this post

Two years ago

Cairns missing free throws could cost down the stretch. Wagstaff again milking the fouls. Disgusting call. Mayberry is horrible.

Reply #911940 | Report this post

Two years ago

Nah, I think the Cats needed to be up at the half to have any hope. We're going to have super heavy legs in the 2nd half.

Reply #911941 | Report this post

Two years ago

Hogg shoved wagstaff in the chest, he didn't need to. Hogg is on an absolute heater, his defender gets close in a legal guarding position and gets shoved away, you can't allow that shove, how are you meant to defend a guy if he can just shove you away?? But hey the unbiased and not perth hating Gaze is questioning the two fouls called on Cairns completely ignoring things like cotton almost getting knocked to the ground while dribbling, not bothered hey...

Reply #911942 | Report this post

Two years ago

Great half, cats hanging tough, taipans got make free throws. Gazey is a legend and says what he sees, Santa too much nbl bias. If refs f-up don't hide from it. Heveron is the best caller so all in it’s a good balance.

Reply #911943 | Report this post

Two years ago

Koberulz the Wildcats FB page said Tai was out with illness
I'm aware. I'm questioning why the broadcast has as far as I've noticed not mentioned it at all, while they continue to bang on about the Taipans' outs.

Reply #911944 | Report this post

Two years ago

The commentators mentioned Tai Webster being out very briefly. Easy to miss.

Reply #911945 | Report this post

Two years ago

Take your one eyed glasses of Wagstaff was holding, hanging of him, as normal, offensive players push off, as taught in under tens, off course Mayberry sees a foul, it's a no call, play on.

Reply #911946 | Report this post

Two years ago

Teaching it in under tens doesn't make it legal.

Reply #911947 | Report this post

Two years ago

Cotton getting hacked then an easy transition layup for Cairns not a problem? He's the mvp, it's a bloody foul

Reply #911948 | Report this post

Two years ago

If that's a foul why isn't perth getting those calls? Defenders nowhere to be seen, yet a foul

Reply #911949 | Report this post

Two years ago

Only one eye, yet so many tears

Reply #911950 | Report this post

Two years ago

Hoggs length with waardenburg the same troubling cats.

Reply #911951 | Report this post

Two years ago

It's how basketball is played, it’s a contact sport whether you believe it or not.

Reply #911952 | Report this post

Two years ago

Very enjoyable game so far. Cats still in this, fatigue both sides could be critical.

Reply #911953 | Report this post

Two years ago

28 of 52 shots from 3, yet Cairns with more fta... I mean I recall people ripping me for asking for more free throws for perth when we had shot heaps of threes, I'm guessing the argument will be reversed now so I'm still wrong.

Reply #911954 | Report this post

Manu Fieldel  
Two years ago

Some solid away cooking here

Reply #911955 | Report this post

Two years ago

Cairns going to iso in offence, cats could learn to box out like taipans.

Reply #911957 | Report this post

Two years ago

This constant cutting to a blue screen is unacceptable.

Reply #911958 | Report this post

Two years ago

How does cotton take a knee to the chest after a layup, no call.... like I don't care what team you go for, it's not changing the result at this point but as a league How is that a no call??

Reply #911959 | Report this post

Two years ago

How does cotton take a knee to the chest after a layup, no call.... like I don't care what team you go for, it's not changing the result at this point but as a league How is that a no call??


Reply #911960 | Report this post

Two years ago

Too big, too good.
It's the correct 4 teams in the semis.

Reply #911961 | Report this post

Anon. Do you ever highlight any specific bad calls on Perth's opponents?

Reply #911962 | Report this post

Well deserved win to the Snakes. Hope Hogg stays in the league and Kuol was absolutely sensational at both ends.

Reply #911963 | Report this post

Two years ago

Meh, I'm relieved our season is over.

So it's two out of two seasons under SEG not making the top four.

and it goes to show what a feat it was to
win two road elimination finals back in 2006

Reply #911964 | Report this post

Jack Knife  
Two years ago

Disappointing but somewhat predictable finish for Perth. Unable to defend, unable to rebound. It was always going to be found out in the post season.

Hopefully Rillie maintains his ruthless approach in the off season.

Hoping for a Cairns / Breakers GF

Reply #911965 | Report this post

Two years ago

Well when scoring dries up for cats all your left with poor rebounding and substandard defence.

On to next year, hopefully major changes to the roster to get bigger , more defensive and support Cotton more.

Reply #911966 | Report this post

Two years ago

Yep, I have, gets ignored though. Earlier in this thread highlighted the missed double dribble was comical and it was forde was 100% right. I just want consistency, they call a dubious charge at one end ignore three at the other (no block, no flop), they call the push off on Hogg but let cotton get almost knocked over when dribbling. And as has also been ignored surely when a team shoots more than 50% of their field goals from behind three compared to 35% from three you would expect the team taking 65% of their fta from inside the arc to shoot more freethrows, add to the fact at least half of Cairns two point attempts were wide open, I don't get it, but it's perth so everyone is as usual happy to see them fall irrespective of how. For the record, I'm not convinced perth wins, but should have been a closer game. Hopefully perth rebuilds with a bunch of aggressive, intense players, not finese players that get pushed around and then whistled for soft fouls.

Reply #911967 | Report this post

Two years ago

Well done Taipans well deserved victory. A case of good coaching and execution vs poor coaching and atrocious defense. It seems like no adjustments were made after losing to Cairns last week and no adjustments in game to counter their ball movement. Its a simple game when you can easily drive into the lane or just kick it out to an open man on the perimeter.

Reply #911968 | Report this post

Two years ago

Excellent game, Gazey correct as usual, Hogg magnificent but boy Kuol and Waardenbuurg were superb. Forde has got everyone else doing great, hopefully they can keep this team together, there is a premiership somewhere in the next season or two if they can.

Cats have got get the right players around Cotton, Thomas and Manek not tough enough inside, Manek can score on smaller opponents, not on guys his size or bigger. Cats also got value defence and boxing out much more.

So does this mean cats missed out on finals two seasons in a row. I believe so.

Reply #911969 | Report this post

Two years ago

They did make the playoffs


It is no different to elimination finals played in AFL or back in the early NBL days. They didn't miss out.

Reply #911970 | Report this post

Two years ago

But I do want to add, they blew this game. It was one that on paper should of been an easy win. Ford > Rillie it seems.

Reply #911971 | Report this post

Two years ago

Well done Taipans. Incredible results without two good players. A pair of 13 pt wins

Perth were such pretenders. Luckily fell into the 6 after their victory over the rubber Kings. Now put back in their place

Reply #911972 | Report this post

Two years ago

Forde should be better than Rillie, he is more experienced and a good head coach for a few years, Rillie is a rookie. Perth also needs someone that can actually set screens for Bryce, too many times their screens reminded me of under 16 training when you were learning the offence..

Reply #911973 | Report this post

Two years ago

A lot of us punters seem to agree on Perths problems, defence, rebounding, does Rillie have that in his coaching bag, or is it we will score more than you attitude only.

Reply #911974 | Report this post

Two years ago

So does this mean cats missed out on finals two seasons in a row. I believe so

So if the Cats had won today, you presumably would also believe that they finished in 3rd place but failed to make the finals?

Reply #911976 | Report this post

Two years ago

(Sorry... "they" above = Taipans)

Reply #911977 | Report this post

Two years ago

Anon whinging about Perth getting hosed by the refs yet again, every time.

So does this mean cats missed out on finals two seasons in a row. I believe so.

This is the playoffs ask yourself where is Melb, Adelaide, Brissie and the Hawks then? They're not playing because this isn't the regular season that ended last weekend any extra games after that is the post-season, playoffs, finals.

Good game by Cairns I didn't think Pinder & McCall being out would hurt them as much as some thought, if anything the had a better record without Pinder and they always play better without the turnover machine McCall.

In saying that Cairns needed Hogg to really step up after his ordinary SEM game and step up he did. Cotton pulled off a miracle to beat SEM unfortunately he didn't have enough left in the tank today. They were a bit fortunate to make the playoffs anyway after the Kings helped them get in.

Reply #911978 | Report this post

Two years ago

* ordinary Tassie game

Reply #911979 | Report this post

Bill on the ball  
Two years ago

Hogg is instrumental to the win. He uses his height and athleticism to great advantage.

Amazing recovery from that loss to JJ, kudos to Adam Forde.

For the Cats, of course, I think it has been great but just not great enough. I can see many changes ahead. Has to be. I hope some of the proven big guys like Kay, Brandt, could be back. Tashawn and Manek are not big enough.

Reply #911980 | Report this post

Monday Dech  
Two years ago

Taipans have a good mix this year, cats perennially try and play the outside game and it hasn't worked for a while now, especially when 3s dont drop and no plan B. TT serviceable but lacked any decent support inside. Manek yes ok caught fire occasionally but is an off guard caught in a power forwards body, especially in defense. OHB looked great when thrown in the mix a few weeks ago but generally was refused any court time or development this year. how is the kid supposed to develop and get experience by sitting on the pine game after game? also when the team was screaming for big bodies and getting killed in the boards? this should have been the season where he got some serious minutes to build his tank. its nbl you need to build your team not bring in slow older recycled bodies all the time. if they dont, some other club will just pick him off and he will thrive there instead. not sure about tai webster what the story is with the option on his contract but going on the games played i think the team needs more of a taller small/power forward 6,6 option like a prather in years past to compliment cotton

Reply #911983 | Report this post

Two years ago

Brandt hasn't played in months, injured I’m guessing in B-2 league, don’t believe he’s the answer. Kay obviously but better get the cheque book out.

Reply #911984 | Report this post

Two years ago

I think it will come back down to imports again. Go for Hoag and Pardon and refresh the bench and you have a decent squad.

The chances of cats bidding for a Pinder type player with Cottons big salaryI dont think is likely.

Reply #911986 | Report this post

Two years ago

Taj requires too much time with the ball. Without him, Cairns ball movement is slick

Reply #911988 | Report this post

Two years ago

You never know when the Taipans are going to pull a game like that out of the bag. I'm glad it was today as it would have been a shame for them to have ended their season going out losing both play in games.

Both teams were looking gassed for much of the second half with the Wildcats looking a bit more so. The difference for the Taipans compared to Thursday night's game against Tassie was they didn't look nervous like they did against Tassie plus the Wildcats defence wasn't great which meant any time the Wildcats made a run, the Taipans were able to respond to it reasonably easy.

DJ Hogg was outstanding, Kuol was very good and Lat Mayen was also very good particularly as he replaced McCall in the starting side after not having played much at all this season. Every body had to step up and they did.

Reply #911989 | Report this post

Two years ago

McCall's under contract for another year it will be interesting to see what happens with him at the end of the season. Like Machado before him that might be a year too many.

Reply #911990 | Report this post

Diop Kick  
Two years ago

Cats just need resign Gleeson then Blanchfield changes back into a basketball player again.

Good effort wildcats to push it as far as they did, cairns were too good. Hogg was incredible.

Reply #911991 | Report this post

Diop Kick  
Two years ago

Also, I couldn't give 2 shits whether that counted as playoffs or not

Reply #911992 | Report this post

Jack Knife  
Two years ago

I really don't understand the Kings obsession with Perth. Judging by social media, Perth’s elimination today and the question of whether they made playoffs or didn’t is of great consequence and satisfaction to them. Is this still about the grand final 3 years ago?

Reply #911993 | Report this post

Two years ago

Forde loves McCall, he's playing very well and has curtailed his turnovers as this season's gone on, he has a huge impact off the floor both in terms of leadership and in the community, and Cairns have been outscored this season when he's not on the court.

At 28 I don't see him going downhill any time soon, so as long as the Snakes keep playing the style they are, which is built around him, I think he'll be a good contributor.

Reply #911994 | Report this post

Two years ago

"This is the playoffs ask yourself where is Melb, Adelaide, Brissie and the Hawks then? They're not playing because this isn't the regular season that ended last weekend any extra games after that is the post-season, playoffs, finals."

Couldn't agree more with this. The NBL can play whatever name games they want, we're not idiots.

Reply #911995 | Report this post

Two years ago

I expect many of the Cairns players not on contract to be poached. Teams with deeper pockets didnt get to the playoffs.

Reply #911996 | Report this post

Two years ago

Pinder and Kuol are the two big FA's for them. Pinder I could see going to the highest bidder but teams will be falling over themselves to try and snag Kuol, you know United will be anyway it's their specialty.

Reply #911997 | Report this post

Two years ago

It would be great if Cairns could somehow keep most of the team together, but history suggests that's not going to happen. Would be sad if they lose most of this team though.

Reply #911998 | Report this post

Two years ago

Kuol is a better get than Pinder, he got marked a lot tighter as season went on and wasn't as good, plus injuries. I’m hoping Cairns can keep team together, and yes McCall ain’t going nowhere, tidy up turnovers and he up in mvp status.

Reply #912002 | Report this post

Two years ago

Considering that in all likelihood Cairns won't be able to keep the team they have at present for next season they may as well win the whole thing now.

Reply #912005 | Report this post

Two years ago

DJ Hoag was the Manek the wildcats actually needed. Same deadly 3 point shooting but able to play a more well rounded game.

Reply #912008 | Report this post

Two years ago

United will throw big cash at Hogg. It'll be hard to keep the vultures away.

Taipans will upset Kings & take on NZ for GF!

Reply #912010 | Report this post

Two years ago


All need to be released retire or just not retained.I suspect Travers will be back because he is nowhere near NBA ready. John needs to stop playing games with him and start him. Whilst highly , Perth needs to see if Nick Kay has any interest about coming back and the look for a big American who can clean up the glass and block shots. Someone the big fellasor the breakers.

They also need to get a bit younger in the backcourt. Little more athletic too.

Reply #912011 | Report this post

Two years ago

Perth needs better local talent and needs physical players. We were somewhat undersized everywhere, effectively running 3 guard line ups with all tiny guards. Norton if healthy again has shown he still has value last couple games. Some good young Wa talent that may be done at College, could be very interesting.

Reply #912013 | Report this post

Two years ago

I'd keep Thomas ahead of Magnay. Magnay is two guard trying to play the four.

Reply #912014 | Report this post

Two years ago

Thomas is a very good player. He and Manek are a good combo, but I think Perth need a good defensive banger off the bench to balance out that frontcourt.

Reply #912015 | Report this post

Two years ago

Manek will be back. His 1-6 three point shooting aside generally he is a world class floor spacer and will only get better for his first year experience as a professional basketball player.

Thomas might have to be sacrificed for more defence and size upfront if Cottons citizenship does not go through. You can't have another season of being so undersized up front.

Reply #912022 | Report this post

Two years ago

Spot-on, Jimmy.
Individually, Manek & Thomas are both NBL-worthy players, but a foursome of those two plus Wagstaff & Majok is not the front court of a top 4-caliber team.
Manek of course was a rookie pro and will be better for the experience.

Reply #912025 | Report this post

Two years ago

I don't see it, Manek while improving through out season still not good enough. Again is he on good import money or lesser money, if it’s not top dollar it changes options. All successful teams have very good mobile fours at both ends. Cooks, Brantley, Hogg. Manek isn’t with these guys. Creek is an excellent player but undersized in the four and it hurts SEM, you need 6ft 9, 10 inch guys that play both ends.

Reply #912028 | Report this post

Two years ago

Exactly Luuuc, it's that quality third frontcourt wheel who defends and rebounds for fun that is missing.

Reply #912030 | Report this post

Two years ago

I don't see it, Manek while improving through out season still not good enough. Again is he on good import money or lesser money, if it's not top dollar it changes options. All successful teams have very good mobile fours at both ends. Cooks, Brantley, Hogg. Manek isn’t with these guys. Creek is an excellent player but undersized in the four and it hurts SEM, you need 6ft 9, 10 inch guys that play both ends.

Brady Manek is 6ft 9, but I haven't heard whether he meets the 10 inch requirement

Reply #912032 | Report this post

Two years ago

Manek is not the answer.

He is horrific on defence, and if he is not hitting shots he becomes a big negative.

Reply #912035 | Report this post

Two years ago

I tipped Perth, Tasmania hoping both would lose. My brain would have gone Cairns, Breakers.

Perth were lucky making finals since you look at the old tiebreaker system the nbl used back in 2016/17 below games played against each other.

Pos Team Pld W L GF GA PP PCT
5 Melbourne 7 4 3 610 571 106.8 57.14
6 S.E. Melbourne 7 4 3 622 627 99.2 57.14
7 Perth 6 2 4 532 566 94.0 33.33

Reply #912037 | Report this post

Two years ago

@ Luuuc

You missed the bit where I said play both ends, Manek can get hot shooting over smaller players but struggles on the guys with length, see how Hogg handled him today at both ends.
Also as I said if he's a budget cheap import ok, he’s certainly no Brantley or Hogg.

Reply #912039 | Report this post

Diop Kick  
Two years ago

I got the joke Luuc, made me laugh

Reply #912040 | Report this post

Big Fudge  
Two years ago

Manek is a 3 point shooter and nothing more... for every 3 points he drains he allows 4 points at the other end with the most terrible defence ive seen. Slow to react to plays, cant jump, no physicality and fitness looks to be an issue.

Vic Law was better than Manek. Wish we could have kept him.

Majok, Wagstaff, Blanchfield, Thomas, Manek all need to go
Norton to the bench as a backup PG is the way to go as he can still provide some defensive toughness when healthy.

Reply #912052 | Report this post

Two years ago

Agree Big Fudge

If Maneks shots aren't dropping he's a liability. The main difference between this season and last season was the downgrade of Manek replacing Law. Still the same issues defensively but Law slightly better at rebounding.

I think Norton is a good player to retain as a back up PG. The cats need more defensive grit so shouldn't be letting go players of his caliber.

Reply #912053 | Report this post

Two years ago

If/when Cotton becomes a full blown Aussie, I'd be keeping Manek around, you can never have enough shooters/floor spacers. I'd then be throwing the kitchen sink at Mooney to return. His rebounding presence alone would 1 - take away the ludicrous amounts of OR they conceded and get 2 - get shooters in open positions after grabbing an OR.

Remember, only a portion of Cottons wage would be counted as he would surely be listed as an Aussie marquee player.

Good defensive schemes and team D can hide poor defenders. All about the balance.

Reply #912055 | Report this post

Two years ago

Cotton won't be a local for next season.

Reply #912063 | Report this post

Two years ago

If they sign Manek again, too me its another year for "Cotton + Budget Roster".

They need serious height, athleticism , defensive presence and shooting. Manek ticks one box, someone like a Hoag ticks all 4.

If Cairns could afford him , not sure why Cats cannot find something similar unless paying peanuts for the roster.

Reply #912073 | Report this post

Two years ago

"Brady Manek is 6ft 9, but I haven't heard whether he meets the 10 inch requirement"

They may need to replace him with an African-American import.

Reply #912074 | Report this post

Two years ago

If anything I think Perth would have a pretty expensive roster. Thomas I think was all-defensive first team in France last season and Manek was a star at one of the most prestigious schools in the US so neither of those is likely to be cheap.

Cotton's previous deal was for $700k a year opted out of the last year and re-signed to a new 3 year deal starting this season. How much of a discount if any do you think he may have given Perth to get that 3 year deal? Not much I would've thought.

Norton was a high profile re-signing that Perth gave a 3 year deal too to stop Tassie from getting him, still one year of that deal to go no doubt quite good money.

Blanchfield the unrepentant mercenary he's always been re-signed to a 3 year deal I bet he didn't leave much on the table.

Corey Webster okay was playing in Egypt last season wanted to come back I'm sure he's not playing for beer money brother Tai Webster too probably gave Perth a discount to play alongside Corey but he was playing in the Euroleague last season.

It all ads up unless of course your Sydney then it doesn't.

Reply #912075 | Report this post

Two years ago

As good as Manek looked offensively for the last half of the season (at least from deep), he was targeted more than Kai Sotto down the other end - he's so bad defensively that I doubt the Wildcats would seriously be considering bringing him back, unless they have another 2-3 DPotY candidates they are looking to sign also...

Thomas was quality - he didn't end up being the kind of player Perth really needed with this roster, but I can imagine a few teams would be speaking to his agent this year.

Reply #912085 | Report this post

Basket 91  
Two years ago

Thomas is a good player - made all star 5 in the French. Him and Manek are a poor fit together though. Apparently SEM were looking at Thomas and Perth Williams!

Reply #912086 | Report this post

Two years ago

I would have thought Thomas is too small for 5 man in Euro , surprised he was able to thrive there as he struggled big time with taller 5 men in the NBL. Or was he playing the 4 position minus a three point shot.

Reply #912094 | Report this post

Two years ago

Thomas played 4/5, shot the three ball @ 7.7%. Made all first team, not defensive player of year.

Reply #912095 | Report this post

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