Bill on the ball
Two years ago
Rillie’s strange coaching techniques
Starving a few players, who used to be starters, of playing time makes you wonder whether it is too extreme for the team?
Majok Majok, Blanchfield, Norton were kept in cold storage. The rumour mills of course made a meal of it. We did see a bit of Blanchfield but barely. Majok must think his career is over. Norton was looking a bit down.
Then Norton was put into play in the SEM game. It appears like he never left off his previous superb defence plays. You just start questioning why he didn't play like this for a while.
Is Rillie a devil coach or is he a master of psychology, getting guys who lost their mojo to fire up again (bringing back the best out of Norton is very obvious)?
I just can’t wait to see whether even Majok would come out firing when given a chance next.
I think it may just work.