Years ago

We're only spending a bit more: Sixers CEO

Sixers CEO Nic Barbato has responded to claims the Sixers are spending massive amounts of money in an Adelaide Now article:


"Our club revenues have more than doubled over the last 18 months and sponsorship is up by over 200 per cent," he said.

“We've rejigged a whole lot of the basketball spend and (it) is less than 10 per cent higher than what it was last year.

“Last year we had a Next Star in Mojave King, this year we don’t have Next Star, so while that doesn’t go in the cap, it was an expensive exercise for us.”

He said some of the basketball department’s operational savings had been redirected into player wages. He refuted claims Clark was earning US$50,000 net per month and said the American’s wage was offset by the money saved on Randall’s early departure: “it wasn’t as if we paid out that contract, it was a clean break.”

Topic #50731 | Report this topic

Years ago

Story here:

Reply #907688 | Report this post

Years ago

Interesting that Mojave King was cited as a large expense for the club, I thought the NBL paid for Next Stars' salaries.

Reply #907689 | Report this post

Q Anon  
Years ago

Peter Griffin becoming aware of JVG was up to was the best thing for the club.

Humphries, King, Duffelmeir and imports converted into 3 rockstar imports and Drmic.

The link between JVG and the salaries of one particlular agent's players is pungent in its odour.

Reply #907695 | Report this post

Manu Fieldel  
Years ago

Weird that Bogut is poking shit at the Sixers for spending a lot. Isn't it something to be proud of, spending big, or am I missing something?

Reply #907698 | Report this post

Years ago

Sixers look better when Dech is on the floor, he clearly helps them defensively.

Reply #907699 | Report this post

Years ago

Where did duffelmeir end up ?

Reply #907722 | Report this post

Years ago

"Weird that Bogut is poking shit at the Sixers for spending a lot. Isn't it something to be proud of, spending big, or am I missing something?"

Yeah it's this weird thing in professional sports that if you don't spend much on your team you get criticised and if you spend a lot on your team you also get criticised.

You have to spend just the right amount to please the common fan. Stuff 'em. If you're building a team and you have the resources to bring in quality players, then why not.

Reply #907727 | Report this post

Years ago

"Where did duffelmeir end up ?"

Played for Darwin Salties in NBL1 North last season. Unsure if re-signed.

Reply #907732 | Report this post

Years ago

Bogut perceives these comments as 'promoting the game' as a custodian of the game.

To me the game is bigger than Bogut, Paul Smith and their 'home of basketball' claims.

Basketball has soul and depth that does not come out of Sydney.

No doubt Adelaide has spent up, Bogut thinks he is being smart having a crack at them as they are now pushing up the ladder and he reckons he is putting pressure on them.

Reply #907733 | Report this post

Years ago

As the NFL in the US used to say, there is no thing as bad publicity, Bogut is doing exactly what he wants to happen, he's getting media coverage. Whether you like the kings approach or don’t the kings have been very good for basketball in Sydney and the nbl. Your JJs comments on defending to island might resonate in Tasmania but it’s in the same category as the home of basketball, promotional.

Reply #907734 | Report this post

Years ago

Yeah Dunkman - I acknowledge the Kings may be good for basketball in Sydney no doubt.

They are not the 'Home of Basketball'. That to me is a marketing tool without substance.

Defending the island is promotional but it is more than that it actually resonates. Not claiming to be something we are not.

Happy for the Kings to be the Kings, what they do does not resonate with me and doubt it resonates outside of Sydney.

I used to want them go well, if ok with you is it ok to point out that there is some righteousness in their claims or are you the arbiter of Hoops?

Not sure why you feel the need to have a crack at every poster.

Reply #907735 | Report this post

Years ago

There are two sides to every story, I just like to try and open peoples minds, it's not always black and white.

The home of basketball goes well in Sydney as Sydney think they are better than everyone else.

It has the same substance in Sydney as defending the island does in Tasmania. It’s about basketball promotion.

As I’ve said previously, I’m hoping for JJs v NZ GF, but the way the kings get publicity is good for the game.

I certainly don’t have a crack at every poster, not certain why you have that idea.

Reply #907736 | Report this post

Years ago

Bogut wants to be Joe Rogan and doesnt like the likes of homicide williams who do the whole stephen A Smith thing where minor things are sensationalised. Unless its done illegally and theres hard evidence he should keep his thoughts to himself and im a kings fan.

Reply #907845 | Report this post

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