Years ago
Christmas Day Game - was it a success?
7000 in attendance in a reduced 9500 capacity game was a really good turnout.
All the other sporting leagues in summer would have been watching this closely to see what the reception would be like. I guess the big factor would be TV ratings nationally and no doubt if there was a big turnout of viewers the league will promote the crap out if it.
So, without knowing the ratings, do you think it was a success? There was no mention of the game on ABC news in Perth. Just the usual cricket stories.
Worth pursuing? I for one would like to see the league persist with this for a while so it can become a tradition. Although I can't help but feel like this game (Sydney v Melbourne) would have gotten a crowd of 11-12000 if played with a non-restricted capacity in a regular non-Christmas game. So a missed chance at a big crowd.