So scuttlebutt is that Duncan lost the playing group, in particular Baynes/Sobey.
Sam steps in, because I guess those two will listen to him.
Interim tag sure, Rucker suggests done only so Sam doesn't seem like Stabby Mcbackstabby, decent chance he stays on for remainder of season.
Obviously a shitshow, but realistically I think Sam remains stays til season's end. Dreams of making noise in the playoffs are gone. Scrooge McDuck Bullets will not expend cash (wonder how much they're on the hook for Duncan still). No *good* coach in their right mind will want to land in this mess in-season, without a solid multi-year deal. And realistically who is available right now who would suit the janitor's job that needs to be done? Bullets gonna Bullet, but the least they could do is wait until the season's done, and do a thorough coaching search through the off-season, and perhaps give the coach a say in the roster. Something small, but could sell that to the downtrodden Brisbane public. Maybe Sam could go over to Vegas this time and actually sign some decent imports instead of faffing around.