Years ago
Anyone else ever thought to themselves that Dan Johnson looks like Andris Biedrins?

Years ago
Not looking close, Sixers imports just don't look happy. Franks is no where near last seasons form.
SEM by 10 @ 1/4

Years ago
36ers playing like a team nobody could ever love.
Badly coached, lazy, selfish and they all think they're top shit and blaming others.
For so many weapons they’re awful at making space. They think they’ll get wins playing no defence and giving away rebound after rebound.
They think it’s chill to turn the ball over if it’s part of their own hero play or if they’re trying to look non-chalant the rare moment they do pass.
Adelaide designed a team to have zero interior defence between DJ, Franks, Sotto and when they signed "defence" in Acouth he’s not playing.
Maybe they should have reconsidered guys like Harris and Acouth and Galloway in favour of just 1 semi-decent interior defence that would actually play?!

Years ago
Randall looks like he's a bit of a cancer doesn’t he?

Years ago
And MM is offering up two cardinal sin three point shot fouls...

Years ago
LOL 36ers players think because they beat the Suns, they are too good for this league.

Years ago
Surprised that last challenge wasn't overturned. Dislike shooters that milk fouls by kicking out.

Years ago
That has to be a please explain to the NBL IMO.
why does no contact except a kick out result in an unsuccessful challenge on review?
Only thing I can think of is MM twisting and not playing straight?
Incompetence on the court is one thing, incompetence with benefit of review is about as trash as 36ers are playing

Years ago
I'm so sick of the 36ers being terrible year in and year out. We are a lacklustre group.

Years ago
To add to the rant, the sheer amount of and-1s is absurd and tells you about the lack of interior D plus complete laziness in defence they're just throwing arms out instead of playing any semblance of proper defence.
Gross, so gross.

Years ago
Johnson has been terrible, Sixers are in trouble, there is no team there, just a bunch of spoilt individuals.
Adelaide owner sitting behind the bench, must be truly pissed off, he's certainly spent the money.

Master Chief
Years ago
Acouth made a difference in his short stint to me

Years ago
C Franks
F Cleveland
F Drmic
G Randall
G McCarron
Don't have Franks AND DJ on at the same time. Not AND Randall too.
C Johnson
F Harris
F Cleveland
G Dech
G McCarron
When Cleveland is off, Drmic
When McCarron is off shift Dech down.
Play that rotation.

Years ago
We're just such a dumb team bombing away from outside all the time but can't stop anyone at the other end so if the 3's aren't dropping how are we meant to win? Other than a brief flourish from us to end the half SEM have been killing us all the game especially inside.
I've seen enough of Randall now to definitely say we should cut him. He does nothing other than jack up contested 3's even we mid-range shots are on offer he still runs back out to the 3pt line with the rest of the guys just standing around watching him. Plus the body language and carrying on. Garbage basketball.
You can't have a guy like this on your team if you're not prepared to read him the riot act or bench him. This is on CJ, a stronger and better coach wouldn't put up with this.

Years ago
Thank god for Drmic too he's at least mixing it up and playing with some heart too.

Years ago
Zodiac I agree, re CJ basically has no backbone. Randall isn't in the NBA for a reason, his body langue is appalling.

Years ago
Wowee, refs go "how could we be even worse at our jobs?"

Years ago
Agreed, I suspected from the moment we signed Randall he was going to be a problem. Big time scorer in the G-League with no NBA teams interested him, screams alarm bells.

Years ago
Gaze, got have eyes on the ball, to many players and don't look at the ball anymore.

Years ago
If there was a drinking game on Randall turning the ball over on the over dribble, our hospitals would be overrun by alcohol poisoning instead of covid

Years ago
Randal would be fine in a well coached team. He's got talent, just got understand how to use it. Sixers need a defensive 5 man that rebounds.

Years ago
DJ pulls up for a 3 that early in the shot clock he should be dragged.

Master Chief
Years ago
Adelaide might not have won a game without Randall at the same time!

Years ago
Yep, dj been horrible and yes Drimic having one of his two good games a season.

Years ago
Yeah DJ made the 3, but it was an terrible shot selection wise: this is what Adelaide are now. The classic... 'no no no ahhhh it went in, ok cool' team. Percentages come playoff time won’t work in our favour.

Years ago
I don't know how toxic Randall’s behaviour actually is - if it’s bad then you deal with it early there and then and cut it, don’t let it fester.
If it’s not actually an issue then I say don’t throw the baby out with the bath water and think about what small thinks can make a dramatic improvement.
Randall is an X factor hyper volatile player, that can be a good thing if you know how to handle it.
Adelaide need to consider how to get a defensive big Aussie, plus change the rotations so that DJ can still be a focus

Years ago
At least we're not going to get flogged by 30 again as it was looking like in that first half.

Years ago
We're just such a dumb team bombing away from outside all the time but can't stop anyone at the other end so if the 3's aren't dropping how are we meant to win?
I recall this was the same problem during the end of Joey's reign.

Years ago
I just can't abide by this 'ride Randall and whatever happens, happens' crap game plan we seem to be running with.

Years ago
PW, it was but we didn't have the talent to play any other way then. Franks & Cleveland alone are better players than anyone we had on that team and are being severely under-utilised on this team.

Years ago
DJ garbage three, matador defence, followed by a turnover, get him off FFS.

Years ago
Fouling a 3 pt shooter, could we possibly be any dumber of a team?

Years ago
Adelaide are far too dumb to make a good play from a timeout.

Master Chief
Years ago
Could also question why Cleveland is so trigger happy in these situations?

Years ago
PW, it was but we didn't have the talent to play any other way then. Franks & Cleveland alone are better players than anyone we had on that team and are being severely under-utilised on this team.
Yeah and that's the thing - Kelly saddled a decent coach with insufficient talent and now he's doing the opposite. Woeful.

Uncle Phil
Years ago
Adelaide don't deserve to win this, but the refs still screwed them over. That rubbish travel call on DJ wasa huge turning point.

Years ago
Amazing Randall didn't jack up a contested 3 on that play.

Years ago
Oh my, both sides so many dumb plays, adds to the excitement.

Years ago
Kelly saddled a decent coach with insufficient talent and now he's doing the opposite. Woeful.
It is a bit odd I didn't think CJ was the right coach for this roster, this roster needed an experienced a head coach but I guess it wouldn't have looked good firing yet another coach.

Years ago
You know what else is disgusting? This league-run commentary which ignore the real talking points in order to spruik how everything is so hunky dory, in this case because it's a close game.
WTF they're now asking if this is the best round in NBL history? Argh.

Years ago
What was Randall thinking when got stripped, he looked like he was actually going to jack up a 3 with two guys om him?

Years ago
Something's wrong with my broadcast, I swear I just saw DJ take a charge.
Edit: nah it’s working correctly, he jacked up an ill-advised three on the next possession.

Years ago
Perthworld, nail on the head re commentary, nobody calls this out enough.
I get that they're paid by the NBL and need to paint the happiest picture, but jeez it wouldn’t hurt to call a spade a spade every now and again.

Years ago
We're still a chance to lose this by double figures, unbelievably.

Years ago
NBL commentators are trash and have been for a while now, they just regurgitate whatever NBL Media tells them to say. The biggest problem with the NBL is virtually all of it's presence in the media is produced from in house, like the fluff piece articles on it's website. If they weren't doing that and with the games almost totally locked behind a paywall no one would know the league is on.

Years ago
Overtime is the worst thing that can happen to a team relying on luck.

Years ago
But but but but the 36ers beat the Suns.
Too many people are too stupid to recognise the difference between LUCKY (absolute LUCKY night shooting 3s) v skill.
This is the reality of this 36ers team.
If they are not getting lucky from 3 land they have absolutely f##ck all.
They aint making the semis.
Bruton is not a good coach

Uncle Dre
Years ago
6ers been hopeless since Creek left swap owner out for Creek asap.

Years ago
Really pushing how close this round has been, just have to ignore the Breakers winning their games with a combined margin of 61 points.

Years ago
Afl media is terrible, to be fair it all is afl is just as biased.
Best side won,
Sixers will never win a championship with DJ starting centre or four. Sixers should still make play offs but so lack of ball movement and team work are not going anywhere. So many selfish players, even players who normally play team now just play for themselves. Either Franks or Randal should go, for me Franks and bring in a big inside threat.
SEM getting better, got some nice pieces, stay injury free and could cause some trouble. Mitchell shortening his roster is smart, play your best 7-8 and get cohesion.

Years ago
Bad shots even if they go in are still bad shots and don't help with team chemistry. Randall is no Steph Curry. Make him come off the bench with Franks. DJ and Franks hurt each other's output. Same with Cleveland and Randall.

Years ago
Fun game. Great momentum shifts and big shots. Agree the right team won, Phoenix played the best ball overall IMO, a lot more trust in each other.
Glad I'm not an Adelaide supporter, they send you on a roller coaster like an NBA team, the problem being they have 28 games instead of 82 games, so the droughts that come from their iso ball and lazy defence hurt.

Years ago
"Fuck me.
The over dribble.
Fuckkkk meeee."
Now we know the real reason they got rid of Conner Henry!

Years ago
I was willing to give a week for jet lag but now we're seeing what the Adelaide 36ers actually are this season, and it's not good. We've got a bunch of chuckers and by far the softest big man rotation in the league. And it's now time to ask questions about CJ Bruton. He's going to be hard to cut due to his name in the league but cant help but think a lot of the blame rests with him.

Years ago
If they are playing like this halfway during the season then it's reasonable enough to be concerned. A team like this is going to click or implode. The main problem is CJ is obviously out of his depth, but if you fire him the assistants would struggle as an interim. Pity Joey left in such deplorable circumstances, take away all his toxic behaviour and culture, he could at least command respect with his record and experience.
Shit, I'd take Ninnis to step in right now and shake things up. The talent is definitely there, just needs to be managed.

Years ago
He's going to be hard to cut due to his name in the league but cant help but think a lot of the blame rests with him.
Why no one else wanted him to coach their team? Even the Bullets themselves.
I think it's too early to be talking about sacking the coach even though CJ leaves a lot to be desired. But 2-3 including two 25+ point losses means there are serious problems going on which could be the players tuning out the coach but best to try bringing Randall off the bench first or even release him to see how this talented team would look without his black hole offence.
Come mid-season if we're still playing like this okay then bundle CJ into a rocket and fire him at the sun.

Years ago
Joey would never be the answer. But that's digressing too far. CJ as a lead assistant would be great. This team needs a Roth.

Years ago
Roth would have a revolt on his hands, this side are individuals, it's all about me, it’s there make up. Johnson has had the run of this team for years, he still thinks it’s his shot. Lot I in individual but none in team.

Years ago
Sixers need to get rid of Bruton before it's too late. Three elite imports and yet he takes them all off early in the 1st half and surprise, surprise the Phoenix get a run on. Heaven forbid they actually run a play other than hero-iso ball in the half court, too.
They have a championship calibre roster and look an absolute mess because the coach hasn't a clue.
Even Phil Smyth for the rest of the season would be a better option than CJ at this point.

Years ago
Johnson has had the run of this team for years, he still thinks it's his shot.
He's always been a problem even back when Joey was coaching the team he was starting Obi Kyei alongside DJ to try and mitigate his terrible defence, which meant bringing the $400K man Eric Griffin off the bench. You can still see how much DJ is still just playing for himself out there.
Even Phil Smyth for the rest of the season would be a better option than CJ at this point.
No thanks that would be like pouring petrol on a fire, I still remember the Julius Hodge saga.

Years ago
The uncomfortable truth is the 36ers will be better when DJ and his style of play retires.
He takes away from the offensive flow for others, shows zero leadership or emotion, and obviously, as has been well discussed, has never played defence.
He's been here for so long, because he’s been adequately paid to do what he does... so it falls on others imo. I wouldn’t say no to the money or the green light to shoot whatever I choose either! But he isn’t a winner as such.

Years ago
"I've seen enough of Randall now to definitely say we should cut him."
"I suspected from the moment we signed Randall he was going to be a problem. Big time scorer in the G-League with no NBA teams interested him, screams alarm bells."
Gees that aged well. Randall 28 points @ 55% single handedly got the team back into the game and a chance to win it.
In your whole rant you mentioned nothing about your boy Franks. How did he go? Let me help you with that one since you struggle to watch the game. He was terrible on defense and his effort was even worse. What summed up his game perfectly was before the OT he had the opportunity to get in front of Creek but jogged and let him through, then he didn't rotate and then he fouls Broekhoff. The reality is Franks is the biggest defensive liability in the team. The team looked a lot better when he wasn't out there. Now lets talk about his offense. Franks CANNOT create his own offense from the premieter off the dribble making him a liability in offense as well. The only way he is effective in offense is open 3's which teams are stopping now and in the post. I would actually like to see them give it to him in the post where he can actually do a good job but since CJ for whatever reason doesn't create that option then his use to this team is very little. So the reality is due to Franks inability to play defense (and put in effort) and limited offense ability he should be the import sacked.

Years ago
Franks also shooting 56% from the foul line. You beauty what a player!

Years ago
Sixers fans let's just slow down the Cole slaw a bit.. too early to be too critically reviewing the season.. talent is there. Well done CJ. Gelling is next pase... guys are wanting to create and played agreesive attacking ball which be fun to watch.
Don't call for heads just yet.. think J J last season. Once sixers get on a roll and confidence juices going but happy days.. Randall is huge..

Years ago
Ummm if you look past the stats, Randall's shot selection, key turnovers and overall hero ball is what stopped the 36ers from running away with a gimme game, to start with. Not saying he should be cut, but he isn’t great.

Years ago
Exactly and I wasn't saying he should be cut because he can't play but because he dominates the offence way too much which is clearly having an effect on the rest of the team, Franks just looks like he's going through the motions.

Years ago
Yes Franks looks totally disinterested, maybe still wants the job offer in Russia or where ever it was.
CJ has got lay down some simple structures and play out off that, even kings do and there the best run and gun team in the comp.

Years ago
Hermann, well done to CJ for what? He's been woeful. Even in their wins, they’ve had really bad patches. Patience is overrated. 2 25+ point losses at home to inferior opposition... on paper… is a disaster. This isn’t new territory for the 36er fans.

Years ago
JoelMvp. Have to agree squad assembled is incredibly talented and that's on the coach...got the cattle matter of fine tuning. Takes time. Commodity iiking trust belief's changeroom vibes. Connection are all needing to be team generated.. tine give guys some time..

Years ago
Whilst Randall wasnt perfect he is a bit loose and eratic at times but so are Sobey and Goulding type Aussies who probably also getting paid more, he is basically a better Nathan Sobey, if he was an Aussie we wouldnt be blaming him for everything, hes averaging over 20ppg at above 50%FG and was a large reason we even got the game close and to overtime.
Sure he can show a bit of attitude, but i also think he should be pissed when we are sucking and like that he doesnt just accept it and fires up and trys to do something about it unlike Franks and Johnson. But sure he could use some refining, but again this is no different to Sobey.
Id look at Franks, Johnson, McCarron before blaming Randall or Cleveland personally.
Franks is the worse of our imports at this stage and a bad combination with Johnson, they are similar offensively and neither defend.
Id look at bringing Harris into the starting 5 sorta like Tassie do with Krslovic and splitting up Johnson and Franks as much as possible to see if we can get more out of them.

Years ago
My issue with Randall is simply the overdribble and laziness with passes which has turned the ball over more than we'd like and stunted our offence completely.
He needs to play off the ball otherwise 36ers are the easiest team in the world to defend.
But it’s definitely not his fault that we have no actual PGs and Franks/DJ are two of the same, both forcing it up because the form isn’t there and it’s also not his fault that 36ers interior D is nonexistent.
I don’t think you switch up the imports, I think you find a way for it to work by playing the PG role between MM and Dech, playing Cleveland SF and PF (small ball) along with Drmic.
DJ plays largely with the bench, not alongside Franks and make plays FOR him.
Ditch Acouth, beg Bairstow to return. I don’t care that he’s not even defensive, he’s more defensive than anything we have and just sufficient to make a massive positive ripple effect. He’s a good cleanup kind of guy that we need anyway.

Years ago
Adelaide likes shooting threes but doesn't know how to defend.

Years ago
If Randall is hot, ride the wave. If not, ride the pine and let the others get on with it.

Years ago
Much as I think CJ is a nice guy and deserving of coaching experience, I think that he's the issue. Some arses need to be kicked in order to mould them into a unit, and he’s not proving to be the guy to do it. Sometimes being smart and nice just isn’t enough.
An inexperienced coach MUST be set up with experienced assistants; otherwise you’re basically throwing him in with a 'sink or swim’ mentality.
If they won’t replace him with someone who can kick arses, I’d be bringing in an experienced coach to conduct a review of where they’re at and what they can do to improve things, and mentor CJ for the rest of the season to make it happen.

Master Chief
Years ago
I think the criticism of Randall is not unreasonable in some aspects, but selective and hyper focused in others.
His individual brilliance has bailed out their woefully bad offense at times and they probably wouldn't have won a game if not for that.
If his team work attitude is true, then its something to keep an eye on for sure, but so far I think the good outweighs the bad.
I was surprised no one else was more critical of Cleveland jacking up contested threes and step back low percentage jump shots in those dying minutes. Franks has not been very good so far.
The whole team just looks dysfunctional and I think it's all a symptom of that.
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