Years ago
Wild results and "upsets"
The reason why we are seeing so many "wacky" results is simply down to one factor, and that is the 3 point shot.
There has been an absolute explosion of 3 point shots this season, no doubt driven by the analytics revolution which has truly made its way here in Aus.
With the 3 point shot there is an element of "luck" involved in them. Yes, there is great skill involved, but much more variance compared to closer shots around the rim.
When it is a teams night from 3 like with the JJs tonight, there is absolutely nothing the opposition can do.
The JJs can easily have a night where they go 4 from 27 from 3 and all of a sudden look like the worst team in the comp.
The problem is, when teams adopt this approach, they have very else to go back when it does not come off.
Teams are trying to copy the Warriors, especially in the NBA. The only problem is, the Warriors back court are the best shooting back court in NBA history and far more consistent than any other player(s). That is the key, CONSISTENCY.
Yes, teams will have great shooting nights and will look like Curry and Klay, but having such nights more consistency is another matter all together. That is what separates Klay and Curry from everyone else.
That is why they are the most dominant team since teams started playing like this over the past 7-8 years. They have only failed when they have experienced injuries. When fully healthy, they are head and shoulders above everyone else.
There is no such team in the NBL, where they have such great shooters that are CONSISTENTLY great from 3.
You will continue to see wild results and "upsets" in the NBL because the new philosophy adopted by teams is a great leveller.
This is the most open the league has ever been and on any given night it is a crap shoot because of the focus on 3 point shooting.