Loss is on Nortons turnovers, but also Rookie mistakes by rillie
Small ball with Humphries out there..
No Corey Webster last few minutes.. As defense knew that it was basically. Cotton time.. Was a big mistake
Why does rillie not have Manek in simple pick x pop situations with Manek, to create easy offense, defending team has to decide to pick there poison
Cats still lack that secondary scorer who can create his own offense.. Which will unfortunately lead to burn out of cotton as season progresses
The fact that they had to rely. On Corey so much already, is a large example of that... It's been a great pick up as its something this team desperately. Lacks
And unfortunately.. Wagstaff, blanch field, travers, Norton as good as they are as competitors, scrappers, you can't. Classify any of them as instant offense, or knock down shooters
The big man issue isn't so glaring once other import comes back