Years ago
Analytics in basketball
I think this topic deserves a thread of its own.
We have seen this so called "revolution" in the NBA the last 10 years and it appears it is now in full force in the NBL.
When i was reading about this and its origins, the way it has been sold is, as if this is some ground breaking enlightenment.
1.They will say, 3 points are worth more than 2. Well, no $hit it is. The people who are selling this are acting as if this is some mathematical discovery that was not known before.
Did people in basketball 20 years ago not know that 3 points was worth more than 2 points? Were they all mathematically illiterate back then?
2. The corner 3. Analytics have made coaches and players absolutely obsessed with the corner 3. This is because it is the closes shot for 3 points.
I mean, was this only just discovered? Did players and coaches not know this 20 years ago? When they were on the court, did they not know this?
Could they not tell that the top of the arc was further away from the basket than the corner?
My biggest gripe in all this is, players have all got different skill sets. The Golden State Warriors started all this.
Not just in sport, but in life you try and take advantage of the skill set you have.
Some teams and players are just not that good at 3's, yet they keep on jacking them up because the math says so.
They keep on missing, yet they keep on jacking them up.
Missing 3s results in a very long rebound which puts great pressure on your D.
So the more 3s you are missing, the more stress you are putting on your D.
I just think coaches and GM's have been sold a dud.