Years ago

Wildcats game day changes

So what does everyone think of the changes made to the entertainment etc on game day ???
I feel the changes are a backward step , the original format worked much better .

Topic #50465 | Report this topic

Big Fudge  
Years ago

Having not been at the game and only hearing about it, the best change they made was clapping until the opposition scores. I have never understood why we would clap until we score given its adding pressure to the team.

Reply #900338 | Report this post

Years ago

Having not been at the game and only hearing about it, the best change they made was clapping until the opposition scores. I have never understood why we would clap until we score given its adding pressure to the team.

Pity 90% of the crowd either missed the multiple instructions about it, or chose to ignore them. Hopefully they get on board because it makes way more sense to me to do it the new way. It's very cringe standing and clapping for multiple minutes rubbing it in to our own team that they have failed to score yet.

I thought letting the crowd pick the song was a nice change too.

Reply #900346 | Report this post

Years ago

Makes sense yes but if I'm an opposing player I’d want the satisfaction of shutting the crowd up immediately, like Krebs did. Hopefully it doesn’t become a red rag to a bull. From the fans side I think we’ll get used to the new arrangement.

Changes are bit hit and miss - the new DJs I liked but they must have spent the money on them rather than danger money on Wilbur abseiling from the roof. The kids love that so much.

Intro of starting five without blacking out the arena was odd. Sirius is not the same without that and the spotlights.

Weirdly missed having We Will Rock You at tip off and Joker and the Thief at the start of the final quarter. Macklemore doesn’t quite cut it. Good idea for fan vote on song.

And what happened to the T shirt cannons?

Guess we’ll see Saturday if these changes are permanent, I wasn’t sure if they were just opening day experiments.

Reply #900375 | Report this post

Years ago

I loved the t shirt cannons, lot stadiums banned them due to oh&s.

Reply #900391 | Report this post

Years ago

"There were t-shirt cannons??"
- Anybody who sat in the baseline or corner blocks at RAC

Reply #900392 | Report this post

Years ago

I didnt notice any changes tbh but Ill be on the lookout Saturday to see if anything different is obvious. Sick of the constant ads on the big screen instead of replays it really sucks and has done for years. No tshirt cannons due to oh&s is lame but not at all surprising in 2022

Reply #900441 | Report this post

Years ago

Anyone else think the music was even louder than usual? I found it physically painful, couldn't even focus on the game.

Reply #900445 | Report this post

Big Fudge  
Years ago

"Anyone else think the music was even louder than usual? I found it physically painful, couldn't even focus on the game."

I found this to be the case last season, if you are saying its louder again then we may as well hit the clubs

Reply #900468 | Report this post

Jack Knife  
Years ago

It always amuses me when the club talks about how loud it is at the games....of course it is when you play non stop blaring music and have a "court announcer" who seems to think that it his job to shout at the crowd whenever there is a brief respite from the music.

My view is that there is actually far less crowd involvement than there used to be because there is no opportunity. They have music playing for essentially the whole game. When they start introducing the DJ's like that, you know that they see them as a core part of the action rather than adding effect when needed. Apart from the announcers defence and let’s go wildcats chant, there is very little crowd participation which is actually generated by the crowd itself.

I know I’m old, but I still yearn for the atmosphere that Lachie Read used to be able to create at challenge, where crowd involvement was maximized, music and effects were used to fire things up when necessary and it would have been far more intimidating for visiting teams with a crowd a fraction of the size it is now.

I was hoping with the management changes, we may get a fresh game day experience this year where the basketball became the centre of attention but it would appear not. The only idea that the Wildcats brains trust seem to be able to come up with is “louder music”

Reply #900511 | Report this post

Big Fudge  
Years ago

Jack Knife just said it perfectly! thank you!

Reply #900512 | Report this post

Years ago

It is comical that there appears to now be a duo/trio of "DJs" operating the same play and stop button on the pre-recorded Nova hits mix cd. Someone choppin it up QBert style would be so much better make it happen

Reply #900517 | Report this post

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