Got a lot of thoughts on this actually. Firstly, Leigh Montagna is a joke of a caller, he has an annoying sounding voice! Surely this is the first pre-requisite for a caller, far out. I remember hearing somewhere that whilst he was an AFL special comments man, he had aspirations to be a play by play caller, so we'll see what he does here.
It's good to see the commentary team roster returning though, last year I thought the barebones roster on ESPN got a bit repetitive.
It sucks to hear that they are reportedly still doing it from the studio though, that stinks. Amateur stuff in my opinion. It's such a myth created and spread by those just wanting to save money that 'it's the same to the viewer at home whether or not the callers are there', it takes away from the game massively IMO.
Finally I am eager to see JAM TVs production of the games. This company I believe is owned by Eddie McQuire and I think they have a fair amount of football related shows in their repertoire. Hopefully more cameras, and them trying some new things with the telecast and seeing what sticks would be nice. Not that there has been anything wrong with the production from say last year bar obviously the callers in studio, it's just good to see something new and hopefully something good.