Years ago

BSA CEO resigns

After almost 5 years Phil Sinnott has resigned as CEO of Basketball SA. (Mod: Legally questionable.)

Topic #50414 | Report this topic

Years ago

Anybody know how much would the CEO at BSA get compensated?

Reply #898521 | Report this post

Double Dribble  
Years ago

I have no commentary re Phil, these are tough roles.

The problem the sport has is from every level, be it JDO, NBL1 coach, court supervisors, competitions manager to the CEO and all in between, the sport is incredibly under resourced, which means to even be halfway competent you have to put in an incredible effort. Anyone who is talented in these roles never last long, they either burn out or realize they can make a lot more money with a lot less stress and effort elsewhere.

Reply #898528 | Report this post

Years ago

Double Dribble has hit the nail on the head. As basketball at all levels has, for a lack of a better term, professionalized.... Requiring more time and effort from staff and volunteers to meet requirements or to keep up with the jones' and compete with other associations offerings.

I think we have all been around long enough to know the only thing guaranteed in basketball in Australia is change.
Case in point the revolving door that the CEO position at BA.

Reply #898529 | Report this post

Looking forward  
Years ago

Didn't impress.

Too harsh to say he struck me as not interested in addressing issues with a genuine commitment to integrity? Found even addressing relatively simple issues too hard?

Still there has been some significant improvements to venues in recent times.

Reply #898533 | Report this post

Denny Crane  
Years ago

Let's be honest, I just took my dog for a walk and picked up something that was as competent as what Phil was.
He didn't even know how much it was for a district player.... when his child plays.

BasketballSA said they wanted somebody with CEO experience when they advertised the role he got, and he was the only previous CEO to apply.

But the small sport of squash is not anywhere near what is needed in basketball.

The fish rots at the head, and this fish smells funny!!!

Reply #898537 | Report this post

Years ago

Gee - there are some tough markers on this site.
CEO had to contend with COVID, change to independent Commission as well as a myriad of other issues.
BSA is in very strong financial position, participation numbers for basketball are well up, the State Basketball Centre is being built (nearly $16m from SA Gov) and South Adelaide are getting an upgrade. Reynella East & Mitchell Pk are "online"
And 5 years is a reasonable stint and the previous CEO was there for a while - don't understand the revolving door comment (perhaps talking about the 36ers)
Lot of "glass half empty" posters on this site - they find it hard to say anything positive

Reply #898558 | Report this post

Another Anon  
Years ago

Don't think all of Kai's supporters in the YouTube chat realise this is a pre-pre season game. It's hilarious ;)

Reply #898565 | Report this post

Another Anon  
Years ago

Oops wrong thread!

Reply #898566 | Report this post

Grote 12  
Years ago

I am biased as I believe the current BSA employee list is inefficient, lacks any form of awareness and does not function properly.

Basketball having higher participation rate is not due to BSA CEO, its due to the sport being the most popular globally in history. Phil does not deserve credit for the work of other people.
On this point the last 2 seasons girls basketball has seen a huge reduction in participation, with div 1 comps falling to 8 or less teams. YET a female participation tax is paid by all members to increase female participation in the sport.... where is that money going?

Did BSA work with Mitch park, Reynella to get those upgrades or was that done by outside parties?

BSA changed its season format last year to combat COVID and all accounts everyone preferred it, with the season being confined into one year instead of summer being divided through 2... this year they change it back and with no reason as to why...

Please point to something BSA has done over the last 5 years that has had a POSTIVE long lasting impact on the sport in SA and show how this was a Phil driven outcome.

This Association needs a "CEO"/"Leader" that is driven to provide the best most effective product that is accessible to the public. Phil was not that person.

Reply #898601 | Report this post

Years ago

Pay peanuts...You all want a messiah to come in and deliver the golden goose and transform the "association “. You will never get that at the community level paying $1.50 That is the reality of community sport.

Reply #898605 | Report this post

Years ago

BSA: I want to hear everyones opinion before we make a decision

Every club: oh yeah lets do this

BSA: yep yep sweet

BSA: does the direct opposite/something completely different

That's pretty much how its been

Reply #898608 | Report this post

Years ago

Agree Grote 12.

The girls side of the sport in particular is a shambles.

Reply #898613 | Report this post

Years ago

BSA and Metro Basketball needs to be blown up.
Turn off all the lights and go to the next room and turn the light on for the the Association Model - which is successful in every other state and lo and behold in SA Country.
District Basketball below Div 3 is not 'elite basketball'.
Play domestic for a local Club in the local Association so you're not travelling far and wide, it will be cheaper and you can then play Mens/Womens basketball for the same Club once your out of juniors.
The Associations Elite representative team is chosen from the Domestic Competition.
Its not that hard

Reply #898617 | Report this post

Years ago

BSA and Metro Basketball needs to be blown up.
Turn off all the lights and go to the next room and turn the light on for the the Association Model - which is successful in every other state and lo and behold in SA Country.
District Basketball below Div 3 is not 'elite basketball'.
Play domestic for a local Club in the local Association so you're not travelling far and wide, it will be cheaper and you can then play Mens/Womens basketball for the same Club once your out of juniors.
The Associations Elite representative team is chosen from the Domestic Competition.
Its not that hard

Reply #898618 | Report this post

Years ago

Unicorn what is the benefit of this Association Model?

I doubt Tasmania run it and they along with South Australia punch above their weight in almost every tournament. I would say it would result in poorer performance in state tournament.

Reply #898619 | Report this post

Years ago

With all due respect SixersFan you couldn't be more wrong.

Reply #898622 | Report this post

Years ago

SixersFan, you think SA punch above their weight?
You may be a Sixers Fan but I'm guessing you 'know very little about juniors at the higher levels.

What an odd comment to make.

Reply #898634 | Report this post

Years ago


Tasmania absolutely run an association model.

Each town owns and runs their own weekly competition which generates money for the association. Three of which then use that money to enter in NBL1 South against teams out of their state because they can afford it. Plus it makes sponsorship more profitable because they can sell all members from the competition. Rather than in SA where clubs and BSA might step on each other over sponsorship and hence both end up with relatively less than they should.

Reply #898636 | Report this post

Years ago

Fine Tasmania run association model, the point about SA punching above it's weight is still valid. The 16 girls finishing 2nd. 16 boys 4th. 18 girls won it the previous year. 18 boys a Josh Giddey away from winning it all a few years ago. 20 girls 2nd. I would more than say that is punching above

Reply #898639 | Report this post

Years ago

'Really' touched upon the NWBU from North-West Tasmania, which is one of the finest basketball regions of Australia due to the - wait for it - success of the association model!

I suggest you read up on it some more before incorrectly claiming an entire state, which is a shining example for association-based basketball, doesn't run under the system.

Reply #898643 | Report this post

Denny Crane  
Years ago

Let's be honest, the association model won't work in SA.
Have a look at how the current domestic leagues are going. Sturt are great, South and tigers had a good thing but that's now going belly up. Woodville have a program that is like a fart in an elevator (they love their own brand but nobody else does).
West have a comp that is that good that Norwood now run it!

SA clubs are more incompetent than a Marshall Government!!

Reply #898695 | Report this post

Years ago

Danny Crane

I'd suggest the size of the South Domestic comp means that Southern's involvement going forwards is inconsequential and can be seen as a direct indicator on South's performance in lower grades and state champs. (Working)

I would go on further to say that Sturt being the first club running a competition was one of the reasons for their dominance. And the fact that it hasn't grow in 10 years is a large reason for their slide in performance compared to those who's have grown. (see South above)

The best indicator of their success is the performance of Norwood. There results at club and State Champs level truly shown that it is becoming more relevant moving forwards.

Reply #898703 | Report this post

Years ago

depends what the people want out of the game - lots of discussion for and against in both models. It's great to see forward vision for the sport. It is supply and demand need a supply model / infrastructure to meet 2022/23 demand and if that is 40 courts for domestic comps sat afternoon so be it - but the district model must be the higher level and promoted longer term - it has established structure and pathways leading to national programs.

Reply #898706 | Report this post

Years ago

No one is suggesting changing the district model.

Just adding the domestic.

Reply #898710 | Report this post

Years ago

Think domestic comp is greet idea to improve home court participation
.. more home club activities like basketball is great way of club to see sixers build a domestic structures and use pre games opportunities to showcase domestic talents...getting great vibes about coming season even presaeson is getting exciting. Bring on the games and build the is about to get rolling for reel...

Reply #898718 | Report this post

Years ago

Only Division 1 and Division 2 District is currently 'elite'.
Division 3 and below is Domestic Basketball. Fees are exorbitant, travel all over the metro area and often coached by a players parent who isnt an elite coach. Its not value for money and all the issues District Clubs face continually are from the lower divisions.

SO all players in an Association would play Domestic basketball locally for their Club - and would go up to Senior Competitions Dive A, B,C,D.
Currently District players end Club Basketball at U/18s which is disgraceful, as if they dont make Reserves, Div or State League they're left to find a 'Social' team.
The Association would have representative teams in each junior age Group chosen from their domestic Clubs playing against other Associations representative teams.

Reply #898806 | Report this post

Years ago

Is Mark Lampshire being tapped on the shoulder to take this role on even in short term till a proper search occurs. There is currently a few CEOs required for sporting and similar organisations. I'm not sure BSA would be the most attractive

Reply #898807 | Report this post

Years ago

Who would be on the selection committee?
With consultation with the club's on the hire, and subsequently, any dialogue on the direction of the sport in this state needs to be implemented without the alleged reversal of agreement of initiatives.
I can see the district model to even extend to div 3 and 4, anything else clubs need to build/run domestic competitions.
Next decision is whether nbl1 clubs keep their licences if they can't field a competitive div1 team in every division. Isn't that supposed to be based on upcoming season. Central and Woodville may have some worries based on girls side of things.

Reply #898817 | Report this post

Double Dribble  
Years ago

More like Southern, Centrals, Woodville and South.

There is a crisis in girls basketball, threatening to kick out almost half of NBL1 isn't the solution. The solution is setting up a competition structure that helps retain girls. Then let clubs go out and attract girls into that system.

BSA attacking a problem from the wrong direction.

Reply #898819 | Report this post

Old Mate  
Years ago

A serious question, how can the outgoing CEO be charged with finding his own replacement?

Reply #898836 | Report this post

Years ago

At some point in the last 20 years, all clubs have had age groups struggle at D1 level. Its a foolish way to think of club progression.

Our concept of needing a D1 team in all age groups is the problem. We would be better of running 8 grade competitions for District and using summer for grading those 8 teams as well as who should be in D2. Best 16 teams get to play. And if a club doesn't have a team, so be it, they might have a strong team in another grade which will become their senior players of the future.

Reply #898837 | Report this post

Years ago

Old mate, what makes you think he is?

Reply #898846 | Report this post

Years ago

BSA need to grab an association CEO from vic or WA to fix the mess. The top vic clubs, and in fact, a heap of WA clubs know how to run sport and business simultaneously.

Reply #898860 | Report this post

Years ago

Day we as SA need advise from Vic to run our sport is day of stark sadness...have we learnt nothing from AFL whete just in name only Aust but really Vic biased like you wouldn't believe..hands off SA need SA focus.

Reply #898864 | Report this post

Years ago

I can't believe there aren't domestic comps in all the associations in Adelaide.

Reply #898866 | Report this post

Years ago

Yes, all clubs have age groups that struggle, nature of the beast with other clubs being strong in some age groups. Forestville girls being strong opposed to their boys who were really really struggling apart from this past season. But Woodville girls have been virtually nonexistent for forever and apart from one age group, Central's have been the same. Hence I believe the ultimatum regarding the nbl1 licences being based on a solid strong junior program. Can only look at how the women's programs have struggled for so long.
The new CEO needs to have a strong background in the sport. If they have to be recruited from interstate, then good to have fresh blood in. Better if they can collaborate with the club's, but also willing to not be strong armed by the bigger ones.

Reply #898869 | Report this post

Years ago

Hermann - it is that exact mindset that is holding SA back. I'm from WA, have a look at how the clubs present themselves here.

The CEO’s at Joondalup, Willetton and Cockburn all present their clubs far differently to any club in SA.

They know how the domestic model works, and also understand the district/representative and NBL1 model.

Food for thought.

Reply #898876 | Report this post

Years ago

Any news as to who is the replacement or being considered?

Reply #899394 | Report this post

Hanging Round  
Years ago

Whoever gets this role is open to abuse from 'anonymous' people on sites such as this, no matter what they do.
When was the last bit of praise for a CEO submitted?
Probably some time before Mavs and Woodville were allowed into the competition?

Reply #899400 | Report this post

Years ago

When was the last bit of praise earned, Phil?

Reply #899687 | Report this post

Years ago

Last bit of praise, umm, the 7th post in this thread.

Reply #899691 | Report this post

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