Years ago

36ers - to sell or not to sell

Given the immense response to the apparent plight of Central, I was surprised that such a fundamental issue for the future of the sport - e.g. selling the 36ers - received so little discussion and thought from this forum.

+ Was the initial 'bid' just a set up to embarrass BASA?

+ Did they not think to ask BASA if the 36ers were in fact for sale before going public?

Anyway, another 10 questions on this issue for the 'fans' to contemplate.

1. Can the sport afford to sell the 36ers?

2. Can the sport afford NOT to sell the 36ers?

IF the sport does sell the 36ers:

3. How can and or will selling the 36ers generate more money for the sport?

4. What impact will a sale have on other key parts of the sport  e.g. junior development, country and regional, local and social players, the financial performance of the DHD?

5. If a sale were to proceed how should that money be spent?  e.g. just extinguish debt, upgrade courts, upgrade junior programs, improve referees pay and standards, bail out district clubs?

6. What would the Government view be?

IF the sport does NOT sell the 36ers:

7. The sport needs to generate more money  if not from a sale of the 36ers then just where is the money to keep the sport running going to come from?

8. Under the existing structure, how can retaining the 36ers generate more money?

9. If so, under the existing structure, how can their commercial performances improve, and by how much and how soon?

10. What would the Government view be?

As fans and basketball people, these are all key questions for the sport going forward...

Look forward to your responses and debate.

Topic #5039 | Report this topic

Years ago

(a) No, legitimate attempt.
(b) They talked to who they believed to be the decision makers who would be voting on a sale.

1 & 2, In both cases, depends completely on too many factors. Possibly, to both questions.

3. It wouldn't really. It would potentially generate money for the owners. Depends on the arrangement. An arrangement that favoured helping the sport would probably hamstring private ownership.

4. That would stay with BASA. Based on current performance, they'd be screwed. Based on potential performance, they could be OK, but a lot, I'd guess, hinges on the debt. Too much of the "do the 36ERS make or lose money?" question relies on the cost to them for venue hire, AFAIK.

5. Wouldn't be enough to extinguish the debt(s), by a long shot. I'd focus on overhauling the system to improve communication between various parties and get domestic programs running in each club area, a la City South. I believe the claims made by those who say that this would help with constantly changing programs, etc. Reduce the costs of getting involved slightly for social, etc.

6. Not for me to say but I doubt they'd let it be sold.

7. Better organisation.

8. Better publicity and communication. That could only help sell sponsorship which I imagine is the primary decline besides seat-sales for games. Other than that, the focus shouldn't be on the 36ERS generating more money, but on the rest of basketball being better organised.

9. Too many of these questions rely on knowledge of the financials involved, costs of the Dome to the Sixers, etc. Not sure there's much point continuing unless a lot of that is clarified.

e.g., what does the Dome cost the Sixers? How does this compare to costs for other NBL clubs? Why is it the price it is?

I'd guess the answers to be: too much, far higher, and debt.

I think the reason that debate has been minimal in this case is that there are too many unknowns. The case for Centrals would be far simpler.

Reply #57967 | Report this post

Years ago

Let me tell you all right now that it is a legitimate attempt.

We have now received actual financials and are putting bid together as we speak.

We are also about to commence discussions with govt re certain issues.

We have received a letter from BASA saying that Sixers are not for sale however that decision does not rest with them but rather the Presidents of the Clubs so our proposal will be submitted to them in the near future.

Paul Bell

Reply #57985 | Report this post

Years ago

Good luck Paul i think you may be pushing it up hill.

Do you think that the government will be prepared to look at your offer?

What benefit will selling the sixers bring to BASA?

How will the debt be repaid if they sell the only part of BASA that makes money is sold?

What involvement will your backers have in the debt commitment?

Reply #57988 | Report this post

Mott the Hoople  
Years ago

I have heard a figure of $4 million BASA pay each year towards the debt. If there was no debt $400,000 would be returned to each member club each year. Imagine what you could do with that re: junior development!

Reply #57995 | Report this post

Years ago

400k would be great for each club. Unfortunately the 4mill figure is way off the mark!

Reply #57998 | Report this post

Mott the Hoople  
Years ago

Did I have my decimal point in the wrong place?

Reply #58000 | Report this post

Years ago

way way off the mark,

Reply #58009 | Report this post

Years ago

They haven't been paying anything off the debt for a while! So, if they're losing money while not having forced repayments, there's your problem. If you can't make money while NOT paying off the loan, imagine how bad it would be if the payments were reinstated? This is anticipated (unless anything changes) for 2008, I think.

The repayments are meant to be sub-$1m/year. Check the Auditor's report if you want specifics.

Reply #58015 | Report this post

Years ago

yep right on isaac

Reply #58027 | Report this post

Years ago

The problem facing basketball is that if they do sell the 36ers then they give away any chance of every being able to pay of the Debt. Then the government can not only take away the Dome, but also the other stadiums and sell/rent them to whoever they want. This wuold destroy ALL basketball in this state.

Secondly, what happens if after a coulpe of years a private owner decided he is sick and tired of losing money each year. The we go the way of the Giants. Not too many teams have a profit forcast on the books.

Reply #58029 | Report this post

Years ago


Thanks for your note and confirmation of the genuine intent

To which:

1. If not from BASA how does one get 'actual financials'?

2. Surely the BASA Executive is empowered to make decisions such as this, even if the Presidents might have to ratify it?

3. If BASA own the 36ers license what would the Government be commenting on?

4. Are you considering making a bid to own the 36ers outright or under license to BASA?

5. Most important to many of us - what will your bid do to advance basketball in SA - e.g. how will you contribute back to the sport, if at all I guess?

6. Will your bid be supported by any of the Clubs?

Ultimately, I like many fans want to see the sport succeed but nobody seems to be able to really answer just how selling the 36ers is going to benefit basketball - so your bids philosophy is of great interest

Good luck - hope you can respond...

Reply #58034 | Report this post

my 2 cents worth  
Years ago

If the 36ers are not sold now then basketball in SA will die.

If the 36ers are sold, then BASA can concentrate on running a local competition.

The Government will get more from the Private owners in the form of a lease then they will ever see from BASA.

The 36ers will have some fresh money pumped into them and get the crowds back. You need to spend money to make money.

It is up to the Local club presidents for them to say yes or no. They know that basketball is better off in this state with BASA looking after a local comp and having professionals look after the professional club.

Paul Bell is the perfect choice to run the 36ers, he has the knowledge, contacts and more importantly the "fire in the belly" to make this happen.

Reply #58051 | Report this post

Years ago

It is my understanding that the Government's assistance with the Dome payments is subject to the Dome not being used for any other activity other than Basketball. If a potential buyer for the 36ers was financially prepared to take ownership of the Dome and payout the debt, surely they would be able to do what they want with it. A contract to buy the 36ers could have a clause where BASA is to continue using it for its junior programmes for a period of 10 years (for example) and pay the owners $$$? each year to use it. The owners could also let it out for concerts and other activities. All this would amount to a fair investment for the money spent. The land value alone would run into millions. The Dome would be a money generating investment.

Reply #58060 | Report this post

Years ago

the government have a bigger say then most ppl think over the matter,

fyi housing cannot be built on the land for another x amount of years due to it being filled with something couple decades back, not sure what but remember reading about it,

and Thebarton theatre have a deal with the gov with all concerts etc.. that come to this state,

Reply #58104 | Report this post

Years ago

housing is a zoning issue aswell, the site used to be a rubbish dump, it could be used for housing, but the site would have to be excavated out and controlled filled (which is very expensive).

Reply #58108 | Report this post

Noti Bagy  
Years ago

Ah yes but the land is not even owned by BASA, it is owned by the council. Big Problem.

There is no way that the sixers will be sold any time soon IMO.

The governement has ultimate say over this as they have over 10 million of the publics money invested in the stadium and therefore basketball in the state.

Paul Bell and his backer have to convince BASA that they are good for the sixers (something that other more high profile businessmen have not been able to do)

Convince the Government that they will be able to continue to pay the debt or take some of the debt on ( something that will cripple any profitability of the team)

and also convince the NBL that they will continue the success of the franchise in Adelaide ( which they can not as the debt will make the team unprofitable)

Privatising the sixers will lead to more problems for basketball in this state.

Give the new CEO time to sought things out and lets see what happens.

Reply #58116 | Report this post

Years ago

His financial backer better not be the 19 year old that tried to buy the Perth Wildcats a few years back. He was wine and dined and in the end he was just a street savvy kid who had no money at all. Hope this is not the case. And before everyone says that Paul Bell would be smart enough to realise (which I agree with) remember the perth wildcats spent a large amount of money on this kid thinking he had money.

Reply #58123 | Report this post

Years ago

Dear 2 cents worth

1. How will BASA generate enough revenue to 'run' the local competition?

2. Can the Government 'make' BASA sell the license for the 36ers?

3. Why are the Presidents best placed to make such decisions  what information do they have that others do not?

4. Why did Paul Bell go public on this bid, before a bid was made  why is he not working with BASA?

Dear EC

1. Why would you make BASA a 'nomad' and sell the Dome?

2. What do you think the Dome is worth?

3. What would it cost to replace the Dome?

Dear Thomo

1. Thebarton Theatre and the Government  this does not make sense?

2. What about the Entertainment Centre  a much closer 'comparison' with the Dome in terms of capacity?

Dear Noti

1. Do you not think that the CEO needs both time and money to sort things out?

2. If not from a sale of the 36ers then where is the 'new' money to come from?

3. Don't you think the debt belongs to the sport, not the 36ers?

4. Why would a new owner have any responsibility for the debt?

Reply #58150 | Report this post

Noti Bagy  
Years ago

1.The CEO has time on his side as no payments are to be made until 2008. That is over a year to fix, test and measure lots of ideas on generating more income and less expenses for basketball in total.

2. There is no new money, never said there was. As far as the sixers go if the Tigers can turn a profit with less than 3000 fans surely so do the sixers with 5000+ fans.

3. The debt belongs to the sport and the sixers. The sixers can not play out of any other stadium.

The government wont let them play out of the ent cent.

The crowds are too big for the netball stadium.

4. The sixers and the debt are linked because the revenue the sixers provide is a large portion of the payments made.

Reply #58154 | Report this post

Years ago

presidents do not have the final say whether it sells our not i can gaurantee you that the goverment has the final say on the issue as under the agreement with the debt they are basically 51% share holders of 36ers, im not gonna go into the fine details of this as i dont want to breach any legislation that could put me in a litigous state, as im sure stephen and isaac will back me up on that

Reply #58173 | Report this post

Years ago

zap in response to the thebby theatre post, yes entertainment centre would be a better comparision i was mearly pointing out that the thebarton theatre have a situation similar to dome/basa and part of that agreement gives them sole rights to any concerts that entertainment centre \ festival theatre do not take on,

Reply #58174 | Report this post

my 2 cents worth  
Years ago


1. How will BASA generate enough revenue to 'run' the local competition?

The prices they are charging to play, they will make enough money from it. They can cut down from the 22 staff they have and have 3-4.

2. Can the Government 'make' BASA sell the license for the 36ers?

No they can't make them sell it, but the stake holders have already said that they are more then interested to sell it if the bid and conditions are good.

3. Why are the Presidents best placed to make such decisions  what information do they have that others do not?

They know all the ins and outs of BASA and more importantly know how much debt they are in. If BASA don't sell the sixers you will find by about 2008 that there may not even be a team playing as they can't afford it, or if they do have a team, it will be of low quality as they won't be able to afford good players/coaches.

The 36ers are nose diving in crowds since the late 90's, if this trend continues, with them being in so much debt, they can't survive with a crowd less then 4000.

The new owners will have to have money backing them, so they can advertise and drop some prices to get more people watching the game.

4. Why did Paul Bell go public on this bid, before a bid was made  why is he not working with BASA?

He did not go public, someone leaked the expression of interest to the 5AA sports show.

Reply #58179 | Report this post

my 2 cents worth  
Years ago

Also BASA sent a letter back to Paul Bell saying the team was not for sale and he will not have access to the info needed to make a bid.

The thing BASA need to remember, it isn't up to the CEO or the board on if to sell the team, it is up to the local club Presidents.

Reply #58180 | Report this post

Years ago

local club presidents have a say but i can assure you the gov have a major play in this because of the debt situation they are a majority stake holder in the license

Reply #58182 | Report this post

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