Howard Stern
Years ago

Central District officially insolvent?

Can anyone confirm a rumour that I was informed of today that the Central District Basketball Club have filled chapter 12 (bankruptcy) and have been placed in a position that they are not allowed to trade (no junior was allowed to train today as the club is insolvent).

The club has been placed into the hands of an administrator and is financially insolvent (in other words BANKRUPT).

This source was at the AGM today (originally set for the 30th of October) but no one was informed and had to be put back a week.

Unofficially the CDBC owes BASA $85,000 and as much as $35,000 to other parties that require payment to be made ASAP

Topic #5021 | Report this topic

Bill Gates  
Years ago

Please delete this thread and any similar.

The club has raised significant money (towards $20 K) from pledges on the spot at the meeting, there is more to come. There are plenty of good, influential people up north that likes where the club is headed.

What the club does not need is a whole lot of annonymous people to get on here and spread falsehoods as much of the above is. They would do it in the name of jealousy, fear of an emerging strong club and just for the sake of destroying the game that they feel they have not succeeded at.

There are many clubs with $50 K ++ debt to BASA and the $35 K is probably exaggerated because it is just accrued debt.

PLEASE DELETE THIS THREAD! IT is not in the interest of our game.

Reply #57650 | Report this post

Howard Stern  
Years ago

Sorry William but your anonymous as well.

So your saying the club did not go into liquation? Or have I made this story up?

Reply #57651 | Report this post

Bill Gates  
Years ago

But I have the power and money.

You are a foul mouthed, rude radio show disk jockey (and shock jock) so go back to playing your music, making up lies to get ratings and smoking your pot and stay away from our game.

Reply #57654 | Report this post

Bill Gates  
Years ago

And the lions are not going anywhere!

Reply #57655 | Report this post

Years ago

If the juniors didn't train today, will they be playing games next weekend and will they be at Starplex?

Reply #57657 | Report this post

Howard Stern  
Years ago

Trying to deflect the question away from the Club and towards my name will not change the fact that Centrals District Basketball Club has been placed into insolvency.

If this is not the case then member of the Central District Basketball club (yes you William) have no need to get offended or trying to insinuate that this thread is just scare tactics to bad mouth the club again.

I am not trying to perpetuate any myth or notion that mad not be true but I just wanted the basketball public to be informed of the predicament the club was placed in today at the AGM.

PS no need to get personal about a name or brand

Reply #57658 | Report this post

bill gates  
Years ago

I just dont like you or what you stand for howard.

See, people think im evil and trying to take over the world all I do is make the world a better place with great software products and honourable foundations. See for more information.

Its people like you, your sexual inuendos, treatment of women like objects and rudeness that are far more detrimental. I just wanted to let the public know who you are and what you stand for. See for more information.

Reply #57659 | Report this post

Howard Stern  
Years ago

Trying to change the subject will not change the facts about this threat.

Reply #57660 | Report this post

bill gates  
Years ago

I agree with you on that howard.

Everything i have stated is fact, 75 % of what you have stated is not. What 25% is right and what is not is open to further conjecture and discussion by anonymous people like us. I have to go and fly off now and I will not be tuning into your radio show howard.

This is just a silly thread and should be removed!

Anyone that uses the alias of howard stern, obviously wishes to emulate such a man and has no class.

Reply #57661 | Report this post

known to all  
Years ago

trainings were held today both junior and senior

Reply #57662 | Report this post

Years ago

So its a load of crap?

Reply #57666 | Report this post

Take Luck  
Years ago

dude it was a general question, all u had to say was no that is not the case or something along those lines and it would have been over. geez take a chill pill

Reply #57669 | Report this post

Years ago

This shows exactly what happens to clubs that try and buy an ABA chmapionship rather than develop one.

Hope to see all those Centrals people who got on here and talked about how much their money sucking ABA team was doing to develop basketball in the area.

Will they now be willing to eat crow and cough up the money the club needs to pay it's debt.

Reply #57679 | Report this post

Years ago

Today the club got enough money to pay off its debt's. Yes it was put into insolvency, but as of this morning it is back up and running again.
As for buying a championship, get off your high horse!! Are you scared centrals may beat you? How do you think NBL, NBA teams win championships... oh thats right they buy the best players.
Anyway centrals is still around and acknowledges there is a lot of work to do.

Reply #57684 | Report this post

Moses Guthrie  
Years ago

Northerner - what's the story here? If anyone would know, you would!

Reply #57686 | Report this post

Years ago

Mo', I don't know anything, just got back from golf weekend. Will send you an email if I hear something.

Reply #57688 | Report this post

Years ago

So known to all is from centrals, explains a few things i guess

Reply #57689 | Report this post

Years ago


They do it without putting young players out of the game. That you defend a club that has nearly cost over 100 junior players the ability to continue playing this year shows how little regard you and the club has for the development of basketball in this state.

Go and buy yourself a couple of championships if you want. I couldn't care less. All it will do is mean the end of the Centrals Basketball Club. And the competition and basketball in this state will be better of without clubs like that so that the rest of us cna actually do our job of developing opportunities for young players.

Reply #57691 | Report this post

Years ago

Yeah but it is people like you always giving shit to centrals that stop it being able to do any good because the constant negative press stops parents sending their kids to the club.
I wish people would find something else to talk about rather than bag Centrals.
Why do people not like centrals, after being around the club for several years I do not understand why everyone (outside the club) feels they have to constantly run the club down.

Reply #57705 | Report this post

Years ago

because it makes them feel superior
and believe centrals are an easy target

more bout their self worth that basketball

good luck to centrals i hope they survive lots of good people out there who try to make a difference

Reply #57709 | Report this post

Years ago

northerner, rmac says take it seriously as he takes himself... ha bye chief!

Reply #57715 | Report this post

Years ago

anon 57716

If your language shows the attitude of people at Centrals, then I feel sorry for any child involved with the club.

For 30 years Centrals has continually tried to develop their club by buyinh an ABA or equivalent Championship. And look where it has got them. Insolvency.

That they demand to have junior teams in div 1 is a joke. That they stop other clubs from havig 2 div 1 teams is just as weak minded. That they are one of the clubs pushing basketball back into the dark ages by voting to have the season go January - December, shows that they should go and play social basketball rather than district.

Reply #57725 | Report this post

Years ago

Firstly, let me make one thing clear, I am not from Centrals.
I am sick of people bagging the club, there are people out there who work their ass off to give kids from the far northern suburbs the same basketballing opportunities as other kids all around Adelaide have. These people might not have the skills or expertise that are required, but don't question that their hearts are in the right place, and they are doing their best to give these people an chance to play.
As for those people who say that Centrals shouldn't be demanding a place in Div 1, its true that for many years now they have not been competitive in just about all the Division 1 competitions, however it is not Centrals who force themselves into Div 1. BASA regulations allow them to play at this level. Being a founding member club gives them the right. Sure, there are other teams who may be better or more deserving, but given the opportunity which club would say no to a rule such as this which works in their favour? Perhaps it is not the clubs who should be looked at, it is the setup of the district competition as a whole which may solve this problem. Let me assure you that having a body voting on this made up of these member clubs will not solve this problem.
Lay off Centrals. Recognise that they are doing what they see will best benefit basketball in their area and that wrongly or rightly at present, this is how things are.

Reply #57726 | Report this post

Yes Centrals WAS insolvent, but due to some excellent support from parents of Juniors, parents of Seniors and some senior players and coaches the Club raised over $15,000.00 in 10 minutes and is now able to trade out of its financial problems.

No Centrals did not try to buy a Championship, according to financial reports presented at the AGM from the auditor the ABA Men were $4500.00 under the Salary Cap and all money paid to players was gained through Sponsorship of the Men's Team. The ABA Women were $6000.00 under the cap and again the money paid to players was through sponsorship. That's over $10,000.00 under the club salary cap.

Centrals financial problems are more to do with mismanagement of weekly court hire, one team per court etc. the new treasurer seems to have a handle on this and the club should go from strength to strength. Good Luck to them.

Reply #57728 | Report this post

Years ago

$15 000? what about the rest of the money that is owing?

Reply #57732 | Report this post

Years ago

"$15 000? what about the rest of the money that is owing"
Well what about the other clubs that owe money?
Straight from the Acting CEO mouth "Centrals are not the only ones that owe money. A huge amount is owed by ALL clubs."
Give the kids a chance and let them do what they want to do and thats play basketball.

Reply #57735 | Report this post

Years ago

Yes other clubs do owe money but have sufficent numbers of teams to bring down the debt. I guess Eastern would also be nervous.

Reply #57736 | Report this post

To raise 15 K in the space of 10 days is an amazing accomplishment. Well done to everyone involved. I am not sure if any other club could achieve this. Too many people asking what is in it for me rather than give up for the success of the whole!

The club has an unbeleivable group of junior/senior coaches and some very dedicated players working on getting it done on the court. Its good to see its all happening off the court as well.

Reply #57737 | Report this post

Years ago

Let me get this clear...You are saying that the monies that senior players get payed comes from sponsors so then this does not come under the salary cap? How does that work??? Any money that is paid to a player should count towards the salary cap!

Reply #57746 | Report this post

Years ago

I think they mean it wasn't robbing from the junior program, but came from sponsorship direct to the Senior teams. Am I right?

Reply #57748 | Report this post

Years ago

So the club is smart enough to only get sponsorship for the senior teams. If they are going bankrupt, surely this money could have been better spent on paying their debts, rather than paying anybody in the senior team.

The problem is that in 5 years time Centrals will be back in the same position they are now. Because they will continue to try and buy senior championships.

Reply #57749 | Report this post

Years ago

Correct Doc!

Reply #57750 | Report this post

Years ago

If this information is right, how many other Clubs are equally challenged financially?

Does it render any of the general criticism of BASA for not spending money on 'marketing' the 36ers a little hollow? It seems to me that if these clubs were not so much 'in debt' to BASA, perhaps BASA would have more cash to 'spend'?

Reply #57751 | Report this post

Years ago

Currently, only 1 club is 'technically' not in debt with BASA. Meaning that this club is the only one with voting rights at the next AGM. A couple of other clubs have the ability to pay samll amounts off. But more than half of the clubs may struggle to have voting rights.

Reply #57755 | Report this post

Years ago

"A couple of other clubs have the ability to pay samll amounts off"
And yet everyone thinks its there god given right to bag centrals.

Reply #57756 | Report this post

Years ago

I think everyone dieing to get a cheap shot at centrals (god given right - anon 57756) because to many northerners have access to the internet and we have to put up with them telling everyone who will listen how good they think they are at every win - more so last season when they recruited so well and had the best import and won the championship...............

Reply #57757 | Report this post

Years ago

Who is the one club that is not in debt with BASA

Reply #57758 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #57761 | Report this post

Mott the Hoople  
Years ago

From my understanding Sturt, South and Forestville are OK but the rest are in varying amounts of trouble.

This also raises the question of when/if the new proposed seasons may start, as it will put further pressure on the clubs to pay BASA before payments are received (from that seasons subs).

Reply #57762 | Report this post

Mott the Hoople  
Years ago

I also meant to say that is why we should stay with the existing structure of seasons.

Reply #57763 | Report this post

Hangin Round  
Years ago

Let's draw a line in the sand- If BASA prevent clubs owing money from voting at next AGM, does that mean BASA has no vote at next mtg of Basketball Australia?
People in glass Domes should not throw stones.
By the way, well done Centrals. If you folded, it would mean another club cops all the shit, so thanks for remaining solvent

Reply #57764 | Report this post

Years ago

Couldn't agree with you more Mott.

Given that clubs are struggling to stay afloat. An change in seasons means that they will need to increase their fee's so that they can stay afloat. If they don't increase them enough. They will become another club who might become insolvent. Rasie then by too much and we wil lose more players. Putting them back in the same position.

But it those clubs that are struggling to pay their debts want ing the change so go figure...

Reply #57767 | Report this post

Years ago

"to many northerners have access to the internet and we have to put up with them telling everyone who will listen how good they think they are at every win " - 57757

Easy, just be one of the ones who chooses not to listen/read and all should be fine :)

Reply #57793 | Report this post

Howard Stern  
Years ago

Keep putting your head into the sand and believing that everything will be ok.

Maybe if BASA management keep a close eye on the debt being accumulated by each club didn't allow Centrals to run up a debt of $85,000 then basketball in South Australia wouldn't be on deaths door

Reply #57808 | Report this post

Years ago


To your points:

1. When the clubs effectively 'run' the sport and 'command' BASA, how does BASA prevent clubs like Central falling into debt?

2. What power - financially or constitutionally - does [or should] BASA have to pull them up?

3. Why are the clubs unable to manage themselves?

Surely the Clubs have to accept responsibility for their own financial positions?

Reply #57813 | Report this post

Howard Stern  
Years ago

If 9 out of the 10-member club are allegedly owing money to BASA then the system that is currently in place is not working or Basketball is in deep poo.

"1. When the clubs effectively 'run' the sport and 'command' BASA, how does BASA prevent clubs like Central falling into debt?" I don't know but maybe BASA could implement a brand new district basketball direction for basketball in this state and only allow a licence to a club that can control a budget?

"3. Why are the clubs unable to manage themselves?" absolutely clubs have to take control and accept the responsibility of keeping better control of their own finances

But CDBC can not continue to go to parents, players and past member for financial support, what are they going to do in 6 months time when that month has been spent? What will happen if the treasury department become unreasonable and call in the $10.45 Million debt that BASA has and CDBC owe $1.4 Million of (10% being 1/10th owner of BASA)

Should basketball in SA look at pulling up stumps and starting again ALA the A-League soccer and simply have clubs that can run at a profit?

This problem runs deeper than the CDBC and everyone involved has to take control and look for a solution to help the sport prosper and grow? Continuing to allow a club to run debts of much as $80,000 is irresponsible to both other clubs as well as the game itself.

Reply #57819 | Report this post

Years ago

One of the best things to come out of the solvency issue will be that many of the major contributors will want to get involved with committees.

"But CDBC can not continue to go to parents, players and past member for financial support, what are they going to do in 6 months time when that month has been spent?"

Howard I dont think you understand the system. CDBC is not going to the parents, players and past members. The parents, players and past members are CDBC. Any of them can get a role.

"Should basketball in SA look at pulling up stumps and starting again ALA the A-League soccer and simply have clubs that can run at a profit? " No clubs run at a profit. Any money that gets made goes back into the club. The structure is not like a profitable company and the goals are different.

Reply #57820 | Report this post

Howard Stern  
Years ago

How did they raise $15,000 in the last 10 days? In 6 months time are theses same people going to be happy about investing money into the club again?

The club financial objectives would still be the same, to run in the black not the red.

Reply #57826 | Report this post

Years ago

howard, is not the brightest crayon in the box.

Reply #57833 | Report this post

Years ago

QUOTE:"And the competition and basketball in this state will be better of without clubs like that so that the rest of us can actually do our job of developing opportunities for young players."

Is developing opportunities for young players just about creating pathway to elite level. There must be some place for participation. 10 kids make state teams and a smaller % go on to ABA from each age group. So the club is providing a different service for the juniors in the area: Participation.

Reply #57845 | Report this post

Years ago

Perhaps Centrals should put Howard in charge. He seems to have all the answers!

Yes, I was being scarcastic.

People are not putting their heads in the sand, they are merely chosing to have a positive attitude to counter-act your (and people like you) negative attitude.

Reply #57847 | Report this post

Howard Stern  
Years ago

Who cares if I have a positive or negative attitude? I am not involved in any capacity with the club so it shouldn't matter.

I only posed a few questions as to why a club could get in that position and why it was allowed to get to that large a sum of money. Good luck to CDBC if they are to survive and I wish them the best of luck.

Reply #57852 | Report this post

Years ago


"Is developing opportunities for young players just about creating pathway to elite level. There must be some place for participation. 10 kids make state teams and a smaller % go on to ABA from each age group. So the club is providing a different service for the juniors in the area: Participation."

Here is why centrals should not have a div 1 spot if they are not good enough to compete. Div 1 is a Elite level not a participation level

Reply #57886 | Report this post

Years ago

Div 1 is an elite, REPRESENTATIVE level. Its the top team from each district competing.

Reply #57889 | Report this post

Years ago

Division 1 is the elite SA comp (we could argue ábout just calling it Elite). I agree with you that they should not field teams above their standard, but alot of people comment from a Div 1 view. If they are providing a club which allows many juniors to play district that can´t be all bad. Many players drop out of stronger clubs without going on to ABA or state.

Reply #57890 | Report this post

Years ago

anon 57845

I don't see how developing opportunities has anything to do with elite basketball. In fact if you look at two of the higher level clubs they are infact creating more opportuniies for non-elite players throught the City-South domestic competition.

What I was saying is that Centrals have done the reverse. Through over spending and focusing on ABA they are potentially destroying opportunities for players in the Northern area.

Reply #57911 | Report this post

Years ago

OH MY GOD who are all you people who think they know EVERYTHING about Centrals and what goes on at the club.
"They shouldn't buy a championship team. They shouldn't do this, they shouldn't be in the ABA competition, they shouldn't do that, they shouldn't"... blah blah blah.
Well WE ARE in the comp, So everyone GET OVER IT.

Reply #57938 | Report this post

Seth James  
Years ago


That's the point of this post Central District Basketball Club by all accounts have no money and any organizations that have no money should not be in any competition.

So 'Playa' read the post and understands the predicament that the club is in before shooting your playa hating mouth off.

Reply #57950 | Report this post

Years ago

Do any of the clubs besides Forestville and Sturt have any money?

Reply #57954 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #57957 | Report this post

Years ago

South must have really turned things around then...thought they were in the shit too

Reply #57960 | Report this post

Years ago

Forr and Sturt are doing a great job
but they do have a distinct advantage over most clubs with the facilities they have and the opportunities to raise money through their excellent bar and canteen facilities. As their clubs continue to grow so will their financial resources. This is great for them, but people must understand the difficulties facing many other clubs, it would be a disaster to lose any clubs as they all provide opportunities for young people to get a start in this great sport. Its ok for the rich to get richer but it is important to make sure the poor dont get poorer because the rich will always need to have someone to compete against.

Reply #57961 | Report this post

Years ago

Yes thats true but centrals are not competing when they play Forestville and Sturt. Therefore get somebody in the committee that can see that centrals are better off playing in division where they can compete and stop holding back div 2 teams that win by 50+ every week.

Reply #57963 | Report this post

Years ago

Let's not forget the extra revenue that F/ville get by having the Fellas play there. They still get all the takings from the Bar and Canteen.

Imagine if Woodville had the same deal at the Dome!

Reply #57965 | Report this post

Mike Fuzzberger  
Years ago

Forestville and Surt have too great an advantage over the other teams with the facilities they have been provided with...........Let Centrals play Div one if they want too....get back to bashing up on Southern Tigers thats much more fun

Reply #57966 | Report this post

Years ago

When you get 2 teams in div 1 which appears inevitable and the weaker clubs become weaker (that will happen) what are you going to do when your div 2's are still winning by large margins. Youll need to have 3 teams in div 1 and eventually players will get sick of an incestuous competition. It wont be much different than having a scrimage at training which you can do now.
There is no doubt that some clubs have much work to do but an agenda that will eventually put them out of business will do a great deal of harm to basketball in general. There is room for all to grow and prosper, divide and conquer at yours and basketballs peril

Reply #57968 | Report this post

Years ago

SO if a team is loosing by 50 each week, that is not doing damage to the competition. Which team gets something out of a 50 point win/loss each week.

Reply #57969 | Report this post

Years ago

Pro/Rel should be in a different thread. This issue has nothing to do with that. The money collected for each team did not cover the variable costs of entering those teams IE Court hire, nominations, basketballs etc.

This has nothing to do with ABL programs - which are almost self funding in Centrals case or Pro/Rel.

There are a few people that feel threatened by CEntrals out there I think.

Reply #57970 | Report this post

Years ago

No doubt not a good situation 50 point plus margins are no fun for anyone but with support encouragement and hard work maybe that margin will be reduced next time round. That is the answer to your problem. Send that team back to div 2 and they lose a couple of potentially good players to the powerfull clubs which in turn creates another set of problems for both clubs.
What we need is much more even spread of coaching resources and the competition will improve. But its probably not cool for a quality coach to go to a lowly club and turn it around. After all the true reflection of good coaching is to significantly improve a team or club. Perhaps we need to find some coaches who are prepared to get out of their comfort zones and take on the challenge of making basketball better as a whole.

Reply #57974 | Report this post

Years ago

Why would a 'quality' coach want to go to a poor club. They have a committee which over spends and does nothing for their juniors. Sporsorship should go to the juniors first, not the seniors.

Then the parents of the club, have no idea about the expectations of training twice a week. The think that their opinions about who should get playing time is relevent! They get on committee's to push their own kids.

Reply #57981 | Report this post

Years ago

Anonymous 57981

"Why would a 'quality' coach want to go to a poor club?"

I couldn't think of a better challenge to give a coach.

Coach a team/club that everyone (bar a few) on here thinks doesn't deserve their place in Div 1, turn them into a winning team, and produce some serious ballers for the senior team.

What is the basis a lot of good sporting movies? A shit team turned around by a good coach who completely changes the way things are done. It happens all the time, and not solely in basketball.

Reply #57996 | Report this post

Years ago

Seth James or should i say HOME BOY,
what do you know about Centrals? As I am a PLAYER, I know that Centrals is out of the debt it needed to get out of and is currently in the same position as most other ABA clubs.

Reply #58003 | Report this post

Years ago

Seth James,

Genius, you have solved the problem. Let the clubs with no money set up their own comp with rules saying they can't have money and leave in the current comp the club who has money. (sturt)

In that set up can you please advise how the following would work?

- Would the pro/rel proposal need to be changed to handle only one club?

- At state champs would a second team in the same division be allowed to compete or would they need to drop down a level for state champs. (But then who would they play??)

- What would be a quorum at BASA meetings?

- Where would sturt play their away games?

These are only minor issues which I am sure you could easily know how it would work.

Reply #58006 | Report this post

Years ago


A coach cannot change the attitude and philosphy of a club. And that is what permiates through the families and players out at Centrals. Players like yourself who are looking at improving move to other clubs. Like you did. They do this because the people around them are not looking to make the improvements that come from commitment. Like you saw when you were first at Centrals.

Coaches want to be in an environemtn were they;
a) feel a sence of identity, such as the club which looked after them as a junior.
or b) a club which they feel will challenge them and help them improve as a coach.

Look at the clubs who are successful and you will see coaches, sitting together and talking, swapping idea's and following similar philosophies. Rather than steering their own boats and using shrt cut's like zone defence and outomatic div 1 spots to help their teams win.

and player,

how long before centrals are back in the same postition. I'll give them 5 years. But until then, I hope that BASA don't give them a vote at any meetings so they don't continually mess up the comp for the rest of us.

Reply #58007 | Report this post

Years ago

notherner moved clubs over 7 years ago dingbat! Sorry to make you feel old northerner.

Reply #58011 | Report this post

Years ago

And centrlas are still suffering from the same things that caused him to move.

Reply #58013 | Report this post

Years ago

A promotion relegation system is a bad idea because that will simply allow for the rich to get rich and the poor to stay poor. I am not talking about a club being rich in financial terms but rich and poor in the amount of basketball talent they can and cannot put out on to the court each week.

How can Centrals improve? I do not know but the financial problems and players consistently leaving to find success at a different club is not a new situation the club is in.

What can BASA do and should they help? Of course they should help and help in anyway they can. In my opinion BASA should step in and take control of the club (not forever but for the next 12 months) stabilize the books and have someone write a business plan for them. BASA should insist on what changes are needed and with the resources they have they should try and help develop a culture for player and coaches to improve there skills to be successful. After 12 months give the running of the club back to the current committee

BASA should take the challenge and appoint 2 or 3 SASI coaches and allow them to develop an under 8-12 boys and girls program from the surrounding primary schools at starplex and have it simply as a CDBC feeder program.

A clubs success is tested by it depth and how many 6-12 year kids are around the club, sure an ABA premiership is nice but that will only hide a few of the problems. Build from the ground up and develop that base. A club is like a house and with out a solid foundation a house will never survive, build your base and then allow other thing to be implemented around it.

I am not going to say how the financial problems can or should be fixed but I do believe that CDBC has a right to be a district club.

Reply #58014 | Report this post

Years ago


"A coach cannot change the attitude and philosphy of a club".

Maybe not short term, but certainly long term one person can make a difference. How you may ask? New ideas, new trainings, new ways of doing things from a different club. Dallas Quigley has told me Justin Schuller has implemented some new things to their trainings that have helped them alot. Who knows, maybe this might help get them over the line in ABL?

Yes I left to receive better coaching, BUT just as 58011 stated, that was 8 years ago, and things sure have changed from when I was a junior. I've seen first hand what Rick has got going on up there, and it's nothing compared to what I had when I was in U18's / U20's. It will be a few more years but slowly you will see their juniors take some big steps in the senior ranks.

Reply #58024 | Report this post

Years ago

Promotion/Relegation will infact make it possible for Centrals to improve. Currently Centrals have more players leave them to play div 2 at other clubs, to not get beaten by 50+ each week, than they have come to them to play div 1. So where is the logic in playing teams out of their depth. We currently have a junior program that is more lop sided than has every existed in South Australian Basketball history. That has happend BECAUSE of the current structure.

Under the current structure Centrals have nearly gone broke.

Under the victorian model of Promotion/relegation, Dandenong have gone from a small domestic club from a lower class, lower economic area. And turned themselves into one of the strongest clubs in Australia. So people who think that pro/rel is the evil empire master plan. Call up Dandenong and ask for their experience.

By having players play in grades that are about equal in talent, Centrals will be able to hold onto more of their junior players. They will be rewarded through promotion for their efforts on development (rather than buying ABA players) and if they have a teams that is capable of playing in Div 1 (like their U/14 Girls treams last year) they will be in div 1. (And remember that their best player from that teams has moved to another club under the wonderful 'current' system.)

Promotion/relegation rewards development and all clubs have an opportunity every year to move teams up through hard work and development of entry level programs. If Centrals or other lower end clubs would sit bcak and take a long term view they would see that they need to work on their U/10 and U/12 programs. And put more money, effort, resources and hours into developing these programs. Then they could actually be the stronger club that I hope we are all aspiring to become. And this would only be good for basketball in SA.

But unfortunately, they will again take the easy road and look for the quick fix of recruiting through div 1 opportunities and be back in the same position in the not too distant future.

Reply #58025 | Report this post

Years ago

58013, I left because I didn't agree with my senior coach's philosophies and the way he coached, it had nothing to do with my junior coaches. I had plenty of good influences when I was a junior sitting on the bench. Al Green, Nathan Hawkes, Shane Degaris, Dwayne Nelson, Jerry Dennard, Willie Joseph, DJ Rmac (just had to throw that one in there!!!)

Reply #58026 | Report this post

Years ago

ANd all of those hired guns have taken the money and run.

Reply #58030 | Report this post

Years ago

Dingbat, take your flares of, cut your sideburns, sell your falcon and get with the times. There is a salary cap now. Besides, damn, that is an awesome coaching lineup.

Reply #58035 | Report this post

Years ago

The problem with that list of influential player you mentioned before Northern is that Russell (DJ R Mac) is the only junior from centrals.

Who was your senior coach at the time? Chris Lucas, Shean moylin or was it Bob Hunnerup at the time? If you don't mind saying and what club did you go to

The same situation keeps on arising over and over again, I left Centrals 6 years ago to play at a different club for the same reasons (expect the vision form my junior coach had) and reading the stuff people have said it the same old story, excuse me if I find that the future is a changing

Reply #58037 | Report this post

Years ago

So what is ur point? What difference does it make where you played and who you coach. MJ played for the Bulls would he be a good junior coach for centrals? - bit extreme but you get the point.

Reply #58039 | Report this post

Years ago

excuse me if I find that the future is a changing is a bit hard to believe.

Reply #58040 | Report this post

Years ago

Beleive it, be releived by it and move on brother.

Reply #58046 | Report this post

Years ago

58037, and so you have come to the crux of my opinion.

When they get a solid group of coaches there, and players don't move on as much (or drop out) the junior players will be able to look up to players that have played there their whole junior career. I'm sure they took the players I mentioned took the money and ran, why wouldn't they? They didn't grow up playing there. This is exactly what has happened to most other clubs, except Centrals, and it will take time to get to this point.

FYI my coach at the time was Bob, I went to North and was coached by Richard Orlick (and got to play ball with my bro too, an added bonus).

Reply #58103 | Report this post

Years ago

I just worked out who Northerner is! How old wer you when you played with Shane Degaris? Ten?

Reply #58109 | Report this post

Years ago

I dont think so Northerner. Look at other clubs coaching lists. How many of the div 1 coaches coaching at the other clubs actually played juniors, or seniors for that matter, with the club they are coaching at.

I think you will find its very, very few (I looked at sturt, forestville, norwood).

Reply #58111 | Report this post

Years ago


Sorry mate I didn't explain too well... What I wanted to get across was that the players I looked up to were not juniors at Centrals. If/when they get some good coaching that produce good juniors consistently, these players have the opportunity to be "looked up to" by the younger brigade when they are in ABL. BUT, the development of the junior players can only happen with the attraction of good quality coaching (who are there for the long term), which I agree, will probably have to happen through other clubs coaches coming across. I started getting involved in this post because one of the Anonymous's on here said "why would a coach want to go there?" Like I said 2 days ago, what better challenge for a coach?

I played with Shane when I was 17. He was a massive influence on me and I thought he was the true definition of a point guard. I learnt a shit load from watching him play.

Reply #58112 | Report this post

Years ago

If you are reading this thread ask yourself; who are these anonymous people are posting about the Lions?? What their real motives are for anonymously posting about the club?? What are their back grounds??

This post is in response to the points made in posts of Centrals "going broke" on their ABL program, the low quality of our Junior Coaching program, its coaches, Centrals bringing down other clubs to the lowest common denominator because there they did not support Pro/Rel etc. etc.

99.9% of the things I read here are a good laugh. Unfortunately, speaking to some of our impressionable kids, and in some cases parents, that do read the forum, and take on board what anonymous people say, I think it is important to put some things in perspective.

- Junior Coaches; Jye Watson, Justin Wilkey, Myself, Matt Atkins, Adam Todd, Chris Clausen, Rohan Cordes, Ben Elliot (sorry if I am forgetting someone) all have been ABL squad members in the past couple of years. All of these guys are involved as a coach, assistant coach or fitness coach of a junior team. NOT A BAD COACHING LINEUP BY THE WAY.
- Overspending on ABL Program: The Lion King posted that the club was well under the salary cap  he seems to know what he is talking about.
- Senior players putting into the juniors: All the senior players have agreed to help out with Junior teams and most are doing so.
- Continuity of Junior program into ABL: Our U18 Men's squad has 5 players who are also in the ABL development squad. They are training with the men over the summer and some will continue over the ABL Season. Training with players and QUALITY people like Jye, Justin, Hammo and Reggie will be a great experience for them. If these guys were paid, is it really such a bad thing  don't forget, that they would be paid at any club, so why not Centrals? If the club does happen to recruit some more players that are NBL level players then maybe that would be a good thing for our Junior program to workout with these guys.
- Quality of our Junior Coaches: Having been around the game at descent level of District basketball for 20 years (Div 1 Junior player, ABL/Div 2 Senior player, Asst ABL Coach, U16 & U18 Div 1 / 2 Coach etc.) I know the coaches of other clubs, their playing/coaching experience, qualifications and basketball backgrounds. I have a huge respect for anyone that coaches and gives up their time at any club. Having said that, if you compare the coaches at other clubs to the ones Centrals has in place it could be argued, and would be strongly argued by myself, that we compare very favourably.
- Ricky Simpson is currently running our Junior Program (Call him the Coaching Director for want of a better word). I speak with Ricky about players, what our U18 program is doing and what we need to be doing to get my players ready for our ABL squad on a weekly basis. NOT A BAD COACHING DIRECTOR BY THE WAY.
- No Consistent Junior COaching Philosophy: The club has a documented coaching program for the boys for every age group. Ricky, Myself, Allen Mullins and Rohan Cordes spent considerable time and continue to spend considerable time working on and refining this document. More important than having it on paper, remember many of our coaches have played in the ABL squad under RIcky so understand the system.
- Poor Committee: Apparently, a lot parents and supporters have just put a significant amount of money in to prop up the club. Some of these people are obviously successful business people and will want to make sure the club succeeds. These people, to my knowledge, did not ask what is in it for them or their kids  they just did it. By putting money up they have shown they are committed and I am sure they will want to ease the burdon on the few that have been doing all the work on the Management Committee.
- Losing players to other clubs: We are not in the business recruiting players, but a few Div 1 Junior players have infact moved over to our club this year by their own accord. On the boys side (I wouldn't know about the girls) we are not losing a significant amount of players to other clubs as stated by a number of posters.
- Facilities, venue, area: The club shares a stadium owned by a major school in the North. The Northern suburb's population is growing exponentially. The financial demographic of the area is moving up due to things like the Defense Warship project, the army battalion, mawson lakes, new housing estates moving out there etc. etc. The stadium is arguably the best in the state.
- Bringing other clubs to the lowest common denominator because there is no pro/rel: In the younger age groups this season the club does not have many teams in Div 1. These teams all seem to be competing well at Div 2/3/4 level. In terms of the older age groups, well, we will see how we go.

A poster made comments that the club should be investing more into the junior program than into senior program. I would be interested for that poster to contact me and explain what would the club want to spend money on? Most of our ABL squad members are coaching, we have the best facilities, Our ABL Coach is Coaching Juniors and is also overseeing our Junior Program  so what else needs to spent on the junior program?

Most of my comments apply to the boys program because unfortunately I don't work in the girls side of the club.

There are many things about the club that are unique and people fear things that are different. Maybe the structures the club are putting in place in relation to how the ABL program relates to the Junior are the ones that other clubs will look to in the future.

Maybe many of the above posters are making these comments out of fear? If that's not the case, why don't they come out to the club and learn more? Or better yet learn more and then get involved.

In closing, the club has a long way to go. The culture of the club reminds me of been at Norwood in the early 90s as it was laying the foundations for the significant success it had in 93/94/95/96/97. Everyone is working together and getting it done. Many strong friendships and working relationships are been developed over many years at Centrals and this is what, I think, was the one of the secrets to the success Norwood had in the past.

I'm not sure I will be around the game as a coach for many more years but I know that I will be proud to have been involved with Centrals during these stages and be working with so many positive young players, parents and fellow coaches.

Reply #58280 | Report this post

Years ago

By the way that is the last comment I will make about this on the forum. if anyone wants to know more, wants me to respond to your comments or want to ask any questions then contact me. i am not that hard to find.

Reply #58281 | Report this post

Years ago


What to spend money on. Easy. Pay somebody to run School clinics, Aussie Hoops, to set up a miniball program and a domestic competition. This would cost about $40K which is what Centrals are probably spending on their senior program.

Reply #58285 | Report this post

Years ago

So thats how Centrals come under the salary cap. Example

Player gets paid $2k to play but another $10K to coach. $2k goes out of the senior $15k budget and no-one is the wiser.

Reply #58294 | Report this post

Years ago

# 58285

He shoots he scores


Don't expect everyone to be a sycophantic supporter of the CDBC like yourself and the people you named and those who don't are not necessarily wrong, its simply your opinion.

Don't try and pass the blame of an anonymous poster on a basketball forum for the lack of success and innuendo that get talked about for the down comings of your basketball club. Saying that the false hope and rumour mongering is being created by this or any basketball is just showing a lack of respect for there intelligence.

A good basketball club is judged by how the junior side of the club is run, not by how many premiership they have or have now won.

Very Nobile of you to stand up for the club you coach and it is expected that you only see the good things that you're involved with but some of us have experienced basketball cultures at different clubs as well.

Reply #58296 | Report this post

Anon 58285
All the programs you listed are up and running and have been for a while, Aussie hoops is run in the Eliz-Gawler area while Centrals conduct school clinics within the area and as far away as Murray Bridge and the Riverland, so you have no idea.

Anon 58294
You are a tool, none of the Centrals ABL players are being paid to coach Centrals teams, they do it to improve the overall standard of the club and to be involved with the Juniors, some get paid to go to schools and do clinics etc but that is common place all over Australia. so you also have no idea.

I do not understand this mind set of "a good player goes to Centrals so he must be getting paid" that is not always the case, some just want to play under Ricky ask some of them, Jye, Justin, Hamo and Reggie. For those that have not played under Ricky ask the players and you will have a better understanding of why they want to play at Centrals.

Reply #58299 | Report this post

Years ago

"so you also have no idea"
King of the Jungle: True. Most here dont seem to. Many inaccuracies, not facts. Thanks for putting things in perspective KOJ.

Reply #58304 | Report this post

Years ago


Way to contradict yourself!! You personally attack someone for suggesting Centrals "get around" the salary cap by having them coach, yet you admit the players are paid to do coaching clinics!!

Reply #58306 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #58309 | Report this post

Years ago

He is Sycophantic  How do you know?

What does sycophantic mean?

Is it the opposite to a critical, denouncing, disparaging, insulting, unflattering, pathetic, jealous hater like you?

Reply #58313 | Report this post

Years ago

Looks like someone just found the dictionary

Reply #58317 | Report this post

Years ago

So Janx,

You have great coaches and people in school with Aussie Hoops and a domestic competition.

Why have Centrals then decreased the amount of teams entered into the BASA competition?

Why have the results the club posted been so low that this year they are entering less Div 1 teams.

Why do Centrals have no U/10 Teams?

How can a club that is broke pay Senior players to do school clinics that are returning nothing to the club? Which is actually breaking the salary cap!

You go on and on like everything is right as rain! When will somebody take theri head out ofthe sand and look at the bigger picture. That the state of basketball is more important than 1 club. And that the amount that they pull the rest of the competition down is a big part of what is wrong with basketball in this state.

Reply #58327 | Report this post

why do u care  
Years ago

I heard that not only were the men's team under the salary cap but jye donated some of his contract back to the club, and if the whole team is under 12K then he didnt make a whole lot plus you have reggie, wilkey, and more to all fit within. I see Jye almost living at Starplex so what ever he makes he earns wilkey is in school and reggie from all accounts has a good job and doesnt require a whole lot to play. just thought I would throw that in.

Reply #58397 | Report this post

Years ago

Well if that's not the reason why WAS Centrals insolvent? Lack of sponsorship monies, court hire costs, low subscriptions?

Reply #58398 | Report this post

Years ago

The club became insolvent because junior and senior players are not paying their fees, If they want their club to survive then they need to pay to play the game instead of continuing to have a free ride. some owe hundreds (mainly senior players). the senior programme also needs to be accountable as they were spending money without the full support of management. Now with a more involved treasurer the club can start building, mainly due to approval needs to be made by the management committee as any thing spent without this approval end up out of thier own pocket.

Reply #61434 | Report this post

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