Q Anon
Years ago
Rumour: Pelligra to takeover 36ers
The rumour has been getting stronger and with The Advertiser detailing plans for The Dome the next step is take over ownership and move the team back to Findon
"An ageing 36ers stadium is set to be rejuvenated following a council decision to sell part of the land around it and lease the rest to an interstate development tycoon.
The potential $20 million investment was first aired late last year when developer Pelligra made an unsolicited bid to the council and then put forth plans in conjunction with the Charles Sturt Council."
The proposition was realised when the council on Monday voted to sell 5730 square metres, about 10 per cent, of Toogood Reserve for $30,000 and lease 90 per cent to the group that bought the stadium in 2021.
"We'll basically turn the arena area from three to 22 courts and it will be able to engage with a much larger section of the sporting community."
Mr Wren confirmed parking would be free at the stadium for all events.
Alongside the stadium revamp, Pelligra had committed to building a three-on-three basketball court superdome and show court, eight netball courts and four volleyball courts.
The netball courts will be home to western suburbs club Glanville.
Mr Wren hinted the 36ers stadium development was unlikely to be Pelligra group’s final foray into South Australian sports.
Multi-millionaire property tycoon and Pelligra chairman Ross Pelligra bought the Adelaide Giants baseball team in August last year and announced plans to build a stadium for his new team.
He said Pelligra was in the process of buying “a couple of other teams” and indicated the company was working with the Marion and Playford councils about other sporting facilities.