Wallace isn't a point guard, in-fact none they have in the current squad are a true point guard except for Reid, and she struggled big time bringing the ball up with defensive pressure.
Time BA and Brondello started looking at others in the league that play that spot instead of sticking to the ones who get there by name , CEO connections or who their coach is.
Maley was legit in that line up and should be a lock in, and Blicavs earnt a spot too, but Nicholson Cole and Sherf are just out of their depth, Cole seems to have lost her mojo lately, Madgen surprisingly has found hers. Not sure Darbin can find a spot, you have Allen, Talbot, and Whitcomb who would be locks, add in Ezi, George and most likely Tolo, not much room for additions
But the PG spot needs to be opened up, they need to look at what’s going around the NBL1, lots of players miss out of WNBL spot due to imports, and don’t take end of bench roster spots because financially it’s just not viable.
Rocci gets beat on defence all the time, and try’s to take on too many players constantly,Heal is NOT a PG, and apart from her ass shot threes she hits frequently , not much else to her game but her name. Reid way too much dribble. Melbourne is like a fart in a bottle, still plays like under 12s, but boy if she can rein her game in to be more controlled, she’s going to be sooo good , but too young yet.
Just makes no sense though to have a head coach who is never in the country , how can BA and Australia justify the wages paid for an absentee coach