Years ago

Free Agents List for NBL 22/23

This is from this NBL article below.


Approaching Free Agency: Cam Bairstow, Isaac Humphries, Dusty Hannahs, Todd Withers, Tad Dufelmeier Jnr, Mojave King (Next Star), Hyrum Harris, Emmanuel Malou, Zac Gattorna, Nick Marshall, Lachlan Olbrich

Most Intriguing: Cam Bairstow

The only 2 worth keeping on this list are Duffelmeier and Bairstow. Bairstow will be more expensive. Duffelmeier may remember how little playing time he got at the first half of the year before having 'the talk' with CJ. Not sure why the talk couldn't have happened earlier. Do not bring back Humphries. Withers and Hannahs are under no threat to be picked up by anyone else outside of the Mongolian Basketball Association.


Approaching Free Agency: Nathan Sobey, Lamar Patterson, Robert Franks, Isaiah Moss, Deng Deng, Jack Salt, Tanner Krebs, Tamuri Wigness, Max Mackinnon, Taane Samuel

Most Intriguing: Nathan Sobey

Only ones worth going for are Sobes and Franks, Salt has promise but has not received enough opportunities to show his worth at Brisbane. Franks loves the 3 a bit too much for such a skilled player, but may be suitable for teams wanting a stretch 4.


Approaching Free Agency: Scott Machado, Tahjere McCall, Stephen Zimmerman, Nate Jawai, Jarrod Kenny, Jordan Ngatai, Brayden Inger, Marshall Nelson, Robbie Heath

Most Intriguing: Tahjere McCall

There is nothing but trash here. Even The Dalits of India would avoid this pile.

They best they have is McCall who shoots at .37 FG% and .24 3PT%, thats worse than Damian Martin sans the defence.


Approaching Free Agency: Duop Reath, Antonius Cleveland, Xavier Rathan-Mayes, Justinian Jessup (Next Star), Tim Coenraad, Harry Froling, Emmet Naar, AJ Ogilvy, Isaac White, Lachlan Dent

Most Intriguing: Duop Reath

Duop Reath's game has picked up recently after a quiet period, probably he just remembered he is playing for a contract, nonetheless he will be in demand as likely will Cleveland. Jessup may make it as a third import. Emmet Naar will be looking for more playing time elsewhere. Isaac White shows a lot of energy and some smarts to counter his lack of height. Will Sam be able to get another contract for Harry? Does Coenraad need assistant Liaison Officer look no further than Harry.


Approaching Free Agency: Jo Lual-Acuil, Caleb Agada, David Barlow, Brad Newley, Dion Prewster, Callum Dalton

Most Intriguing: Jo Lual-Acuil

JLA is by far the pick of the FAs but he may even be going to either the NBA or Euope at this rate.


Approaching Free Agency: Finn Delany, Peyton Siva, Chasson Randle, Will McDowell-White, Rasmus Bach

Most Intriguing: Finn Delany

There is actually quite a bit of talent here, Delany (who is having a down year though), Siva, WMW and even Bach who is a nice shooter to fill that role off the bench.


Approaching Free Agency: Vic Law, Michael Frazier, Todd Blanchfield, Matt Hodgson, Jesse Wagstaff, Kevin White

Most Intriguing: Vic Law

Vic Law and Todd Blanchfield are probably the only 2 of the bunch worth taking, who knows where Law will go if he keeps playing like this. Would Blanchfield want to risk moving somewhere given he is in a place where he seems to be able to provide a more consistent output?


Approaching Free Agency: Mitch Creek, Xavier Munford, Brandon Ashley, Cam Gliddon, Reuben Te Rangi, Lachlan Barker, Tristan Forsyth, Koen Sapwell, Owen Foxwell

Most Intriguing: Mitch Creek

Creek is probably the second most sought after of the bunch, regretfully we can eliminate one franchise as a free agency location.

Cam Gliddon seems to have regressed significantly this year.

Lachlan Barker is probably the best promising young talent of the lot so far for the opportunities that he has been given.


Coming out of contract: Xavier Cooks, Jaylen Adams, Jarell Martin, Ian Clark, Shaun Bruce, Matur Maker, Wani Swaka Lo Buluk, Tom Vodanovich, Jayden Hodgson, Iggy Mitchell

Most Intriguing: Xavier Cooks

As with NZ, there's a tonne of FA talent here. I think with the way Sydney are playing, Adams is the equal MVP to Cotton (as I think Law would take some votes away), but Cooks, Adams, Jarrell Martin, and even Ian Clark, there is a lot of availabl talent to chase here.


Approaching Free Agency: Will Magnay, Josh Magette, Josh Adams, MiKyle McIntosh, Matt Kenyon, Sean Macdonald, Sejr Deans

Most Intriguing: Will Magnay

See Cairns.

Will Magnay has shown in 2 consecutive seasons that his health cannot be relied on despite his high ceiling. A Marquee really needs to score as well as defend well, Magnay doesn't even seem to have the aggressive mindset offensively.

Which FA do you think your team should pick up?

Topic #49880 | Report this topic

Weedy Slug  
Years ago

Lots to cut.

Reply #887806 | Report this post

Years ago

Are list going back to five man rosters, lol, so many cuts and so few players.

Reply #887807 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Years ago

NBL 21/22

Adelaide 36ers - C.Bruton Cut
6'0 T.Dufelmeier
6’2 M.Mccarron
6’4 D.Hannahs(i) Cut
6’5 S.Dech
6’5 M.King(ns)
6’6 N.Marshall(dp)
6’6 H.Harris
6’7 Z.Gattorna(dp) Cut
6’8 T.Withers(i) Cut
6’9 E.Malou Cut
6’9 C.Bairstow
6’10 L.Olbrich(dp)
6’11 D.Johnson
6’11 I.Humphries Move
7’2 K.Sotto(srp)

Brisbane Bullets - J.Duncan Cut
5’10 T.Wigness Move
6’1 J.Cadee
6’3 N.Sobey
6’5 T.Digbeu(ns)
6’5 I.Moss(i) Cut
6’5 M.Mackinnon(dp) Cut
6’5 L.Patterson(i) Cut
6’6 T.Krebs Move
6’6 A.Drmic
6’7 R.Franks(i)
6’7 T.Samuel(dp) Cut
6’8 D.Deng
6’9 H.Rouhliadeff(dp) Cut
6’11 J.Salt
7’0 T.Harrison Move
7’5 C.Liu(srp) Cut

Cairns Taipans - A.Forde
5’11 S.Machado(i) Cut
6’1 M.Nelson(dp) Cut
6’2 J.Kenny Cut
6’3 R.Heath(dp) Cut
6’3 M.Djeric
6’4 T.McCall(i)
6’5 J.Ngatai
6’7 K.Noi
6’7 B.Kuol
6’8 B.Inger(dp) Cut
6’9 K.Pinder
6’10 M.Deng
6’10 N.Jawai Cut
6’11 S.Zimmerman(i) Cut

Illawara Hawks - B.Goorjan
6’0 L.Dent(dp) Cut
6’1 E.Naar Cut
6’2 I.White
6’4 X.Rathan-Mayes(i)
6’4 T.Harvey(i)
6’5 A.Mudronja(ir) Cut
6’5 A.Cleveland(i)
6’6 D.Grida
6’6 T.Coenraad Cut
6’7 J.Jessup(ns) Cut
6’11 A.Gak
6’11 D.Reath
6’11 H.Froling
6’11 A.Ogilvy Cut
7’0 S.Froling

Melbourne United - D.Vickerman
6’0 S.Ili
6’3 M.Dellavedova
6’4 C.Goulding
6’4 W.Hickey(dp)
6’5 D.Prewster Cut
6’5 Z.Triplett(dp)
6’5 C.Agada(i)
6’5 Y.Baba(srp)
6’6 B.Newley Move
6’8 J.White
6’8 M.Peatling
6’9 D.Barlow
6’9 C.Dalton Cut
6’10 D.Okwera(dp)
7’0 J.Acuil nba
7’0 A.Hukporti(ns) nba

New Zealand Breakers - D.Shamir Cut
6’0 P.Siva(i) Cut
6’2 J.Martin(i) Cut
6’2 C.Randle(i) Cut
6’4 R.Bach Cut
6’5 S.Short Cut
6’5 W.Mcdowell-White
6’5 H.Besson(i) nba
6’6 T.Abercrombie
6’7 I.Davidson Cut
6’7 F.Delany
6’7 G.Mckay Cut
6’8 K.Galloway
6’9 O.Dieng(ns) nba
6’10 Y.Wetzell nba
6’11 R.Loe
6’11 S.Timmins(dp)
7’0 P.Singh(dp) Cut

Perth Wildcats - S.Morrison
6’0 B.Cotton(i)
6’1 M.Norton
6’1 M.Clarke(dp) Cut
6’2 K.White Cut
6’2 K.Zunic(dp)
6’3 M.Frazier(i) Cut
6’7 T.Blanchfield move
6’7 C.Shervill(dp)
6’7 V.Law(i)
6’7 J.Brown(i)
6’8 L.Travers
6’8 J.Wagstaff
6’9 J.Purchase Cut
6’9 M.Majok Cut
6’10 O.Hayes-Brown(dp)
6’11 M.Hodgson Cut

South East Melbourne - S.Mitchell
5’11 O.Foxwell(dp) Cut
6’1 K.Adnam
6’2 L.Barker(ir)
6’2 I.Leafa
6’2 A.Gibson(ir) Cut
6’4 X.Munford(i)
6’4 K.Sapwell(dp) Cut
6’5 C.Gliddon Move
6’5 M.Creek
6’6 R.Broekhoff
6’6 R.TeRangi
6’8 D.Thomas(i) Cut
6’9 S.Taylor(i) Cut
6’9 T.Smith-Milner Cut
6’9 D.Pineau
6’9 B.Ashley(i) Cut
6’10 T.Forsyth(dp) Cut
7’1 Z.Qi(srp)

Sydney Kings - C.Buford
6’0 J.Adams(i) nba
6’1 I.Mitchell(dp) Cut
6’2 B.Bayles
6’3 S.Bruce
6’3 J.Hodgson(dp) Cut
6’3 D.Vasljevic
6’3 I.Clark(i)
6’4 A.Glover
6’5 R.Hunter(i) Cut
6’6 W.Swaka Lo Buluk(ir)
6’6 J.Galloway(dp)
6’6 T.Vodanovich Move
6’8 X.Cooks nba
6’10 M.Maker Move
6’10 J.Martin(i)
6’10 J.Hunter
6’11 M.Maker(ns)

Tasmania Jackjumpers - S.Roth
6’0 J.Weeks Cut
6’1 J.Magette(i) Cut
6’2 S.Macdonald(dp)
6’2 J.Adams(i)
6’3 S.Deans(dp) Cut
6’5 M.Kenyon
6’6 S.Mcdaniel
6’7 C.Steindl
6’7 J.Bairstow Move
6’7 M.Mcintosh(i) Cut
6’8 N.Mikhailovskii(ns) Cut
6’8 J.Mcveigh
6’8 F.Krslovic
6’10 W.Magnay
7’1 J.Perry(dp)

Reply #887808 | Report this post

Years ago

" Adelaide 36ers - C.Bruton Cut"

A fourth coach in four seasons would be next level dumb, unless it's Goorj and pigs are flying.

Reply #887809 | Report this post

Years ago

No way is CJ gone. The dud who put this mess together is gone. CJ is well liked and will get a few people we need.

Reply #887810 | Report this post

Years ago

Cutting CJ would put 6ers back another year.

Reply #887811 | Report this post

Years ago

Mackinnon aint leaving and Liu has been servicable in different matchups
6'5 M.Mackinnon(dp) Cut
7’5 C.Liu(srp) Cut

Jessup won't be cut, he just won't resign as he is no longer eligible as a NS. Will need to be import and would be a great 3rd import for any club.

6’7 J.Jessup(ns) Cut

Pretty sure he is a full rostered player next year after signing an extension
6’5 A.Mudronja(ir) Cut

Already cut himself this season
7’0 P.Singh(dp) Cut

Full Rostered player next year
6’10 T.Forsyth(dp) Cut

He's been good for SEM
6’9 B.Ashley(i) Cut

Reply #887812 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Years ago

Keeping cj would put the 36ers back another year imo.
If caporn or Nielsen became available...

Reply #887813 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Years ago


Mackinnon is there because his dad is there.

Liu won't return, he knows he can play big minutes in China.

Jessup can’t take third import spot unless they lose Mayes or Cleveland.

Mudronja would only fill exiting Naars role as a 12th man.

Singh, yes, he cut himself. I listed every player off the top of my head that was on this years roster.

Forsyth should not be fully rostered, that would be ridiculous given who’s out there.

Ashley off the bench? Not worth the import spot. They need a another mobile big like creek that can play both 4/3 and play big minutes.

Reply #887814 | Report this post

Years ago

When he said Cut CJ and Duncan but left Forde and then he wrote Yanni NBA. From that point I read everything else like is was a punchline in a comedy skit hahahah

Reply #887815 | Report this post

Boba Fett  
Years ago

"Creek is probably the second most sought after of the bunch, regretfully we can eliminate one franchise as a free agency location."

Not so sure about that.

Reply #887831 | Report this post

Years ago

@HighIQ is right on the mark, it was a comedy script surely.:)

Reply #887832 | Report this post

Q Anon  
Years ago

For 36ers

Sobey very strong to return but can he work with McCaron? 2 non PG's with loose decision making.

Id target McCALL or WMW

Bairstow gets Humphries $ to stay

Duf has done enough to be first off the bench

Make a play for Reath /Magnay with DJ off the bench - that would be a huge front-line rotation.

Finn Delaney would be a great piece

My roster would be

WMW / Duf
McCall/ Dech
McCarron / King
Bairstow / Delaney
Magnay / DJ / Sotto

Save 2 import slots for injury cover

Reply #887834 | Report this post

Years ago

I wouldn't be breaking the bank on Bairstow he deserves a pay rise sure but has dropped off a fair bit and runs out of puff too quick his level of production was good over the first 1/3 season.

CB first 10 games: 13 ppg & 9.3 rpg

CB last 8 games: 9.4 ppg & 6.1 rpg

Reply #887840 | Report this post

Years ago

Is the Sobey returning thing an actual possibility?
Im not sure he is a great fit, but would not be totally against it.
Could you then go

Import pg/Tad

Not that good import bigs are easy to find.

Reply #887842 | Report this post

Years ago

Boba, not sure he will be sought after, or not sure you can rule out one franchise?

Reply #887843 | Report this post

Q Anon  
Years ago

he won't comeback to 36ers with current ownership

Reply #887845 | Report this post

Years ago

A bit surprised SEM have signed Reuben Te Rangi to a 2 year extension.

Reply #887846 | Report this post

Boba Fett  
Years ago

"he won't comeback to 36ers with current ownership" It come up in a conversation I had yesterday. My jaw dropped when I heard it too. True? Dunno but posting at like all the other guesses

Reply #887847 | Report this post

Q Anon  
Years ago

The conversation on why he wouldn't return is well traveled

Reply #887850 | Report this post

Years ago

Yeah its well documented Creek will never be a 36er.
I though Sobey would be same, guess we will find out. Maybe his problem was with the coach at the time but not club? Interesting off season ahead. More interesting than the actual season has been.

Reply #887853 | Report this post

Years ago

Yes, Sobey's problem was with the coach Joey Wright.

However it must be kept in mind Sobey destroyed our team that season by making us play him out of position at PG. Joey knew it wasn't going to work and initially said Ramone Moore will be moved to back up PG but if anything his ball handling and decision making would've been worse so Joey then brought Adris De Leon out of mothballs to be the back up PG. That didn't work out either because De Leon had nothing left in him so was released and then Sobey got a black eye in between games and the talk was Joey had punched him at practice.

If Sobey especially now at his age wants to come back to play PG again no thanks pass he was terrible at it but if it's to play his natural SG spot yeah okay but then that doesn't really make sense with McCarron there.

Reply #887854 | Report this post

Years ago

Who wouldn't want Sobey at their club, the guy is a proven winner and excitement machine that will bring in the fans.

However for the Sixers that is a double edged sword.

The Number 1 complaint this season is McCarron is not a natural PG and is not doing enough facilitating the offence. OK. And as mentioned Sobes was hated at PG for the same reason in his last season.

If you bring Sobes in you suddenly have a log jam of non Point Guards and very expensive ones at that. You will have Sobes (who will be chasing his last big contract), 4K McCarron (who is one of the highest paid in the team) who if shifted to SG is shooting 34% FG and 27% from 3, and Sunday Dech, and maybe Mohave King if he stays.

OK we will have an import 1, say Casper Ware for arguments sake, where do Sobes and McCarron fit in? Sunday is probably expecting to starter minutes having cone from the Hawks.

Reply #887860 | Report this post

Years ago

My roster would be

WMW / Duf
McCall/ Dech
McCarron / King
Bairstow / Delaney
Magnay / DJ / Sotto

Save 2 import slots for injury cover

We have tried this. I supported this strategy this year and it was pure junk because Adelaide front office.

I no longer trust them to observe, assess and act.

Delany would not play behind Bairstow.

If DJ . the club opts out of his third year, that freed up money needs to go to a gun import 4/5.

Reply #887861 | Report this post

Q Anon  
Years ago

If DJ opts out Cam Oliver straight in

Reply #887866 | Report this post

Years ago

Sobey hasn't won anything except the Olympic and commonwealth medals on stacked teams. Any player agents would not rule out any club, if only to drive the price up. I can’t see Sobey and Mccaron working, in saying that I never thought Humphries and Johnson would work, well it worked for a third of a season.

Reply #887867 | Report this post

Boba Fett  
Years ago

Far from convinced about the health of Magnay for any potential side.

Reply #887887 | Report this post

Years ago

I like Sobey in Tassie...

Reply #887952 | Report this post

Years ago

I think most teams would make Sobey fit in their roster one way or another. But I don't see why he’d be inclined to return to Adelaide regardless of if his beef is gone.

LB you’re probably right about Dech.

If Adelaide had:

C Bairstow/Sotto
F DJ/Def import
W McCarron/
W Dech/
G Import/Duffelmeier

Would that perhaps be competitive? I changed SG/SF to W because really they’d be playing as interchangeable wings - I’ve never seen Dech as a SG personally, and nobody quite knows what MM is.

Let’s say you spent a lot of money on PG import for lack of having three.

Is there enough talent there? Perhaps? I’m guessing they’d love a 9th player in the rotation that can really really score the three.

I actually don’t mind King returning and getting more minutes in a slim downed 36ers rotation. He shows signs of how he can be useful, I just think a lot of the 36ers is a complete mess rotation wise and balance wise and tactics wise, that makes the players look inconsistent and bad.

Reply #887966 | Report this post

Years ago

I also dont want Sobey back unless he's only playing SG and McCarron at SF, but would prefer to spend the Sobey money on a import PG

I think if you look at Perth, Sydney and Melbourne to compete with these teams you need a combo/point guard and pf/c who can score 15-20ppg a night and good strong role players who defend and fill in the gaps

Assuming we cant poach Jaylen Adams or Bryce Cotton, I like Xavier Munford as a scoring Combo guard with a bit of size, can do a bit of everything and has had some elite game and I think will fit in well with McCarron and/or Dech on the perimiter.

I dont mind Franks as the scoring PF, assuming we cant afford/poach a Vic Law.

Im going for these 2 proven imports, as they are less of a risk of being busts as we have had too many busts lately trying to swing for the fences.

My current preferred line up, trying to be realistic with cost is

McCarron/young athletic import SF
Dech/King or Mashall

For the young import the ideal would be something along the lines of rookie Torrey Craig straight out of college for Cairns, Im going down this path assuming the money wont be available to sign a proven star import in this spot.

Im giving Humphries another crack, ideally at a reduced price, aslong as he passes a medical and is on track to be fit and firing for the start of next season, as he is young and if we can get him healthy would be one of the best Aussies in the NBL, and I keep looking at Cooks this season thinking, Humphries could bounce back in a similar fasion.

Reply #887992 | Report this post

Years ago

If it was decided Humphries was too much of a risk, I would sign a quality proven import big with the money instead of the young SF

Either way it shouldnt be too difficult with some smart decision making to have a much better roster next season.

Reply #887993 | Report this post

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