Years ago
Free Agents List for NBL 22/23
This is from this NBL article below.
Approaching Free Agency: Cam Bairstow, Isaac Humphries, Dusty Hannahs, Todd Withers, Tad Dufelmeier Jnr, Mojave King (Next Star), Hyrum Harris, Emmanuel Malou, Zac Gattorna, Nick Marshall, Lachlan Olbrich
Most Intriguing: Cam Bairstow
The only 2 worth keeping on this list are Duffelmeier and Bairstow. Bairstow will be more expensive. Duffelmeier may remember how little playing time he got at the first half of the year before having 'the talk' with CJ. Not sure why the talk couldn't have happened earlier. Do not bring back Humphries. Withers and Hannahs are under no threat to be picked up by anyone else outside of the Mongolian Basketball Association.
Approaching Free Agency: Nathan Sobey, Lamar Patterson, Robert Franks, Isaiah Moss, Deng Deng, Jack Salt, Tanner Krebs, Tamuri Wigness, Max Mackinnon, Taane Samuel
Most Intriguing: Nathan Sobey
Only ones worth going for are Sobes and Franks, Salt has promise but has not received enough opportunities to show his worth at Brisbane. Franks loves the 3 a bit too much for such a skilled player, but may be suitable for teams wanting a stretch 4.
Approaching Free Agency: Scott Machado, Tahjere McCall, Stephen Zimmerman, Nate Jawai, Jarrod Kenny, Jordan Ngatai, Brayden Inger, Marshall Nelson, Robbie Heath
Most Intriguing: Tahjere McCall
There is nothing but trash here. Even The Dalits of India would avoid this pile.
They best they have is McCall who shoots at .37 FG% and .24 3PT%, thats worse than Damian Martin sans the defence.
Approaching Free Agency: Duop Reath, Antonius Cleveland, Xavier Rathan-Mayes, Justinian Jessup (Next Star), Tim Coenraad, Harry Froling, Emmet Naar, AJ Ogilvy, Isaac White, Lachlan Dent
Most Intriguing: Duop Reath
Duop Reath's game has picked up recently after a quiet period, probably he just remembered he is playing for a contract, nonetheless he will be in demand as likely will Cleveland. Jessup may make it as a third import. Emmet Naar will be looking for more playing time elsewhere. Isaac White shows a lot of energy and some smarts to counter his lack of height. Will Sam be able to get another contract for Harry? Does Coenraad need assistant Liaison Officer look no further than Harry.
Approaching Free Agency: Jo Lual-Acuil, Caleb Agada, David Barlow, Brad Newley, Dion Prewster, Callum Dalton
Most Intriguing: Jo Lual-Acuil
JLA is by far the pick of the FAs but he may even be going to either the NBA or Euope at this rate.
Approaching Free Agency: Finn Delany, Peyton Siva, Chasson Randle, Will McDowell-White, Rasmus Bach
Most Intriguing: Finn Delany
There is actually quite a bit of talent here, Delany (who is having a down year though), Siva, WMW and even Bach who is a nice shooter to fill that role off the bench.
Approaching Free Agency: Vic Law, Michael Frazier, Todd Blanchfield, Matt Hodgson, Jesse Wagstaff, Kevin White
Most Intriguing: Vic Law
Vic Law and Todd Blanchfield are probably the only 2 of the bunch worth taking, who knows where Law will go if he keeps playing like this. Would Blanchfield want to risk moving somewhere given he is in a place where he seems to be able to provide a more consistent output?
Approaching Free Agency: Mitch Creek, Xavier Munford, Brandon Ashley, Cam Gliddon, Reuben Te Rangi, Lachlan Barker, Tristan Forsyth, Koen Sapwell, Owen Foxwell
Most Intriguing: Mitch Creek
Creek is probably the second most sought after of the bunch, regretfully we can eliminate one franchise as a free agency location.
Cam Gliddon seems to have regressed significantly this year.
Lachlan Barker is probably the best promising young talent of the lot so far for the opportunities that he has been given.
Coming out of contract: Xavier Cooks, Jaylen Adams, Jarell Martin, Ian Clark, Shaun Bruce, Matur Maker, Wani Swaka Lo Buluk, Tom Vodanovich, Jayden Hodgson, Iggy Mitchell
Most Intriguing: Xavier Cooks
As with NZ, there's a tonne of FA talent here. I think with the way Sydney are playing, Adams is the equal MVP to Cotton (as I think Law would take some votes away), but Cooks, Adams, Jarrell Martin, and even Ian Clark, there is a lot of availabl talent to chase here.
Approaching Free Agency: Will Magnay, Josh Magette, Josh Adams, MiKyle McIntosh, Matt Kenyon, Sean Macdonald, Sejr Deans
Most Intriguing: Will Magnay
See Cairns.
Will Magnay has shown in 2 consecutive seasons that his health cannot be relied on despite his high ceiling. A Marquee really needs to score as well as defend well, Magnay doesn't even seem to have the aggressive mindset offensively.
Which FA do you think your team should pick up?