Years ago

Sixers : "We're devastated" about this season; free agency next season

With this article the Sixers officially put up the White Flag for this season.

Some interesting points from the article.

1) They are backing CJ.

Sounds like he will be back next season. I was hoping to get Goorj per any serious contending team.

2) Casper Ware.

Seems like all was agreed with everyone and then Ware's club changed their mind and demanded a buyout. Can't blame the Sixers in that case, but would have been nice to have a back up option.

3) Free Agency.

The club is 'preparing' for free agency now.

They are targetting 3 potential candidates for 'a position'.

I don't know who nor the position they want filled. From here I'm just guessing.

Given we will have McCarron, Dech, DJ and Sotto, I would guess the most glaring need is a gun PG or a PF.

Who are the top tier FAs going next season?

Bryce Cotton (Dreaming)?
Jaylen Adams?
Vic Law?
Tyler Harvey?
Jarrel Martin?
Robert Franks?
Josh Adams?
Jack White (has 3 year deal but is 3rd year a player or mutual option).

I have just realised I made an awful assumption that the Sixers are actually going to target top tier talent.

The more likely list would be :

- Jarred Bairstow.
- Matt Kenyon.
- Mirko Djeric
- Fabian Kryslovic
- Jarrod Kenny

Topic #49858 | Report this topic

Q Anon  
Years ago

36ers were used to get Caspers price up for CSKA. He was never going to Adelaide.

Reply #887328 | Report this post

Years ago

Most of the Australians you'd think they should go for are players who played here previously and it's hard to gauge how they'd feel about returning (to club or city). Quite remarkable that at any given points we've had even just Creek and Sobey here. Creek, Sobey, DJ and imports should've been a championship window.

Doesn't seem like King is doing much. I'd see who at the Hawks feels deserving of more minutes (White, Naar?) but only if it displaces another random (Malou-level). Otherwise, they need a hero scorer. Is there a bench import wanting an upgrade or a second or third scorer who could do more?

Reply #887329 | Report this post

Years ago

A poster on here mentioned the other day that according to Matt Logue the Sixers are trying to get Sobey back. It's probably like the Casper situation where it's just his agent using the Sixers to drive up the Bullets or another team's offer but even though he's not quite the player he was I would welcome him back if it happened.

Reply #887330 | Report this post

Years ago

Off the top of my head there are only two import under contract next season Cotton (1 year left) and Harvey (2 years). Aside from all the various imports the top name local FA's are:

Adelaide: Humphries, Bairstow

Perth: Blanchfield, Hodgson

Cairns: None

Brisbane: Sobey

Sydney: Cooks

Illawarra: Reath

Melbourne: None

SE Melbourne: Creek, Gliddon

Tasmania: Magnay

New Zealand: Delany, McDowell-White, Abercrombie

The more likely list would be :

- Jarred Bairstow.
- Matt Kenyon.
- Mirko Djeric
- Fabian Kryslovic
- Jarrod Kenny

The first four are already under contract for next season, perhaps we can win Jarrod Kenny's signature?

Reply #887331 | Report this post

Years ago

As always I'm sure a few players will re-sign before FA starts and a few others will decline options or their teams will making them FA.

Reply #887332 | Report this post

Years ago

LB you wanted Goorj... you never cease to amaze. Dumber every post

Reply #887335 | Report this post

Years ago

Goorjian is out of contract at the end of the season but yeah no way the Sixers could afford him and with CJ still being under contract too. I could see Goorj landing at either SEM or Sydney.

Reply #887336 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Years ago

They need an import 1-2-3 with Bairstow at pf and either Johnson or Humphries at c


Mccarron - even on big $
Next star pf
Johnson or Humphries + Sotto

Reply #887337 | Report this post

Years ago

Sobey is the sort of player I would probably sign whether he won you a championship or not. Very dynamic, aggressive and entertaining player to help boost crowds.

Reply #887338 | Report this post

Years ago

Every club is taking Sobey. That's just a no brainer

Reply #887339 | Report this post

Years ago

It's not a question of 'taking' Sobey every team would want him on their roster the question is is he worth it knowing he likely wants a 3 year deal and big money per year too?

The Sixers probably aren't going to win a championship in the next three years but I would be happy to have Sobey back to likely see out what's left of his prime he's a crowd puller was a very popular player here and as he spent 4 years playing for the Sixers and knows Adelaide well. Assuming he's even interested in coming back of course.

Reply #887340 | Report this post

Years ago

I love reading these free agent theorists.....very entertaining.
Who will be the new GM is the first question?

Reply #887341 | Report this post

Years ago

Kings coach is on a three year deal, goorg ain't going there.

Kenyon has done well this season but the balance of those five is not an upgrade.

Reply #887342 | Report this post

Manu Fieldel  
Years ago


I got your humble pie, thanks very much for that. Was delicious.

Taipans supporter

Reply #887344 | Report this post

Years ago

NBL contracts

Reply #887345 | Report this post

Years ago

Delany would be a good pickup.
As for Sobey, would you want him and MM as your starting backcourt?

Reply #887346 | Report this post

Years ago

"I was hoping to get Goorj per any serious contending team."

I look forward to seeing how Hawks contend for the title not making the top 4.... Hawks are stacked so there shouldn't be any excuses. Goorj isn't as good as he use to be. CJ deserves a fair chance

Reply #887347 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't think we can go back to a front court of DJ, Bairstow, Humphries and Sotto again.

Ideally we start 'clean' with Bairstow and Sotto with the full understanding they are complimentary pieces to imports.

Hoping someone can convince DJ is not take up his option, go somewhere 'where he can flourish'. I think DJ money is better spent elsewhere other than ....well....DJ.

Reply #887348 | Report this post

Years ago

CJ does deserve to continue,

Delaney has has a very average few seasons, Sixers got be careful of commentators pets.

Reply #887349 | Report this post

Years ago

If we get Sobey, thats probably a large chunk of money gone, which means big money on Sobes, McCarron and possibly DJ if he stays.

What can the team realistically get with the money thats left?

I fear we're looking at second Tier imports like Caleb Agada, Josh Magette and Antonio Cleveland. I want to avoid future Ramone Moore's.

For those advocating for Sobes to return, please read threads from his last year when people decried him not being a true PG and his late game decision making was suspect. Oddly these were the same accusations leveled at other notable combo guards like Gibbo and today with McCarron.

People will not like having TWO combos let alone one.

Reply #887350 | Report this post

Manu Fieldel  
Years ago

Antonio Cleveland is good

Reply #887351 | Report this post

Years ago

Antonius Cleveland is even better.

LB, I should clarify then I wouldn't be interested in Sobey coming back to play PG. He was a terrible PG in his last year here but I think he only forced that on us because he knew the only way he could make the 2019 WC team was as a back-up PG.

Reply #887354 | Report this post

Years ago

LB, I should clarify then I wouldn't be interested in Sobey coming back to play PG. He was a terrible PG in his last year here but I think he only forced that on us because he knew the only way he could make the 2019 WC team was as a back-up PG.

If not as PG incorporating Sobey as a starting guard (SG) is even harder.

If we want 3 impactful imports (a stud PG, SF and PF worthy of starter minutes), how does McCarron and Dech now fit in?

Alternative is moving McCarron to SF where he 'can' continue to be a jack of all trades, how can he keep up with the league's athletic wings like Terrico White (who exposed MM in the GF), Cleveland, Patterson and even McIntosh.

Reply #887355 | Report this post

Years ago

Unfortunately we have seen time and time again, that teams need to be built, not bought.
You need top shelf guys like DJ, who for whatever reason choose to make their homes in Adelaide with the sixers.

I'm not going to get into the debate about who spends less than who, but I think that we can assume that they are not in the position to outbid other teams and leagues on too many players.

Reply #887357 | Report this post

Years ago

Theoretically could have Sobey SG, McCarron SF, and you'd have two imports instead of three in that scenario.

C Humphries (or Bairstow)/Sotto
F DJ/Import
F McCarron/??
G Sobey/Dech
G Import/Duffelmeier

I guess you could have King and Dech covering backup SG/SF.

Don’t think we could afford DJ and IH and CB. We’d be lucky to have 2/3.

That’d round out the roster for the most part.

Reply #887359 | Report this post

Years ago

That would also be a scenario where you could have a third import slot as insurance because Sobey is that additional star/talent depth that they didn't have last year.

And if IH becomes healthy and fit that’s another star they didn’t have last season. If he goes down, perhaps they hope an improved Sotto, a standard DJ and two imports can cover.

Ideally they have enough money to afford a good PG import to provide a third star addition.

Then defensive backup PF, and you’ve got good balance.

The risk might be athletic wing - but Dech/King could cover that reasonably ok if the other slots are solid?

Perhaps that’d be a good balance between realistic viability/financially and playoff potential side.

Reply #887361 | Report this post

Years ago


We're not going to get 3 impact imports only the richest of clubs can afford that. At best the most we can hope for is 2 good ones and a cheaper Moore type as the third import.

I'm not at all concerned about McCarron needing to 'fit in'. Likely one of the higher paid players in the league and he's giving us 6 ppg. He can play at SF or come off the bench for all I care. Dech is handy as a back up SG, pretty good defensively.

Reply #887363 | Report this post

Years ago

C Humphries (or Bairstow)/Sotto
F DJ/Import
F McCarron/??
G Sobey/Dech
G Import/Duffelmeier

This could be an optimum use of money as we could expect friendlier rates with IH or Bairstow.

Are you willing to wear the risk that if anything happens to Humphries or Bairstow (likelihood Medium), that we are left with a front line of Sotto, DJ and McCarron.

I can see some record breaking Defensive Inefficiency Ratings.

Reply #887365 | Report this post

Years ago

Wow - from a supporter of a first season club find this post quite contradictory.

Few games to go Adelaide ....concentrate on what you can control

Reply #887368 | Report this post

Years ago

IH might not even be an option for next year, but let's say he is, it depends on if he can arrive to preseason healthy and have a full preseason to get fit.

If September is not enough time to heal his injury, and end of October not enough time to get a full preseason fitness in, I’d be getting cagey about it and going CB instead, taking that risk given what he has achieved this season.

If we took on IH or CB and they got injured, the front line would be DJ/Def Import/Sotto in that scenario and whomever fills in for IH/CB (another import or otherwise).

Yeah, I think this would be the risk/high reward scenario that a club which doesn’t have the finances of 3,4,5 other clubs probably takes.

Difference between that roster and this season is the added talent depth broadly wouldn’t require a third import (Ie you couldn’t relegate any of the starting 5 to the bench, except DJ, but you already have a backup import so you wouldn’t do that).

The third import could be used for insurance (genuinely in this instance, and if they’re looking decent might actually use it...) and the def backup PF import would provide counter balance to DJ and Sotto’s offence-is-the-best-defence lifestyle which we didn’t have this year sans IH.

Defensive inefficiency we know we get that in DJ, Sotto - but I’m not sure we could make that claim at other players or that Sobey is really THAT bad?

McCarron, Dech, IH are good defensively, if you get a Def import PF you’d hope they provide that too.

PG it depends, if they had someone like Ware (albeit that particular person is probably off the table for next season), you’d be doing fine defensively there too.

As always, it’s about being smart with import choices and balance, and taking a bit of risk whilst trying to mitigate it in other ways.

I’m not sure we could afford Sobey, but it’s an interesting hypothetical!

Reply #887370 | Report this post

Years ago

"Wow - from a supporter of a first season club find this post quite contradictory."

The white flag + trying to win tone of the article?

I guess it's an acknowledgment of reality and then hoping tangible progress can be made that can be carried over to next season.

Also, I like what I’m seeing from Tassie, incredible first year effort. Looks like an AFL side is coming down there too, lots to look forward to!

Reply #887372 | Report this post

Boba Fett  
Years ago

Magnay won't be a Jackie next season.

Reply #887381 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Years ago

So the white flag is officially up for the season. It should be. This team is doing nothing and the most positive take would be to look to the future.

On a human level I feel bad that they're devastated by this start. As a fan though, they've made silly roster decisions that have made that the case.

There is no way around this: In this league you either need an import point guard, or an import combo guards. AUSTRALIAN POINT GUARDS ALMOST NEVER CAN GET THE JOB DONE ON THEIR OWN. So let's stop putting WAY too much faith in them.

I wouldn't hate Sobey back in Adelaide provided he's recruited under the understanding that he is NOT nor will ever be a point guard. He can be starting shooting guard - absolutely fine. You can shuffle McCarron to a super-sixth man position - absolutely fine.

Their wish list should start with an import point guard. An import wing man who can score. I'd drop Isaac Humphries, keep Bairstow. Keep Sotto. Throw an absolute bag at someone like Vic Law. And pick up Angus Brandt inside. Daniel Johnson can take a pay cut or fuck off.

Reply #887382 | Report this post

Years ago

Stopped the nastiness to DJ....incredible servant and club person.. immassive talent with probably 4 or 5 season left.. and want him at united or Sydney and be another one who wins big and we loose.. how soon peps forget DJ one of all time great scorers... almost unguardable....why knick him we clearly the talent around him is depletrd.. one club player. Since he joined sixers. Appreciate his longevity

Reply #887385 | Report this post

Years ago

I think people forget just how expensive Dech should be, there was talk of him going to United and Perth and then Adelaide threw 3 years and a fair chunk of money at him... at Perth I'd much rather Dech than say Frazier but is he getting the respect he deserves, brilliant defender and is a more than capable threat at the offensive end.

Should Dech be getting more responsibility or is bringing in an import and taking away his minutes and responsibility really the value for money that Adelaide should be taking? McCarron should play 2 as well so why go for an import 2?

I think the hottest free agent would be Cam Gliddon as why would he want to stay at SEM but as I mentioned above why would Adelaide go for him

Reply #887388 | Report this post

Years ago

Fair call KET, yep can understand the need to discuss options going forward

Boba Fett if that is the case sure the JJ's will deal with recruitment, at the moment they are doing ok without him playing. It is obvious they have a big gap at the 4 / 5 spot.

Reply #887389 | Report this post

Years ago

Ive been devastated for much longer than just this season. Cant trust this team and their true intentions, feels like the club is being run as a tax write off more than a competitive spend money to make money mentality. GK has no idea, nor did JVG and the list goes on... sad times.

Reply #887395 | Report this post

Years ago

Trying to keep this realistic $$ wise and assuming rumours are true and trying to keep to a budget.

We have DJ, Dech and McCarron under contract. While the $$$ don't match the output with DJ and McCarron not much can happen unless 1 chooses to move. Cam’s been unreal for us but he’s still a risk so I don’t think he’s wage will increase a heap. While Sotto isn’t Shaq as some think he’s progressing nicely and if he can work on his conditioning he will be solid next year. Malou and Harris are nice end of roster guys. King can go.

You need a top 5 player in the comp to be top 4.
So either a PG or SF import needs to be that and 1 of those needs to be a known commodity.

I’d run
PG - someone who’s in the mix of NBA possibly from the g leauge. Mason Jones type.
An athletic SF import with experience
A rookie or close to it defensive/hardworking PF import
Humphries (injury permitting) less money.

Bench of Sotto/Bairstow/Dj/Dech/Harris/Malou and Tad. Might be 1 player over.

Reply #887398 | Report this post

Pablo Escobar  
Years ago

Sobey has been taking boxing lessons so he'll be good to return to Adelaide now.

Reply #887413 | Report this post

Pablo Escobar  
Years ago

Malou won't be back, when you refuse to go on the floor at the end of a game, it doesn't bode well for your future.

Reply #887414 | Report this post

Years ago

I think people forget just how expensive Dech should be, there was talk of him going to United and Perth and then Adelaide threw 3 years and a fair chunk of money at him... at Perth I'd much rather Dech than say Frazier but is he getting the respect he deserves, brilliant defender and is a more than capable threat at the offensive end.

I agree with Dech being undervalued, but I do not know how much he is earning.

He is an elite defender in this league, one of the few that troubles Cotton regularly, does all the dirty work like fighting over screens and can knock down shots.

Unfortunately if we bring in a gun guard he is the first to be pushed to the bench, it won't be McCarron. I am concerned with pushing McCarron to SG as his shooting would make Scott Christophersen blush. Dech is the ideal 2 guard like a Joe Dumars type player who can lock down an opponent and then nail shots given to him.

Putting McCarron into the 3 or bench (on his money) has faults too, but we can;t just roll with what we have again.

Reply #887418 | Report this post

Years ago

Sixers : "We're devastated"

Yeah sure okay, imagine how the lifelong fans are feeling. It's not all about you it's about them - they're the victims of your mismanagement.

Reply #887419 | Report this post

Years ago

and the previous owners, and the ones before that, and the ones before that ...

Reply #887421 | Report this post

Years ago

I think Sobey might be a realistic target. Brisbane have gone nowhere since he moved up there and supposedly he only left because the Sixers couldn't move Wright on quickly enough.

I'd prefer him as a shooting guard too, but you might get away with him sharing point guard duties with McCarron. Certainly not the backcourt of dreams, but would be a lot better than the current situation, simply because Sobey would be able to get the ball down-court against pressure defence!

Having both McCarron and Dech signed is a problem. They're both shooting guards and we really don't want them guarding threes. Need an elite import three man as most have said.

Would love to snag Jack White, but seems unlikely. Maybe if Peatling is surplus to requirements, he could be had for a reasonable price?

Reply #887431 | Report this post

Years ago

Both White and Peatling are under contract next season, however likely both are option years so could be a slight possibility. United despite being top of the ladder have a lot of fat they could still trim Newley, Barlow, Prewster, Dalton.

Reply #887436 | Report this post

Years ago

Dalton has had a season ending ACL rupture.

United are exploring using that slot potentially with ther import trump card or Yudai Baba as reported on

Reply #887437 | Report this post

Boba Fett  
Years ago

"I agree with Dech being undervalued, but I do not know how much he is earning."
Overpaid and over rated is a far better description.

Reply #887446 | Report this post

Years ago

What's with the focus on poaching other locals? The 36ers have solid, rotation-level locals in McCarron and Dech. DJ is a third option or scorer off the bench. Humphries isn't a massive risk of being snatched. Bairstow is similar rotation-level category if they can keep him. Overpaying for more upcoming Australians is not the answer, surely? They need hero imports or locals. Sobey, Goulding, Creek, etc.

Haven't watched any of the Hawks, but maybe pinch one of their imports. Or a Breaker.

Maybe try for underplayed locals from other teams to fill out a rotation, but you'd pitch minutes not cash at them.

Reply #887447 | Report this post

Years ago

Energy guy is needed aswell. Jumping jack mcveigh but great pick up. Had extra experience with namesakers jack jumpers so jumper jack be ants pants... never should let dudestar out of town..bringsenergy culture gets crowd up and about... very consistent plays solid d and gets down and dirty... no job too hard for macca jack...

Reply #887453 | Report this post

Years ago

The sixers would be like Sacramento in the nba, a few nice pieces but terrible together.
Want a centre? We got talented but oft injured centre, all league when healthy. 1st rounder, done. Veteran scoring stretch 4/5, been with club forever and can still score, 2nd rounder and prospect, done. Big man with potential, keep unless optimistic team offers a lottery protected 1st.
Backcourt, overpaid combo guard, could help contenders bench. Send him with cash and pick swap. Defensive specialist, 3 and d. 2nd and a future second.
Beat up power forward, most improved as veteran. Signs 2 yr FA contract with Toronto, 2nd year team option. Suffers knee injury and waived.

Reply #887454 | Report this post

Years ago

Frisbee think you are loopy.. sixers are better than sacra....

Reply #887456 | Report this post

Big Ads  
Years ago

Frisbee, I consider the Sixer's more like the Knickerbockers

Reply #887478 | Report this post

Years ago

Hmmmm...GK and James Dolan, yes I can see it.

Reply #887483 | Report this post

Years ago

You guys have to remember that Adelaide is paying for three coaches this year and two next year, the have a lot of pressure to get the right imports and with JVG gone there's every opportunity to get the right person. Dj has to go and the need to build around a proven import and sign them for a multi year deal instead of the 1 year deals they do.

Reply #887501 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't think the Sixers will be paying two coaches next season, Joey's contract was due to expire at the end of this season assuming they didn't work out an early termination and CH's third year (next season) was said to only be a team option so his contract too will end at the end of this season.

Also in regards to imports once they've already played a season in the NBL I think any future contracts here are fully guaranteed like locals so can't be cut during the season without being paid in full unlike 'fresh' imports which aside from reduced price is much of the attraction with them.

There is also risk with imports that have played in the NBL before that with a guaranteed contract especially if it's multi-year that the import might take it easy a bit which looks a bit like what might be happening with Tyler Harvey at the Hawks this season when they re-signed him to a 3 year deal.

Ramone Moore was quite serviceable in his first season with the Sixers then we re-signed him to a 2 year deal and he got worse each year.

Reply #887506 | Report this post

Years ago

Riverbank Arena is dead.

Reply #887591 | Report this post

Years ago

Can we go back to the Arena now?

Reply #887592 | Report this post

Years ago

Done. 36ers Arena is the home again.

Reply #887603 | Report this post

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