Years ago

Will Russia Get Banned from FIBA tournaments?

The outrageous, unprovoked invasion of the Ukraine by Russia has me wondering whether this rogue nation will be banned from the coming world cup as well as junior tournaments. Of course we can expect FIBA will follow the principled lead of the IOC. But if a ban is put in place - FIBA will need to move quickly given near timing of the upcoming Women's WC, U17 and U19 worlds.

Topic #49780 | Report this topic

Weedy Slug  
Years ago

Hopefully for a very long time.

All sport at all levels

Reply #885849 | Report this post

Years ago

They will but probably won't make any difference.

Reply #885851 | Report this post

Years ago

What's happening in the Ukraine is a continuation of a long-running strategic battle between the USA and Russia. I wouldn't believe too much of what you're reading from the press.

Reply #885854 | Report this post

Years ago

Won't stop the war. #854, oh good, another idiot.

Reply #885857 | Report this post

Years ago

They won't be banned.

Reply #885859 | Report this post

Years ago

I think they will only be banned from playing if they arrive at the stadium in tanks.

Reply #885861 | Report this post

Years ago

IOC wouldn't ban them from anything - they proved with the Winter Olympics that all they care about is their income stream regardless of ethics.

FIBA might, if every other country refused to take part in anything Russia was in.

Reply #885864 | Report this post

Another Anon  
Years ago

F1 just cancelled Russian GP, which is a big call. Others will now start to follow.

Reply #885909 | Report this post

Years ago

UEFA have taken the Champions League final away from St Petersburg and moved it to Paris.

I'll be interested to see what the US basketballers at Russian clubs do.
The best of the best earn far more playing in Russia than in the WNBA. Stewart, Griner, Jones, Howard, Ogunbowale, VanderQuigs,...

Reply #885910 | Report this post

Years ago

Barcelona have announced they will not travel to Russia for their weekend road trip against Zenit St. Petersburg and CSKA Moscow in the EuroLeague.

Reply #885911 | Report this post

Years ago

#854 actually I wouldn't believe what you're hearing on Fox News and Sky. This is a senseless, unprovoked invasion so Putin can be written into the history books as "reuniting historical Russia." In his eyes, Ukraine is part of Russia. In reality, Ukraine is a sovereign state and starting an imperial war in 2022 is nothing short of lunacy. He is a textbook narcissist/sociopath.

Reply #885913 | Report this post

Years ago

So far it seems that sport bodies are cancelling events in Russia (F1, Champions league final, ski comps, for example). Sports like football are not kicking Russian teams out but they will not be allowed to play at home. I suppose the logic is that teams / individuals are not responsible. Not sure how long that will hold. Russian tennis players can still play on the circuit too. I'd expect the same in basketball, although FIBA or Euroleague may outright ban Russian teams. I mean CSKA is a bit awkward, as it is traditionally the club of the army (I don’t think there are any actual links now though!)
National teams I would think are more likely to be banned, as they directly represent the country.
Finally, regarding the comparison with the olympics in China, that’s not quite the same, surely? China has a deplorable human rights record, but it’s not like they invaded Taiwan, for example...

Reply #885914 | Report this post

Years ago

I should add that none of that matters in these terrible times. Just hope the population in Ukraine gets the peace and safety everybody deserves as soon as possible.

Reply #885915 | Report this post

Years ago

It is only right that Russia gets the same ban that Australia received when it invaded Iraq

Reply #885918 | Report this post

Years ago

Oh look, another poster moved to the idiot list. Nice work Kev, 2 fantastic posts in 2 threads back to back. Parents would be proud.

Reply #885924 | Report this post

Old Coach  
Years ago

Frog39 - another obsessed with Fox and Sky. Far more accurate, reliable, straight, and realistic than your mates at The Guardian or the SMH.

Reply #885925 | Report this post

Years ago

"Far more accurate, reliable, straight, and realistic"

If that's your politics.

I don’t know why you’d bother pushing that point - obviously Fox and Sky come across as bullshit to centre-left people, and Fairfax, ABC, Guardian probably comes across that way to centre-right people.

Tis the way of the bubble/feedback loop mentality these days.

Purely objectively, where politics is irrelevant, consider the stylistic difference and what it means in terms of the requirements to deliver it.

Whilst there’s a general push to tabloid style, Murdoch media is the market leader in tabloid whilst Fairfax for example, their market strategy is based on traditional journalism. They are two different “news” markets.

A third market would be your “quick consumption” outlets - buzzfeed, Facebook and the like.

Murdoch media is tabloid style, the revenue drivers are heavily shock-jock and personality based to deliver opinion - they don’t go through the same editorial standards and fact checking rigour as more traditional “news” outlets.

If your charge is about accuracy and reliability, outlets that have more journalism and less commentary are inherently going to go through greater editorial and legal rigour which goes to accuracy and reliability.

I would have thought that’s an obvious factor and difference, but apparently facts and logic aren’t real if you don’t like the other side.

This is why we have consensus views on areas of science by relevant scientists that go through decades of study and experience and goes through the rigour of peer review, and then there’s some random bloke on Facebook that didn’t pass year 10 science with a contrasting view - and a distressingly high amount of people will go “yeah this Facebook bloke is more accurate and trustworthy” because it feeds into their own view.

It’s the same feedback loop problem of people suggesting commentators producing opinions on things they don’t understand without editorial standards to comply with, are viewed as more accurate and reliable as a report based article requiring greater factual accuracy and editorial rigour, particularly to meet legal protections where “opinion” cannot be relied on.

Reply #885928 | Report this post

Years ago

Stop posting sensible posts KET

Reply #885956 | Report this post

Years ago

If Murdock style is tabloid, it should not be call news.

Reply #885966 | Report this post

Years ago

Murdoch media isn't news, they're a far right propaganda machine. Even conservatives with half a brain know this. The only ones who don't are the ones who take the bible literally, are blatantly misogynist and voted for Trump.

Reply #886017 | Report this post

Years ago

Reply #886228 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Years ago

No Russia at women WC hopefully.

Reply #886230 | Report this post

Years ago

FIFA has banned Russia now. Most other sports to follow suit you would think.

Reply #886236 | Report this post

Dog 55  
Years ago

Even the IOC have grown something of a spine with their response. World Rugby are on board (even including the Belarussian lap dogs in their ban). Perthworld is correct, watch the trickle become a flood and then a tsunami as world sport comes under sponsor pressure. Russians won't be able to compete in cockroach racing.
The bans should stay in place for a full 4 years minimum, we can't be saying "thanks Vlad old boy for stopping killing innocent men, women and children, you can come out of your room now and get straight back to drug riddled cheating".

Reply #886261 | Report this post

Years ago

FIBA announces Russian teams and officials "will not be allowed to participate in FIBA Basketball and 3x3 Basketball competitions until further notice."

No mention of Belarus although Euro zone bodies to convene " in the next coming days.”

Russia's EuroBasket 2022 place TBC.

Reply #886276 | Report this post

Weedy Slug  
Years ago

Brazil, Mali or Puerto Rico for final spot in w WC.
Brazil likely because of points difference.

Reply #886280 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Years ago

"They will but probably won't make any difference."

It's not going to stop the invasion but what it will do is be yet another piece of evidence that the world wont just tolerate it.

"#854 actually I wouldn't believe what you're hearing on Fox News and Sky"

I love when people who don't watch Fox News and Sky tell you what Fox News and Sky are saying. Someone was saying Tucker Carlson was pro Russia and I just broke down laughing. Commentators on both those platforms have been quite firm about their distaste for what Putin is doing. Where they differ from the left-leaning media is what they think the US should actually do about it.

"It is only right that Russia gets the same ban that Australia received when it invaded Iraq"

LOL Huh?

"The only ones who don't are the ones who take the bible literally, are blatantly misogynist and voted for Trump."

There's the conflations, putting everyone you disagree with under a negative label then claiming to be a decent human being. Fact is people with different life experiences to you have different priorities. Mock Trump voters all you want, but the invasion of the Ukraine didn't happen under Trump. People like to act like Trump was in Putin's pocket - if so why didn't Putin pull this shit with Trump in office? It's because Putin would have been wary of what Trump might do. Joe Biden needs his nappy changed by his minders and doesn't know what day it is. A weakened US with poor leadership makes for a vulnerable world. And while you may not have liked Trump's leadership he wasn't the man Putin was going to test, and we could very well be moving towards world war 3 because of the incompetence and weakness of YOUR guy. But rah rah rah "Russian collusion" which is a huge conspiracy theory and as silly as any "right wing conspiracy" you'd want to name.


Anyway, Russia should be cancelled from basically everything. It sends the message that the world does not support what they're doing. It wont stop the war but it should shake up the citizenry to the point where public support for it will drop.

Reply #886287 | Report this post

Years ago

""Russian collusion" which is a huge conspiracy theory and as silly as any "right wing conspiracy""

You severely underrate right wing conspiracies.

“I just broke down laughing.”

I think you may have supplied plenty of that to readers on here...

Reply #886291 | Report this post

Years ago

ME - Wow.

BTW Trump actually wears an adult nappy. LOL You're a RWNJ. Go away

Reply #886295 | Report this post

Years ago

I'll stick to basketball, but I will say there is normally right and wrong on both sides it’s just where you sit that makes the difference.

Reply #886299 | Report this post

Years ago

Invading another country though Bro is probably only one sided, just saying!

Reply #886301 | Report this post

Years ago

Yes you are right, lot countries been invaded over the last 30 years though and not by Russia.

Reply #886309 | Report this post

Years ago

And a lot of those countries it was sanctioned by the UN after provocation. Rather than being supported by only 5 out 207 countries.

That said, I would agree that the Kuwait war was justified, however, the war in Iraq was not based on it being proposed to rid Iraq of WOMS which were never found.

Reply #886312 | Report this post

Years ago

Nothing achieved in Afghanistan as well.

Reply #886314 | Report this post

Years ago

" Nothing achieved in Afghanistan as well."

For the US, removing Bin Laden would be the achievement given he was the reason for entering.

For Russia, yes, they achieved nothing with their venture into Afghanistan.

Reply #886317 | Report this post

Years ago

Removing Bin Laden didn't even require entering Afghanistan. And the pretext that saving the population from its Taliban overloads could easily be argued for many countries such as Myanmar. Or Belarussia.

Reply #886318 | Report this post

Years ago

And Afghanistan could be argued that like Iraq it has just created a worse situation for the population, a humanitarian crisis, and a generation of children who will more likely continue anti-west sentiment.

However, the current Russian invasion does look very much like the German annexation of Northern Poland and the subsequent invasion where the West tried to negotiate rather than enter the fight.

Reply #886320 | Report this post

Years ago

" Removing Bin Laden didn't even require entering Afghanistan."

Why wouldn't it?

Is that spoken with benefit of extreme hindsight of being in Pakistan despite everything thinking he was in some mountains in Afghanistan?

“And the pretext that saving the population from its Taliban overloads could easily be argued for many countries such as Myanmar. Or Belarussia.”

I don’t think either of those attacked the US though...the casus belli was 9-11.

Not really sure what you’re trying to argue or diminish that for? Quite clearly US, NATO and Allies invaded as a result of the terrorist attacks.

I don’t really think there’s any discussion or argument about “places with humanitarian crises the US could have invaded if they cared about humanitarian intervention”.

You need to differentiate the idea of having an interest doesn’t necessarily mean the act is bad - Australia sends intervention for pacific islands.

If you said “why don’t they do that for Myanmar” the reasoning is because the pacific is of strategic interest for Australia, they’re not going to solve every single of the worlds problems.

Geographic proximity probably ranks highly for priority. So does alliances, national security and energy (evidently).

That doesn’t mean sending police in was an aim to oppress the locals or invade or annexe some islands, and doesn’t negate the intent was to avoid humanitarian crisis.

Russia’s act in Ukraine is a tyrant taking a country he wants to own and is happy to murder for it - that draws zero similarities to Afghanistan and Iraq.

If we chastised anyone for having a semblance of self-interest in humanitarian intervention, there would never be any humanitarian intervention.

And the one big differentiator in this is that whilst Afghanistan/Iraq clearly had those elements of humanitarian intervention (however failed that ends up being decades later from an institutional structural standpoint), the one thing for certain is that a murdering dictator taking Ukraine has absolutely nothing humanitarian about it.

Reply #886327 | Report this post

Years ago

" However, the current Russian invasion does look very much like the German annexation of Northern Poland and the subsequent invasion where the West tried to negotiate rather than enter the fight."

That's where I do agree with you - except the invasion of Poland is what I believe brought the UK into the war.

So that would be akin to Russia invading a NATO nation.

I think - don’t quote me - it was taking the Rhineland and walking into Czechoslovakia where the allies (Chamberlain) tried to negotiate and avoid another world war.

And yes we all know how that ended :(

Reply #886328 | Report this post

Dog 55  
Years ago

KET - The appeasement policy of which you speak did hit hit the high (low) point with the Munich Agreement whereby the UK, France, Italy and Germany agreed to allow Germany to annex the Sudetenland, an area of Czechoslovakia where the majority of the population was ethnic Germans. They did not even allow the Czech's to take part in the negotiations. That resulted in Neville Chamberlain waving what proved to be completely useless piece of paper at the airport and proclaiming "peace in our time". Unfortunately psychopathic dictators are NEVER satiated and only regime change will ever stop them being a threat to the civilized world. We always hope that can be an internal matter but far too often it requires outside intervention. Sometimes that works (Germany, Italy and Japan post WW2) and sometimes it does not (Afghanistan being the most recent example). Putin will not stop at Ukraine with Moldova or the Baltic states next on the list as he attempts to recreate the USSR/Russian empire. We do have to learn from history and use every single means at our disposal to get rid of this psychopath once and for all. You would love that to be possible with no innocent victims anywhere but sadly that is mere fantasy and many innocents on both "sides" are going to suffer in some shape or form. The overarching lesson we all need to learn is to be very wary of letting these types anywhere near power, anywhere in the world. The next time a politician promises to make your life better ask yourself, will they do that in actuality, or will they simply make your life seem better by making the lives of others worse. One thing we know from sport is that in order for there to be a "winner", there needs to be a loser.

Reply #886359 | Report this post

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