Years ago

Guardian questions Dallas not representing demographics

One of the most random and out-of-nowhere pieces of 'reporting' on the NBA that I’ve seen (this appeared in their Sports section rather than as an opinion or editorial).

I know it’s potentially opening a can of worms, but I just find the logic and reasoning (or lack there of) really bizarre and perplexing.

Topic #49664 | Report this topic

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Years ago

This is just a symptom of a time in society where EVERYTHING has to be painted as racism or white supremacy.

White people are underrepresented by proportion of the population in the NBA. And that is FINE. Why wouldn't it be? The NBA is meant to be the best and brightest, and they so happen to be black more often than not.

But as soon as a team by whatever reasoning is more white than they should be, there's hell to pay and it becomes an issue of "The Mavericks roster has often failed to reflect the demographics of the league."

Let's have a look at the article piece by piece and ask ourselves, "if you replaced the words 'white' with 'black' would this article be allowed to exist?"

In the first section it states:

"n 2020, the NBA was 74.2% black and 16.9% white. It seems every decade, the white NBA player becomes less relevant. Yet one franchise has often kept the dream of mediocre white guys alive: the Dallas Mavericks"

Okay everyone, LUKA DONCIC is a 'mediocre white guy', Kristas Porzingas too. Please do the colour switch on that statement and then meditate over how downright racist and offensive that is.

"In more than half of those 15 seasons there were at least four white players, not to mention at least two starting white players. The Mavericks, in the literal sense, do not look like the rest of the league."

Okay, so the league does not reflect the demographics of society at large, so to somehow make white people in the Mavericks a racist phenomena, you have to compare it to the demographics of the league. Good, good!

"But the problem with Cuban's Mavericks isn’t their penchant for white superstars - if every white guy they acquired was as good as Nash, Nowitzki and Doncic they’d be perennial champions. No, it’s their seemingly unquenchable thirst for terrible white players that sinks them."

I am sure there are terrible black players that this racist author willfully overlooks.

I am not going to pearl clutch and cry about reverse racism but it does seem we're in a time when whinging about white people has reached an absolute climax. The colours of players on a basketball team shouldn't matter.

Reply #882656 | Report this post

Years ago

A similar thing was said a half decade ago regarding the Timberwolves when they trotted out an all white starting five (which included three Europeans). It probably had more to do with Americans not wanting to live in Minneapolis. But for Alexey Shved it's like, "oh, it’s like summer here in winter!" All the mediocre white guys have got to go somewhere.

Reply #882657 | Report this post

Years ago

Reverse the colours and they'd be celebrated for their inclusivity

Reply #882659 | Report this post

Years ago

I like the pushback on Euro players being competent with the line about US winning seven of the last eight Olympic gold, and that the other team was Argentina - inferring that they are (South) American and not European - which, although geographically correct, completely ignores that the vast majority of that team plied their trade in European leagues (before moving onto the NBA in the case of the stars of that team). The author clearly seems to have little knowledge about basketball beyond reading some Wikipedia articles.

Reply #882660 | Report this post

Years ago

Disappointed that they didn't mention the Custodian Brian Cardinal. Or maybe that’s because he wasn’t mediocre. Shout out to Matt Carroll rating a mention. That’s some deep digging journalism right there.

Reply #882662 | Report this post

Years ago

I feel like utah did the same a while back. I dont know the stats but since europeans joined the league in droves from 2000 onwards, youd assume the league is whiter now than in for instance the early 90s.

Reply #882668 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Years ago

Yeah, I was searching for the relevance about the gold medals as well. The USA is one country which usually sports 12 NBA All Star level players. Europe is dozens of countries that between them probably sport a dozen NBA All Star level players. I mean we've had conversations on this very board about what a current Yugoslavian team might do in an Olympic tournament. The sheer difference in the amount of people and players in the entirety of Europe vs. America has clearly been lost on this "journalist" (to use the term lightly).

Another thing is play style. European players are generally more fundamentally sound and team orientated and some teams happen to still prize that in the NBA. Mavericks happen to be one of them. Sorry that those players are more often than not white. Shall we cover them in black face to make idiots like this more comfortable? What an absolute trite article. The guy should be publicly shamed. People can say what they will about racism and white supremacy but garbage like this is not the path to correcting it.

Reply #882669 | Report this post

Rain Man  
Years ago

Terrible article to say the least. Not sure why it was given the go ahead, however, it completely eroded any credibility at this point...

" Keith Van Horn, Austin Croshere, Matt Carroll, Rudy Fernandez, Shawn Bradley, Zaza Pachulia, Doug McDermott and JJ Redick."

That's the list of horrible players. KVH, Rudy, JJ and Bradley... Horrible? Sheesh

Reply #882670 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Years ago

Even if the league is whiter it is ridiculous that it is treated like a negative thing like in this article. If the NBA were a place where white people were the vast majority and they were getting preferential treatment, I'd say fair enough. But as the article even states, the NBA is 16 percent white in a country where white people are over 60 percent of the population. White people are vastly underrepresented in the NBA. That's not an issue as far as I see it. That's just a matter of skill and athleticism. But as soon as ONE team just so happens to have a higher distribution of white people than is the norm, "Oh my god... RACISM!" It's really getting tiresome. This race baiting crap needs to stop.

Reply #882671 | Report this post

Manu Fieldel  
Years ago

Finally someone speaks up on this

Reply #882672 | Report this post

Years ago

I read The Guardian, but certainly not for their basketball. They completely ignore the sport until there's some tepid outrage to slurp page views with.

There have been other teams with a noticeable proportion of white players. There have been trades based around white players. Cuban wanting to unearth his next Dirk seems pretty obvious (like Pop would look for the next Duncan).

I'm sure there are relevant race-related stories in basketball, but I don't think this is anything. Not healthy to get caught up in, especially when the flipside is that sports teams are more frequently places where races cooperate towards a common cause. The NBA is more international than ever, there are MVPs and elite-tier players from all over the world.

Reply #882673 | Report this post

Years ago

The Cairns Taipans are too black.

Reply #882674 | Report this post

Years ago

I mean, the last three MVP awards have been European, so maybe Cuban's assumption on Euros isn’t the most implausible (though in all likelihood it’ll be an American this season just looking at the betting odds).

As far as Cuban looking for his new Dirk, Doncic was plaques by all the same stereotypes leading into the draft that European players typically get, even though from his resume he was clearly the most accomplished. Dirk had all the same criticisms early on, so it’s no wonder Cuban wouldn’t be scared off when he had the chance to draft a potential generational talent. In a re-draft, you could certainly make an argument for taking Trae Young ahead of Doncic, but most probably would take Luka #1.

Reply #882675 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm eagerly awaiting The Guardian's next well researched sports exposé on how white and racist the upcoming Winter Olympics in February are.

Reply #882677 | Report this post

Years ago

Because the snow?

Reply #882680 | Report this post

Years ago

Does anyone think Trae Young isn't a good stats/bad team guy and is better than Doncic if Ben Simmons doesn't crap the bed in the East Semis last year?

Reply #882681 | Report this post

Years ago

What about the percentage of non white coaches in the 3 most popular sports in America?

Reply #882684 | Report this post

Years ago

Did Liz write the article?

Reply #882685 | Report this post

Years ago

Someone who hates Euros, specifically Eastern Europeans. Wait, the Guardian is a UK rag right? It's all starting to make sense.

Reply #882688 | Report this post

Years ago

In any form of stats you are going to have an outlier.

Journalism officially dead, want clicks, go woke

Reply #882694 | Report this post

Years ago

You can have a look at the Mavs roster here (with photos to make it easy for you):

Does that really seem that out of the ordinary?

The 'journalist' even answers their own question repeatedly - "And when it comes to the three most prominent white players for the Mavericks during Cuban’s ownership of the team, no one would argue they didn’t deserve their places on the roster." (Referring to Nash, Nowitzki and Doncic). You can make the exact same argument regarding Porzingis (20ppg, 9rbp, >1.5bpg since becoming a Mav - apparently not worth two firsts in the 20s, not to mention also coming across with Hardaway Jr and Trey Burke who are both still on the team), Klexber (stretch 4 who shot 41% from 3 last season), and Marjanovic (who is consistently been a highly efficient end-of-bench big). Do any of these guys not deserve to be there?

And then there is the logic to name either some white American athletes they whiffed on - eg. Chandler Parsons, whom the author claims that no team would have signed to the $46M/3 yr. contract, yet conveniently ignores the fact Memphis offered him $94M/4 yrs. the very next contract (injuries were Parsons ultimate undoing). Some of the other players mentioned simply passed through playing less than 2 seasons for the most part as bit-and-pieces at the end of the bench. You could really rubbish any player regardless of their ethnicity at the end of NBA benches (despite them being in the top percentile of their chosen field).

The author even mentions how they have a black coach, GM, and CEO and that Dallas had more non-white fans than league average, so I’m having a hard time seeing how having a perennial MVP as face of the franchise is a detriment just because of the lack of pigmentation in his skin. It’s this kind of rationale that really sets back meaningful progress, the equivalency of the boy who cried wolf.

Reply #882696 | Report this post

Years ago

I like how they compare the current Mavs to a 1952 team. Do they look anything like this?

Reply #882734 | Report this post

Years ago

Isn't China the biggest market for the NBA? By this line of thinking, NBA teams should be signing mediocre Asian players (like the NBL LOLOLOL [disclaimer: Zhou Qi though])

Reply #882745 | Report this post

Years ago

Journalism officially dead, want clicks, go woke
You've almost worked it out. Want clicks, ply the extremes.

Reply #882766 | Report this post

twenty four  
Years ago

Someone who hates Euros, specifically Eastern Europeans. Wait, the Guardian is a UK rag right? It's all starting to make sense.

It's also a rather left-leaning rag, so you're a bit off the mark here.

Reply #882787 | Report this post

Years ago

Barely got through the first paragraph without throwing up my weetbix

Reply #882832 | Report this post

Years ago

I wonder what the writer thinks of the Cleveland Cavs considering half their roster is white.

Reply #882834 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #882850 | Report this post

Years ago

My favourite Guardian headline today, "My husband use to cheat on me, now he wants a threesome". You can't make this stuff up. Top shelf journalism.

Reply #883012 | Report this post

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