Years ago
Wildcats 40th Anniversary Team
"To select the team, 10 panellists of experts have been enlisted, with each to submit their all-time Perth Wildcats team of 10 players"
"All 10 will individually select a starting five and a reserve five, each comprising of THREE front court players and two guards.
They will be instructed to choose their team with a mindset of building the best possible roster of Wildcats players to take to the court, while only considering each player's performance as a Wildcat.
To be eligible for selection, a player must have played a minimum of TWO seasons with the Wildcats. There are no restrictions on the number of import players allowed to the team."
Alan Black
John Casey
Dennis Cometti
Troy Georgiu
Tim Gossage
Dr Adrian Hurley
Luc Longley
Boti Nagy
Lachy Reid
Liam Santamaria
Starting Five I'd suggest practically picks itself.
Bench is more of a challenge, and whilst the two-season requirement eliminates some of the more brilliant players, there's still the old question of short-term excellence vs longevity.
Anyway, my picks:
Ricky Grace / Damian Martin
Bryce Cotton / Kevin Lisch
Scott Fisher / Shawn Redhage
Andrew Vlahov / Nick Kay
James Crawford / Paul Rogers
Note that in order to comply with the requirement for 3 front-court players, I have favoured the historic "Perth Wall" format.
Honourable Omissions:
Mike Ellis
Cal Bruton
Casey Prather
Jesse Wagstaff
Tiny Pinder